973 resultados para Intestinal perfusion


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Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) strains belong to a category that is associated with colibacillosis, a serious illness in the poultry industry worldwide. Additionally, some APEC groups have recently been described as potential zoonotic agents. In this work, we compared APEC strains with extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) strains isolated from clinical cases of humans with extra-intestinal diseases such as urinary tract infections (UTI) and bacteremia. PCR results showed that genes usually found in the ColV plasmid (tsh, iucA, iss, and hlyF) were associated with APEC strains while fyuA, irp-2, fepC sitDchrom, fimH, crl, csgA, afa, iha, sat, hlyA, hra, cnf1, kpsMTII, clpVSakai and malX were associated with human ExPEC. Both categories shared nine serogroups (O2, O6, O7, O8, O11, O19, O25, O73 and O153) and seven sequence types (ST10, ST88, ST93, ST117, ST131, ST155, ST359, ST648 and ST1011). Interestingly, ST95, which is associated with the zoonotic potential of APEC and is spread in avian E. coli of North America and Europe, was not detected among 76 APEC strains. When the strains were clustered based on the presence of virulence genes, most ExPEC strains (71.7%) were contained in one cluster while most APEC strains (63.2%) segregated to another. In general, the strains showed distinct genetic and fingerprint patterns, but avian and human strains of ST359, or ST23 clonal complex (CC), presented more than 70% of similarity by PFGE. The results demonstrate that some zoonotic-related STs (ST117, ST131, ST10CC, ST23CC) are present in Brazil. Also, the presence of moderate fingerprint similarities between ST359 E. coli of avian and human origin indicates that strains of this ST are candidates for having zoonotic potential.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A constipação crônica é doença comum na infância, ocorrendo em 5 a 10% dos pacientes pediátricos, considerada a segunda maior causa de procura nos consultórios de pediatria, sendo a encoprese decorrente de constipação grave associada à impactação fecal no reto. Dentre os exames diagnósticos, a manometria anal é utilizada para a avaliação de pacientes com distúrbios funcionais, como a constipação intestinal e a incontinência fecal, em alguns serviços para a avaliação de pacientes com encoprese, pois pode trazer informações sobre o mecanismo evacuatório e possíveis lesões esfincterianas anais. OBJETIVO: Verificar alterações manométricas em pacientes com encoprese. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo de 40 manometrias anais de crianças constipadas com encoprese (G1) e 12 crianças constipados sem encoprese (G2). Foram obtidos os seguintes dados: pressões de repouso, contração e evacuação do canal anal e ampola retal, ponto de maior pressão, reflexo inibitório anal e sensibilidade retal. As manometrias foram realizadas com o aparelho Alacer de perfusão com 8 canais. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças nas pressões de repouso, contração e evacuação do canal anal entre os grupos. Chamou-nos a atenção a ausência de necessidade de maior volume retal para desencadear o reflexo inibitório anal. Não houve diferença da incidência de anismus entre os dois grupos, demonstrando que não se trata de fator importante na manutenção da encoprese, mas sim da constipação. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve necessidade de maior volume para desencadear o reflexo inibitório anal. O anismus não foi diferente entre os dois grupos, não sendo importante na manutenção da encoprese.


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Yerba mate´ (Ilex paraguariensis) is rich in polyphenols, especially chlorogenic acids. Evidence suggests that dietary polyphenols could play a role in glucose absorption and metabolism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antidiabetic properties of yerba mate´ extract in alloxan-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Animals (n ) 41) were divided in four groups: nondiabetic control (NDC, n=11), and diabetic yerba maté (DY, n = 10). The intervention consisted in the administration of yerba mate´ extract in a 1 g extract/ kg body weight dose for 28 days; controls received saline solution only. There were no significant differences in serum glucose, insulin, and hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase activity between the groups that ingested yerba maté extract (NDY and DY) and the controls (NDC and DC). However, the intestinal SGLT1 gene expression was significantly lower in animals that received yerba maté both in upper (p = 0.007) and middle (p < 0.001) small intestine. These results indicate that bioactive compounds present in yerba maté might be capable of interfering in glucose absorption, by decreasing SGLT1 expression


