968 resultados para Introduced organisms -- Catalonia
The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, is a world-wide invasive ant species. Its presence has a strong negative impact on ant diversity. The present study attempts to highlight the reasons for the coexistence of this highly dominant species with Plagiolepis pygmaea, the only native ant species that has proved able to resist the invasion in a natural ecosystem in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula. To quantify the aggressiveness level of both species we performed aggressiveness tests on workers in different areas: a) Argentine ant workers from areas with P. pygmaea, b) Argentine ant workers from areas without P. pygmaea, c) P. pygmaea from a non-invaded area and d) P. pygmaea from an invaded area. We also confronted Argentine ant workers with P. pallidula and T. nigerrimum. These aggressiveness tests showed that the coexistence of these two species of ants was not due to a habituation process, since the aggressiveness level observed between the four kinds of confrontations were fairly similar. We also found a lack of aggressiveness between Argentine ant workers and P. pygmaea, and highly submissive behavior in the latter when confronted with the invader. The peaceful character of P. pygmaea together with its markedly submissive behavior may be the main factors behind the coexistence of these species in the study area
The annual elimination of large numbers of Argentine ant queens near the advance front of an invasion could be a useful tool for weakening the species’ dispersion and, therefore, limiting its establishment in non-invaded areas. However, before carrying out trials to test the effectiveness of this method it would be essential to have sufficient knowledge of the effect of seasonal dynamics acting on the queens’ densities of the species in order to determine the most favourable period of the year to act. We analyzed the seasonal densities and nest dynamics of Argentine ant queens in an invaded Mediterranean natural ecosystem. We observed that the queens’ density varied depending on the season of the year and that this variation was mainly due to the seasonal dynamics of nest aggregations in winter and ant dispersions in summer. The greatest densities per litre of nest soil were observed in winter (December to March, approximately) and the lowest densities were observed in summer ( June to July). This information is essential for improving current knowledge of the Argentine ant’s biology and developing control methods based on the elimination of queens in invaded natural areas
Article que estudia l' impacte ecològic que causa la introducció d' espècies exòtiques en els rius gironins
This paper describes the presence of the nearctic water boatman Trichocorixa verticalis verticalis in southern Portugal. This species has been cited recently for the first time in Europe from individuals captured in southern Spain. This species, native to Atlantic coast of America, has also been cited from New Caledonia and South Africa, and has been found in the open sea. Two kinds of introduction are reported for this species: involuntary introduction with exotic fish, and passive dispersion through marine currents and severe storms. The possibility of this kind of introduction in Europe is discussed
Condition-specific competition is widespread in nature. Species inhabiting heterogeneous environments tend to differ in competitive abilities depending on environmental stressors. Interactions between these factors can allow coexistence of competing species, which may be particularly important between invasive and native species. Here, we examine the effects of temperature on competitiveinteractions between invasive mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, and an endemic Iberian toothcarp, Aphanius iberus. We compare the tendency to approach heterospecifics and food capture rates between these two species, and examine differences between sexes and species in aggressive interactions, at three different temperatures (19, 24 and 29uC) in three laboratory experiments. Mosquitofish exhibit much more aggression than toothcarp. We show that mosquitofish have the capacity to competitively displace toothcarp through interference competition and this outcome is more likely at higher temperatures. We also show a reversal in the competitive hierarchy through reduced food capture rate by mosquitofish at lower temperatures and suggest that these two types of competition may act synergistically to deprive toothcarp of food at higher temperatures. Males of both species carry out more overtly aggressive acts than females, which is probably related to the marked sexual dimorphism and associated mating systems of these two species. Mosquitofish may thus impact heavily on toothcarp, and competition from mosquitofish, especially in warmer summer months, may lead to changes in abundance of the native species and displacement to non-preferred habitats. Globally increasing temperatures mean that highly invasive, warm-water mosquitofish may be able to colonize environments from which they are currently excluded through reduced physiological tolerance to low temperatures. Research into the effects of temperature on interactions between native and invasive species is thus of fundamental importance
