217 resultados para Interruptions
BACKGROUND: Reducing the fraction of transmissions during recent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is essential for the population-level success of "treatment as prevention". METHODS: A phylogenetic tree was constructed with 19 604 Swiss sequences and 90 994 non-Swiss background sequences. Swiss transmission pairs were identified using 104 combinations of genetic distance (1%-2.5%) and bootstrap (50%-100%) thresholds, to examine the effect of those criteria. Monophyletic pairs were classified as recent or chronic transmission based on the time interval between estimated seroconversion dates. Logistic regression with adjustment for clinical and demographic characteristics was used to identify risk factors associated with transmission during recent or chronic infection. FINDINGS: Seroconversion dates were estimated for 4079 patients on the phylogeny, and comprised between 71 (distance, 1%; bootstrap, 100%) to 378 transmission pairs (distance, 2.5%; bootstrap, 50%). We found that 43.7% (range, 41%-56%) of the transmissions occurred during the first year of infection. Stricter phylogenetic definition of transmission pairs was associated with higher recent-phase transmission fraction. Chronic-phase viral load area under the curve (adjusted odds ratio, 3; 95% confidence interval, 1.64-5.48) and time to antiretroviral therapy (ART) start (adjusted odds ratio 1.4/y; 1.11-1.77) were associated with chronic-phase transmission as opposed to recent transmission. Importantly, at least 14% of the chronic-phase transmission events occurred after the transmitter had interrupted ART. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate a high fraction of transmission during recent HIV infection but also chronic transmissions after interruption of ART in Switzerland. Both represent key issues for treatment as prevention and underline the importance of early diagnosis and of early and continuous treatment.
Sur mandat du médecin cantonal, les interventions effectuées dans le canton de Vaud font l'objet d'un monitorage continu et détaillé effectué par l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive. En 2013, 1518 interruptions de grossesse ont été déclarées dans le canton de Vaud, soit une de plus que l'année précédente. Dans neuf cas sur dix, la femme enceinte était domiciliée sur le territoire cantonal, soit un total de 1316 femmes. Dans l'ensemble, les statistiques restent très stables. Rapporté à la population féminine en âge de procréer, le taux d'interruption de grossesse chez les résidentes vaudoises est de 7.1 pour mille femmes âgées de 15 à 49 ans (8.8 pour mille femmes âgées de 15 à 44 ansa). L'écart entre femmes de nationalité étrangère et femmes de nationalité suisse persiste avec un taux respectivement de 9.50/00 et 5.50/00. En 2013, on enregistre environ une interruption de grossesse pour six naissances. L'âge médian au moment de l'intervention est de 28 ans. Huit femmes avaient moins de 16 ans. La moitié des interruptions de grossesse réalisées concerne des femmes de nationalité étrangère : huit sur dix ont une autorisation de séjour B ou C, le reste se trouvant en statut précaire (sans permis ou au bénéfice d'un permis N/F/L).
Sur mandat du médecin cantonal, les interventions effectuées dans le canton de Vaud font l'objet d'un monitorage continu et détaillé effectué par l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive. En 2014, 1520 interruptions de grossesse ont été déclarées dans le canton de Vaud, soit deux de plus que l'année précédente. Dans un peu plus de huit cas sur dix, la femme enceinte était domiciliée sur le territoire vaudois, soit un total de 1298 femmes. Dans l'ensemble, les statistiques restent très stables. Rapporté à la population féminine en âge de procréer, le taux d'interruption de grossesse chez les résidentes vaudoises est de 6.8 pour mille femmes âgées de 15 à 49 ans (8.5 pour mille femmes âgées de 15 à 44 ansa). L'écart entre femmes de nationalité étrangère et femmes de nationalité suisse continue à diminuer légèrement avec un taux respectivement de 8.50/00 et 5.60/00, contre 9.20/00 et 5.50/00 respectivement en 2013. En 2014, comme en 2013, on enregistre environ une interruption de grossesse pour six naissances. Les deux tiers des interruptions de grossesse concernent des femmes entre 20 et 34 ans, ainsi l'âge médian au moment de l'intervention est de 28 ans. Dix femmes avaient moins de 16 ans.