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Colostrum intake in neonatal calves is essential to obtain passive immunity and to influence metabolism, endocrine systems and the nutritional state. This study compares morphologic features of small intestine of calves fed a colostrum second meal at 12 hours of life with concentrations of immunoglobulin G (IgG) higher than 100mg mL(-1) (fresh colostrum or artificially prepared with addition of lyophilized colostrum) or smaller than 30mg mL(-1). Twenty-four Holstein calves were randomly grouped according to concentration of IgG intake at 12 hours of life: low (less than 30mg mL(-1)); high (more than 100mg mL(-1)); plus lyophilized colostrum (more than 120mg mL(-1)). Intestinal tissue samples were collected at 0, 10, 24 and 72 hours after birth to evaluate morphology in segments: duodenum; proximal, middle and distal jejunum and ileum by examined with a scanning electron microscope. Villi of all segments showed more organized and uniform morphology characteristics with age. Only the animals fed colostrum with more than 100mg mL(-1) of IgG at 24 hours after birth still showed the distal jejunum villi disoriented and more united in comparison to the other ages and groups. Intake of lyophilized colostrum affected ileum morphology along experiment period. Higher concentration of immunologic and bioactive elements supplied for longer period of time could be responsible for promoting effects on the enterocytes. Use of colostrum with high IgG concentrations, with or without addition of lyophilized colostrum, influenced the precocity of the intestinal mucosa development in newborn calves, suggesting earlier maturation of the mucosa.


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Baccharis dracunculifolia DC (Asteraceae) is a Brazilian medicinal plant popularly used for its antiulcer and anti-inflammatory properties. This plant is the main botanical source of Brazilian green propolis, a natural product incorporated into food and beverages to improve health. The present study aimed to investigate the chemical profile and intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of B. dracunculifolia extract on experimental ulcerative colitis induced by trinitrobenzenosulfonic acid (TNBS). Colonic damage was evaluated macroscopically and biochemically through its evaluation of glutathione content and its myeloperoxidase (MPO) and alkaline phosphatase activities. Additional in vitro experiments were performed in order to test the antioxidant activity by inhibition of induced lipid peroxidation in the rat brain membrane. Phytochemical analysis was performed by HPLC using authentic standards. The administration of plant extract (5 and 50 mgkg(-1)) significantly attenuated the colonic damage induced by TNBS as evidenced both macroscopically and biochemically. This beneficial effect can be associated with an improvement in the colonic oxidative status, since plant extract prevented glutathione depletion, inhibited lipid peroxidation and reduced MPO activity. Caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, aromadendrin-4-O-methyl ether, 3-prenyl-p-coumaric acid, 3,5-diprenyl-p-coumaric acid and baccharin were detected in the plant extract.


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The presence of bacteria in the midgut of mosquitoes antagonizes infectious agents, such as Dengue and Plasmodium, acting as a negative factor in the vectorial competence of the mosquito. Therefore, knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in the control of midgut microbiota could help in the development of new tools to reduce transmission. We hypothesized that toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by epithelial cells control bacterial growth in the midgut of Aedes aegypti, the vector of Yellow fever and Dengue viruses. We show that ROS are continuously present in the midgut of sugar-fed (SF) mosquitoes and a blood-meal immediately decreased ROS through a mechanism involving heme-mediated activation of PKC. This event occurred in parallel with an expansion of gut bacteria. Treatment of sugar-fed mosquitoes with increased concentrations of heme led to a dose dependent decrease in ROS levels and a consequent increase in midgut endogenous bacteria. In addition, gene silencing of dual oxidase (Duox) reduced ROS levels and also increased gut flora. Using a model of bacterial oral infection in the gut, we show that the absence of ROS resulted in decreased mosquito resistance to infection, increased midgut epithelial damage, transcriptional modulation of immune-related genes and mortality. As heme is a pro-oxidant molecule released in large amounts upon hemoglobin degradation, oxidative killing of bacteria in the gut would represent a burden to the insect, thereby creating an extra oxidative challenge to the mosquito. We propose that a controlled decrease in ROS levels in the midgut of Aedes aegypti is an adaptation to compensate for the ingestion of heme.