The influence of temperature on the developmental times and survival of insects can largely determine their distribution. For invasive species, like the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), these data are essential for predicting their potential range based on mechanistic models. In the case of this species, such data are too scarce and incomplete to make accurate predictions based on its physiological needs. This research provides comprehensive new data about brood survival and developmental times at a wide range of temperatures under laboratory conditions. Temperature affected both the complete brood development from egg to adult worker and each of the immature stages separately. The higher the temperature, the shorter the development times. Brood survival from egg to adult was low, with the maximum survival rate being only 16% at 26º C. Temperature also affected survival of each of the immature stages differently: eggs were negatively affected by high temperatures, while larvae were negatively affected by low temperatures, and the survival of pupae was apparently independent of environmental temperature. At 32º C no eggs survived, while at 18º C less than 2% of the eggs hatched into larva. The data from the present study are essential for developing prediction models about the distribution range of this tramp species based on its physiological needs in relation to temperature
Actualment una de les principals amenaces a la biodiversitat és la introducció d'espècies. Revisant 26 variables de les 69 espècies de peixos continental de la Península Ibèrica concloem que la filogènia, variabilitat i els usos de l'home són necessaris per entendre millor les diferències entres les espècies natives i invasores. Entre les especies més afectades per la introducció de peixos es troben els ciprinodontiformes endèmics del Mediterrani. Aportem les primers dades sobre l'ús d'hàbitats ocasionalment inundats i la selecció de preses del fartet (Aphanius iberus), observant un canvi ontogenètic, clarament relacionat amb el microhàbitat. També demostrem que la salinitat influeix en l'èxit invasor de la gamúsia, afectant la seva densitat i biologia reproductiva. Per altra banda, demostrem experimentalment que amb l'increment de salinitat la gambúsia disminueix la seva agressivitat i captura menys preses, reduint la seva eficàcia competitiva respecte dels ciprinodonts natius.
As is known, the Kyoto Protocol proposes to reinforce national policies for emission reduction and, furthermore, to cooperate with other contracting parties. In this context, it would be necessary to assess these emissions, both in general and specifically, by pollutants and/or among productive sectors. The object of this paper is precisely to estimate the polluting emissions of industrial origin in Catalonia in the year 2001, in a multivariate context which explicitly allows a distinction to be made between the polluter and/or the productive sector causing this emission. Six pollutants considered, four directly related to greenhouse effect. A multi-level model, with two levels, pollutants and productive sectors, was specified. Both technological progress and elasticity of capital were introduced as random effects. Hence, it has been permitted that these coefficients vary according to one or other level. The most important finding in this paper is that elasticity of capital has been estimated as very non-elastic, with a range which varies between 0.162 (the paper industry) and 0.556 (commerce). In fact, and generally speaking, the greater capital the sector has, the less elasticity of capital has been estimated. Key words: Kyoto protocol, multilevel model, technological progress
Abstract Invasive species represent with fragmentation of habitat the most serious threats to biodiversity in the world. Galápagos Archipelago, as most oceanic islands, suffers a high rate of introduced animals and plants that affect equilibrium and biodiversity of this unique biota. Ants rank among the most devastating invaders. Their social organization confer them a high ability to adapt and to spread in new environments forming rapidly populous communities. We studied the ant community of Floreana Island composed mainly of introduced species (at least 1 S). Introduction events occurred successively during last century. The last record is Monomorium destructor arrived in the eighties. Our aim is to investigate the modalities of interaction and coexistence of these introduced species. We highlighted the competition hierarchy of the coexisting species using attractive food baits. Two species behave as competitively dominant by monopolizing an important part of resources. They are M. destructor restricted to a small area and the fire ant Solenopsis geminata widely distributed on the island. Then we evaluated the relative importance of abiotic factors and interspecific competition in structuring the community. Ecological data were collected and presence and abundance of species were estimated using different methods in a wide range of habitats. Several species showed preferences either for arid or for