769 resultados para Inositol Phosphates


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alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor (AR) activation is thought to be initiated by disruption of a constraining interhelical salt bridge (Porter et al., 1996). Disruption of this salt bridge is achieved through a competition for the aspartic acid residue in transmembrane domain three by the protonated amine of the endogenous ligand norepinephrine and a lysine residue in transmembrane domain seven. To further test this hypothesis, we investigated the possibility that a simple amine could mimic an important functional group of the endogenous ligand and break this alpha(1)-AR ionic constraint leading to agonism. Triethylamine (TEA) was able to generate concentration-dependent increases of soluble inositol phosphates in COS-1 cells transiently transfected with the hamster alpha(1b)-AR and in Rat-1 fibroblasts stably transfected with the human alpha(1a)-AR subtype. TEA was also able to synergistically potentiate the second messenger production by weak partial alpha(1)-AR agonists and this effect was fully inhibited by the alpha(1)-AR antagonist prazosin. However, this synergistic potentiation was not observed for full alpha(1)-AR agonists. Instead, TEA caused a parallel rightward shift of the dose-response curve, consistent with the properties of competitive antagonism. TEA specifically bound to a single population of alpha(1)-ARs with a K-i of 28.7 +/- 4.7 mM. In addition, the site of binding by TEA to the alpha(1)-AR is at the conserved aspartic acid residue in transmembrane domain three, which is part of the constraining salt bridge. These results indicate a direct interaction of TEA in the receptor agonist binding pocket that leads to a disruption of the constraining salt bridge, thereby initiating alpha(1)-AR activation.


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The effect of the highly vasoactive peptide endothelin 1 (ET1) was tested on bovine retinal microvascular pericytes propagated in vitro. Specific binding of 125I-ET1 to retinal pericytes was documented by autoradiography. ET1 caused contraction of pericytes at a concentration of 0.1 nM which was accompanied by increases in inositol phosphates. Exposure of pericytes to 10 nM ET1 resulted in the aggregation and realignment of muscle-specific actins into bundles which were oriented parallel to the long axis of the cell, and ET1 was also mitogenic to pericytes in the presence of low levels of fetal calf serum. These observations suggest that ET1 may play an important role in endothelial cell-pericyte interactions within the microvasculature of the retina and that it may be involved in the autoregulation of retinal blood flow.


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We have suggested previously that both the negatively and positively charged residues of the highly conserved Glu/Asp-Arg-Tyr (E/DRY) motif play an important role in the activation process of the alpha(1b)-adreneric receptor (AR). In this study, R143 of the E/DRY sequence in the alpha(1b)-AR was mutated into several amino acids (Lys, His, Glu, Asp, Ala, Asn, and Ile). The charge-conserving mutation of R143 into lysine not only preserved the maximal agonist-induced response of the alpha(1b)-AR, but it also conferred high degree of constitutive activity to the receptor. Both basal and agonist-induced phosphorylation levels were significantly increased for the R143K mutant compared with those of the wild-type receptor. Other substitutions of R143 resulted in receptor mutants with either a small increase in constitutive activity (R143H and R143D), impairment (R143H, R143D), or complete loss of receptor-mediated response (R143E, R143A, R143N, R143I). The R413E mutant displayed a small, but significant increase in basal phosphorylation despite being severely impaired in receptor-mediated response. Interestingly, all the arginine mutants displayed increased affinity for agonist binding compared with the wild-type alpha(1b)-AR. A correlation was found between the extent of the affinity shift and the intrinsic activity of the agonists. The analysis of the receptor mutants using the allosteric ternary complex model in conjunction with the results of molecular dynamics simulations on the receptor models support the hypothesis that mutations of R143 can drive the isomerization of the alpha(1b)-AR into different states, highlighting the crucial role of this residue in the activation process of the receptor.


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Semliki Forest virus (SFV) vectors have been efficiently used for rapid high level expression of several G protein-coupled receptors. Here we describe the use of SFV vectors to express the alpha 1b-adrenergic receptor (AR) alone or in the presence of the G protein alpha q and/or beta 2 and gamma 2 subunits. Infection of baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells with recombinant SFV-alpha 1b-AR particles resulted in high specific binding activity of the alpha 1b-AR (24 pmol receptor/mg protein). Time-course studies indicated that the highest level of receptor expression was obtained 30 hours post-infection. The stimulation of BHK cells, with epinephrine led to a 5-fold increase in inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation, confirming the functional coupling of the receptor to G protein-mediated activation of phospholipase C. The SFV expression system represents a rapid and reproducible system to study the pharmacological properties and interactions of G protein coupled receptors and of G protein subunits.


