986 resultados para Inhibitory Receptors


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The function of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, which may protect against both infectious and malignant diseases, can be impaired by ligation of their inhibitory receptors, which include CTL-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed cell death 1 (PD-1). Recently, B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) was identified as a novel inhibitory receptor with structural and functional similarities to CTLA-4 and PD-1. BTLA triggering leads to decreased antimicrobial and autoimmune T cell responses in mice, but its functions in humans are largely unknown. Here we have demonstrated that as human viral antigen-specific CD8+ T cells differentiated from naive to effector cells, their surface expression of BTLA was gradually downregulated. In marked contrast, human melanoma tumor antigen-specific effector CD8+ T cells persistently expressed high levels of BTLA in vivo and remained susceptible to functional inhibition by its ligand herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM). Such persistence of BTLA expression was also found in tumor antigen-specific CD8+ T cells from melanoma patients with spontaneous antitumor immune responses and after conventional peptide vaccination. Remarkably, addition of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides to the vaccine formulation led to progressive downregulation of BTLA in vivo and consequent resistance to BTLA-HVEM-mediated inhibition. Thus, BTLA activation inhibits the function of human CD8+ cancer-specific T cells, and appropriate immunotherapy may partially overcome this inhibition.


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The immune system has the potential to protect from malignant diseases for extended periods of time. Unfortunately, spontaneous immune responses are often inefficient. Significant effort is required to develop reliable, broadly applicable immunotherapies for cancer patients. A major innovation was transplantation with hematopoietic stem cells from genetically distinct donors for patients with hematologic malignancies. In this setting, donor T cells induce long-term remission by keeping cancer cells in check through powerful allogeneic graft-versus-leukemia effects. More recently, a long awaited breakthrough for patients with solid tissue cancers was achieved, by means of therapeutic blockade of T cell inhibitory receptors. In untreated cancer patients, T cells are dysfunctional and remain in a state of T cell "exhaustion". Nonetheless, they often retain a high potential for successful defense against cancer, indicating that many T cells are not entirely and irreversibly exhausted but can be mobilized to become highly functional. Novel antibody therapies that block inhibitory receptors can lead to strong activation of anti-tumor T cells, mediating clinically significant anti-cancer immunity for many years. Here we review these new treatments and the current knowledge on tumor antigen-specific T cells.


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As perinatally HIV-1-infected children grow into adolescents and young adults, they are increasingly burdened with the long-term consequences of chronic HIV-1 infection, with long-term morbidity due to inadequate immunity. In progressive HIV-1 infection in horizontally infected adults, inflammation, T cell activation, and perturbed T cell differentiation lead to an "immune exhaustion'', with decline in T cell effector functions. T effector cells develop an increased expression of CD57 and loss of CD28, with an increase in co-inhibitory receptors such as PD-1 and Tim-3. Very little is known about HIV-1 induced T cell dysfunction in vertical infection. In two perinatally antiretroviral drug treated HIV-1-infected groups with median ages of 11.2 yr and 18.5 yr, matched for viral load, we found no difference in the proportion of senescent CD28(-)CD57(+)CD8(+) T cells between the groups. However, the frequency of Tim-3(+)CD8(+) and Tim-3(+)CD4(+) exhausted T cells, but not PD-1(+) T cells, was significantly increased in the adolescents with longer duration of infection compared to the children with shorter duration of HIV-1 infection. PD-1(+)CD8(+) T cells were directly associated with T cell immune activation in children. The frequency of Tim-3(+)CD8(+) T cells positively correlated with HIV-1 plasma viral load in the adolescents but not in the children. These data suggest that Tim-3 upregulation was driven by both HIV-1 viral replication and increased age, whereas PD-1 expression is associated with immune activation. These findings also suggest that the Tim-3 immune exhaustion phenotype rather than PD-1 or senescent cells plays an important role in age-related T cell dysfunction in perinatal HIV-1 infection. Targeting Tim-3 may serve as a novel therapeutic approach to improve immune control of virus replication and mitigate age related T cell exhaustion.