humid areas. The little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata, awell-known devastating species when introduced, was exclusively found in moist habitat in and around the agricultural area situated in the upper and central part of thé island. It coexists with other species in several parts but in a restricted perimeter it excludes all other ants and worker's density on the ground is nearly 70 times higher than ant's density in similar habitats occupied by several species. But most opportunist tramp species establish everywhere without particular ecological requirement. Analyses of species co-occurrences at various levels didn't reveal any marked effect of competition in structuring ant's assemblages. We supposed that the lack ofcompetition-derived structure has to be attributed to the dynamic of the system. Indeed, across the successive census of 1996, 2003, 2004 and 2005, species distributions and abundances appeared to be highly variables. In particular harsh conditions occurring in dry season in certain parts seem to be limiting to S. geminatai. We suggest that huge variations in the local distribution of the dominant S. geminata disrupt the community organization. Finally we conducted artificial ant confrontations to evaluate to what extend an aggressive behavior at the worker level maybe linked to the ecological success of a species on the island. S. geminata was rather indifferent when confronted to a submissive species on food sources, suggesting that its competitive dominance is largely due to a numerical superiority. On the other hand M. destructor exhibits a strong agonistic behavior in similar confrontations. As soon as the presence of a competitor is detected, most workers were observed to abandon foraging and to take part in physical aggressions. Since it is still restricted nearby its introduction spot two decades after its arrival, we suggest that the energetic cost of such an aggressive behavior prevent it to spread on that island already highly colonized. Dominant invasive species such as the fire ants S. geminata and W. auropunctata have negative impacts on Galápagos fauna, disturbing the hatching of land tortoises and birds. But very little is known about the impact of other exotic ants. Indeed, impact on arthropods and generally on ground-dwelling organisms is very diffcult to evaluate. As a consequence of the dynamic character of Floreana I. ant community it is difficult to build models or to málce predictions on evolution of introduced ant fauna. But Camponotus macilentus, an abundant endemic species seems today to be little affected by introduced ant species thanks to its strong interference competition ability and its preference for arid and harsh environments. Résumé Les espèces envahissantes représentent, avec la fragmentation du paysage, la plus grande menace pour la biodiversité. L'archipel des Galápagos, comme la plupart des îles du Pacifique, compte un grand nombre d'espèces introduites qui menacent la biodiversité de ce milieu unique.. Les fourmis sont parmi les envahisseurs les plus dévastateurs. Leur organisation sociale leur permet de s'adapter et de se propager pour devenir rapidement abondantes. Nous avons étudié la communauté de fourmis sur l'île de Floreana principalement composée d'espèces introduites (au moins 15). Les introductions se sont succédées au cours du siècle précédent. La dernière espèce recensée est Monomorium destructor introduite dans les années 80. Notre objectif est de mettre à jour les modalités des interactions et de la coexistence de ces espèces introduites. Nous avons mis en évidence la hiérarchie de compétition des différentes espèces à l'aide d'appâts de nourriture. Deux espèces se comportent de façon dominante en monopolisant une part importante des ressources. Ce sont M. destructor, restreintes à un petit périmètre, et la fourmi de feu Solenopsis geminata, largement distribuée sur l'île. Nous avons évalué l'importance relative des facteurs abiotiques et de la compétition interspécifique dans la structuration des peuplements. Des données écologiques ont été collectées et la présence et l'abondance des espèces ont été estimées à l'aide de trois méthodes au sein d'une grande diversité d'habitats. Plusieurs espèces .montrent des préférences soit pour les milieux humides, soit pour les milieux arides. La petite fourmi de feu Wasmannia auropunctata, une espèce connue pour être dévastatrice dans ses sites d'introduction, est présente exclusivement dans les habitats humides dans et à proximité de la zone agricole située dans la partie centrale de l'île. Elle coexiste en plusieurs points avec d'autres espèces mais au sein d'un périmètre restreint elle exclut toute autre fourmi et atteint des densités record au sol presque 70 fois supérieures aux densités de fourmis observées sur les sites voisins occupés par plusieurs espèces. Mais la plupart des espèces vagabondes opportunistes s'établissent partout sans exigences écologiques particulières. Des analyses de cooccurrence d'espèces à plusieurs niveaux n'ont pas révélé de rôle marqué de la compétition dans la structuration des communautés. Nous supposons que l'absence d'une telle structure doit être attribuée à la dynamique du système. En