986 resultados para Infecting larvae
The ant Paratrechina fulva is native to Brazil, but has spread to other countries where it has become a serious pest. Their larvae are known from a preliminary description made without the aid of scanning electron microscopy. The present investigation aimed at describing the mature worker larvae of this species in deeper detail, while identifying useful morphological characters for taxonomy and cladistics. General morphological traits typical of Paratrechina larvae described so far were also confirmed with this species, particularly regarding body shape, types of hairs, and distribution pattern of head sensilla, but P fulva presented unusually shaped mandibles.
Studies on the avoidance behavior of aquatic organisms to contaminants have confirmed that such behavior can be relevant in field situations. However, almost all toxicity tests involve the forced exposure of organisms to toxicants. In particular, despite the importance of Chironomus riparius Meigen larvae in sediment toxicity testing, only a few studies on avoidance behavior have been performed. This study investigated the ability of different life stages of C. riparius, including ovipositing females, first-, second-, and fourth-instar larvae, to avoid copper-contaminated environments. Ovipositing females were given a choice between a control and copper solution (1.3 mg Cu l(-1)). First-instar larvae were provided with a choice between a control and a copper (2.0 mg Cu l(-1))-spiked sediment. Both second- and fourth-instars were exposed to a copper gradient (0.38-3.4 mg Cu l(-1)) in a flow-through system. None of the life stages avoided copper, even though the highest concentrations caused lethal effects on midges. The avoidance behavior of C. riparius is not a sensitive endpoint to assess copper sublethal toxicity.
Koinobiont parasitoids use several strategies to regulate the host`s physiological processes during parasitism. Although many aspects of host-parasitoid interactions have been explored, studies that attempted to assess the effects of parasitism on the availability of inorganic elements in the host are virtually nonexistent. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the effects of parasitism on the concentrations of inorganic elements in the fat bodies of larvae of Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) during the development of the parasitoid Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), by using total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF). TXRF analysis allowed comparisons of the changes in the availability of the elements P. S. K, Ca, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn in the fat body tissues of D. saccharalis larvae parasitized by C. flavipes. Overall, the concentration of inorganic elements was higher early in parasitoid development (1 and 3 days after parasitism) compared to non-parasitized larvae, but much lower towards the end of parasitoid development (7 and 9 days after parasitism). Ca, K, and S were reduced after the fifth day of parasitism, which affected the total abundance of inorganic elements observed in the fat bodies of the parasitized hosts. The regulatory mechanisms or pathological effects related to the observed variation of the host inorganic elements induced by the parasitoid remain unknown, but there might be a strategy to make these elements available to the parasitoid larvae at the end of their development, when higher metabolic activity of the host fat body is required to sustain parasitoid growth. The observed variation of the host`s inorganic elements could also be related to the known effects of parasitism on the host`s immune response. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A Carica papaya plant with severe yellow leaf mosaic, leaf distortion, and systemic necrosis was found in the municipality of Piracicaba, state of So Paulo, Brazil. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis revealed the presence of potyvirus-like particles and bacilliform particles similar to those of the Alfamovirus genus. The potyvirus was identified as Papaya ringspot virus-type P (PRSV-P). Biological, serological, and molecular studies confirmed the bacilliform virus as an isolate of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV). Partial nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the coat protein gene of this AMV isolate shared 97-98% identity with the AMV isolates in the GenBank database. This report is the first of the natural infection of papaya plants by AMV.
A previously undescribed mosquito densovirus was detected in colonies of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus from Thailand, using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay. Phylogenetic analysis of this virus showed it to be most closely related to ADNV isolated from Russian Ae. aegypti. Both Aedes species were susceptible to oral infection with the Thai-strain virus. Larval mortality for Ae. albopictus was higher (82%) than for Ae. aegypti (51%). Aedes aegypti were able to transmit the virus vertically to a high (58%) proportion of G1 progeny, and the virus was maintained persistently for up to six generations. A PCR survey of adult Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Thailand indicated that only Ae. aegypti are infected in the field, with an overall prevalence of 44%. Densovirus infection in adult Ae. aegypti showed distinct seasonal variation. The Thai strain densovirus may play a role in structuring Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti populations in nature.