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The p-nitrophenyl phosphomonoesterase assay (p NPPase) is commonly used to measure cell-wall-associated and extracellular phosphatase activity of soil fungi. p NPPases are usually assayed in the context of fungal nutrition, where inorganic P supply might be enhanced by the mineralisation of monoester organic P sources in the soil. The importance of the assay to the P nutrition of soil fungi is considered based on the evidence currently available including the consistency of methodological approach. The nature of organic P in the soil and the relevance of the assay to some specific soil substrates is discussed, particularly the chemistry and bioavailability of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate and the lower inositol phosphates. The evidence for the long-term stability of p NPPases in the soil is examined in the light of the persistence of p NPPase in soils. The role of persistent extracellular fungal p NPPases in the soil P cycle is discussed. Conclusions from p NPPase based studies must be based upon an appreciation of the constraints of the assay and the complex chemistry of organic P and p NPPase in the soil.


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The Tec family of tyrosine kinases are involved in signals emanating from cytokine receptors, antigen receptors, and other lymphoid cell surface receptors. One family member, ITK (inducible T cell kinase), is involved in T cell activation and can be activated by the T cell receptor and the CD28 cell surface receptor. This stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of ITK can be mimicked by the Src family kinase Lck. We have explored the mechanism of this requirement for Src family kinases in the activation of ITK. We found that coexpression of ITK and Src results in increased membrane association, tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of ITK, which could be blocked by inhibitors of the lipid kinase phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) as well as overexpression of the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase. Removal of the Pleckstrin homology domain (PH) of ITK resulted in a kinase that could no longer be induced to localize to the membrane or be activated by Src. The PH of ITK was also able to bind inositol phosphates phosphorylated at the D3 position. Membrane targeting of ITK without the PH recovered its ability to be activated by Src. These results suggest that ITK can be activated by a combination of Src and PI 3-kinase.


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Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a T cell-regulated, antibody-mediated autoimmune disease. Two peptides representing sequences of the human acetylcholine receptor α-subunit, p195–212 and p259–271, previously were shown to stimulate the proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with MG and were found to be immunodominant T cell epitopes in SJL and BALB/c mice, respectively. Single amino acid-substituted analogs of p195–212 and p259–271, as well as a dual analog composed of the tandemly arranged two single analogs, were shown to inhibit, in vitro and in vivo, MG-associated autoimmune responses. Stimulation of T cells through the antigen-specific T cell receptor activates tyrosine kinases and phospholipase C (PLC). Therefore, in attempts to understand the mechanism of action of the analogs, we first examined whether the myasthenogenic peptides trigger tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of phospholipase C. For that purpose, we measured generation of inositol phosphates and tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC after stimulation of the p195–212- and p259–271-specific T cell lines with these myasthenogenic peptides. Both myasthenogenic peptides stimulated generation of inositol phosphates as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC. However, the single and dual analogs, although inducing tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC, could not induce PLC activity. Furthermore, the single and dual analogs inhibited the induced PLC activity whereas they could not inhibit tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC that was caused by the myasthenogenic peptides. Thus, the altered peptides and the dual analog act as partial agonists. The down-regulation of PLC activity by the analogs may account for their capacity to inhibit in vitro MG-associated T cell responses.


