408 resultados para Initiates Folliculogenesis
by Isaac Myer
Wound healing is a conserved survival response whose function is to restore the integrity of the tissue after physical trauma. Despite numerous studies in the wound healing field, the signals and pathways that orchestrate and control the wound healing program are still not entirely known. To identify additional signals and pathways that regulate epidermal wound repair in Drosophila larvae, we performed a pilot in vivo RNAi screen using a live reporter for epidermal morphology and a wounding assay. From our pilot screen we identified Pvr, the Drosophila homolog of the vertebrate PDGF/VEGF receptors, and six other genes as epidermal wound healing genes. Morphological analysis of wound-edge cells lacking Pvr or the Drosophila Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK), previously implicated in larval wound closure, suggest that Pvr signaling leads to cell process extension into the wound site while JNK mediates transient dedifferentiation of wound-edge epidermal cells. Furthermore, we found that one of the three known Pvr ligands, Pvf1, is also required for epidermal wound closure. Through tissue-specific knock down and rescue experiments, we propose a model in which epidermally-produced Pvf1 may be sequestered into the hemolymph (blood) and that tissue damage locally exposes blood-borne Pvf1 to Pvr receptors on epidermal cells at the wound edge, thus initiating epidermal cell process extension and migration into the wound gap. Together, our data suggest that the Pvr and JNK signaling pathways act in parallel to control different aspects of wound closure and that PDGF/VEGF ligands and receptors may have a conserved autocrine role in epidermal wound closure. ^
In higher plants changes and oscillations in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) are central to hormonal physiology, including that of abscisic acid (ABA), which signals conditions of water stress and alters ion channel activities in guard cells of higher-plant leaves. Such changes in [Ca2+]i are thought to encode for cellular responses to different stimuli, but their origins and functions are poorly understood. Because transients and oscillations in membrane voltage also occur in guard cells and are elicited by hormones, including ABA, we suspected a coupling of [Ca2+]i to voltage and its interaction with ABA. We recorded [Ca2+]i by Fura2 fluorescence ratio imaging and photometry while bringing membrane voltage under experimental control with a two-electrode voltage clamp in intact Vicia guard cells. Free-running oscillations between voltages near −50 mV and −200 mV were associated with oscillations in [Ca2+]i, and, under voltage clamp, equivalent membrane hyperpolarizations caused [Ca2+]i to increase, often in excess of 1 μM, from resting values near 100 nM. Image analysis showed that the voltage stimulus evoked a wave of high [Ca2+]i that spread centripetally from the peripheral cytoplasm within 5–10 s and relaxed over 40–60 s thereafter. The [Ca2+]i increases showed a voltage threshold near −120 mV and were sensitive to external Ca2+ concentration. Substituting Mn2+ for Ca2+ to quench Fura2 fluorescence showed that membrane hyperpolarization triggered a divalent influx. ABA affected the voltage threshold for the [Ca2+]i rise, its amplitude, and its duration. In turn, membrane voltage determined the ability of ABA to raise [Ca2+]i. These results demonstrate a capacity for voltage to evoke [Ca2+]i increases, they point to a dual interaction with ABA in triggering and propagating [Ca2+]i increases, and they implicate a role for voltage in “conditioning” [Ca2+]i signals that regulate ion channels for stomatal function.