To aid in the development of artificial diets for mass rearing parasitioids, we investigated the anatomical changes in the digestive tract during feeding behaviour of larval Trichogramma australicum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Larvae begin to feed immediately upon eclosion and feed continuously for 4 h until replete. Feeding is characterised by rhythmic muscle contractions (ca 1 per s) of the pharynx. Contractions of the pharyngeal dilator muscles lift the roof of the lobe-shaped pharynx away from the floor of the chamber, opening the mouth and pumping food into the pharyngeal cavity. Another muscle contraction occurs about 0.5 s later, forcing the bolus of food through the oesophagus and into the midgut. The junction of fore- and midgut is marked by a cardiac valve. The midgut occupies most of the body cavity and is lined with highly vacuolated, flattened cells and a dispersed layer of muscle cells. In the centre of the midgut, food has the appearance of host egg contents. Food near the midgut epithelial cells has a finer, more homogeneous appearance. This change in the physical properties of the gut contents is indicative of the digestion process. In the prepupa, where digestion is complete, the entire gut contents have this appearance. After eclosion, the vitelline membrane remains attached to the posterior end of the larva. We believe this attachment to be adaptive in two ways: (1) to anchor the larva against the movements of its anterior portion, thereby increasing the efficiency of foraging within the egg, and (2) to prevent a free-floating membrane from clogging the mouthparts during ingestion. 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
In vertebrates, excess all-trans retinoic acid (RA) applied during axis formation leads to the apparent truncation of anterior structures. In this study we sought to determine the type of defects caused by ectopic RA on the development of the ascidian Herdmania curvata. We demonstrate that H. curvata embryos cultured in the presence of RA develop into larvae whose trunks are shortened and superficially resemble those of early metamorphosing postlarvae. Despite RA-treated larvae lacking papillar structures they respond normally to natural cues that induce metamorphosis, indicating that chemosensory functionality previously mapped to the most anterior region of normal larvae is unaffected by RA. Excess RA applied during postlarval development leads to a graded loss of the juvenile pharynx, apparently by respecifying anterior endoderm to a more posterior fate. This structure is considered homologous to the gill slits of amphioxus. which are also lost upon RA treatment. This suggests that RA may have had a role in the development of the pharynx of the ancestral chordate and that this function has been maintained in ascidians and cephalochordates and lost in vertebrates.
Recruiting coral reef fish larvae from 38 species and 19 families from New Caledonia were examined for parasites. We found 13 parasite species (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea, Cestoda and Trematoda) but no acanthocephalan, crustacean or nematode parasites. Over 23% of individual fish were infected. Didymozoid metacercariae were the most abundant parasites. We conclude that most of the parasites are pelagic species that become 'lost' once the fish larvae have recruited to the reef. Larval coral reef fish probably contribute little to the dispersal of the parasites of the adult fish so that parasite dispersal is more difficult than that of the fish themselves. (C) 2000 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The salticid spider Cosmophasis bitaeniata preys on the larvae of the green tree ant Oecophylla smaragdina. Gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) reveal that the cuticle of C. bitaeniata mimics the mono- and dimethylalkanes of the cuticle of its prey. Recognition bioassays with extracts of the cuticular hydrocarbons of ants and spiders revealed that foraging major workers did not respond aggressively to the extracts of the spiders or conspecific nestmates, but reacted aggressively to conspecific nonnestmates. Typically, the ants either failed to react (as with control treatments with no extracts) or they reacted nonaggressively as with conspecific nestmates. These data indicate that the qualitative chemical mimicry of ants by C. bitaeniata allows the spiders to avoid detection by major workers of O. smaragdina.
Polydnaviruses are essential for the survival of many Ichneumonoid endoparasitoids, providing active immune suppression of the host in which parasitoid larvae develop. The Cotesia rubecula bracovirus is unique among polydnaviruses in that only four major genes are detected in parasitized host ( Pieris rapae) tissues, and gene expression is transient. Here we describe a novel C. rubecula bracovirus gene (CrV3) encoding a lectin monomer composed of 159 amino acids, which has conserved residues consistent with invertebrate and mammalian C-type lectins. Bacterially expressed CrV3 agglutinated sheep red blood cells in a divalent ion-dependent but Ca2+-independent manner. Agglutination was inhibited by EDTA but not by biological concentrations of any saccharides tested. Two monomers of similar to14 and similar to17 kDa in size were identified on SDS-PAGE in parasitized P. rapae larvae. The 17-kDa monomer was found to be an N-glyscosylated form of the 14-kDa monomer. CrV3 is produced in infected hemocytes and fat body cells and subsequently secreted into hemolymph. We propose that CrV3 is a novel lectin, the first characterized from an invertebrate virus. CrV3 shows over 60% homology with hypothetical proteins isolated from polydnaviruses in two other Cotesia wasps, indicating that these proteins may also be C-type lectins and that a novel polydnavirus lectin family exists in Cotesia-associated bracoviruses. CrV3 is probably interacting with components in host hemolymph, resulting in suppression of the Pieris immune response. The high similarity of CrV3 with invertebrate lectins, as opposed to those from viruses, may indicate that some bracovirus functions were acquired from their hosts.
