877 resultados para Innovative Business Group Programme


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This dissertation explored the capacity of business group diversification to generate value to their affiliates in an institutional environment characterized by the adoption of structural pro-market reforms. In particular, the three empirical essays explored the impact of business group diversification on the internationalization process of their affiliates. ^ The first essay examined the direct effect of business group diversification on firm performance and its moderating effect on the multinationality-performance relationship. It further explored whether such moderating effect varies depending upon whether the focal affiliate is a manufacturing or service firm. The findings suggested that the benefits of business group diversification on firm performance have a threshold, that those benefits are significant at earlier stages of internationalization and that these benefits are stronger for service firms. ^ The second essay studied the capacity of business group diversification to ameliorate the negative effects of the added complexity faced by its affiliates when they internationalized. The essay explored this capacity in different dimensions of international complexity. The results indicated that business group diversification effectively ameliorated the effects of the added international complexity. This positive effect is stronger in the institutional voids rather than the societal complexity dimension. In the former dimension, diversified business groups can use both their non-market resources and previous experience to ameliorate the effects of complexity on firm performance. ^ The last essay explored whether the benefits of business group diversification on the scope-performance relationship varies depending on the level of development of the network of subsidiaries and the region of operation of the focal firm. The results suggested that the benefits of business group diversification are location bound within the region but that they are not related to the level of development of the targeted countries. ^ The three essays use longitudinal analyses on a sample of Latin American firms to test the hypotheses. While the first essay used multilevel models and fix effects models, the last two essays used exclusively fix effects models to assess the impact of business group diversification. In conclusion, this dissertation aimed to explain the capacity of business group diversification to generate value under conditions of institutional change.^


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Psychiatric nurses have been facilitating therapeutic groups in acute psychiatric inpatient units for many years; however, there is a lack of nursing research related to this important aspect of care. This paper reports the findings of a study which aimed to gain an understanding of service users' experiences in relation to therapeutic group activities in an acute inpatient unit. A qualitative descriptive study was undertaken with eight service users in one acute psychiatric inpatient unit in Ireland. Data were collected using in-depth semi-structured interviews and analysed using Burnard's method of thematic content analysis. Several themes emerged from the findings which are presented in this paper.


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This study examines the relationships among business group affiliation, board quality and audit fees in an emerging market setting. Using data from Indian firms listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) over a nine-year period (2004-2012), our results indicate that firms affiliated with a business group pay higher audit fees than those without such affiliations. We also find that group-affiliated firms with higher-quality boards pay relatively higher audit fees compared to other counterparts. Further, our findings suggest that group-affiliated firms pay lower fee premiums when an audit is undertaken by a Big 4 firm or its affiliates, which implies that economies of scale may be a potential competitive advantage held by larger auditors. The results of the study have implications for the management of audit fees by group-affiliated firms through board structure and processes.


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Objectives: People with obesity experience a range of physical and psychological ill-health outcomes. This study examined patients’ experiences of a group-based programme for the management of morbid obesity delivered within the UK National Health Service. The focus of the study was on the emerging dynamic of the group and patients’ perceptions of its impact on health outcomes. Design: A qualitative interview study was conducted and involved patients recruited from a Tier 3 bariatric service in South West England. Verbatim transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis. Methods: Twenty patients (12 females) with a BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2 participated in a semi-structured one-to-one interview. Participants had been registered with the bariatric service for at least 6 months. None of the participants had had bariatric surgery. Results: Most participants felt that they had benefited from participating in the group programme and talked about the group as a resource for lifestyle change. Participants’ narratives centred on the emergence of a sense of self based upon their participation in the group: establishing psychological connections to other patients, or shared social identity, was regarded as a key mechanism through which the programme's educational material was accessed, and underpinned the experience of social support within the group. Through interaction with other patients, involving the sharing of personal experiences and challenges, participants came to experience their weight ‘problem’ through a collective lens that they felt empowered them to initiate and sustain individual lifestyle change. Discussion: Bariatric care groups have the potential to support lifestyle change and weight loss and may help address the psychological needs of patients. Nurturing a sense of shared social identity amongst patients with morbid obesity should be a core aim of the care pathway and may provide the foundation for successful translation of dietetic content in group programmes.


