277 resultados para Infectivity


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The HIV-1 spacer peptide p1 is located in the C-terminus of the Gag polyprotein and separates the nucleocapsid (NC) and p6(Gag). Research centered on p1 has been limited and as yet no function has been ascribed to this spacer peptide. We have previously found that the conserved p1 proline residues (position 7 and 13) are critical for replication in the HIV-1 strain HXB2-BH10. In this study we have focused on the proline rich p1-p6(Gag) C-terminus of HIV-1. We individually examined the role of p1 proline's in multiple strains of HIV-1 and investigated the role of three proline residues in p6(Gag) (P24, P25 and P30). Assessment of the HXB2-BH10 based mutants revealed that Gag-Pol incorporation relative to Gag decreased in the p1 mutant virions, with the double proline mutant the most impaired. Mutating both p1 proline residues was found to abolish infectivity in multiple strains of HIV-1. Independent mutation of the p1 proline at position 7 resulted in a strain-dependent suppression of viral infectivity. This defect correlates with the presence of a tyrosine residue at position 9 of p1 and occurs in the early phase of the HIV-1 replication cycle. The p1 proline residues were found to be functionally distinct from P24, P25 and P30 in p6(Gag). This work affords novel insights into our understanding of the role of p1 in HIV-1 replication.


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We have studied the presence and significance of retroviral genome-derived DNA in the core of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) particles produced from transfections of HXB2 expression vectors in COS-7 cells and from HIV type 1 IIIB chronically infected H9 cells. Viruses purified by sucrose cushion centrifugation and treated with DNase I contained 1000-fold more viral RNA than DNA. However protease-defective viruses that contained only pl60 ga~p°z had less than 100 times the amount of DNA in their cores than wild-type viruses suggesting that the p66/p51 form of reverse transcriptase was responsible for DNA transcription. Viruses produced by transfections in the presence of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) contained the viral RNA genome but only DNA of premature length because of the chain terminating effects of AZT. However such viruses were as infectious for CD4 + cells as wild-type virus. We conclude that retrovirus-derived DNA in HIV-1 particles is not required for infection and does not play a significant role in this process.


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A stem-loop termed the kissing-loop hairpin is one of the most highly conserved structures within the leader of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and chimpanzee immunodeficiency virus genomic RNA. Because it plays a key role in the in vitro dimerization of short HIV-1 RNA transcripts (M. Laughrea and L. Jette, Biochemistry 35:1589-1598, 1996, and references therein; M. Laughrea and L. Jette, Biochemistry 35:9366-9374, 1996, and references therein) and because dimeric RNAs may be preferably encapsidated into the HIV-1 virus, alterations of the kissing-loop hairpin might affect the in vivo dimerization and encapsidation processes. Accordingly, substitution and deletion mutations were introduced into the kissing-loop hairpin of an infectious HIV-1 molecular clone in order to produce viruses by transfection methods. The infectivity of the resulting viruses was decreased by at least 99%, the amount of genomic RNA packaged per virus was decreased by 50 to 75%, and the proportion of dimeric genomic RNA was reduced from >80 to 40 to 50%, but the dissociation temperature of the genomic RNA was unchanged. There is evidence suggesting that the deletion mutations moderately inhibited CAp24 production but had no significant effect on RNA splicing. These results are consistent with the kissing-loop model of HIV-1 RNA dimerization. In fact, because intracellular viral RNAs are probably more concentrated in transfected cells than in cells infected by one virus and because the dimerization and encapsidation processes are concentration dependent, it is likely that much larger dimerization and encapsidation defects would have been manifested within cells infected by no more than one virus.


