953 resultados para Injection moulding
Reaction Injection Moulding (RIM) is a moulding technology used for the production of large size and complex plastic parts. The RIM process is characterized essentially by the injection of a highly reactive chemical system (usually polyurethane) and fast cure, in a mould properly closed and thermally controlled. Several studies show that rapid manufacturing moulds obtained in epoxy resins for Thermoplastic Injection Moulding (TIM) affect the moulding process and the final properties of parts. The cycle time and mechanical properties of final parts are reduced, due to a low thermal conductivity of epoxy materials. In contrast, the low conductivity of materials usually applied for the rapid manufacturing of RIM moulds, increase the mechanical properties of final injected parts and reduce the cycle time. This study shows the effect of the rapid manufacturing moulds material during the RIM process. Several materials have been tested for rapid manufacturing of RIM moulds and the analysis of both, temperature profile of moulded parts during injection and the cure data experimentally obtained in a mixing and reaction cell, allow to determine and model the real effect of the mould material on the RIM process.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The morphological, mechanical and rheological properties of nylon 6/acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene blends compatibilized with MMA-MA [poly(methyl methacrylate-comaleic anhydride)] copolymers were studied. A twin screw extruder was used for melt-blended the polymers and the injection moulding process was used to mold the samples. The main focus was on nylon 6/ ABS blends compatibilized with one MMA-MA copolymer. This copolymer has PMMA segments that appear to be miscible with the styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) phase of ABS and the anhydride groups can react with amine end groups of the nylon 6 (Ny6) to form graft copolymers at the interface between Ny6 and ABS rich phases. Tensile and impact and morphological properties were enhanced by the incorporation of this copolymer. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations revealed that the ABS domains are finely dispersed in nylon 6 matrix and led to the lowest ductile-brittle transition temperatures and highest impact properties. It can be concluded that the MMA-MA copolymer is an efficient alternative for the reactive compatibilization and can be used as a compatibilizer for nylon 6/ABS blends.© 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The purpose of this work was to define the processes through which the cooling of thermoplastics parts occur inside the mold cavity in an injection process. The plastic materials have become more widespread in the automobile industry and, among its manufacturing processes, injection moulding develops quickly, allowing the manufacturing of quality parts in great volumes. Data was collected from the injection of Volkswagen Gol NF 23X (Gol Generation 5). Using approximated methods for calculation for the heat Exchange inside the mould, in the cooling system, the required water flow was determined to properly cool the parts. Comparing the obtained value with Project specifications, it was verified that the method, in spite of incurring in some mistakes, is efficient in determining the flow of cooling fluid and serves as a verification tool for the parameters defined on project, and can be applied to simple projects. The definition of the cooling system, in practice, is dependent on innumerable variables and each case must be approached in itself, since the parameters for one product may not be ideal for another
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
In this work poly(hydroxybutyrate/poly(vinyl butyral)- co-(vinyl alcohol)-co(vinyl acetate) (or ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber) blends were prepared by conventional processing techniques (extrusion and injection moulding). A droplet type morphology was obtained for P(3HB)/PVB blends whereas P(3HB)/EPDM blends presented some extent of co-continuous morphology. In addition, rubbery domains were much smaller in the case of PVB. These differences in morphology are discussed taking into account solubility parameters and rheological behaviours of each component. For both blends, the increase of elastomer ratio led to a decrease of Young's modulus but an increase in elongation at break and impact strength. The latter increased more in the case of P(3HB)/EPDM blends although the rubbery domains were larger. These results are explained in the light of the glass transition of the rubber and the presence of plasticizer in the case of PVB. The addition of elastomer also resulted in an increase of P(3HB) biodegradation rate, especially in the case of EPDM. It is assumed that, in this case, the size and morphology of the rubbery domains induce a geometrical modification of the erosion front which leads to an increase of the interface between P(3HB) phase and the degradation medium and consequently to an apparently faster biodegradation kinetics of PHB/rubber blends. Copyright (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry