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AIM: This paper analyses and illustrates the application of Bandura's self-efficacy construct to an innovative self-management programme for patients with both type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. BACKGROUND: Using theory as a framework for any health intervention provides a solid and valid foundation for aspects of planning and delivering such an intervention; however, it is reported that many health behaviour intervention programmes are not based upon theory and are consequently limited in their applicability to different populations. The cardiac-diabetes self-management programme has been specifically developed for patients with dual conditions with the strategies for delivering the programme based upon Bandura's self-efficacy theory. This patient group is at greater risk of negative health outcomes than that with a single chronic condition and therefore requires appropriate intervention programmes with solid theoretical foundations that can address the complexity of care required. SOURCES OF EVIDENCE: The cardiac-diabetes self-management programme has been developed incorporating theory, evidence and practical strategies. DISCUSSION: This paper provides explicit knowledge of the theoretical basis and components of a cardiac-diabetes self-management programme. Such detail enhances the ability to replicate or adopt the intervention in similar or differing populations and/or cultural contexts as it provides in-depth understanding of each element within the intervention. CONCLUSION: Knowledge of the concepts alone is not sufficient to deliver a successful health programme. Supporting patients to master skills of self-care is essential in order for patients to successfully manage two complex, chronic illnesses. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE OR HEALTH POLICY: Valuable information has been provided to close the theory-practice gap for more consistent health outcomes, engaging with patients for promoting holistic care within organizational and cultural contexts.


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This article investigates the attitudes to inter-firm co-operation in Hungary by analysing a special group of business networks: the business clusters. Following an overview of cluster policy, a wide range of selfproclaimed business clusters are identified. A small elite of these business networks evolves into successful, sustainable innovative business clusters. However, in the majority of cases, these consortia of interfirm co-operation are not based on a mutually satisfactory model, and as a consequence, many clusters do not survive in the longer term. The paper uses the concepts and models of social network theory in order to explain, why and under what circumstances inter-firm co-operation in clusters enhances the competitiveness of the network as a whole, or alternatively, under what circumstances the cluster remains dependent on Government subsidies. The empirical basis of the study is a thorough internet research about the Hungarian cluster movement; a questionnaire based expert survey among managers of clusters and member companies and a set of in-depth interviews among managers of self-proclaimed clusters. The last chapter analyises the applicability of social network theory in the analysis of business networks and a model involving the value chain is recommended.


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In 2001 China amended its copyright law in accordance with the requirements of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS). This thesis explores the impact of copyright reform on China’s domestic film and music industries. Through extensive interviews with film and music industry workers – directors, producers, executives, judges, lawyers and musicians – it investigates the role of copyright in film and music’s shift from state driven to commercially focussed. The construction and negotiation of a new ‘copyright culture’ in China is examined through the lens of Yurchak’s (1999) concept of ‘entrepreneurial governmentality.’ Administrative structures put in place prior to China’s economic reform are no longer capable of controlling film and music production and consumption and new approaches to managing it are becoming more important. High levels of unauthorised distribution are forcing these industries to adapt their business models so that they can function in a system with weak copyright protection. Legal, economic and political changes have resulted in the emergence of an ‘entrepreneurial governmentality’ among film and music industry professionals. This commercially focussed group is, in turn, increasing pressure on the state to expand the space in which it can function and support efforts to strengthen the copyright system that allows it to exist. It is suggested that the construction and negotiation of a new ‘copyright culture’ is now taking place. This thesis describes the current situation in the film and music industries. It examines the tension between the theoretical possibilities created by copyright law, and the practical challenges of operating in China. It observes innovative business models being applied by film and music businesses in China. It discusses the impact of traditional attitudes to copying and also examines the role that open licensing models might play in helping limit the negative effects of copyright protection on public access to content and in raising levels of education about copyright among key groups within the community.