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Segments of the canine internal mammary artery (35 mm in length) were suspended in vitro in an organ chamber containing physiological salt solution (95% O(2)/5% CO(2), pH = 7.4, 37 degrees C). Segments were individually cannulated and perfused at 5 ml/minute using a roller pump. Vasorelaxant activity of the effluent from the perfused internal mammary arteries was bioassayed by measuring the decrease in tension induced by the effluent of the coronary artery endothelium-free ring which had been contracted with prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (2 x 10(-6) M). Intraluminal perfusion of adenosine diphosphate (10(-5) M) induced significant increase in relaxant activity in the effluent from the perfused blood vessel. However, when adenosine diphosphate (10(-5) M) was added extraluminally to the internal mammary artery, no change in relaxant activity in the effluent was noted. In contrast, acetylcholine produced significant increase in the relaxant activity on the effluent of the perfused internal mammary artery with both intraluminal and extraluminal perfusion. The intraluminal and extraluminal release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) by acetylcholine (10(-5) M) can be inhibited by site-specific administration of atropine (10(-5) M). These experiments indicate that certain agonists can induce the release of EDRF only by binding to intravascular receptors while other agonists can induce endothelium-dependent vasodilatation by acting on neural side receptors.


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This study unveils histological features of the intestinal tract of juvenile striped catfish Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (Linnaeus, 1776) in three size classes (weight, standard length): I - 36.84 +/- 10.19 g, 14.52 +/- 1.54 cm; II - 59.03 +/- 11.47 g, 17.17 +/- 1.06 cm; III - 89.72 +/- 18.70 g, 20.79 +/- 1.55 cm, respectively. Histological organization of the juvenile speckled catfish intestine bears features common to the carnivorous fish, but the organ presents some convolutions that indicate a certain degree of dietary flexibility, a surprising trend, common only to omnivorous Siluriforms. The architecture of the mucosa of the speckled catfish intestine indicates that the species concentrates digestion and absorption of nutrients in the medium intestine, a common feature among carnivorous Teleosts.


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Isolated limb perfusion (ILP) with melphalan is used to treat recurrent melanoma. This study aimed to develop a microdialysis technique for melphalan tissue concentration measurement during ILP. The effects of melphalan concentration (50-600 mu g/ml), microdialysis flow rate (0.55-17.5 mu l/min), probe length (5-50 mm) and temperature (25-41.5 degrees C) on in vitro recovery were studied. In addition, in vivo recovery was measured in rat hindlimbs perfused with melphalan using 50 mm microdialysis probes implanted subcutaneously and into muscle. Both dialysate and tissue sample melphalan concentrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. The in vitro recovery of melphalan was not affected by melphalan concentration or temperature, but increased with probe length and decreased with flow rate. The melphalan concentrations in subcutaneous and muscle dialysates were not significantly different. A linear relationship was found between tissue dialysate concentrations and actual tissue concentrations of melphalan (r(2) = 0.97). Microdialysis is a potential method for tissue drug monitoring which may assist in the efficacious use of cytotoxics in human ILP. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Diffusion- and perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging provides important pathophysiological information in acute bra-in ischemia. We performed a prospective study in 19 sub-6-hour stroke patients using serial diffusion- and perfusion-weighted imaging before intravenous thrombolysis, with repeat studies, both subacutely and at outcome. For comparison of ischemic lesion evolution and clinical outcome, we used a historical control group of 21 sub-6-hour ischemic stroke patients studied serially with diffusion- and perfusion-weighted imaging. The two groups were well matched for the baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and magnetic resonance parameters. Perfusion-weighted imaging-diffusion-weighted imaging mismatch was present in 16 of 19 patients treated with tissue plasminogen activator, and 16 of 21 controls. Perfusion-weighted imaging-diffusion-weighted imaging mismatch patients treated with tissue plaminogen activator had higher recanalization rates and enhanced reperfusion at day 3 (81% vs 47% in controls), and a greater proportion of severely hypoperfused acute mismatch tissue not progressing to infarction (82% vs -25% in controls). Despite similar baseline diffusion-weighted imaging lesions, infarct expansion was less in the recombinant tissue plaminogen activator group (14cm(3) vs 56cm(3) in controls). The positive effect of thrombolysis on lesion growth in mismatch patients translated into a greater improvement in baseline to outcome National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale in the group treated with recombinant tissue plaminogen activator, and a significantly larger proportion of patients treated with recombinant tissue plaminogen activator having a clinically meaningful improvement in National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale of;2:7 points. The natural evolution of acute perfusion-weighted imaging-diffusion-weighted imaging mismatch tissue may be altered by thrombolysis, with improved stroke outcome. This has implications for the use of diffusion- and perfusion-weighted imaging in selecting and monitoring patients for thrombolytic therapy.