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The effector function of natural killer (NK) cells is regulated by activating and inhibitory receptors, termed killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs). In haploidentical T-cell depleted transplantation the donor/recipient KIR mismatch significantly impacts on NK-mediated tumor cell killing, particularly in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Thirty-four high risk AML patients entered a phase I-II study of adoptive NK-cell based immunotherapy and were screened for the availability of one haploidentical KIR ligand mismatched donor. Thirteen of them resulted as having one suitable donor. NK cells were enriched from steady-state leukaphereses by using a double-step immunomagnetic separation system, consisting in depletion of CD3+ T cells followed by positive selection of CD56+ NK cells. CD56+ cells were enriched from 7,70% (1,26-11,70) to 93,50% (66,41-99,20) (median recovery 53,05% (30,97-72,85), median T-depletion 3,03 log (2,15-4,52) viability >92%) and their citotoxic activity was inalterate. All patients (4 progressions, 1 partial remission and 8 complete remissions) received NK cell infusion which was preceeded by immunosuppressive chemotherapy (fludarabine and cyclophosphamide) and followed by interleukin 2 injections. The median number of reinfused NK cells was 2,74x10(e)6/kg(1,11-5,00) and contamining CD3+ T cells were always less than 1x10(e)5/kg. The procedure was well-tolerated and no significant toxicity, including GvHD, related to NK cell infusion was observed. The donor NK cells were demonstrated in 5/10 patients. Among the 8 patients in complete remission 5 patients are stable after 18, 15, 4, 2 months of follow-up. Three other patients relapsed after 2 and 7 months. The patient in partial remission obtained a complete remission, which lasted for 6 months. The 4 patients with active/progressive disease showed the persistence of disease. This clinical observation may be correlated with in vitro studies, indicating that AML cells are capable to induce NK cell apoptosis in a dose-depend manner. In summery, a two-step enrichment of CD56+ NK cells allows the collection of a suitable number of target cells to be used as adoptive immunotherapy in AML patients. Infusion of NK cells is feasible and safe and adoptively transferred NK cells can be detected after infusion.


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Der evolutionär älteste Tierstamm der Metazoa, die Schwämme (Porifera), bietet sich als Modellorganismus zur Untersuchung der Selbst/Fremd-Erkennung an. Diese Unterscheidung wurde bei der Evolution von einzelligen zu mehrzelligen Tieren wichtig. Schwämme besitzen ein angeborenes Immunsystem. Ob sie auch Vorläufer der Immunrezeptoren aufweisen, sollte in dieser Arbeit untersucht werden. Einen ersten Schritt stellte die Identifizierung weiterer Gene mit Immunglobulin-ähnlichen Domänen dar. Mit der Isolierung der beiden 'Schwamm-Adhäsionsmoleküle' GCSAML und GCSAMS durch ein Homologiescreening ist dies gelungen. Die Beteiligung dieser Moleküle an einer Immunantwort wurde mit Hilfe von Transplantationsexperimenten untersucht. Die Gewebe von Autotransplantaten fusionierten, während es bei Allotransplantaten zu einer Abstoßung des eingesetzten Gewebes kam. Durch Immunfluoreszenz-Untersuchungen sowohl an Geodia cydonium- als auch an Suberites domuncula-Zellen konnte gezeigt werden, daß Moleküle mit Immunglobulin-ähnlichen Domänen an den Transplantationsprozessen beteiligt sind. Northern Blot-Analysen zeigten die Beteiligung speziell von GCSAML an der Autotransplantation. Western Blot-Analysen bestätigten diese Ergebnisse und weiteten sie auf Allotransplantationen aus. Beide GCSAM-Gene können der Immunglobulin-Superfamilie zugeordnet werden. GCSAML kann durch die Existenz des sogenannten ITIM-Motives weiter in die spezielle Klasse der inhibitorischen Rezeptoren gruppiert werden und stellt damit einen Vorläufer der Immunrezeptoren dar.


