975 resultados para Internal Financial Guidance
Managing Public Money Northern Ireland
Management of Private Practice in Health Services Hospitals in Northern Ireland: A Handbook
Financial support arrangements in the 2007/08 academic year for Allied Health Professional Students and Medical and Dental students from year five study
2005 - 2006
Financial Transactions Capital
Procurement Guidance Note 05-14 Collaborative Procurement
Removal of Delegated Limits for Office Accommodation Leases
We set up a dynamic model of firm investment in which liquidity constraintsenter explicity into the firm's maximization problem. The optimal policyrules are incorporated into a maximum likelihood procedure which estimatesthe structural parameters of the model. Investment is positively related tothe firm's internal financial position when the firm is relatively poor. This relationship disappears for wealthy firms, which can reach theirdesired level of investment. Borrowing is an increasing function of financial position for poor firms. This relationship is reversed as a firm's financial position improves, and large firms hold little debt.Liquidity constrained firms may be unused credits lines and the capacity toinvest further if they desire. However the fear that liquidity constraintswill become binding in the future induces them to invest only when internalresources increase.We estimate the structural parameters of the model and use them to quantifythe importance of liquidity constraints on firms' investment. We find thatliquidity constraints matter significantly for the investment decisions of firms. If firms can finance investment by issuing fresh equity, rather than with internal funds or debt, average capital stock is almost 35% higher overa period of 20 years. Transitory shocks to internal funds have a sustained effect on the capital stock. This effect lasts for several periods and ismore persistent for small firms than for large firms. A 10% negative shock to firm fundamentals reduces the capital stock of firms which face liquidityconstraints by almost 8% over a period as opposed to only 3.5% for firms which do not face these constraints.
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia julkisen organisaation sisäistä taloudellista raportointia eli johdon raportointia case -organisaation avulla. Tavoitteena on kehittää ja uudistaa organisaation johdolle tuotettavaa kustannusseurantaan liittyvää raportointityökalua. Teoreettista viitekehystä luodaan pääasiassa New Public Management (NPM) -ajattelua tutkimalla. Teoriaosuudessa pohditaan myös muita julkisen organisaation johtamiseen ja raportointiin liittyviä asioita: tulosjohtamista ja suorituskyvyn mittaamista. Empiria osuudessa kehitetään tutkitun teorian, organisaation sisällä kahdessa eri vaiheessa tehtyjen haastattelujen ja jatkuvan havainnoinnin avulla uusi raportointityökalu johdolle. Tämän kehitystyön tuloksena case -organisaatiossa otettiin vuoden 2015 alussa käyttöön uudistettu johdon raportti resurssien käytöstä. Raportti sai paljon positiivista palautetta sen käyttäjiltä ja sen todettiin helpottavan kustannusseurantaa. Seurannan toteutus ja sen taustojen ymmärtäminen vaatii kuitenkin vielä paljon opettelua organisaatiossa.
This paper analyzes land use change in Rio Claro City and its surroundings, located in the southeastern state of Sao Paulo, in the period from 1988 to 1995, using air-borne digital imagery and a cellular automata model. The simulation experiment was carried out in the Dinamica EGO platform and the results revealed a constrained urban sprawl, resulting from both the densification of residential areas implemented in previous years and the economic recession that led to an internal financial crisis in Brazil during the early 1990s. The simulation outputs were validated using a multi-resolution procedure based on a fuzzy similarity index and showed a satisfactory fitness in relation to the historical reference data. © 2013 IEEE.
The challenging living conditions of many Senegalese families, and the absence of a providing spouse, have led women to covet new economic opportunities, such as microcredit loans. These loans offer Senegalese women the possibility to financially support their households and become active participants in their economies by starting or sustaining their micro businesses. The study takes place in Grand-Yoff, an overpopulated peri-urban area of the Senegalese capital city Dakar, where most people face daily survival issues. This research examines the impact of microcredit activities in the household of Senegalese female loan recipients in Grand-Yoff by examining socioeconomic indicators, in particular outcomes of health, education and nutrition.^ The research total sample is constituted of 166 female participants who engage in microcredit activities. The research combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. Data for the study were gathered through interviews, surveys, participant observation, focus-groups with the study participants and some of their household members, and document analysis.^ While some women in the study make steady profits from their business activities, others struggle to make ends meet from their businesses’ meager or unreliable profits. Some study participants who are impoverished have no choice but to invest their loans directly into their households’ dire needs, hence missing their business prerogative. Many women in the study end up in a vicious cycle of debt by defaulting on their loans or making late payments because they do not have the required household and socioeconomic conditions to take advantage of these loans. Therefore, microcredit does not make a significant impact in the households of the poorest female participants. The study finds that microcredit improves the household well-being - especially nutrition, health and education - of the participants who have acquired significant social capital such as a providing spouse, formal education, training, business experience, and belonging to business or social networks.^ The study finds that microcredit’s household impact is intimately tied to the female borrowers’ household conditions and social capital. It is recommended that microcredit services and programs offer their female clients assistance and additional basic services, financial guidance, lower interest rates, and flexible repayment schedules. ^