AbstractIn this thesis t-BOC and methacrylate functionalisedoligothiophenes with 3 5 thiophene units where synthesizedby Stille coupling. The material was structured by methodslike stamping and photolithography.The polymerizability of the methacrylates was proved by thepolymerization in solution with AIBN and subsequent analysisby gel permeation chromatography and differential scanningcalorimetry. The conductivities of the doped polymer filmswere in the range published for oligothiophenes.The optical and electrochemical properties of the compoundswere measured and compared to known compounds.The cleavage of the t-BOC groups was followed bythermogravimetry and infrared spectroscopy. The cleavagetemperature can be lowered by up to 100 °C by the use ofphoto acid generators. The cleavage is complete after 2hours annealing.The methacrylates were structured by microinjection mouldingin capillaries (MIMIC), stamping with soft silicone moulds,filling of patterned substrates and preperation of an opalreplica. By MIMIC line patterns with 5- 50 µm line widthswere obtained. The stamping succeeded in structures with 500nm line width only, on which liquid crystals wereorientated. This shows the possible application asorientation layers in LEDs with polarized emission. Withsilica opal templates the three-dimensional structuring ofthe oligomers succeeded.ZusammenfassungIn dieser Arbeit wurden neue funktionalisierteOligothiophene hergestellt und unter Anwendung verschiedenerVerfahren wie Stempeltechniken oder Photolithographiestrukturiert. Dazu wurden Oligothiophene mit drei bis fünfThiopheneinheiten durch Stille-Kupplung synthetisiert. Alsfunktionelle Gruppen wurden t-BOC-Ester undMethacrylsäureester eingeführt.Die Polymerisierbarkeit der Methacrylate wurde durch diePolymerisation mit AIBN in Lösung und anschließendeGelpermeationschromatographie und Differentialkalorimetrienachgewiesen. Die Leitfähigkeiten der dotierten Polymerfilmelagen im Bereich der für Oligothiophene bekannten Werte.Die optischen und elektrochemischen Eigenschaften derVerbindungen wurden untersucht und mit den Eigenschaftenbekannter Verbindungen verglichen. Die Abspaltung der t-BOC-Gruppen wurde thermogravimetrischund infrarotspektroskopisch verfolgt. Es wurde gezeigt, daßdie Abspaltungstemperatur durch den Zusatz einesPhotosäuregenerators um bis zu 100°C gesenkt wird und dieAbspaltung nach zweistündigem Tempern vollständig ist.Die methacrylatfunktionalisierten Verbindungen wurdenstrukturiert durch Micro Injection Moulding in Capillaries(MIMIC), Prägen mit weichen Silikonstempeln, Füllen vonstrukturierten Substraten und die Herstellung einerOpalreplika. Durch die Strukturierung mit MIMIC wurdenLinienstrukturen mit Linienbreiten von 5-50 µm erhalten.Durch Prägen wurden Strukturen mit Linienbreiten von nur 500nm erreicht, auf diesen gelang die Orientierung vonFlüssigkristallen. Dies zeigt die mögliche Anwendung alsOrientierungsschichten in Leuchtdioden mit polarisierterEmission. Durch die Verwendung von Siliziumoxidopalen alsTemplate gelang die dreidimensionale Strukturierung derOligomere.
Einige mit geringen Schichtstärken arbeitende Concept Modellierer und Rapid Prototyping Anlagen können Modelle für das Feingießverfahren mit verlorenem Modell erzeugen. Verkörpern die verlorenen Modelle die Geometrie von Formeinsätzen für Spritzgießwerkzeuge, können über den Feinguss Formeinsätze aus Aluminium hergestellt werden. Untersuchungen zielten dabei auf die detailgetreue Umsetzung filigraner Teile mit Freiformgeometrien. Kleine Abmessungen im Grenzbereich zwischen klassischem Formenbau und Mikrofertigung wurden dabei realisiert. Das Fräsen dieser Formeinsätze oder Elektroden ist zum Teil nicht möglich oder führt zu erhöhtem Aufwand. Gleichzeitig konnten sehr kurze Durchlaufzeiten erreicht werden. Auf demselben Weg konnten auch Senkerodierelektroden gegossen werden, die beim Aufbau von Werkzeugen höherer Lebensdauer genutzt wurden. Werden unterschiedliche Varianten oder mehrere identische Einsätze oder Elektroden zum Beispiel für Mehrfachwerkzeuge benötigt, werden die Zeitvorteile noch deutlicher. Die Funktion beider dargestellter Wege konnte durch den Spritzguss von Versuchsserien erfolgreich demonstriert werden.
Der Schlüssel zu Produktivität und Qualität in zahlreichen abformenden Prozessen ist eine optimale Temperierung, die bedingt, dass die Kühl- und Heißkanäle der Oberfläche angepasst sind. Eine Hauptrolle um Durchlaufzeiten und Werkzeugkosten zu senken und die Qualität zu steigern spielt die wirtschaftliche Erwärmung und Kühlung der Teile. Konventionelle Arten der Temperierung können diesen Anforderungen nicht gerecht werden. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit zwei neuen Prozesskombinationen: a) Intelligente Werkzeugtechnik mit erfolgreicher industrieller Anwendung, hauptsächlich für Spritz- und Druckgusswerkzeuge. b) Neue Prozessketten für Formen mit geöffnetem Formstück oder RTM (englisch: Resin Transfer Moulding) mit Verwendung der inkrementellen Blechumformung
Mit der Entwicklung der losgrößenunabhängigen, additiven Fertigungsverfahren eröffnen sich vollkommen neue Wege zur Realisierung von komplexen Integralbauteilen bei niedrigen Stückzahlen. Bei der Bauteilgestaltung müssen (verglichen mit traditionellen Herstellverfahren, beispielsweise Spritzgießen) weniger Fertigungsrestriktionen beachtet werden. Dennoch ist die Gestaltungsfreiheit nicht unbegrenzt. In diesem Beitrag werden basierend auf dem Gedanken des Fertigungsgerechten Konstruierens Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen bei der Gestaltung von additiv gefertigten Bauteilen herausgestellt. Darauf aufbauend werden Potenziale aufgezeigt, wie Produktentwickler in Zukunft bei der Auslegung und Gestaltung solcher Produkte unterstützt werden können.
