957 resultados para Instrument Development
Psoriatic arthritis is a multisystem disorder which, from a measurement standpoint, demands consideration of its cutaneous manifestations and both axial and peripheral musculoskeletal involvement. Measurements of various aspects of impairment, ability/disability, and participation/ handicap are feasible using existing measurement techniques, which are for the most part valid, reliable, and responsive. Nevertheless, there remain opportunities for the further development of consensus around core set measures and responder criteria, as well as for instrument development and refinement, standardised assessor training, cross-cultural adaptation of health status questionnaires, electronic data capture, and the introduction of standardised quantitative measurement into routine clinical care.
A cross-sectional study was undertaken in Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia to assess preschool children and caretaker dietary intake of vitamin A (VA) (including provitamin A carotenoids) and other nutrients contributing to VA status and to investigate relationships between VA intake and factors affecting dietary intake. Ethnography, food sample analysis, two dietary assessment methods (7-day food frequency questionnaire and quantitative 24-hour recall for three nonconsecutive days) administered by trained interviewers to a random sample group, and cultivar difference specification (yellow-fleshed versus white-fleshed bananas) contributed to the richness of the study. Vitamin A intake was low, approximately half of the estimated requirements for children (n = 65) and caretakers (n = 65), whereas protein intake was high. There were no clear significant relationships associated with gender, caretaker education, caretaker occupation, and socio-economic status with VA intake, indicating that a broad-based intervention over all population segments is needed to change dietary behavior, The ethnographic approach was critical for survey instrument development and data analysis.
BACKGROUND: The use of quality of life (QoL) instruments in menorrhagia research is increasing but there is concern that not enough emphasis is placed on patient-focus in these measurements, i.e. on issues which are of importance to patients and reflect their experiences and concerns (clinical face validity). The objective was to assess the quality of QoL instruments in studies of menorrhagia. STUDY DESIGN: A systematic review of published research. Papers were identified through MEDLINE (1966-April 2000), EMBASE (1980-April 2000), Science Citation Index (1981-April 2000), Social Science Citation Index (1981-April 2000), CINAHL (1982-1999) and PsychLIT (1966-1999), and by manual searching of bibliographies of known primary and review articles. Studies were selected if they assessed women with menorrhagia for life quality, either developing QoL instruments or applying them as an outcome measure. Selected studies were assessed for quality of their QoL instruments, using a 17 items checklist including 10 items for clinical face validity (issues of relevance to patients' expectations and concerns) and 7 items for measurement properties (such as reliability, responsiveness, etc.). RESULTS: A total of 19 articles, 8 on instrument development and 11 on application, were included in the review. The generic Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF36) was used in 12/19 (63%) studies. Only two studies developed new specific QoL instruments for menorrhagia but they complied with 7/17 (41%) and 10/17 (59%) of the quality criteria. Quality assessment showed that only 7/19 (37%) studies complied with more than half the criteria for face validity whereas 17/19 (90%) studies complied with more than half of the criteria for measurement properties (P = 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Among existing QoL instruments, there is good compliance with the quality criteria for measurement properties but not with those for clinical face validity. There is a need to develop methodologically sound disease specific QoL instruments in menorrhagia focussing both on face validity and measurement properties.
BACKGROUND: The use of quality of life (QoL) instruments in menorrhagia research is increasing but there is concern that not enough emphasis is placed on patient-focus in these measurements, i.e. on issues which are of importance to patients and reflect their experiences and concerns (clinical face validity). The objective was to assess the quality of QoL instruments in studies of menorrhagia. STUDY DESIGN: A systematic review of published research. Papers were identified through MEDLINE (1966-April 2000), EMBASE (1980-April 2000), Science Citation Index (1981-April 2000), Social Science Citation Index (1981-April 2000), CINAHL (1982-1999) and PsychLIT (1966-1999), and by manual searching of bibliographies of known primary and review articles. Studies were selected if they assessed women with menorrhagia for life quality, either developing QoL instruments or applying them as an outcome measure. Selected studies were assessed for quality of their QoL instruments, using a 17 items checklist including 10 items for clinical face validity (issues of relevance to patients' expectations and concerns) and 7 items for measurement properties (such as reliability, responsiveness, etc.). RESULTS: A total of 19 articles, 8 on instrument development and 11 on application, were included in the review. The generic Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF36) was used in 12/19 (63%) studies. Only two studies developed new specific QoL instruments for menorrhagia but they complied with 7/17 (41%) and 10/17 (59%) of the quality criteria. Quality assessment showed that only 7/19 (37%) studies complied with more than half the criteria for face validity whereas 17/19 (90%) studies complied with more than half of the criteria for measurement properties (P = 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Among existing QoL instruments, there is good compliance with the quality criteria for measurement properties but not with those for clinical face validity. There is a need to develop methodologically sound disease specific QoL instruments in menorrhagia focussing both on face validity and measurement properties.
