982 resultados para Integrable Field Theories
Following up the work of 1] on deformed algebras, we present a class of Poincare invariant quantum field theories with particles having deformed internal symmetries. The twisted quantum fields discussed in this work satisfy commutation relations different from the usual bosonic/fermionic commutation relations. Such twisted fields by construction are nonlocal in nature. Despite this nonlocality we show that it is possible to construct interaction Hamiltonians which satisfy cluster decomposition principle and are Lorentz invariant. We further illustrate these ideas by considering global SU(N) symmetries. Specifically we show that twisted internal symmetries can provide a natural-framework for the discussion of the marginal deformations (beta-deformations) of the N = 4 SUSY theories.
Since the discovery of D-branes as non-perturbative, dynamic objects in string theory, various configurations of branes in type IIA/B string theory and M-theory have been considered to study their low-energy dynamics described by supersymmetric quantum field theories.
One example of such a construction is based on the description of Seiberg-Witten curves of four-dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories as branes in type IIA string theory and M-theory. This enables us to study the gauge theories in strongly-coupled regimes. Spectral networks are another tool for utilizing branes to study non-perturbative regimes of two- and four-dimensional supersymmetric theories. Using spectral networks of a Seiberg-Witten theory we can find its BPS spectrum, which is protected from quantum corrections by supersymmetry, and also the BPS spectrum of a related two-dimensional N = (2,2) theory whose (twisted) superpotential is determined by the Seiberg-Witten curve. When we don’t know the perturbative description of such a theory, its spectrum obtained via spectral networks is a useful piece of information. In this thesis we illustrate these ideas with examples of the use of Seiberg-Witten curves and spectral networks to understand various two- and four-dimensional supersymmetric theories.
First, we examine how the geometry of a Seiberg-Witten curve serves as a useful tool for identifying various limits of the parameters of the Seiberg-Witten theory, including Argyres-Seiberg duality and Argyres-Douglas fixed points. Next, we consider the low-energy limit of a two-dimensional N = (2, 2) supersymmetric theory from an M-theory brane configuration whose (twisted) superpotential is determined by the geometry of the branes. We show that, when the two-dimensional theory flows to its infra-red fixed point, particular cases realize Kazama-Suzuki coset models. We also study the BPS spectrum of an Argyres-Douglas type superconformal field theory on the Coulomb branch by using its spectral networks. We provide strong evidence of the equivalence of superconformal field theories from different string-theoretic constructions by comparing their BPS spectra.
We propose a new approach to the fermion sign problem in systems where there is a coupling U such that when it is infinite the fermions are paired into bosons, and there is no fermion permutation sign to worry about. We argue that as U becomes finite, fermions are liberated but are naturally confined to regions which we refer to as fermion bags. The fermion sign problem is then confined to these bags and may be solved using the determinantal trick. In the parameter regime where the fermion bags are small and their typical size does not grow with the system size, construction of Monte Carlo methods that are far more efficient than conventional algorithms should be possible. In the region where the fermion bags grow with system size, the fermion bag approach continues to provide an alternative approach to the problem but may lose its main advantage in terms of efficiency. The fermion bag approach also provides new insights and solutions to sign problems. A natural solution to the "silver blaze problem" also emerges. Using the three-dimensional massless lattice Thirring model as an example, we introduce the fermion bag approach and demonstrate some of these features. We compute the critical exponents at the quantum phase transition and find ν=0.87(2) and η=0.62(2). © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Using BRST-cohomological techniques, we analyze the consistent deformations of theories describing free tensor gauge fields whose symmetries are represented by Young tableaux made of two columns of equal length p, p > 1. Under the assumptions of locality and Poincaré invariance, we find that there is no consistent deformation of these theories that non-trivially modifies the gauge algebra and/or the gauge transformations. Adding the requirement that the deformation contains no more than two derivatives, the only possible deformation is a cosmological-constant-like term. © SISSA/ISAS 2004.