effet, au cours des différents recensements de 1996-1997, 2003, 2004 et 2005, la distribution et l'abondance des espèces était très variable. En particulier, les conditions rudes qui règnent dans la zone aride durant la saison sèche semblent affecter particulièrement S. geminata. Nous suggérons que de fortes variations dans la distribution de l'espèce dominante perturbent l'orgaiùsation des communautés. Finalement nous avons effectué des confrontations artificielles pour évaluer dans quelle mesure un comportement agressif au niveau de l'ouvrière peut être lié au succès écologique d'une espèce sur l'île. S. geminata montre très peu de réaction face à une espèce subordonnée sur une même source de nourriture, ce qui laisse supposer que sa dominance est largement due à sa supériorité numérique. Par contre, dans des conditions similaires, M. destructor est fortement agressive. En présence d'un compétiteur, la plupart des ouvrières renoncent très vite à leur activité de fourragement pour agresser les individus de l'autre espèce. Puisque deux décennies après son introduction elle est toujours confinée à son point d'arrivée, nous supposons que le coût en énergie et en ouvrières de ce comportement très agressif est un obstacle à son expansion sur cette île déjà fortement colonisée. Les espèces envahissantes dominantes comme les fourmis de feu S. geminata et W. auropunctata sont connues pour leur impact négatif sur la faune des Galápagos, entre autre sur les jeunes des tortues terrestres et des oiseaux. Mais nous savons très peu de choses sur l'impact des autres espèces de fourmis introduites. En effet, l'impact sur les arthropodes, et plus généralement sur la faune du sol, est très difficile à évaluer. En raison du caractère dynamique de la communauté de fourmi de Floreana, il est difficile de construire des modèles et de faire des prédictions sur l'évolution des peuplements de fourmis introduites. Mais Camponotus macilentus, une espèce endémique abondante, semble aujourd'hui peu affectée par les espèces introduites grâce à ses capacités de compétition par interférence et sa préférence pour les milieux arides. Resumen Las, especies invasoras representan, junto con la fragmentación del paisaje, la mayor amenaza para la biodiversidad. El archipiélago de Galápagos, como la mayoría de las islas del Pacífico, cuenta con un gran número de especies introducidas que amenazan la biodiversidad de este lugar único. Las hormigas son uno de los invasores más devastadores. Su organización social les permite adaptarse y propagarse para ser rápidamente abundante. Estudiamos la comunidad de hormigas de la isla Floreana principalmente compuesta de especies introducidas (al menos 15). Las introducciones se sucedieron durante el siglo anterior. La última especie contabilizada es Monomorium destructor introducida en los años 80. Nuestro objetivo es poner al día las modalidades de las interacciones y de la coexistencia de estas especies introducidas. Pusimos de relieve la jerarquía de competencia de las distintas especies con ayuda de cebos de comida. Dos especies se implican de manera dominante monopolizando una parte importante de los recursos. Son M. destructor, limitado a un pequeño perímetro, y la hormiga de fuego Solenopsis geminata; ampliamente distribuida por la isla. Evaluamos la importancia relativa de los factores abióticos y de la competencia interespecífica en la estructuración de la communidad. Se recogieron algunos datos ecológicos y se consideraron la presencia y la abundancia de las especies con ayuda de tres métodos en una gran diversidad de hábitats. Varias especies muestran preferencias o por los medios húmedos, o por los medios áridos. La pequeña hormiga de fuego Wasmannia auropunctata, una especie conocida por ser devastadora en sus lugares de introducción, está presente exclusivamente en los hábitats húmedos y cerca de la zona agrícola situada en la parte central de la isla. Coexiste en varios puntos con otras especies pero en un perímetro limitado excluye a cualquier otra hormiga y alcanza densidades en el suelo casi 70 veces superiores a las densidades de hormigas observadas en los lugares vecinos ocupados por varias especies. Pero la mayoría de las especies vagabundas oportunistas se establecen por todas partes sin exigencias ecológicas particulares. Análisis de cooccurrencía de las especies a varios niveles no revelaron una grande importancía de la competencia en la estructuración de las comunidades. Suponemos que la ausencia de tal estructura Bebé ser por la dinámica del sistema. Efectivamente, durante los distintos censos de 1996-1997, 2003,.2004 y 2005, la distribución ? la abundancia de las especies eran muy variables. En particular, las condiciones drásticas que reinan en la zona árida durante la temporada seca parecen afectar especialmente a S. geminata. Sugerimos que fuertes variaciones en la distribución de la especie dominante perturben la organización de las comunidades. Finalmente efectuamos confrontaciones artificiales para evaluar hastá que punto un comportamiento agresivo a nivel de la obrera puede explicar el éxito ecológico de una especie en la isla. S. geminata muestra muy poca reacción ante una especie subordinada mientras comparten