224 resultados para Invariancia de calibre
We have studied the physical content of the following models: Maxwell, Proca, Self-Dual and Maxwell-Chern-Simons. One method we have used is the decomposition in the so called helicity variables, which can be done in the Lagrangian formalism. It leads to the correct counting of degrees of freedom without choosing a gauge condition. The method separates the propagating modes from the non-propagating ones. The Hamiltonian of the MCS and the AD is calculated. The second method used here is the analysis of the sign of the imaginary part of the residues of the two-point amplitude of the theory, showing that the models analyzed are free of ghosts. We also carry the dimensional reduction of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons and Self-Dual models from D = 2+1 to D = 1 + 1 dimensions. Next, we show that the dimensional reduction of those equivalent models also leads to equivalent models in D=1+1. Even more interesting is the fact, demonstrated here, that those reduced models can also be connected via gauge embedding. So the gauge embedding of the Self-Dual model into the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory is preserved by the dimensional reduction
Todos os anos milhares de hectares são consumidos pelas chamas durante a época de incêndios. As medidas preventivas têm-se revelado insuficientes e as capacidades dos meios de combate estão condicionadas por terrenos inacessíveis, condições de visibilidade reduzida e condições meteorológicas adversas. Com a introdução do projéctil projectado nesta dissertação pretende-se preencher de algum modo o vazio deixado por essas condicionantes. Este projecto dá continuidade ao projecto FIREND® que é a última evolução de um conceito idealizado em 2005 e que se tem vindo a desenvolver numa parceria entre a Academia Militar e o Instituto Superior técnico. O conhecimento assimilado pela revisão bibliográfica de algumas patentes, dos projectos FIREND® anteriores e sobre o funcionamento de projécteis de artilharia convencionais, foi complementada com os conhecimentos de balística e de projecto mecânico, resultando no desenvolvimento sólido de um projéctil de 155mm de detonação electrónica. O projéctil funciona com base num micro gerador de gás que aumenta a pressão interior e desta forma ejecta a carga contida no compartimento de carga. Foram utilizadas as capacidades de desenho tridimensional do software SolidWorks® e estimou-se, através deste, o peso, volume, momentos de inércia dos componentes e a capacidade de carga do projéctil. Estes dados são fundamentais neste projecto para garantir a sua compatibilidade com os obuses e tábuas de tiro utilizadas pela Artilharia do Exército Português. Como resultado, projectou-se um projéctil de 155mm com peso equivalente ao de uma granada convencional e com cotas máximas que lhe conferem total compatibilidade com os Obuses de Artilharia existentes. O projéctil consegue conter, no seu compartimento de carga, aproximadamente 7,5 dm3 de volume, o que lhe confere a capacidade para actuar numa área de aproximadamente 75m2.
O objetivo desta Dissertação é propor uma geometria para um projétil de combate a incêndios. É utilizado o código de volume finito Star - CCM+R para calcular forças e momentos que atuam no projétil e é criado um código no MathematicaR para definir as caraterísticas da trajetória. O PRODASV 3 R é utilizado de modo a verificar e validar os modelos implementados. Inicialmente, o procedimento adotado consistiu em criar uma metodologia completa para uma munição existente que permitisse ser verificada e validada com a literatura disponível. Foi realizada uma extensa caraterização aerodinâmica através de CFD, a fim de se estabelecer o comportamento das forças e momentos que atuam nos projéteis e assim fornecer os dados necessários para o modelo 6 DOF. As forças e momentos dependem do ângulo de ataque. Concluiu-se que a cinta de travamento, a cinta de guiamento e o efeito de Coriolis eram desprezáveis quando comparados com os resultados obtidos. Na fase seguinte foram testadas seis geometrias diferentes, variando-se o comprimento e o nariz. Definiu-se para este projétil um a velocidade inicial de 100m/s, 10kg, concluindo-se que o comprimento total seria de 697,1mm e perfil semiesférico, com capacidade para transportar 7,5 dm3 no interior. Foram realizados testes com vento para avaliar a estabilidade em voo, e o software e processo de análise desenvolvido neste trabalho estão disponíveis, sendo um contributo para o projeto FIREND.