The purpose of this study was to improve an instrument used to assess career aspirations (the Career Aspiration Scale) so the revised measure can be used with confidence by counseling psychologists in research and practice. Three studies were conducted with a total of 583 undergraduate and graduate women. Results of these studies provided support for the reliability and validity of the Career Aspiration Scale-Revised when used with undergraduate and graduate women. Results from confirmatory factor analyses indicated that the three-factor solution had good model fit, thus supporting a revised measure with three subscales assessing achievement, leadership, and educational aspirations. Suggestions for future research and practice using the Career Aspiration Scale- Revised are provided.
Flat-lying Early and Middle Ordovician limestones exposed on the North margin of Estonia provide key insights into the early Paleozoic biosphere and climatic history of the Baltic Platform, and potentially offer a site for calibrating the duration of the proposed Moyero River Reversed Superchron. Past paleomagnetic analyses on these rocks have been focused primarily on determining paleomagnetic pole positions and have been hampered by relatively weak remanent magnetizations. We therefore applied techniques of the Rock and Paleomagnetic Instrument Development (RAPID) consortium using thin-walled, low-noise quartz glass sample holders on an automatic system to enhance magnetostratigraphic resolution. Our results, based on over 300 oriented core samples spanning the stratigraphic interval from the Volkhov stage, up through the Lasnamägi stage, confirm previous work isolating a stable characteristic magnetization of reversed polarity, and furthermore confirm the presence of an interval of magnetically Reversed polarity spanning an interval of at least 15 million year duration. In addition, we recognize a magnetic overprint of presumed Normal polarity held in antiferromagnetic phases, of presumed Permian age, based on the apparent polar wander path given by (Plado et al., 2010).
OBJECTIVE: To develop an instrument to assess discrimination effects on health outcomes and behaviors, capable of distinguishing harmful differential treatment effects from their interpretation as discriminatory events. METHODS: Successive versions of an instrument were developed based on a systematic review of instruments assessing racial discrimination, focus groups and review by a panel comprising seven experts. The instrument was refined using cognitive interviews and pilot-testing. The final version of the instrument was administered to 424 undergraduate college students in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, in 2010. Structural dimensionality, two types of reliability and construct validity were analyzed. RESULTS: Exploratory factor analysis corroborated the hypothesis of the instrument's unidimensionality, and seven experts verified its face and content validity. The internal consistency was 0.8, and test-retest reliability was higher than 0.5 for 14 out of 18 items. The overall score was higher among socially disadvantaged individuals and correlated with adverse health behaviors/conditions, particularly when differential treatments were attributed to discrimination. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate the validity and reliability of the instrument developed. The proposed instrument enables the investigation of novel aspects of the relationship between discrimination and health.
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Metropolização, Planeamento Estratégico e Sustentabilidade.
MARQUES, B.P. (2011) "Territorial Strategic Planning as a support instrument for Regional and Local Development: a comparative analysis between Lisbon and Barcelona Metropolitan Areas", in Atas do 17.º Congresso da APDR, do 5.º Congresso de Gestão e Conservação da Natureza e do Congresso Internacional da APDR/AECR, Bragança e Zamora, pp. 1265-1272, ISBN 978-989-96353-2-6.
Background: Current guidelines underline the limitations of existing instruments to assess fitness to drive and the poor adaptability of batteries of neuropsychological tests in primary care settings. Aims: To provide a free, reliable, transparent computer based instrument capable of detecting effects of age or drugs on visual processing and cognitive functions. Methods: Relying on systematic reviews of neuropsychological tests and driving performances, we conceived four new computed tasks measuring: visual processing (Task1), movement attention shift (Task2), executive response, alerting and orientation gain (Task3), and spatial memory (Task4). We then planned five studies to test MedDrive's reliability and validity. Study-1 defined instructions and learning functions collecting data from 105 senior drivers attending an automobile club course. Study-2 assessed concurrent validity for detecting minor cognitive impairment (MCI) against useful field of view (UFOV) on 120 new senior drivers. Study-3 collected data from 200 healthy drivers aged 20-90 to model age related normal cognitive decline. Study-4 measured MedDrive's reliability having 21 healthy volunteers repeat tests five times. Study-5 tested MedDrive's responsiveness to alcohol in a randomised, double-blinded, placebo, crossover, dose-response validation trial including 20 young healthy volunteers. Results: Instructions were well understood and accepted by all senior drivers. Measures of visual processing (Task1) showed better performances than the UFOV in detecting MCI (ROC 0.770 vs. 0.620; p=0.048). MedDrive was capable of explaining 43.4% of changes occurring with natural cognitive decline. In young healthy drivers, learning effects became negligible from the third session onwards for all tasks except for dual tasking (ICC=0.769). All measures except alerting and orientation gain were affected by blood alcohol concentrations. Finally, MedDrive was able to explain 29.3% of potential causes of swerving on the driving simulator. Discussion and conclusions: MedDrive reveals improved performances compared to existing computed neuropsychological tasks. It shows promising results both for clinical and research purposes.