la misma comida, lo que deja suponer que su dominancia se debe a su superioridad numérica. Por el contrario, en condiciones similares, M. destructor es muy agresivo. En presencia de otra especie, la mayóría de las obreras renuncian muy rápidamente a alimentarse para atacar a los individuos de la otra especie. Puesto que dos décadas después de su introducción todavía se confina en su punto de llegada, suponemos que el coste en energía y en obreras de este comportamiento muy agresivo es un obstáculo a su extensión en esta isla ya muy colonizada. Las especiés invasoras dominantes como las hormigas de fuego S. geminata y W. auropunctata son conocidas por su impacto negativo en la fauna de Galápagos, entre otras cosas sobre los juveniles de las tortugas terrestres y pájaros. Pero sabemos muy poco sobre el impacto de las otras especies de hormigas introducidas. Efectivamente es muy difïcil de evaluar el impacto en los artrópodos, y más generalmente en la fauna del suelo. Debido al carácter dinámico de la comunidad de hormiga de Floreana, es diEcil construir modelos y hacer predicciones sobre la evolución de las poblaciones de hormigas introducidas. Pero Camponotus macilentus, una especie endémica abundante, parece poco afectadá hoy por las especies introducidas gracias a sus capacidades de competencia por interferencia y su preferencia por los medios áridos.
Flood simulation studies use spatial-temporal rainfall data input into distributed hydrological models. A correct description of rainfall in space and in time contributes to improvements on hydrological modelling and design. This work is focused on the analysis of 2-D convective structures (rain cells), whose contribution is especially significant in most flood events. The objective of this paper is to provide statistical descriptors and distribution functions for convective structure characteristics of precipitation systems producing floods in Catalonia (NE Spain). To achieve this purpose heavy rainfall events recorded between 1996 and 2000 have been analysed. By means of weather radar, and applying 2-D radar algorithms a distinction between convective and stratiform precipitation is made. These data are introduced and analyzed with a GIS. In a first step different groups of connected pixels with convective precipitation are identified. Only convective structures with an area greater than 32 km2 are selected. Then, geometric characteristics (area, perimeter, orientation and dimensions of the ellipse), and rainfall statistics (maximum, mean, minimum, range, standard deviation, and sum) of these structures are obtained and stored in a database. Finally, descriptive statistics for selected characteristics are calculated and statistical distributions are fitted to the observed frequency distributions. Statistical analyses reveal that the Generalized Pareto distribution for the area and the Generalized Extreme Value distribution for the perimeter, dimensions, orientation and mean areal precipitation are the statistical distributions that best fit the observed ones of these parameters. The statistical descriptors and the probability distribution functions obtained are of direct use as an input in spatial rainfall generators.
This is the first record of the common bream, Abramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758), introduced into the Iberian Peninsula. Eight individuals of this cyprinid fish species were captured (of a total of 978 fish) in the Boadella Reservoir (Catalonia, Spain) on August 18, 2004. This reservoir is only 14 km away from France, where the bream is native, and contains several exotic freshwater fish that are still not widespread in Spain. The further introduction of species and the illegal translocation of the bream by anglers to other Iberian river basins should be controlled by the Spanish administration
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The 42th meeting of the ICES Working Group on Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms (WGITMO) was held in Olbia, Italy, 16–18 March 2016, with Anna Occhipinti-Ambrogi as host and Henn Ojaveer as chairperson. Representatives from 19 countries participated in the meeting. Attendants were from Belgium, Canada, Dennark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States. Sweden contributed by cor-respondence. The objectives of the meeting were to update information and discuss several aspects related to the introductions and transfers of non-indigenous aquatic species. Data and information management were two of the discussion topics of the meeting, with special focus on the better exploitation of the ‘Information system on aquatic non-indigenous and cryptogenic species’ (AquaNIS). The WGITMO also dedicated time for addressing the MSFD D2 issues: indicator on new non-indigenous species introduced by human activities, and opportunities and problems related to cross-regional comparison of non-indigenous species indicators. Preparation of the manuscript of the alert report on sea squirt Didemnum vexillum, which is to be published in ICES CRR series, was discussed and the steps to be taken to finalise the report were agreed. As usual, adequate time was devoted to discuss national reports, to exchange of