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Background and Purpose-The Echoplanar Imaging Thrombolysis Evaluation Trial ( EPITHET) tests the hypothesis that perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI)-diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) mismatch predicts the response to thrombolysis. There is no accepted standardized definition of PWI-DWI mismatch. We compared common mismatch definitions in the initial 40 EPITHET patients. Methods-Raw perfusion images were used to generate maps of time to peak (TTP), mean transit time (MTT), time to peak of the impulse response (Tmax) and first moment transit time (FMT). DWI, apparent diffusion coefficient ( ADC), and PWI volumes were measured with planimetric and thresholding techniques. Correlations between mismatch volume (PWIvol-DWIvol) and DWI expansion (T2(Day) (90-vol)-DWIAcute-vol) were also assessed. Results-Mean age was 68 +/- 11, time to MRI 4.5 +/- 0.7 hours, and median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score 11 (range 4 to 23). Tmax and MTT hypoperfusion volumes were significantly lower than those calculated with TTP and FMT maps (P < 0.001). Mismatch >= 20% was observed in 89% (Tmax) to 92% (TTP/FMT/MTT) of patients. Application of a +4s ( relative to the contralateral hemisphere) PWI threshold reduced the frequency of positive mismatch volumes (TTP 73%/FMT 68%/Tmax 54%/MTT 43%). Mismatch was not significantly different when assessed with ADC maps. Mismatch volume, calculated with all parameters and thresholds, was not significantly correlated with DWI expansion. In contrast, reperfusion was correlated inversely with infarct growth (R= -0.51; P = 0.009). Conclusions-Deconvolution and application of PWI thresholds provide more conservative estimates of tissue at risk and decrease the frequency of mismatch accordingly. The precise definition may not be critical; however, because reperfusion alters tissue fate irrespective of mismatch.


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Although the utility of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemistry on rectal suction biopsy in diagnosing Hirschsprung`s disease (HD) has been documented, few reports address a great number of biopsies and patients. Our aim is to present a 17-year experience on the method of rectal suction biopsy and AChE histochemical staining for diagnosis of intestinal dysganglionoses. Between August 1989 and July 2006, 297 children suspected of having HD were submitted to rectal suction biopsies that were evaluated by the same two surgeons. There were 18 complications (6.0%), namely one self-limited rectal bleeding and 17 (5.7%) inadequate procedures that were repeated. A total of 157 patients (52.8%) showed no increased AChE activity and the remaining patients (140-47.2.0%) presented patterns of increased AChE activity confirming the diagnosis of HD or neuronal intestinal dysplasia. Among the 140 cases suspected as having HD, in 131 children the diagnosis of HD was confirmed and they were operated on. The histological studies showed that 111 children presented the classic form of HD or a long spastic segment. Sixteen children presented total colonic aganglionosis and four children proved to have intestinal neuronal dysplasia, according to histological and radiological criteria. Nine (6.6%) newborns were identified as false-positives and no false-negative results were verified. The rectal suction biopsy combined with AChE staining is advantageous for the differentiation between normal bowel and intestinal dysganglionoses. The rectal suction method is simple and can easily be performed by experienced surgeons. The histological evaluation is very objective and can be performed by a non-pathologist.