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La dépression postnatale (DP) est un problème de santé publique très fréquent dans différentes cultures (Affonso et al, 2000). En effet, entre 10% à 15% des mères souffrent d’une symptomatogie dépressive ainsi que l’indiquent Gorman et al. (2004). La prévention de la DP est l’objectif de différents programmes prénatals et postnatals (Dennis, 2005; Lumley et al, 2004). Certains auteurs notent qu’il est difficile d’avoir accès aux femmes à risque après la naissance (Evins et al, 2000; Georgiopoulos et al, 2001). Mais, les femmes fréquentent les centres de santé pendant la grossesse et il est possible d’identifier les cas à risque à partir des symptômes prénataux dépressifs ou somatiques (Riguetti-Veltema et al, 2006); d’autant plus qu’un grand nombre de facteurs de risque de la DP sont présents pendant la grossesse (O’Hara et Gorman, 2004). C’est pourquoi cette étude fut initiée pendant le premier trimestre de la grossesse à partir d’une détection précoce du risque de DP chez n= 529 femmes de classes moyenne et défavorisée, et, cela, au moyen d’un questionnaire validé utilisé à l’aide d’une entrevue. L’étude s’est effectuée dans trois villes : Barcelone, Figueres, et Béziers au cours des années 2003 à 2005. Objectif général : La présente étude vise à évaluer les effets d’un programme prénatal de groupes de rencontre appliqué dans la présente étude chez des couples de classe socioéconomique non favorisée dont les femmes sont considérées comme à risque de dépression postnatale. L’objectif spécifique est de comparer deux groupes de femmes (un groupe expérimental et un groupe témoin) par rapport aux effets du programme prénatal sur les symptômes de dépression postnatale mesurés à partir de la 4ème semaine après l’accouchement avec l’échelle EPDS. Hypothèse: Les femmes participant au programme prénatal de groupe adressé aux couples parentaux, composé de 10 séances hebdomadaires et inspiré d’une orientation psychosomatique présenteront, au moins, un taux de 6% inférieur de cas à risque de dépression postnatale que les femmes qui ne participent pas, et cela, une fois évaluées avec l’échelle EPDS (≥12) 4 semaines après leur accouchement. Matériel et méthode: La présente étude évaluative est basée sur un essai clinique randomisé et longitudinal; il s’étend de la première ou deuxième visite d’échographie pendant la grossesse à un moment situé entre la 4ème et la 12ème semaine postnatale. Les participants à l’étude sont des femmes de classes moyenne et défavorisée identifiées à risque de DP et leur conjoint. Toutes les femmes répondant aux critères d’inclusion à la période du recrutement ont effectué une entrevue de sélection le jour de leur échographie prénatale à l’hôpital (n=529). Seules les femmes indiquant un risque de DP furent sélectionnées (n= 184). Par la suite, elles furent distribuées de manière aléatoire dans deux groupes: expérimental (n=92) et témoin (n=92), au moyen d’un programme informatique appliqué par un statisticien considérant le risque de DP selon le questionnaire validé par Riguetti-Veltema et al. (2006) appliqué à l’aide d’une entrevue. Le programme expérimental consistait en dix séances hebdomadaires de groupe, de deux heures et vingt minutes de durée ; un appel téléphonique entre séances a permis d’assurer la continuité de la participation des sujets. Le groupe témoin a eu accès aux soins habituels. Le programme expérimental commençait à la fin du deuxième trimestre de grossesse et fut appliqué par un médecin et des sages-femmes spécialement préparées au préalable; elles ont dirigé les séances prénatales avec une approche psychosomatique. Les variables associées à la DP (non psychotique) comme la symptomatologie dépressive, le soutien social, le stress et la relation de couple ont été évaluées avant et après la naissance (pré-test/post-test) chez toutes les femmes participantes des deux groupes (GE et GC) utilisant : l’échelle EPDS (Cox et al,1987), le Functional Social Support Questionnaire (Broadhead et al, 1988), l’évaluation du stress de Holmes et Rahe (1967) et, l’échelle d’ajustement dyadique de Spanier (1976). La collecte des données prénatales a eu lieu à l’hôpital, les femmes recevaient les questionnaires à la fin de l’entrevue, les complétaient à la maison et les retournaient au rendez-vous suivant. Les données postnatales ont été envoyées par les femmes utilisant la poste locale. Résultats: Une fois évalués les symptômes dépressifs postnatals avec l’échelle EPDS entre la 4ème et la 12ème semaine postnatale et considérant le risque de DP au point de césure ≥ 12 de l’échelle, le pourcentage de femmes à risque de DP est de 39,34%; globalement, les femmes étudiées présentent un taux élevé de symptomatologie dépressive. Les groupes étant comparables sur toutes les variables prénatales, notons une différence dans l’évaluation postnatale de l’EPDS (≥12) de 11,2% entre le groupe C et le groupe E (45,5% et 34,3%). Et la différence finale entre les moyennes de l’EPDS postnatal est de 1,76 ( =11,10 ±6,05 dans le groupe C et =9,34 ±5,17 dans le groupe E) ; cette différence s’aproche de la limite de la signification (p=0,08). Ceci est dû à un certain nombre de facteurs dont le faible nombre de questionnaires bien complétés à la fin de l’étude. Les femmes du groupe expérimental présentent une diminution significative des symptômes dépressifs (t=2,50 / P= 0,01) comparativement au pré-test et indiquant une amélioration au contraire du groupe témoin sans changement. Les analyses de régression et de covariance montrent que le soutien social postnatal, les symptômes dépressifs prénatals et le stress postnatal ont une relation significative avec les symptômes dépressifs postnatals (P<0,0001 ; P=0.003; P=0.004). La relation du couple n’a pas eu d’impact sur le risque de DP dans la présente étude. Par contre, on constate d’autres résultats secondaires significatifs: moins de naissances prématurées, plus d’accouchements physiologiques et un plus faible taux de somatisations non spécifiques chez les mères du groupe expérimental. Recommandations: Les résultats obtenus nous suggèrent la considération des aspects suivants: 1) il faudrait appliquer les mesures pour détecter le risque de DP à la période prénatale au moment des visites d’échographie dont presque toutes les femmes sont atteignables; il est possible d’utiliser à ce moment un questionnaire de détection validé car, son efficacité semble démontrée; 2) il faudrait intervenir auprès des femmes identifiées à risque à la période prénatale à condition de prolonger le programme préventif après la naissance, tel qu’indiqué par d’autres études et par la demande fréquente des femmes évaluées. L’intervention prénatale de groupe n’est pas suffisante pour éviter le risque de DP chez la totalité des femmes. C’est pourquoi une troisième recommandation consisterait à : 3) ajouter des interventions individuelles pour les cas les plus graves et 4) il paraît nécessaire d’augmenter le soutien social chez des femmes défavorisées vulnérables car cette variable s’est révélée très liée au risque de dépression postnatale.