When facing age-related cerebral decline, older adults are unequally affected by cognitive impairment without us knowing why. To explore underlying mechanisms and find possible solutions to maintain life-space mobility, there is a need for a standardized behavioral test that relates to behaviors in natural environments. The aim of the project described in this paper was therefore to provide a free, reliable, transparent, computer-based instrument capable of detecting age-related changes on visual processing and cortical functions for the purposes of research into human behavior in computational transportation science. After obtaining content validity, exploring psychometric properties of the developed tasks, we derived (Study 1) the scoring method for measuring cerebral decline on 106 older drivers aged ≥70 years attending a driving refresher course organized by the Swiss Automobile Association to test the instrument's validity against on-road driving performance (106 older drivers). We then validated the derived method on a new sample of 182 drivers (Study 2). We then measured the instrument's reliability having 17 healthy, young volunteers repeat all tests included in the instrument five times (Study 3) and explored the instrument's psychophysical underlying functions on 47 older drivers (Study 4). Finally, we tested the instrument's responsiveness to alcohol and effects on performance on a driving simulator in a randomized, double-blinded, placebo, crossover, dose-response, validation trial including 20 healthy, young volunteers (Study 5). The developed instrument revealed good psychometric properties related to processing speed. It was reliable (ICC = 0.853) and showed reasonable association to driving performance (R (2) = 0.053), and responded to blood alcohol concentrations of 0.5 g/L (p = 0.008). Our results suggest that MedDrive is capable of detecting age-related changes that affect processing speed. These changes nevertheless do not necessarily affect driving behavior.
Development and validation of an instrument for evaluating the ludicity of games in health education
Abstract OBJECTIVE Developing and validating an instrument to evaluate the playfulness of games in health education contexts. METHODOLOGY A methodological, exploratory and descriptive research, developed in two stages: 1. Application of an open questionnaire to 50 graduate students, with content analysis of the answers and calculation of Kappa coefficient for defining items; 2. Procedures for construction of scales, with content validation by judges and analysis of the consensus estimate byContent Validity Index(CVI). RESULTS 53 items regarding the restless character of the games in the dimensions of playfulness, the formative components of learning and the profiles of the players. CONCLUSION Ludicity can be assessed by validated items related to the degree of involvement, immersion and reinvention of the subjects in the game along with the dynamics and playability of the game.
The following paper introduces a new approach to the analysis of offensive game in football. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to create an instrument for collecting information for the analysis of offensive action and interactions game. The observation instrument that was used to accomplish the main objective of this work consists of a combination of format fields (FC) and systems of categories (SC). This methodology is a particular strategy of the scientific method that has as an objective to analyse the perceptible behaviour that occurs in habitual contexts, allowing them to be formally recorded and quantified and using an ad hoc instrument in order to obtain a behaviour systematic registration that, since they have been transformed in quantitative data with the necessary reliability and validity determined level, will allow analysis of the relations between these behaviours. The codifications undertaken to date in various games of football have shown that it serves the purposes for which it was developed, allowing more research into the offensive game methods in football.
Aim: To investigate and understand patient's satisfaction with nursing care in the intensive care unit to identify the dimensions of the concept of"satisfaction" from the patient's point of view. To design and validate a questionnaire that measures satisfaction levels in critical patients. Background: There are many instruments capable of measuring satisfaction with nursing care; however, they do not address the reality for critical patients nor are they applicable in our context. Design: A dual approach study comprising: a qualitative phase employing Grounded Theory and a quantitative and descriptive phase to prepare and validate the questionnaire. Methods: Data collection in the qualitative phase will consist of: in-depth interview after theoretical sampling, on-site diary and expert discussion group. The sample size will depend on the expected theoretical saturation n = 27-36. Analysis will be based on Grounded Theory. For the quantitative phase, the sampling will be based on convenience (n = 200). A questionnaire will be designed on the basis of qualitative data. Descriptive and inferential statistics will be used. The validation will be developed on the basis of the validity of the content, the criteria of the construct and reliability of the instrument by the Cronbach's alpha and test-retest approach. Approval date for this protocol was November 2010. Discussion: Self-perceptions, beliefs, experiences, demographic, socio-cultural epistemological and political factors are determinants for satisfaction, and these should be taken into account when compiling a questionnaire on satisfaction with nursing care among critical patients.