information on the management of NIS and to review ongoing and planned research activities. The approach taken during the meeting facilitated presentations and discussions on the issues of relevance related to the Terms of References as well as on a few generic and strategically-important issues of general relevance to bioinvasions. The meeting began with a full-day joint meeting with the Working Group on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors (WGBOSV), which provided an opportunity to discuss and address issues of common interest, such as shipping and biofouling as introduction vectors. The proposed ICES demonstration advice on ‘Risk management of non-indigenous species associated with shipping in the Arctic’ was discussed, and edits were suggested for both the orientation of the demonstration advice as well as for the exact questions to be asked. Both working groups agreed that the practice of conducting back-to-back meetings with one joint day is useful and will continue in 2017. All Terms of References to be addressed for 2016 were discussed. For some Terms of Ref-erence, more detailed presentations were given, and a short overview of the information and subsequent discussion is provided herein at the end of each section. This report is structured so that each Term of Reference is dealt with in sequential order. The main body of the report contains summaries of the presentations and discussions with the more detailed documents being contained in the Annexes. WGITMO progressed each of the Terms of Reference by either completing the task or clearly identifying and agreeing on the inter-sessional activities required to still finalise the work in 2016. From 2017, WGITMO will be shifted to multi-annual management.
Sedentary consumers play an important role on populations of prey and, hence, their patterns of abundance, distribution and coexistence on shores are important to evaluate their potential influence on ecosystem dynamics. Here, we aimed to describe their spatio-temporal distribution and abundance in relation to wave exposure in the intertidal rocky shores of the south-west Atlantic to provide a basis for further understanding of ecological processes in this system. The abundance and composition of the functional groups of sessile organisms and sedentary consumers were taken by sampling the intertidal of sheltered and moderately exposed shores during a period of one year. The sublittoral fringe of sheltered areas was dominated by macroalgae, while the low midlittoral was dominated by bare rock and barnacles. In contrast, filter-feeding animals prevailed at exposed shores, probably explaining the higher abundance of the predator Stramonita haemastoma at these locations. Limpets were more abundant at the midlittoral zone of all shores while sea urchins were exclusively found at the sublittoral fringe of moderately exposed shores, therefore, adding grazing pressure on these areas. The results showed patterns of coexistence, distribution and abundance of those organisms in this subtropical area, presumably as a result of wave action, competition and prey availability. It also brought insights on the influence of top-down and bottom-up processes in this area.
The introduction of allochthonous fish species happens constantly in large bodies of freshwater, like as the reservoirs of Parana Basin, located in Brazilian southeast, representing a threat for local biodiversity. The fish species Plagioscion squamosissimus and Cichla ocellaris were introduced from the 1970s in several water bodies of this basin and had successfully established themselves in all six reservoirs located in the middle and lower Tiete River (SP, Brazil), particularly. After six decades from the first recorded species introduction, this hydrographic system remains open to the invasion of further fish species, owing to widespread fish-farming activity and by the channels opened between this system and other reservoirs and river basin. This study was an effort to confirm the Geophagus proximus occurrence in the six Tiete River reservoirs, verifying the actual introduction status and analyzing its potential environmental impacts on local species by the analysis of the population structure (abundance, body dimensions and feeding habits). By the results, this species was confirmed in the Ibitinga, Nova Avanhandava and Tres Irmaos reservoirs. The abundance and feeding analysis shows, respectively, it is successfully established in the Tres Irmaos reservoir with the same feeding habitats of local species, such as Geophagus brasiliensis. It was further shown to be very likely that G. proximus would spread throughout the reservoir system of the middle and lower Tiete River, in the manner of P. squamosissimus and C. ocellaris, and the competition pressure for food resources between G. proximus and the local species which represents a potential environmental impact system. These scientific evidences fortifies the knowledge basin for the implantation of a fish management system, to control and reduce the abundance of the invader and to prevent its becoming established in all the Tiete River Basin, avoiding the disastrous consequences for the native species of Parana River Basin.