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Production of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag-Pol precursor protein results from a −1 ribosomal frameshifting event. In infected cells, this generates Gag and Gag-Pol in a ratio that is estimated to be 20:1, a ratio that is conserved among retroviruses. To examine the impact of this ratio on HIV-1 replication and viral assembly, we altered the Gag/Gag-Pol ratio in virus-producing cells by cotransfecting HIV-1 proviral DNA with an HIV-1 Gag-Pol expression vector. Two versions of the Gag-Pol expression vector were used; one contains an active protease [PR(+)], and the other contains an inactive protease [PR(−)]. In an attempt to produce viral particles with Gag/Gag-Pol ratios ranging from 20:21 to 20:1 (wild type), 293T cells were cotransfected with various ratios of wild-type proviral DNA and proviral DNA from either Gag-Pol expression vector. Viral particles derived from cells with altered Gag/Gag-Pol ratios via overexpression of PR(−) Gag-Pol showed a ratio-dependent defect in their virion protein profiles. However, the defects in virion infectivity were independent of the nature of the Gag-Pol expression vector, i.e., PR(+) or PR(−). Based on equivalent input of reverse transcriptase activity, we estimated that HIV-1 infectivity was reduced 250- to 1,000-fold when the Gag/Gag-Pol ratio in the virion-producing cells was altered from 20:1 to 20:21. Although virion RNA packaging was not affected by altering Gag/Gag-Pol ratios, changing the ratio from 20:1 to 20:21 progressively reduced virion RNA dimer stability. The impact of the Gag/Gag-Pol ratio on virion RNA dimerization was amplified when the Gag-Pol PR(−) expression vector was expressed in virion-producing cells. Virions produced from cells expressing Gag and Gag-Pol PR(−) in a 20:21 ratio contained mainly monomeric RNA. Our observations provide the first direct evidence that, in addition to proteolytic processing, the ratio of Gag/Gag-Pol proteins is also important for RNA dimerization and that stable RNA dimers are not required for encapsidation of genomic RNA in HIV-1.


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The full-length human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) mRNA encodes two precursor polyproteins, Gag and GagProPol. An infrequent ribosomal frameshifting event allows these proteins to be synthesized from the same mRNA in a predetermined ratio of 20 Gag proteins for each GagProPol. The RNA frameshift signal consists of a slippery sequence and a hairpin stem-loop whose thermodynamic stability has been shown in in vitro translation systems to be critical to frameshifting efficiency. In this study we examined the frameshift region of HIV-1, investigating the effects of altering stem-loop stability in the context of the complete viral genome and assessing the role of the Gag spacer peptide p1 and the GagProPol transframe (TF) protein that are encoded in this region. By creating a series of frameshift region mutants that systematically altered the stability of the frameshift stem-loop and the protein sequences of the p1 spacer peptide and TF protein, we have demonstrated the importance of stem-loop thermodynamic stability in frameshifting efficiency and viral infectivity. Multiple changes to the amino acid sequence of p1 resulted in altered protein processing, reduced genomic RNA dimer stability, and abolished viral infectivity. The role of the two highly conserved proline residues in p1 (position 7 and 13) was also investigated. Replacement of the two proline residues by leucines resulted in mutants with altered protein processing and reduced genomic RNA dimer stability that were also noninfectious. The unique ability of proline to confer conformational constraints on a peptide suggests that the correct folding of p1 may be important for viral function.


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Lipid rafts are enriched in cholesterol and sphingomyelin and are isolated on the basis of insolubility in detergents, such as Brij 98 and Triton X-100. Recent work by Holm et al. has shown that rafts insoluble in Brig 98 can be found in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) virus-like particles, although it is not known whether raft-like structures are present in authentic HIV-1 and it is unclear whether a virion-associated raft-like structure is required for HIV replication. Independently, it was previously reported that virion-associated cholesterol is critical for HIV-1 infectivity, although the specific requirement of virion cholesterol in HIV-1 was not examined. In the present study, we have demonstrated that infectious wild-type HIV-1 contains Brij 98 rafts but only minimal amounts of Triton X-100 rafts. To directly assess the functional requirement of virion-associated rafts and various features of cholesterol on HIV-1 replication, we replaced virion cholesterol with exogenous cholesterol analogues that have demonstrated either raft-promoting or -inhibiting capacity in model membranes. We observed that variable concentrations of exogenous analogues are required to replace a defined amount of virion-associated cholesterol, showing that structurally diverse cholesterol analogues have various affinities toward HIV-1. We found that replacement of 50% of virion cholesterol with these exogenous cholesterol analogues did not eliminate the presence of Brij 98 rafts in HIV-1. However, the infectivity levels of the lipid-modified HIV-1s directly correlate with the raft-promoting capacities of these cholesterol analogues. Our data provide the first direct assessment of virion-associated Brij 98 rafts in retroviral replication and illustrate the importance of the raft-promoting property of virion-associated cholesterol in HIV-1 replication.