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The function of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, which may protect against both infectious and malignant diseases, can be impaired by ligation of their inhibitory receptors, which include CTL-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed cell death 1 (PD-1). Recently, B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) was identified as a novel inhibitory receptor with structural and functional similarities to CTLA-4 and PD-1. BTLA triggering leads to decreased antimicrobial and autoimmune T cell responses in mice, but its functions in humans are largely unknown. Here we have demonstrated that as human viral antigen-specific CD8+ T cells differentiated from naive to effector cells, their surface expression of BTLA was gradually downregulated. In marked contrast, human melanoma tumor antigen-specific effector CD8+ T cells persistently expressed high levels of BTLA in vivo and remained susceptible to functional inhibition by its ligand herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM). Such persistence of BTLA expression was also found in tumor antigen-specific CD8+ T cells from melanoma patients with spontaneous antitumor immune responses and after conventional peptide vaccination. Remarkably, addition of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides to the vaccine formulation led to progressive downregulation of BTLA in vivo and consequent resistance to BTLA-HVEM-mediated inhibition. Thus, BTLA activation inhibits the function of human CD8+ cancer-specific T cells, and appropriate immunotherapy may partially overcome this inhibition.


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BACKGROUND: Sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (Siglecs) are a family of glycan-binding inhibitory receptors, and among them, Siglec-8 is selectively expressed on human eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells. On eosinophils, Siglec-8 engagement induces apoptosis, but its function on mast cells is unknown. OBJECTIVE: We sought to study the effect of Siglec-8 engagement on human mast cell survival and mediator release responses. METHODS: Human mast cells were generated from CD34+ precursors. Apoptosis was studied by using flow cytometry. Mast cell mediator release or human lung airway smooth muscle contraction was initiated by FcepsilonRI cross-linking with or without preincubation with Siglec-8 or control antibodies, and release of mediators was analyzed along with Ca++ flux. RBL-2H3 cells transfected with normal and mutated forms of Siglec-8 were used to study how Siglec-8 engagement alters mediator release. RESULTS: Siglec-8 engagement failed to induce human mast cell apoptosis. However, preincubation with Siglec-8 mAbs significantly (P < .05) inhibited FcepsilonRI-dependent histamine and prostaglandin D(2) release, Ca++ flux, and anti-IgE-evoked contractions of human bronchial rings. In contrast, release of IL-8 was not inhibited. Siglec-8 ligation was also shown to inhibit beta-hexosaminidase release and Ca++ flux triggered through FcepsilonRI in RBL-2H3 cells transfected with full-length human Siglec-8 but not in cells transfected with Siglec-8 containing a tyrosine to phenylalanine point mutation in the membrane-proximal immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif domain. CONCLUSION: These data represent the first reported inhibitory effects of Siglec engagement on human mast cells.


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HLA-G is a nonclassical major histocompatibility complex class I molecule selectively expressed on cytotrophoblasts at the feto–maternal interface, where it may play an important role in maternal tolerance of the fetus. We provide direct evidence under physiological conditions that supports the role of HLA-G in protecting cytotrophoblasts against natural killer (NK) cytolysis in 6 semiallogenic combinations of maternal uterine NK cells and their own trophoblast counterparts, as well as in 20 allogenic combinations of maternal uterine NK cells and trophoblasts from different mothers. We show that, in all cases studied, this HLA-G-mediated protection was abolished by treatment of cytotrophoblasts with an HLA-G-specific mAb. The HLA class I-negative K562 cell line transfected with the predominant HLA-G1 isoform results in similar protection and abolition from maternal uterine NK lysis. Because maternal uterine NK cells express killer inhibitory receptors for HLA-G, we conclude that their interactions contribute to the survival of the fetal semiallograft by confering immunological tolerance to its tissues.