Studies of the continuum between geographic races and species provide the clearest insights into the causes of speciation. Here we report on mate choice and hybrid viability experiments in a pair of warningly colored butterflies, Heliconius erato and Heliconius himera, that maintain their genetic integrity in the face of hybridization. Hybrid sterility and inviability have been unimportant in the early stages of speciation of these two Heliconius. We find no evidence of reduced fecundity, egg hatch, or larval survival nor increases in developmental time in three generations of hybrid crosses. Instead, speciation in this pair appears to have been catalyzed by the association of strong mating preferences with divergence in warning coloration and ecology. In mate choice experiments, matings between the two species are a tenth as likely as matings within species. F1 hybrids of both sexes mate frequently with both pure forms. However, male F1 progeny from crosses between H. himera mothers and H. erato fathers have somewhat reduced mating success. The strong barrier to gene flow provided by divergence in mate preference is probably enhanced by frequency-dependent predation against hybrids similar to the type known to occur across interracial hybrid zones of H. erato. In addition, the transition between this pair falls at the boundary between wet and dry forest, and rare hybrids may also be selected against because they are poorly adapted to either biotope. These results add to a growing body of evidence that challenge the importance of genomic incompatibilities in the earliest stages of speciation.
Split-thickness pig skin was transplanted on severe combined immunodeficient mice so that pig dermal microvessels spontaneously inosculated with mouse microvessels and functioned to perfuse the grafts. Pig endothelial cells in the healed grafts constitutively expressed class I and class II major histocompatibility complex molecules. Major histocompatibility complex molecule expression could be further increased by intradermal injection of pig interferon-γ (IFN-γ) but not human IFN-γ or tumor necrosis factor. Grafts injected with pig IFN-γ also developed a sparse infiltrate of mouse neutrophils and eosinophils without evidence of injury. Introduction of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells into the animals by intraperitoneal inoculation resulted in sparse perivascular mononuclear cell infiltrates in the grafts confined to the pig dermis. Injection of pig skin grafts on mice that received human peripheral blood mononuclear cells with pig IFN-γ (but not human IFN-γ or heat-inactivated pig IFN-γ) induced human CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and macrophages to more extensivley infiltrate the pig skin grafts and injure pig dermal microvessels. These findings suggest that human T cell-mediated rejection of xenotransplanted pig organs may be prevented if cellular sources of pig interferon (e.g., passenger lymphocytes) are eliminated from the graft.
Activation of the cascade of proteolytic caspases has been identified as the final common pathway of apoptosis in diverse biological systems. We have isolated a gene, termed MRIT, that possesses overall sequence homology to FLICE (MACH), a large prodomain caspase that links the aggregated complex of the death domain receptors of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family to downstream caspases. However, unlike FLICE, the C-terminal domain of MRIT lacks the caspase catalytic consensus sequence QAC(R/Q)G. Nonetheless MRIT activates caspase-dependent death. Using yeast two-hybrid assays, we demonstrate that MRIT associates with caspases possessing large and small prodomains (FLICE, and CPP32/YAMA), as well as with the adaptor molecule FADD. In addition, MRIT simultaneously and independently interacts with BclXL and FLICE in mammalian cells. Thus, MRIT is a mammalian protein that interacts simultaneously with both caspases and a Bcl-2 family member.
RNA polymerase I (pol I) is a nuclear enzyme whose function is to transcribe the duplicated genes encoding the precursor of the three largest ribosomal RNAs. We report a cell-free system from broccoli (Brassica oleracea) inflorescence that supports promoter-dependent RNA pol I transcription in vitro. The transcription system was purified extensively by DEAE-Sepharose, Biorex 70, Sephacryl S300, and Mono Q chromatography. Activities required for pre-rRNA transcription copurified with the polymerase on all four columns, suggesting their association as a complex. Purified fractions programmed transcription initiation from the in vivo start site and utilized the same core promoter sequences required in vivo. The complex was not dissociated in 800 mM KCl and had a molecular mass of nearly 2 MDa based on gel filtration chromatography. The most highly purified fractions contain ≈30 polypeptides, two of which were identified immunologically as RNA polymerase subunits. These data suggest that the occurrence of a holoenzyme complex is probably not unique to the pol II system but may be a general feature of eukaryotic nuclear polymerases.