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This paper argues that the Japanese business system cannot be adequately understood without extending the focus of analysis beyond the individual firm to the vertical keiretsu, or business group. The vertical group or keiretsu structure was first identified and studied in the auto and electronics industries, where it is most strongly marked, but it characterizes virtually all sectors, service industries as well as manufacturing. Large industrial vertical keiretsu are composed of subsidiaries engaged in three distinct types of activities (manufacturing, marketing, and quasirelated business). The coordination and control systems are built on the flows of products, financial resources, information and technology, and people across formal company boundaries, with the parent firm controlling the key flows. The paper examines the prevailing explanations first for the emergence and then for the persistence of the vertical group structure, and looks at the current pressures for change and adaptation in the system.


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This paper discusses the key elements of effective and successful strategies for organisations engaging in Business-to-Business (B2B) Electronic Markets. Existing literature have concentrated on developing schemas for categorising B2B Electronic Markets, and evaluating the innovative business models they employ, with less focus on understanding the business value of B2B Electronic Markets from a multi-stakeholder, business strategy perspective. In the present business climate, business managers and executives are keen to discover strategies to maximise performance improvements associated with ICT adoption. Based on case studies of B2B Electronic Markets, this paper discusses the importance of (i) creating and distributing business value among the various stakeholders, (ii) determining a pragmatic approach for engaging in B2B Electronic Markets, and (iii) managing the transformation of business processes associated with B2B Electronic Markets. The study contributes to practice and research by presenting rich empirical insights into the operations ofB2B Electronic Markets, and providing suggestions for future research in the topic area.