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Respiratory syncytial virus is the major cause of acute lower respiratory tract illness in infants and young children. Because there is currently no licensed vaccine for RSV, there is a substantial interest in the identification and development of RSV specific inhibitory agents. There are clinical evidences that glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are potential inhibitors of viral infection. In this study, the performance of two GAGs (heparin and dextran sulfate) were compared for their antiviral and virucidal activities on RSV. Analysis was performed using an in vitro infection model where, previously to infection, Hep-2 cells or RSV were incubated with heparin or dextran sulfate. The presence of viral particles was analyzed by Reverse Transcriptase-Polimerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and indirect immunofluorescence assays (IFA). The results showed that viral infection was more efficiently inhibited when Hep-2 cells were pre-incubated with heparin or, when viral particles were pre-incubated with dextran sulfate. Our study suggest that, in the absence of cellular death, heparin and dextran sulfate reduce RSV infection by different mechanisms, antiviral and virucidal ones, respectively. These data contribute for recent medical, microbiology and biochemical studies which suggest that the use of antiviral and virucidal compounds as more effective treatment to control virus infections.


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In Leishmania, de novo polyamine synthesis is initiated by the cleavage of L-arginine to urea and L-ornithine by the action of arginase (ARG, E.C. Previous studies in L. major and L. mexicana showed that ARG is essential for in vitro growth in the absence of polyamines and needed for full infectivity in animal infections. The ARG protein is normally found within the parasite glycosome, and here we examined whether this localization is required for survival and infectivity. First, the localization of L. amazonensis ARG in the glycosome was confirmed in both the promastigote and amastigote stages. As in other species, arg(-) L. amazonensis required putrescine for growth and presented an attenuated infectivity. Restoration of a wild type ARG to the arg(-) mutant restored ARG expression, growth and infectivity. In contrast, restoration of a cytosol-targeted ARG lacking the glycosomal SKL targeting sequence (arg Delta SKL) restored growth but failed to restore infectivity. Further study showed that the ARG Delta SKL protein was found in the cytosol as expected, but at very low levels. Our results indicate that the proper compartmentalization of L. amazonensis arginase in the glycosome is important for enzyme activity and optimal infectivity. Our conjecture is that parasite arginase participates in a complex equilibrium that defines the fate of L-arginine and that its proper subcellular location may be essential for this physiological orchestration.


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The obligate intracellular pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis is a gram negative bacterium which infects epithelial cells of the reproductive tract. C. trachomatis is the leading cause of bacterial sexually transmitted disease worldwide and a vaccine against this pathogen is highly needed. Many evidences suggest that both antigen specific-Th1 cells and antibodies may be important to provide protection against Chlamydia infection. In a previous study we have identified eight new Chlamydia antigens inducing CD4-Th1 and/or antibody responses that, when combined properly, can protect mice from Chlamydia infection. However, all selected recombinant antigens, upon immunization in mice, elicited antibodies not able to neutralize Chlamydia infectivity in vitro. With the aim to improve the quality of the immune response by inducing effective neutralizing antibodies, we used a novel delivery system based on the unique capacity of E. coli Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMV) to present membrane proteins in their natural composition and conformation. We have expressed Chlamydia antigens, previously identified as vaccine candidates, in the OMV system. Among all OMV preparations, the one expressing HtrA Chlamydia antigen (OMV-HtrA), showed to be the best in terms of yield and quantity of expressed protein, was used to produce mice immune sera to be tested in neutralization assay in vitro. We observed that OMV-HtrA elicited specific antibodies able to neutralize efficiently Chlamydia infection in vitro, indicating that the presentation of the antigens in their natural conformation is crucial to induce an effective immune response. This is one of the first examples in which antibodies directed against a new Chlamydia antigen, other than MOMP (the only so far known antigen inducing neutralizing antibodies), are able to block the Chlamydia infectivity in vitro. Finally, by performing an epitope mapping study, we investigated the specificity of the antibody response induced by the recombinant HtrA and by OMV-HtrA. In particular, we identified some linear epitopes exclusively recognized by antibodies raised with the OMV-HtrA system, detecting in this manner the antigen regions likely responsible of the neutralizing effect.


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Estimation of breastmilk infectivity in HIV-1 infected mothers is difficult because transmission can occur while the fetus is in-utero, during delivery, or through breastfeeding. Since transmission can only be detected through periodic testing, however, it may be impossible to determine the actual mode of transmission in any individual child. In this paper we develop a model to estimate breastmilk infectivity as well as the probabilities of in-utero and intrapartum transmission. In addition, the model allows separate estimation of early and late breastmilk infectivity and individual variation in maternal infectivity. Methods for hypothesis testing of binary risk factors and a method for assessing goodness of fit are also described. Data from a randomized trial of breastfeeding versus formula feeding among HIV-1 infected mothers in Nairobi, Kenya are used to illustrate the methods.