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Antigen recognition in the adaptive immune response by Ig and T-cell antigen receptors (TCRs) is effected through patterned differences in the peptide sequence in the V regions. V-region specificity forms through genetically programmed rearrangement of individual, diversified segmental elements in single somatic cells. Other Ig superfamily members, including natural killer receptors that mediate cell-surface recognition, do not undergo segmental reorganization, and contain type-2 C (C2) domains, which are structurally distinct from the C1 domains found in Ig and TCR. Immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs that transduce negative regulatory signals through the cell membrane are found in certain natural killer and other cell surface inhibitory receptors, but not in Ig and TCR. In this study, we employ a genomic approach by using the pufferfish (Spheroides nephelus) to characterize a nonrearranging novel immune-type receptor gene family. Twenty-six different nonrearranging genes, which each encode highly diversified V as well as a V-like C2 extracellular domain, a transmembrane region, and in most instances, an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif-containing cytoplasmic tail, are identified in an ≈113 kb P1 artificial chromosome insert. The presence in novel immune-type receptor genes of V regions that are related closely to those found in Ig and TCR as well as regulatory motifs that are characteristic of inhibitory receptors implies a heretofore unrecognized link between known receptors that mediate adaptive and innate immune functions.


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Mouse mast cells express gp49B1, a cell-surface member of the Ig superfamily encoded by the gp49B gene. We now report that by ALIGN comparison of the amino acid sequence of gp49B1 with numerous receptors of the Ig superfamily, a newly recognized family has been established that includes gp49B1, the human myeloid cell Fc receptor for IgA, the bovine myeloid cell Fc receptor for IgG2, and the human killer cell inhibitory receptors expressed on natural killer cells and T lymphocyte subsets. Furthermore, the cytoplasmic domain of gp49B1 contains two immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs that are also present in killer cell inhibitory receptors; these motifs downregulate natural killer cell and T-cell activation signals that lead to cytotoxic activity. As assessed by flow cytometry with transfectants that express either gp49B1 or gp49A, which are 89% identical in the amino acid sequences of their extracellular domains, mAb B23.1 was shown to recognize only gp49B1. Coligation of mAb B23.1 bound to gp49B1 and IgE fixed to the high-affinity Fc receptor for IgE on the surface of mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells inhibited exocytosis in a dose-related manner, as defined by the release of the secretory granule constituent beta-hexosaminidase, as well as the generation of the membrane-derived lipid mediator, leukotriene C4. Thus, gp49B1 is an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif-containing integral cell-surface protein that downregulates the high-affinity Fc receptor for IgE-mediated release of proinflammatory mediators from mast cells. Our findings establish a novel counterregulatory transmembrane pathway by which mast cell activation can be inhibited.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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An effective immune system requires rapid and appropriate activation of inflammatory mechanisms but equally rapid and effective resolution of the inflammatory state. A review of the canonical host response to gram-negative bacteria, the lipopolysaccharide-Toll-like receptor 4 signaling cascade, highlights the induction of repressors that act at each step of the activation process. These inflammation suppressor genes are characterized by their induction in response to pathogen, typically late in the macrophage activation program, and include an expanding class of dominant-negative proteins derived from alternate splicing of common signaling components. Despite the expanse of anti-inflammatory mechanisms available to an activated macrophage, the frailty of this system is apparent in the large numbers of genes implicated in chronic inflammatory diseases. This apparent lack of redundancy between inflammation suppressor genes is discussed with regard to evolutionary benefits in generating a heterogeneous population of immune cells and consequential robustness in defense against new and evolving pathogens.