Der Schlüssel zu Produktivität und Qualität in zahlreichen abformenden Prozessen ist eine optimale Temperierung, die bedingt, dass die Kühl- und Heißkanäle der Oberfläche angepasst sind. Eine Hauptrolle um Durchlaufzeiten und Werkzeugkosten zu senken und die Qualität zu steigern spielt die wirtschaftliche Erwärmung und Kühlung der Teile. Konventionelle Arten der Temperierung können diesen Anforderungen nicht gerecht werden. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit zwei neuen Prozesskombinationen: a) Intelligente Werkzeugtechnik mit erfolgreicher industrieller Anwendung, hauptsächlich für Spritz- und Druckgusswerkzeuge. b) Neue Prozessketten für Formen mit geöffnetem Formstück oder RTM (englisch: Resin Transfer Moulding) mit Verwendung der inkrementellen Blechumformung.
Investment casting is often used to produce fully functional prototype components from sacrificial patterns. These patterns (prototypes) may be made using specialized rapid prototyping techniques such as stereolithography or three-dimensional printing. When multiple functional prototypes are required, interim tools for making wax patterns are employed. The objective of this research work was to determine the precision and accuracy of wax patterns produced using several prototype tools. Linear contraction was used to determine the accuracy as a function of the wax injection parameters used in low-pressure injection moulding. Wax patterns were produced using polyurethane and silicone rubber tools. It has been shown that the accuracy of patterns from both tools is similar. However, silicone tools produce patterns with much higher contraction than those produced by polyurethane tools. Unconstrained patterns dimensions contracted as much as 3.44 +/- 0.40 per cent and 1.70 +/- 0.60 per cent for silicone and polyurethane tools respectively. The constrained dimensions contracted by 2.20 +/- 0.20 per cent in the case of silicone tools and 1.40 +/- 0.20 per cent in the case of polyurethane tools.
Modern injection-moulding machinery which produces several, pairs of plastic footwear at a time brought increased production planning problems to a factory. The demand for its footwear is seasonal but the company's manning policy keeps a fairly constant production level thus determining the aggregate stock. Production planning must therefore be done within the limitations of a specified total stock. The thesis proposes a new production planning system with four subsystems. These are sales forecasting, resource planning, and two levels of production scheduling: (a) aggregate decisions concerning the 'manufacturing group' (group of products) to be produced in each machine each week, and (b) detailed decisions concerning the products within a manufacturing group to be scheduled into each mould-place. The detailed scheduling is least dependent on improvements elsewhere so the sub-systems were tackled in reverse order. The thesis concentrates on the production scheduling sub-systems which will provide most. of the benefits. The aggregate scheduling solution depends principally on the aggregate stocks of each manufacturing group and their division into 'safety stocks' (to prevent shortages) and 'freestocks' (to permit batch production). The problem is too complex for exact solution but a good heuristic solution, which has yet to be implemented, is provided by minimising graphically immediate plus expected future costs. The detailed problem splits into determining the optimal safety stocks and batch quantities given the appropriate aggregate stocks. It.is found that the optimal safety stocks are proportional to the demand. The ideal batch quantities are based on a modified, formula for the Economic Batch Quantity and the product schedule is created week by week using a priority system which schedules to minimise expected future costs. This algorithm performs almost optimally. The detailed scheduling solution was implemented and achieved the target savings for the whole project in favourable circumstances. Future plans include full implementation.
The technical, environmental and economic potential of hemp fines as a natural filler in bioplastics to produce biocomposites is the subject of this study – giving a holistic overview. Hemp fines are an agricultural by-product of the hemp fibres and shives production. Shives and fibres are for example used in the paper, animal bedding or composite area. About 15 to 20 wt.-% per kg hemp straw results in hemp fines after processing. In 2010 about 11,439 metric tons of hemp fines were produced in Europe. Hemp fines are an inhomogeneous material which includes hemp dust, shives and fibre. For these examinations the hemp fines are sieved in a further step with a tumbler sieving machine to obtain more specified fractions. The untreated hemp fines (ex work) as well as the sieved fractions are combined with a polylactide polymer (PLA) using a co-rotating twin screw extruder to produce biocomposites with different hemp fine content. By using an injection moulding machine standard test bars are produced to conduct several material tests. The Young’s modulus is increased and the impact strength reduced by hemp fines. With a content of above 15 wt.-% hemp fines are also improving the environmental (global warming potential) and economic performance in comparison to pure PLA.