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Engagement of the mast cell high-affinity receptor for immunoglobulin E (IgE), FcɛRI, induces tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk, a non-receptor tyrosine kinase, that has been demonstrated as critical for degranulation. Herein we describe a synthetic compound, ER-27319, as a potent and selective inhibitor of antigen or anti-IgE-mediated degranulation of rodent and human mast cells. ER-27319 affected neither Lyn kinase activity nor the antigen-induced phosphorylation of the FcɛRI but did effectively inhibit the tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk and thus its activity. As a consequence, tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase C-γ1, generation of inositol phosphates, release of arachidonic acid, and secretion of histamine and tumor necrosis factor α were also inhibited. ER-27319 did not inhibit the anti-CD3-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase C-γ1 in Jurkat T cells, demonstrating a specificity for Syk-induced signals. In contrast the tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of Syk, induced by in vitro incubation with the phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) of FcɛRI γ subunit or by antigen activation of RBL-2H3 cells, was specifically inhibited by ER-27319. However, when ER-27319 was added to immunoprecipitated Syk, derived from activated cells, no effect was seen on Syk activity. ER-27319 did not inhibit the tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk induced by activation in the presence of Igβ ITAM or the anti-IgM-induced phosphorylation of Syk in human peripheral B cells. Therefore, ER-27319 selectively interferes with the FcɛRI γ phospho-ITAM activation of Syk in vitro and in intact cells. These results confirm the importance of Syk in FcɛRI-mediated responses in mast cells and demonstrate the mast cell selectivity and therapeutic potential of ER-27319 in the treatment of allergic disease.


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Ligands that bind to the allosteric-binding sites on muscarinic acetylcholine receptors alter the conformation of the classical-binding sites of these receptors and either diminish or increase their affinity for muscarinic agonists and classical antagonists. It is not known whether the resulting conformational change also affects the interaction between the receptors and the G proteins. We have now found that the muscarinic receptor allosteric modulators alcuronium, gallamine, and strychnine (acting in the absence of an agonist) alter the synthesis of cAMP in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing the M2 or the M4 subtype of muscarinic receptors in the same direction as the agonist carbachol. In addition, most of their effects on the production of inositol phosphates in CHO cells expressing the M1 or the M3 muscarinic receptor subtypes are also similar to (although much weaker than) those of carbachol. The agonist-like effects of the allosteric modulators are not observed in CHO cells that have not been transfected with the gene for any of the subtypes of muscarinic receptors. The effects of alcuronium on the formation of cAMP and inositol phosphates are not prevented by the classical muscarinic antagonist quinuclidinyl benzilate. These observations demonstrate for the first time that the G protein-mediated functional responses of muscarinic receptors can be evoked not only from their classical, but also from their allosteric, binding sites. This represents a new mechanism of receptor activation.


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Cholinergic pathways serve important functions in learning and memory processes, and deficits in cholinergic transmission occur in Alzheimer disease (AD). A subset of muscarinic cholinergic receptors are linked to G-proteins that activate phospholipase C, resulting in the liberation of inositol trisphosphate and Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. We now report that amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta), which forms plaques in the brain in AD, impairs muscarinic receptor activation of G proteins in cultured rat cortical neurons. Exposure of rodent fetal cortical neurons to Abeta25-35 and Abeta1-40 resulted in a concentration and time-dependent attenuation of carbachol-induced GTPase activity without affecting muscarinic receptor ligand binding parameters. Downstream events in the signal transduction cascade were similarly attenuated by Abeta. Carbachol-induced accumulation of inositol phosphates (IP, IP2, IP3, and IP4) was decreased and calcium imaging studies revealed that carbachol-induced release of calcium was severely impaired in neurons pretreated with Abeta. Muscarinic cholinergic signal transduction was disrupted with subtoxic levels of exposure to AP. The effects of Abeta on carbachol-induced GTPase activity and calcium release were attenuated by antioxidants, implicating free radicals in the mechanism whereby Abeta induced uncoupling of muscarinic receptors. These data demonstrate that Abeta disrupts muscarinic receptor coupling to G proteins that mediate induction of phosphoinositide accumulation and calcium release, findings that implicate Abeta in the impairment of cholinergic transmission that occurs in AD.