Direct evidence is presented in support of the longstanding but unproven hypothesis that B lymphocytes specific for self antigens (Ags) can be used in the immune response to foreign Ags. We show that the B cells in BALB/c mic responding early to pigeon cytochrome c (CYT) produce antibodies that recognize and bind the major antigenic site on mouse CYT with greater affinity than they bind pigeon CYT i.e., they are heteroclitic for the self Ag. Furthermore, these B cells express the same combination of immunoglobulin variable region (V) genes that are known to be used in B-cell recognition of mouse CYT. Over time, the response to pigeon CYT becomes more specific for the foreign Ag through the recruitment of B cells expressing different combinations of V genes and, possibly, somatic mutation of the mouse CYT specific B cells from early in the response. Cross-recognition of pigeon CYT by mouse CYT-specific B cells results from the sharing of critical amino acid residues by the two Ags. Although B-cell recognition of the self Ag, mouse CYT, is very specific, which limits the extent to which foreign Ags can cross-activate the autoreactive B cells, it is possible that polyreactive B cells to other self Ags may be used more frequently in response to foreign Ags.
Acoustic stimuli within the sonic range are effective triggers of C-type escape behaviours in fish. We have previously shown that fish have an acute sensitivity to infrasound also, with acceleration thresholds in the range of 10(-5) m s(-2). In addition, infrasound at high intensities around 10(-2) m s(-2) elicits strong and sustained avoidance responses in several fish species. In the present study, the possible triggering of C-escapes by infrasonic single-cycle vibrations was examined in juvenile roach Rutilus rutilus. The fish were accelerated in a controlled and quantifiable manner using a swing system. The applied stimuli simulated essential components of the accelerations that a small fish would encounter in the hydrodynamic flow field produced by a predatory fish. Typical C- and S-type escape responses were induced by accelerations within the infrasonic range with a threshold of 0.023 m s(-2) for an initial acceleration at 6.7 Hz. Response trajectories were on average in the same direction as the initial acceleration. Unexpectedly, startle behaviours mainly occurred in the trailing half of the test chamber, in which the fish were subjected to linear acceleration in combination with compression, i.e. the expected stimuli produced by an approaching predator. Very few responses were observed in the leading half of the test chamber, where the fish were subjected to acceleration and rarefaction, i.e. the stimuli expected from a suction type of predator. We conclude that particle acceleration is essential for the directionality of the startle response to infrasound, and that the response is triggered by the synergistic effects of acceleration and compression.
Acknowledgments This project was financially supported by the US Geological Survey through a cooperative agreement with the University of Wisconsin – Madison. We are indebted to Dave and Jennifer Redell and Paul White from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for collecting the animals used to complete this study and for assisting with data collection. We thank Melissa Behr for assistance with necropsies and NWHC Animal Care Staff for their help with set-up and maintenance of animals. We thank Lobke Vaanholt and Catherine Hambly (University of Aberdeen, Scotland) for their expertise and coordination in the analyses of the DLW blood samples. Funds were used for direct project costs only. Use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US Government.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever o desenvolvimento dos sistemas renais de bovinos durante o período embrionário compreendido entre 10 e 50 dias. Embriões bovinos coletados em frigorífico foram fotografados e medidos utilizando-se o método Crow-Rump (CR) para estimar a idade gestacional. Os embriões destinados à miscroscopia óptica foram fixados em solução de Bouin para a avaliação do desenvolvimento do sistema renal, assim como suas estruturas. Alguns embriões também foram fixados em Glutaraldeído 2,5% e destinados à microscopia eletrônica de transmissão para o estudo ultraestrutural das células do sistema renal. Embriões entre o 14° e o 15° dia de desenvolvimento (E14-15) não apresentaram pronefro, mas apresentaram mesonefro, assim como indícios morfológicos que indicam sua atividade funcional. O mesonefro apresentou, no interior de suas células tubulares, inúmeras mitocôndrias e interdigitações, indicando uma alta atividade de transporte iônico. O metanefro, ou rim definitivo, iniciou seu desenvolvimento em E23-24. Os achados emonstram que a involução do mesonefro acontece simultaneamente com a diferenciação metanefrogênica. Em E45-46, já iniciando a fase fetal, o metanefro possuiu unidades filtradoras (néfrons), com seus respectivos glomérulos, túbulos contorcidos proximais e distais e alça de Henle. Nessa fase, o rim ainda não apresenta lobação externa.
