234 resultados para Infaunal Macrobenthos
Macrobenthos biomass and bottom biocoenoses were studied in the sublittoral zone of the southern East Siberian Sea. The macrobenthos is characterized by relatively high abundance (from 30 to 2680 #/m**2), biomass (from 0.25 to 578.8 g/m**2), and diversity (83 species in total). Lateral distribution of macrobenthos biomass correlates with a substrate type and salinity and is substantially higher in areas washed by the Arctic water mass than in estuaries with mixed fresh and Arctic waters and shows a tendency to decreasing in the convergence zone of different water masses. The highest macrobenthos biomass is observed in cores of water masses in the Long Strait area and in the eastern part of the sea.
During Cruise 54 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh macrobenthos of the Novaya Zemlya Trough was studied with use of a Sigsby trawl along a submeridional transect near 75°30'N at depth range from 68 to 362 m. In total 140 species of bottom animals were found. Relative role of taxons was assessed using three parameters: abundance, biomass, and energy flow. Similarity of the parameters was used for comparison of samples. New material greatly contributes to data on composition of fauna and structure of communities of the studied region. It was revealed that small scyphozoid polyps and sipunculoids play an important role in the trough's community. Presence of a community dominated by Ophiocten sericeum (with important role of small bivalves) was revealed for the first time not only at the eastern by also at the western slope of the Novaya Zemlya Trough. The sharpest changes in composition and structure of the bottom community were confined to a zone of transition from the trough floor to the slope. These changes are determined by specificity of the macrorelief (of the floor and slope), composition of ground (soft brown silts abound in rhizopods and dense gray silts with admixture of pebbles), and possibly by hydrodynamic processes near the bottom.
Dataset containing macrobenthos data for samples collected during April 2008 in the North-West Black Sea (between 44°46' - 43°45' N latitude and 30° 11' - 29°35' E longitude). Macrobenthos sampling was done in 4 stations using a 0.14 m**2 Van Veen grab. Washing of the sample through two sieves - 1 mm and 0.25 mm mesh size; the material retained by the two sieves was examined at the binocular microscope; all animals were extracted, using fine tweezers and the species or group of species were identified and counted (in order to determine the density of populations); the larger organisms were measured and weighed (structure and biomass); for smaller organisms, the average wet weights inscribed in standard tables were used to calculate the biomass. Taxonomic identification was done at the GeoEcoMar by A. Teaca and T. Begun using the relevant taxonomic literature (Key-book for the identification of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov Fauna, 1968 -1972, Kiev - in Russian, V 1-4; BACESCU, M.C., MÜLLER, G. I., GOMOIU, M.-T., 1971 and BACESCU, M.C., MÜLLER, G. I., GOMOIU, M.-T., 1971-Benthic ecological research to Black Sea. Comparative quantitative and qualitative analyse of pontic benthic fauna. Marine Ecology, 4, 1-357 (in Romanian).