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La transplantation de sang de cordon ombilical (TSCO) constitue un traitement de choix pour une multitude de pathologies hématologiques malignes et non malignes chez l’enfant et dans certains cas l’adulte. La TSCO est associée à certaines complications, dont une reconstitution immunitaire plus lente et une incidence élevée d’infections opportunistes, notamment celles reliées au cytomégalovirus (CMV) et au virus varicella-zoster (VZV). Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés dans un premier temps à la caractérisation de la reconstitution immunitaire spécifique au CMV et au VZV. Nos résultats ont démontré que la reconstitution de l’immunité cellulaire ne requiert ni un statut séropositif pré-transplantation ni le développement de la maladie. De plus, des reconstitutions spontanées ont été détectées chez certains patients séronégatifs vis-à-vis du CMV ou du VZV. Outre le fait qu’elle se manifeste surtout à partir de 6 mois post-transplantation, ladite reconstitution mérite le qualificatif de « protectrice » en termes de réactivations virales et du développement de signes cliniques lorsqu’une fréquence de 150 cellules produisant l’IFN-γ/million est dépassée. Toutefois, moins de 5% des patients développent une réponse T anti-VZV et anti-CMV au cours 100 premiers jours suivant la TSCO. Il est donc possible que les lymphocytes CD8+ T provenant du SCO, comparativement à leurs homologues provenant de la moelle osseuse (MO), présentent un défaut de fonctionnalité, communément appelé « épuisement clonal ». La caractérisation du répertoire de récepteurs inhibiteurs exprimés par les cellules T CD8+ suivant la TSCO ou la transplantation de moelle osseuse (TMO) a révélé une augmentation significative de la fréquence des cellules exprimant PD-1 tôt suivant la transplantation. Cette population, caractérisée majoritairement par un phénotype effecteur-mémoire (EM), démontre une perte significative de la capacité proliférative et exprime moins d'IFN-γ, d'IL-2, de TNF-α et de CD107a. Une meilleure caractérisation de la reconstitution immunitaire après TSCO permettrait, d'une part de sélectionner des biomarqueurs en vue d’une meilleure gestion des patients à risques de développer des infections virales et/ou de rechuter, et d'autre part d'améliorer leur pronostic.


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La transplantation de sang de cordon ombilical (TSCO) constitue un traitement de choix pour une multitude de pathologies hématologiques malignes et non malignes chez l’enfant et dans certains cas l’adulte. La TSCO est associée à certaines complications, dont une reconstitution immunitaire plus lente et une incidence élevée d’infections opportunistes, notamment celles reliées au cytomégalovirus (CMV) et au virus varicella-zoster (VZV). Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés dans un premier temps à la caractérisation de la reconstitution immunitaire spécifique au CMV et au VZV. Nos résultats ont démontré que la reconstitution de l’immunité cellulaire ne requiert ni un statut séropositif pré-transplantation ni le développement de la maladie. De plus, des reconstitutions spontanées ont été détectées chez certains patients séronégatifs vis-à-vis du CMV ou du VZV. Outre le fait qu’elle se manifeste surtout à partir de 6 mois post-transplantation, ladite reconstitution mérite le qualificatif de « protectrice » en termes de réactivations virales et du développement de signes cliniques lorsqu’une fréquence de 150 cellules produisant l’IFN-γ/million est dépassée. Toutefois, moins de 5% des patients développent une réponse T anti-VZV et anti-CMV au cours 100 premiers jours suivant la TSCO. Il est donc possible que les lymphocytes CD8+ T provenant du SCO, comparativement à leurs homologues provenant de la moelle osseuse (MO), présentent un défaut de fonctionnalité, communément appelé « épuisement clonal ». La caractérisation du répertoire de récepteurs inhibiteurs exprimés par les cellules T CD8+ suivant la TSCO ou la transplantation de moelle osseuse (TMO) a révélé une augmentation significative de la fréquence des cellules exprimant PD-1 tôt suivant la transplantation. Cette population, caractérisée majoritairement par un phénotype effecteur-mémoire (EM), démontre une perte significative de la capacité proliférative et exprime moins d'IFN-γ, d'IL-2, de TNF-α et de CD107a. Une meilleure caractérisation de la reconstitution immunitaire après TSCO permettrait, d'une part de sélectionner des biomarqueurs en vue d’une meilleure gestion des patients à risques de développer des infections virales et/ou de rechuter, et d'autre part d'améliorer leur pronostic.


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Ce manuscrit est une pré-publication d'un article paru dans Clinical Immunology 2012; 143(3): 246-255 url: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/clinical-immunology/