The present thesis deals with the studies on certain aspects of pathological higher field theories .It brings to light some new abnormalities and new samples of abnormal theories and also puts forward a novel approach towards the construction of trouble free theories
Accurately calibrated effective field theories are used to compute atomic parity nonconserving (APNC) observables. Although accurately calibrated, these effective field theories predict a large spread in the neutron skin of heavy nuclei. Whereas the neutron skin is strongly correlated to numerous physical observables, in this contribution we focus on its impact on new physics through APNC observables. The addition of an isoscalar-isovector coupling constant to the effective Lagrangian generates a wide range of values for the neutron skin of heavy nuclei without compromising the success of the model in reproducing well-constrained nuclear observables. Earlier studies have suggested that the use of isotopic ratios of APNC observables may eliminate their sensitivity to atomic structure. This leaves nuclear structure uncertainties as the main impediment for identifying physics beyond the standard model. We establish that uncertainties in the neutron skin of heavy nuclei are at present too large to measure isotopic ratios to better than the 0.1% accuracy required to test the standard model. However, we argue that such uncertainties will be significantly reduced by the upcoming measurement of the neutron radius in 208^Pb at the Jefferson Laboratory.
Recent investigations of various quantum-gravity theories have revealed a variety of possible mechanisms that lead to Lorentz violation. One of the more elegant of these mechanisms is known as Spontaneous Lorentz Symmetry Breaking (SLSB), where a vector or tensor field acquires a nonzero vacuum expectation value. As a consequence of this symmetry breaking, massless Nambu-Goldstone modes appear with properties similar to the photon in Electromagnetism. This thesis considers the most general class of vector field theories that exhibit spontaneous Lorentz violation-known as bumblebee models-and examines their candidacy as potential alternative explanations of E&M, offering the possibility that Einstein-Maxwell theory could emerge as a result of SLSB rather than of local U(1) gauge invariance. With this aim we employ Dirac's Hamiltonian Constraint Analysis procedure to examine the constraint structures and degrees of freedom inherent in three candidate bumblebee models, each with a different potential function, and compare these results to those of Electromagnetism. We find that none of these models share similar constraint structures to that of E&M, and that the number of degrees of freedom for each model exceeds that of Electromagnetism by at least two, pointing to the potential existence of massive modes or propagating ghost modes in the bumblebee theories.
Using the functional integral formalism for the statistical generating functional in the statistical (finite temperature) quantum field theory, we prove the equivalence of many-photon Greens functions in the Duffin-Kennner-Petiau and Klein-Gordon-Fock statistical quantum field theories. As an illustration, we calculate the one-loop polarization operators in both theories and demonstrate their coincidence.
The structure of integrable field theories in the presence of jump defects is discussed in terms of boundary functions under the Lagrangian formalism. Explicit examples of bosonic and fermionic theories are considered. In particular, the boundary functions for the N = 1 and N = 2 super sinh-Gordon models are constructed and shown to generate the Backlund transformations for its soliton solutions. As a new and interesting example, a solution with an incoming boson and an outgoing fermion for the N = 1 case is presented. The resulting integrable models are shown to be invariant under supersymmetric transformation.
We prove the equivalence of many-gluon Green's functions in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petieu and Klein-Gordon-Fock statistical quantum field theories. The proof is based on the functional integral formulation for the statistical generating functional in a finite-temperature quantum field theory. As an illustration, we calculate one-loop polarization operators in both theories and show that their expressions indeed coincide.
Using the coadjoint orbit method we derive a geometric WZWN action based on the extended two-loop Kac-Moody algebra. We show that under a hamiltonian reduction procedure, which respects conformal invariance, we obtain a hierarchy of Toda type field theories, which contain as submodels the Toda molecule and periodic Toda lattice theories. We also discuss the classical r-matrix and integrability properties.
The soliton spectrum (massive and massless) of a family of integrable models with local U(1) and U(1) ⊗U(1) symmetries is studied. These models represent relevant integrable deformations of SL(2,ℝ) ⊗U(1) n-1-WZW and SL(2,ℝ) ⊗ SL(2,ℝ) ⊗U(1) n-2-WZW models. Their massless solitons appear as specific topological solutions of the U(1)(or U(1) ⊗ U(1)-) CFTs. The nonconformal analog of the GKO-coset formula is derived and used in the construction of the composite massive solitons of the ungauged integrable models. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.