1000 resultados para Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
The Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, known as Instituto de Manguinhos during the life-time of its foundr, is primus inter pares among the biological research institutions of Brazil. It had a good beginning, for a number of outstanding men were brought together to lay the foundations of a school of research. Future scientists were selected among the most promisin youn medical men. In half a century, it has assumed leadership, in Tropical Medicine and Zoology, and in pure Biology as well. Several of the scientists have been interested in Botany, foremost among them Dr. LUTZ, who always collected plants and studied the flora wherever he went, and left a Herbarium of about two thousan plants. Drs. HENRIQUE ARAGÃO and SOUZA ARAÚJO, also collected in Minas, and gave their collections to Dr. LUTZ. A list of the plants collected by ARAGÃO and LUTZ on the Serra da Mantiqueira, at Pacáu, where Dr. ARAGÃO's family had a fazenda, especially at two interesting points, Morro da Mira and Campos de Safira, is given below. Tribute is paid to Dr. ARAGÃO, Dean of the living research workers of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, for the stimulus, which as Director, he gave to non-medical, biological research, including Oceanography Limnology and especially Plant Ecology.
Os autores estudam todo o material brasileiro pertencente ao gênero Prosthogonimus Luehe, 1899, depositado na Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, determinado e sem determinação, e concluem que apesar de apresentar grande variação em seus caracteres, pertence à uma única espécie Prosthogonimus ovalus (Rudolphi, 1803). Essa variação já havia sido observada anteriormente por Travassos (1922-1928) e confirmada experimentalmente por Boddeke (1960). São apresentadas 49 figuras e 5 quadros com as medidas correspondentes, mostrando as variações encontradas.