This thesis entitled' On Queues with Interruptions and Repeat or Resumption of Service' introduces several new concepts into queues with service interruption. It is divided into Seven chapters including an introductory chapter. The following are keywords that we use in this thesis: Phase type (PH) distribution, Markovian Arrival Process (MAP), Geometric Distribution, Service Interruption, First in First out (FIFO), threshold random variable and Super threshold random variable. In the second chapter we introduce a new concept called the 'threshold random variable' which competes with interruption time to decide whether to repeat or resume the interrupted service after removal of interruptions. This notion generalizes the work reported so far in queues with service interruptions. In chapter 3 we introduce the concept of what is called 'Super threshold clock' (a random variable) which keeps track of the total interruption time of a customer during his service except when it is realized before completion of interruption in some cases to be discussed in this thesis and in other cases it exactly measures the duration of all interruptions put together. The Super threshold clock is OIl whenever the service is interrupted and is deactivated when service is rendered. Throughout this thesis the first in first out service discipline is followed except for priority queues.
Diese Dissertation basiert auf einem theoretischen Artikel und zwei empirischen Studien.rnrnDer theoretische Artikel: Es wird ein theoretisches Rahmenmodell postuliert, welches die Kumulierung von Arbeitsunterbrechung und deren Effekte untersucht. Die meisten bisherigen Studien haben Unterbrechungen als isoliertes Phänomen betrachtet und dabei unberücksichtigt gelassen, dass während eines typischen Arbeitstages mehrere Unterbrechungen gleichzeitig (oder aufeinanderfolgend) auftreten. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird diese Lücke gefüllt, indem der Prozess der kumulierenden Unterbrechungen untersucht wird. Es wird beschrieben,rninwieweit die Kumulation von Unterbrechungen zu einer neuen Qualität vonrn(negativen) Effekten führt. Das Zusammenspiel und die gegenseitige Verstärkung einzelner Effekte werden dargestellt und moderierende und mediierende Faktoren aufgezeigt. Auf diese Weise ist es möglich, eine Verbindung zwischen kurzfristigen Effekten einzelner Unterbrechungen und Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigungen durch die Arbeitsbedingung ‚Unterbrechungen‘rnherzustellen.rnrnStudie 1: In dieser Studie wurde untersucht, inwieweit Unterbrechungen Leistung und Wohlbefinden einer Person innerhalb eines Arbeitstages beeinflussen. Es wurde postuliert, dass das Auftreten von Unterbrechungen die Zufriedenheit mit der eigenen Leistung vermindert und das Vergessen von Intentionen und das Irritationserleben verstärkt. Geistige Anforderung und Zeitdruck galten hierbei als Mediatoren. Um dies zu testen, wurden 133 Pflegekräften über 5 Tage hinweg mittels Smartphones befragt. Mehrebenenanalysen konnten die Haupteffekte bestätigen. Die vermuteten Mediationseffekte wurden für Irritation und (teilweise) für Zufriedenheit mit der Leistung bestätigt, nicht jedoch für Vergessen von Intentionen. Unterbrechungen führen demzufolge (u.a.) zu negativen Effekten, da sie kognitiv anspruchsvoll sind und Zeit beanspruchen.rnrnStudie 2: In dieser Studie wurden Zusammenhänge zwischen kognitiven Stressorenrn(Arbeitsunterbrechungen und Multitasking) und Beanspruchungsfolgen (Stimmung und Irritation) innerhalb eines Arbeitstages gemessen. Es wurde angenommen, dass diese Zusammenhänge durch chronologisches Alter und Indikatoren funktionalen Alters (Arbeitsgedächtniskapazität und Aufmerksamkeit) moderiert wird. Ältere mit schlechteren Aufmerksamkeitsund Arbeitsgedächtnisleistungen sollten am stärksten durch die untersuchten Stressoren beeinträchtigt werden. Es wurde eine Tagebuchstudie (siehe Studie 1) und computergestützternkognitive Leistungstests durchgeführt. Mehrebenenanalysen konnten die Haupteffekte für die abhängigen Variablen Stimmung (Valenz und Wachheit) und Irritation bestätigen, nicht jedoch für Erregung (Stimmung). Dreifachinteraktionen wurden nicht in der postulierten Richtung gefunden. Jüngere, nicht Ältere profitierten von einem hohen basalen kognitivenrnLeistungsvermögen. Ältere scheinen Copingstrategien zu besitzen, die mögliche kognitive Verluste ausgleichen. rnrnIm Allgemeinen konnten die (getesteten) Annahmen des theoretischen Rahmenmodellsrnbestätigt werden. Prinzipiell scheint es möglich, Ergebnisse der Laborforschung auf die Feldforschung zu übertragen, jedoch ist es notwendig die Besonderheiten des Feldes zu berücksichtigen. Die postulieren Mediationseffekte (Studie 1) wurden (teilweise) bestätigt. Die Ergebnisse weisen jedoch darauf hin, dass der volle Arbeitstag untersucht werden muss und dass sehr spezifische abhängige Variablen auch spezifischere Mediatoren benötigen. Des Weiteren konnte in Studie 2 bestätigt werden, dass die kognitive Kapazität eine bedeutsamernRessource im Umgang mit Unterbrechungen ist, im Arbeitskontext jedoch auch andere Ressourcen wirken.