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The first syntheses of the natural products myo-inositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate and (+/-)-myo-inositol 1,2-bisphosphate are described. The protected key intermediates 4,5,6-tri-O-benzoyl-myo-inositol and (+/-)-3,4,5,6-tetra-O-benzyl-myo-inositol were phosphorylated with dibenzyl N,N-di-isopropylphosphoramidite in the presence of 1H-tetrazole and subsequent oxidation of the phosphite. The crystal structures of the synthetic intermediates (+/-)-1-O-(tert-butyldiphenylsilyl)-2,3,O-cyclohexylidene-myo-inos itol and (+/-)-4,5,6-tri-O-benzoyl-1-O-(tert-butyldiphenylsilyl)-2,3-O-cycl ohexylidene- myo-inositol are reported. myo-Inositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate (+/-)-myo-inositol 1,2-bisphosphate, and all isomeric myo-inositol tetrakisphosphates were evaluated for their ability to alter HO. production in the iron-catalysed Haber-Weiss reaction. The results demonstrated that a 1,2,3-grouping of phosphates in myo-inositol was necessary for inhibition also that (+/-)-myo-inositol 1,2-bisphosphate potentiated HO. production. myo-Inositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate resembled myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (phytic acid) in its ability to act as a siderophore by promoting iron-uptake into Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


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1. The ability of myo-inositol polyphosphates to inhibit iron-catalysed hydroxyl radical formation was studied in a hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase system [Graf, Empson and Eaton (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 11647-11650]. Fe3+ present in the assay reagents supported some radical formation, and a standard assay, with 5 microM Fe3+ added, was used to investigate the specificity of compounds which could inhibit radical generation. 2. InsP6 (phytic acid) was able to inhibit radical formation in this assay completely. In this respect it was similar to the effects of the high affinity Fe3+ chelator Desferral, and dissimilar to the effects of EDTA which, even at high concentrations, still allowed detectable radical formation to take place. 3. The six isomers of InsP5 were purified from an alkaline hydrolysate of InsP6 (four of them as two enantiomeric mixtures) and they were compared with InsP6 in this assay. Ins(1,2,3,4,6)P5 and D/L-Ins(1,2,3,4,5)P5 were similar to InsP6 in that they caused a complete inhibition of iron-catalysed radical formation at > 30 microM. Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 and D/L-Ins(1,2,4,5,6)P5, however, were markedly less potent than InsP6, and did not inhibit radical formation completely; even when Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 was added up to 600 microM, significant radical formation was still detected. Thus InsP5s lacking 2 or 1/3 phosphates are in this respect qualitatively different from InsP6 and the other InsP5s. 4. scyllo-Inositol hexakisphosphate was also tested, and although it caused a greater inhibition than Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5, it too still allowed detectable free radical formation even at 600 microM. 5. We conclude that the 1,2,3 (equatorial-axial-equatorial) phosphate grouping in InsP6 has a conformation that uniquely provides a specific interaction with iron to inhibit totally its ability to catalyse hydroxyl radical formation; we suggest that a physiological function of InsP6 might be to act as a 'safe' binding site for iron during its transport through the cytosol or cellular organelles


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Purpose: In the present study, we consider mechanical properties of phosphate glasses under high temperatureinduced and under friction-induced cross-linking, which enhance the modulus of elasticity. Design/methodology/approach: Two nanomechanical properties are evaluated, the first parameter is the modulus of elasticity (E) (or Young's modulus) and the second parameter is the hardness (H). Zinc meta-, pyro - and orthophosphates were recognized as amorphous-colloidal nanoparticles were synthesized under laboratory conditions and showed antiwear properties in engine oil. Findings: Young's modulus of the phosphate glasses formed under high temperature was in the 60-89 GPa range. For phosphate tribofilm formed under friction hardness and the Young's modulus were in the range of 2-10 GPa and 40-215 GPa, respectively. The degree of cross-linking during friction is provided by internal pressure of about 600 MPa and temperature close to 1000°C enhancing mechanical properties by factor of 3 (see Fig 1). Research limitations/implications: The addition of iron or aluminum ions to phosphate glasses under high temperature - and friction-induced amorphization of zinc metaphosphate and pyrophosphate tends to provide more cross-linking and mechanically stronger structures. Iron and aluminum (FeO4 or AlO4 units), incorporated into phosphate structure as network formers, contribute to the anion network bonding by converting the P=O bonds into bridging oxygen. Future work should consider on development of new of materials prepared by solgel processes, eg., zinc (II)-silicic acid. Originality/value: This paper analyses the friction pressure-induced and temperature–induced the two factors lead phosphate tribofilm glasses to chemically advanced glass structures, which may enhance the wear inhibition. Adding the coordinating ions alters the pressure at which cross-linking occurs and increases the antiwear properties of the surface material significantly.