Detailed information on probing behavior of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is critical for understanding the transmission process of phloem-limited bacteria (Candidatus Liberibacter spp.) associated with citrus `huanglongbing` by this vector. In this study, we investigated stylet penetration activities of D. citri on seedlings of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Pera (Rutaceae) by using the electrical penetration graph (EPG-DC system) technique. EPG waveforms were described based on amplitude, frequency, voltage level, and electrical origin of the observed traces during stylet penetration into plant tissues. The main waveforms were correlated with histological observations of salivary sheath termini in plant tissues, to determine the putative location of stylet tips. The behavioral activities were also inferred based on waveform similarities in relation to other Sternorrhyncha, particularly aphids and whiteflies. In addition, we correlated the occurrence of specific waveforms with the acquisition of the phloem-limited bacterium Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus by D. citri. The occurrence of a G-like xylem sap ingestion waveform in starved and unstarved psyllids was also compared. By analyzing 8-h EPGs of adult females, five waveforms were described: (C) salivary sheath secretion and other stylet pathway activities; (D) first contact with phloem (distinct from other waveforms reported for Sternorrhyncha); (E1) putative salivation in phloem sieve tubes; (E2) phloem sap ingestion; and (G) probably xylem sap ingestion. Diaphorina citri initiates a probe with stylet pathway through epidermis and parenchyma (C). Interestingly, no potential drops were observed during the stylet pathway phase, as are usually recorded in aphids and other Sternorrhyncha. Once in C, D. citri shows a higher propensity to return to non-probing than to start a phloem or xylem phase. Several probes are usually observed before the phloem phase; waveform D is observed upon phloem contact, always immediately followed by E1. After E1, D. citri either returns to pathway activity (C) or starts phloem sap ingestion, which was the longest activity observed.
Ethylene signal transduction initiates with ethylene binding at receptor proteins and terminates in a transcription cascade involving the EIN3/EIL transcription factors. Here, we have isolated four cDNAs homologs of the Arabidopsis EIN3/EIN3-like gene, MA-EILs (Musa acuminata ethylene insensitive 3-like) from banana fruit. Sequence comparison with other banana EIL gene already registered in the database led us to conclude that, at this day, at least five different genes namely MA-EIL1, MA-EIL2/AB266318, MA-EIL3/AB266319, MA-EIL4/AB266320 and AB266321 exist in banana. Phylogenetic analyses included all banana EIL genes within a same cluster consisting of rice OsEILs, a monocotyledonous plant as banana. However, MA-EIL1, MA-EIL2/AB266318, MA-EIL4/AB266320 and AB266321 on one side, and MA-EIL3/AB266319 on the other side, belong to two distant subclusters. MA-EIL mRNAs were detected in all examined banana tissues but at lower level in peel than in pulp. According to tissues, MA-EIL genes were differentially regulated by ripening and ethylene in mature green fruit and wounding in old and young leaves. MA-EIL2/AB266318 was the unique ripening- and ethylene-induced gene; MA-EIL1, MA-EIL4/Ab266320 and AB266321 genes were downregulated, while MA-EIL3/AB266319 presented an unusual pattern of expression. Interestingly, a marked change was observed mainly in MA-EIL1 and MA-EIL3/Ab266319 mRNA accumulation concomitantly with changes in ethylene responsiveness of fruit. Upon wounding, the main effect was observed in MA-EIL4/AB266320 and AB266321 mRNA levels, which presented a markedly increase in both young and old leaves, respectively. Data presented in this study suggest the importance of a transcriptionally step control in the regulation of EIL genes during banana fruit ripening.