A major goal of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-1-infected persons is the recovery of CD4 T lymphocytes, resulting in thorough protection against opportunistic complications. Interruptions of ART are still frequent. The long-term effect on CD4 T-cell recovery and clinical events remains unknown.
Background The goal of our work was to develop a simple method to evaluate a compensation treatment after unplanned treatment interruptions with respect to their tumour- and normal tissue effect. Methods We developed a software tool in java programming language based on existing recommendations to compensate for treatment interruptions. In order to express and visualize the deviations from the originally planned tumour and normal tissue effects we defined the compensability index. Results The compensability index represents an evaluation of the suitability of compensatory radiotherapy in a single number based on the number of days used for compensation and the preference of preserving the originally planned tumour effect or not exceeding the originally planned normal tissue effect. An automated tool provides a method for quick evaluation of compensation treatments. Conclusions The compensability index calculation may serve as a decision support system based on existing and established recommendations.
BACKGROUND: Stopping antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV-1 infection can reduce costs and side-effects, but carries the risk of increased immune suppression and emergence of resistance. METHODS: 430 patients with CD4-positive T-lymphocyte (CD4) counts greater than 350 cells per muL, and viral load less than 50 copies per mL were randomised to continued therapy (n=146) or scheduled treatment interruptions (n=284). Median time on randomised treatment was 21.9 months (range 16.4-25.3). Primary endpoints were proportion of patients with viral load less than 50 copies per mL at the end of the trial, and amount of drugs used. Analysis was intention-to-treat. This study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov with the identifier NCT00113126. FINDINGS: Drug savings in the scheduled treatment interruption group, compared with continuous treatment, amounted to 61.5%. 257 of 284 (90.5%) patients in the scheduled treatment interruption group reached a viral load less than 50 copies per mL, compared with 134 of 146 (91.8%) in the continued treatment group (difference 1.3%, 95% CI-4.3 to 6.9, p=0.90). No AIDS-defining events occurred. Diarrhoea and neuropathy were more frequent with continuous treatment; candidiasis was more frequent with scheduled treatment interruption. Ten patients (2.3%) had resistance mutations, with no significant differences between groups. INTERPRETATION: Drug savings with scheduled treatment interruption were substantial, and no evidence of increased treatment resistance emerged. Treatment-related adverse events were more frequent with continuous treatment, but low CD4 counts and minor manifestations of HIV infection were more frequent with scheduled treatment interruption.
Objective Interruptions are known to have a negative impact on activity performance. Understanding how an interruption contributes to human error is limited because there is not a standard method for analyzing and classifying interruptions. Qualitative data are typically analyzed by either a deductive or an inductive method. Both methods have limitations. In this paper a hybrid method was developed that integrates deductive and inductive methods for the categorization of activities and interruptions recorded during an ethnographic study of physicians and registered nurses in a Level One Trauma Center. Understanding the effects of interruptions is important for designing and evaluating informatics tools in particular and for improving healthcare quality and patient safety in general. Method The hybrid method was developed using a deductive a priori classification framework with the provision of adding new categories discovered inductively in the data. The inductive process utilized line-by-line coding and constant comparison as stated in Grounded Theory. Results The categories of activities and interruptions were organized into a three-tiered hierarchy of activity. Validity and reliability of the categories were tested by categorizing a medical error case external to the study. No new categories of interruptions were identified during analysis of the medical error case. Conclusions Findings from this study provide evidence that the hybrid model of categorization is more complete than either a deductive or an inductive method alone. The hybrid method developed in this study provides the methodical support for understanding, analyzing, and managing interruptions and workflow.