Mode of access: Internet.
This study investigates whether the completion of an optional sandwich work placement enhances student performance in final year examinations. Using Propensity Score Matching, our analysis departs from the literature by controlling for self-selection. Previous studies may have overestimated the impact of sandwich work placements on performance because it might be the case that high-calibre students choose to go on placement. Our results, utilising a large student data set, indicate that self-selection is present, but the effects of a placement on student performance still have an impact. This robust finding is found to be of a remarkably similar magnitude across two UK universities.
Background: Summarised retinal vessel diameters are linked to systemic vascular pathology. Monochromatic images provide best contrast to measure vessel calibres. However, when obtaining images with a dual wavelength oximeter the red-free image can be extracted as the green channel information only which in turn will reduce the number of photographs taken at a given time. This will reduce patient exposure to the camera flash and could provide sufficient quality images to reliably measure vessel calibres. Methods: We obtained retinal images of one eye of 45 healthy participants. Central retinal arteriolar and central retinal venular equivalents (CRAE and CRVE, respectively) were measured using semi-automated software from two monochromatic images: one taken with a red-free filter and one extracted from the green channel of a dual wavelength oximetry image. Results: Participants were aged between 21 and 62 years, all were normotensive (SBP: 115 (12) mmHg; DBP: 72 (10) mmHg) and had normal intra-ocular pressures (12 (3) mmHg). Bland-Altman analysis revealed good agreement of CRAE and CRVE as obtained from both images (mean bias CRAE = 0.88; CRVE = 2.82). Conclusions: Summarised retinal vessel calibre measurements obtained from oximetry images are in good agreement to those obtained using red-free photographs.
In recent times, complaining about the Y Generation and its perceived lack of work ethic has become standard dinner-party conversation amongst Baby Boomers. Discussions in the popular press (Salt, 2008) and amongst some social commentators (Levy, Carroll, Francoeur, & Logue, 2003) indicate that the group labelled Gen Y have distinct and different generational characteristics. Whether or not the differences are clearly delineated on age is still open to discussion but in the introduction to "The Generational Mirage? a pilot study into the perceptions of leadership by Generation X and Y", Levy et al. argue that "the calibre of leadership in competing organisations and the way they value new and existing employees will play a substantial role in attracting or discouraging these workers regardless of generational labels". Kunreuther's (2002) suggests that the difference between younger workers and their older counterparts may have more to do with situational phenomena and their position in the life cycle than deeper generational difference. However this is still an issue for leadership in schools.
There is a renaissance of interest in public service motivation in public management research. Moynnihan and Pandey (2007) assert that public service motivation (PSM) has significant practical relevance as it deals with the relationship between motivation and the public interest. There is a need to explore employee needs generated by public service motivation in order to attract and retain a high calibre cadre of public servants (Gabris & Simo, 1995). Such exploration is particularly important beyond the American context which has dominated the literature to date (Taylor, 2007; Vandenabeele, Scheepers, & Hondeghem, 2006; Vandenabeele & Van de Walle, 2008).
This paper explores principles of contemporary aesthetics to suggest a basis for determining qualitative outcomes of artistic works in two contexts: the arts industry and the academy setting of practice-led research. Commonly articulated measures of quality—creativity and innovation—are questioned as mere rhetoric if not framed in specific ways in the two discrete settings. The paper also interrogates generally held assumptions that a longer time to develop work and greater periods of self-reflexivity will produce higher calibre artistic outcomes. The unease produced by apparent differences in qualitative outcomes between art works created in an industry setting and those created through practice-led research is analysed through three interconnected framing devices: intention, contextual parameters and criteria for evaluation, in conjunction with the relationships between the art work, the artist and the audience/viewer/listener. Common and differentiated criteria in the two contexts are explored, leading to the conclusion that innovation is more likely to be revealed in the end product in an industry context whereas in practice-led research it may be in the methodological processes of creating the work. While identifying and acknowledging that the two contexts encourage and produce distinctive qualitative artistic outcomes, both of value to the arts and the academy, the paper recommends ways in which closer formal liaison between industry artists and practice-led artists and supervisors might occur in order to ensure ongoing mutual influence and relevance.