The gregarious braconid wasp Cotesia congregata parasitizes host larvae of Manduca sexta, and several other sphingid species. Parasitism induces host immunosuppression due to the disruptive action of the wasp's polydnavirus (PDV) on host blood cells. During the initial stages of parasitism, these cells undergo apoptosis followed by cell clumping, which clears the hemolymph of a large number of cells. In this study, the persistence and expression of Cotesia congregata PDV (CcPDV) were examined using Southern and Nor-them blots, respectively. Digoxygenin-labelled total polydnaviral DNA was used to probe genomic DNA isolated from fat body and brains of hosts with emerged wasps taken 6 days following egress of the parasitoids, and significant cross-hybridization between the host fat body genomic DNA with viral DNA was seen. Thus, the virus persists in the host for the duration of parasitism. even during the post-emergence period, and may even be integrated in the host caterpillar DNA. Viral gene expression was examined using Northern blots and probes to the Cotesia rubecula CrV1 homolog, and the CrV1-like mRNAs were expressed as early as 4 h post-parasitization for at least 72 h and faint hybrization is even seen at the time the wasps eclose. In contrast, in Pieris rapae larvae the CrV1 transcript is expressed only for a brief time, during which time hemocyte function is disrupted. The effect is transitory, and hemocytes regain their normal functions after the parasites emerge as first instars. The genome of CcPDV contains one copy of the CrV1-like homolog as shown on Southern blots of viral genomic DNA. In conjunction with our earlier studies of the PDV-encoded early protein 1, the current work suggests multiple viral transcripts are produced following parasitization of the host. and likely target host hemocytes to induce their apoptosis, thereby preventing encapsulation of the parasitoid's eggs. Whether viral DNAs are integrated in the host's genomic DNA remains to be proven, but our results provide preliminary evidence that viral DNAs are detected in the host's fat body cells examined at the time of wasp ernergence and several days later. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
For many species of marine invertebrates, variability in larval settlement behaviour appears to be the rule rather than the exception. This variability has the potential to affect larval dispersal, because settlement behaviour will influence the length of time larvae are in the plankton. Despite the ubiquity and importance of this variability, relatively few sources of variation in larval settlement behaviour have been identified. One important factor that can affect larval settlement behaviour is the nutritional state of larvae. Non-feeding larvae often become less discriminating in their 'choice' of settlement substrate, i.e. more desperate to settle, when energetic reserves run low. We tested whether variation in larval size (and presumably in nutritional reserves) also affects the settlement behaviour of 3 species of colonial marine invertebrate larvae, the bryozoans Bugula neritina and Watersipora subtorquata and the ascidian Diplosoma listerianum. For all 3 species, larger larvae delayed settlement for longer in the absence of settlement cues, and settlement of Bugula neritina larvae was accelerated by the presence of settlement cues, independently of larval size. In the field, larger W subtorquata larvae also took longer to settle than smaller larvae and were more discriminating towards settlement surfaces. These differences in settlement time are likely to result in differences in the distance that larvae disperse in the field. We suggest that species that produce non-feeding larvae can affect the dispersal potential of their offspring by manipulating larval size and thus larval desperation.
The genus Synoestropsis contains 10 described species, six of which occur in Brazil. The species S. furcata was described by Flint (1974), based on adults only. In this paper, the larvae are described and illustrated. This description constitutes the first definitive species-level association in the genus, and also enlarges the known distribution for S. furcata.
The endemic Neotropical long-horned caddisfly subgenus Notalina (Neonotalina) Holzenthal contains nine described species, but its immature stages are unknown. In this paper the larvae and pupae of Notalina morsei Holzenthal 1986 from southeastern Brazil are described and illustrated. Larvae of the subgenus are easily recognized from other Neotropical leptocerids by the following characters: ventral apotome which is broad anteriorly and narrow posteriorly; the metanotum with three sclerites; the metasternum bearing 10-12 setae; the gill arrangement, usually including ventral and dorsal filaments from abdominal segments II to VI; and abdominal tergite IX with 6 long and 4 short setae. An updated key to known larvae of Neotropical Leptoceridae genera is provided.