An understanding of interruptions in healthcare is important for the design, implementation, and evaluation of health information systems and for the management of clinical workflow and medical errors. The purpose of this study is to identify and classify the types of interruptions experienced by Emergency Department(ED) nurses working in a Level One Trauma Center. This was an observational field study of Registered Nurses (RNs) employed in a Level One Trauma Center using the shadowing method. Results of the study indicate that nurses were both recipients and initiators of interruptions. Telephones, pagers, and face-to-face conversations were the most common sources of interruptions. Unlike other industries, the healthcare community has not systematically studied interruptions in clinical settings to determine and weigh the necessity of the interruption against their sometimes negative results such as medical errors, decreased efficiency, and increased costs. Our study presented here is an initial step to understand the nature, causes, and effects of interruptions, thereby improving both the quality of healthcare and patient safety. We developed an ethnographic data collection technique and a data coding method for the capturing and analysis of interruptions. The interruption data we collected are systematic, comprehensive, and close to exhaustive. They confirmed the findings from earlier studies by other researchers that interruptions are frequent events in critical care and other healthcare settings. We are currently using these data to analyze the workflow dynamics of ED clinicians, to identify the bottlenecks of information flow, and to develop interventions to improve the efficiency of emergency care through the management of interruptions.
OBJECTIVE: Interruptions are known to have a negative impact on activity performance. Understanding how an interruption contributes to human error is limited because there is not a standard method for analyzing and classifying interruptions. Qualitative data are typically analyzed by either a deductive or an inductive method. Both methods have limitations. In this paper, a hybrid method was developed that integrates deductive and inductive methods for the categorization of activities and interruptions recorded during an ethnographic study of physicians and registered nurses in a Level One Trauma Center. Understanding the effects of interruptions is important for designing and evaluating informatics tools in particular as well as improving healthcare quality and patient safety in general. METHOD: The hybrid method was developed using a deductive a priori classification framework with the provision of adding new categories discovered inductively in the data. The inductive process utilized line-by-line coding and constant comparison as stated in Grounded Theory. RESULTS: The categories of activities and interruptions were organized into a three-tiered hierarchy of activity. Validity and reliability of the categories were tested by categorizing a medical error case external to the study. No new categories of interruptions were identified during analysis of the medical error case. CONCLUSIONS: Findings from this study provide evidence that the hybrid model of categorization is more complete than either a deductive or an inductive method alone. The hybrid method developed in this study provides the methodical support for understanding, analyzing, and managing interruptions and workflow.
An understanding of interruptions in healthcare is important for the design, implementation, and evaluation of health information systems and for the management of clinical workflow and medical errors. The purpose of this study is to identify and classify the types of interruptions experienced by ED nurses working in a Level One Trauma Center. This was an observational field study of Registered Nurses employed in a Level One Trauma Center using the shadowing method. Results of the study indicate that nurses were both recipients and initiators of interruptions. Telephone, pagers, and face-to-face conversations were the most common sources of interruptions. Unlike other industries, the outcomes caused by interruptions resulting in medical errors, decreased efficiency and increased cost have not been systematically studied in healthcare. Our study presented here is an initial step to understand the nature, causes, and effects of interruptions, and to develop interventions to manage interruptions to improve healthcare quality and patient safety. We developed an ethnographic data collection technique and a data coding method for the capturing and analysis of interruptions. The interruption data we collected are systematic, comprehensive, and close to exhaustive. They confirmed the findings from early studies by other researchers that interruptions are frequent events in critical care and other healthcare settings. We are currently using these data to analyze the workflow dynamics of ED clinicians, identify the bottlenecks of information flow, and develop interventions to improve the efficiency of emergency care through the management of interruptions.