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Research on succession in family business has been traditionally concentrated on planning and strategies in terms of management, ownership and governance. There is an increasing concern on the family influence on the process of succession. This paper discusses the role that the family culture plays in sustaining a family's commitment to its business. In particular, the family business is a prominent form of organisation among the ethnic Chinese expatriate business families. Since the I 980s, under the business migration programme, the increase of Chinese migrants has contributed significantly to the cultural landscape of Australian. This paper chooses Chinese-Australian family businesses to explore their cultural characteristics as a strong family influence on the practices of pas sing on the business to the next generation.


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This paper combines a review of existing literature in the field of business ethics education and a case study relating to the integration of ethics into an undergraduate degree. Prior to any discussion relating to the integration of ethics into the business curriculum, we need to be cognisant of, and prepared for, the arguments raised by sceptics in both the business and academic environments, in regard to the teaching of ethics. Having laid this foundation, the paper moves to practical questions such as who should teach ethics, and when and how can ethics be taught. The paper presents alternative models for the teaching of ethics in the curriculum of undergraduate and postgraduate business programmes. An integrative model is elaborated on in more detail with a case example describing the six-stage process undertaken in the move from a single entry course to an integrated approach. The case study details not only the planning and initial implementation of ethical education in the context of an undergraduate business degree programme, but also the means by which a change in the way that ethics is taught was achieved in a business faculty in a tertiary institution.


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Background/Aims Obesity has become a global epidemic, and a major preventable cause of morbidity and mortality. Management strategies and treatment protocols are however poorly developed and evaluated. The aim of the Counterweight Programme is to develop an evidence-based model for the management of obesity in primary care.

Methods The Counterweight Programme is based on the theoretical model of Evidence-Based Quality Assessment aimed at improving the management of obese adults (18–75 years) in primary care. The model consists of four phases: (1) practice audit and needs assessment, (2) practice support and training, (3) practice nurse-led patient intervention, and (4) evaluation. Patient intervention consisted of screening and treatment pathways incorporating evidence-based approaches, including patient-centred goal setting, prescribed eating plans, a group programme, physical activity and behavioural approaches, anti-obesity medication and weight maintenance strategies. Weight Management Advisers who are specialist obesity dietitians facilitated programme implementation. Eighty practices were recruited of which 18 practices were randomized to act as controls and receive deferred intervention 2 years after the initial audit.

Results By February 2004, 58 of the 62 (93.5%) intervention practices had been trained to run the intervention programme, 47 (75.8%) practices were active in implementing the model and 1256 patients had been recruited (74% female, 26% male, mean age 50.6 years, SD 14). At baseline, 75% of patients had at one or more co-morbidity, and the mean body mass index (BMI) was 36.9 kg/m2 (SD 5.4). Of the 1256 patients recruited, 91% received one of the core lifestyle interventions in the first 12 months. For all patients followed up at 12 months, 34% achieved a clinical meaningful weight loss of 5% or more. A total of 51% of patients were classed as compliant in that they attended the required level of appointments in 3, 6, and 12 months. For fully compliant patients, weight loss improved with 43% achieving a weight loss of 5% or more at 12 months.

Conclusion The Counterweight Programme is an evidence-based weight management model which is feasible to implement in primary care.


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This study deals with the issue of corporate governance in the case of Indonesian business groups. It examines what factors can be attributed to failures of corporate governance. Through case studies of six different types of business groups, it evidences that self-governance by owner-managers can function well if there is no other key stakeholder and no collusion with the government. When this is not the case, however, self-governance does not work, and governance by creditors or professional managers over owner-managers has limitations. For better corporate governance, there is a need not only for building internal governance mechanism of business groups, but also for strengthening external monitoring institutions including creditors, capital markets, the governmental as well as non-governmental systems.


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