993 resultados para Industrial Organization


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O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar o processo de mudança no sistema de controle gerencial (SCG), analisando a alteração das práticas de controle gerencial na estrutura desse sistema, sob a ótica da teoria institucional. A questão de pesquisa é: como ocorre o processo de mudança no SCG em uma organização industrial brasileira? Para tanto, optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa do tipo descritiva, num estudo de caso único, utilizando como métodos de coleta de dados entrevistas individuais não estruturadas e semiestruturadas com 11 gestores e usuários do SCG, observação não participante e levantamento documental. A coleta dos dados ocorreu entre agosto/2014 e março/2015. Como método de análise e interpretação de dados foram utilizados elementos da análise do discurso (AD). Os principais referenciais teóricos foram os trabalhos de Meyer e Rowan (1977), Dimaggio e Powel (1983, 1991, 2007), Scott (1995, 2008a, 2008b) e Machado-da- Silva e Vizeu (2007) sobre a teoria institucional; Huy (2001), Beekman, Chenhall e Euske (2007) e Machado-da-Silva, Fonseca e Crubellate (2010) referente ao processo de mudança; e Malmi e Brown (2008) e Simons (1995) referente ao SCG; destacando a aplicação empírica dos modelos teóricos de Malmi e Brown (2008), Simons (1995) e Huy (2001). Na análise dos dados, foi identificado o desenho e o uso do SCG, relatando como está transcorrendo a alteração de suas práticas de controle gerencial, identificando os fatores de estímulo e resistência à institucionalização dessas práticas e quais os atores organizacionais que estão atuando como agentes da mudança. Por fim, foram identificados os aspectos discursivos recorrentes que permeiam o discurso da empresa pesquisada, alinhados ao processo de mudança no SCG. Como contribuições, foi demonstrada a influência dos fatores isomórficos na escolha das práticas de controle gerencial, a evidência de que o SCG é socialmente construído, as implicações da centralização do poder e da ausência de estratégias para o SCG, evidências de que o processo de mudança no SCG não é meramente mecânico ou automatizado e ainda, que o discurso da mudança pode permear a organização sem que a ação seja concretizada, revelando um descompasso entre o discurso e a ação


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The organizational design of research and development conditions theincentives of the researchers of the research project. In particular,the organizational form determines the allocation of effort of theresearcher between time spent on research and time spent lobbying management. Researchers prefer to spend their time on research. However,the researchers only get utility from performing research if theproject is approved for its full duration. Spending time lobbyingmanagement for the continuation of the researcher s project increasesthe probability that the management observes a favorable signal aboutthe project. Organizing a research joint venture increases theflexibility of the organizational form with respect to the continuationdecision. For low correlation between the signals of the partners aboutthe expected profitability of the project, we find that the organizationof a research joint venture reduces influence activity by the researchersand increases expected profits of the partners. For high correlationbetween the signals, internal research projects lower influence activityby the researchers. We try to relate the correlation of the partnerssignals to the characteristics of basic research versus more appliedresearch projects, and find that the model is consistent with theobservation that research joint ventures seem involved in more basicresearch projects compared to internal R&D departments, whichconcentrate on more applied research.


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Corporate criminal liability puts a serious challenge to the economictheory of enforcement. Are corporate crimes different from other crimes?Are these crimes best deterred by punishing individuals, punishing corporations, or both? What is optimal structure of sanctions? Shouldcorporate liability be criminal or civil? This paper has two majorcontributions to the literature. First, it provides a common analyticalframework to most results presented and largely discussed in the field.In second place, by making use of the framework, we provide new insightsinto how corporations should be punished for the offenses committed bytheir employees.


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In this paper, we take an organizational view of organized crime. In particular, we study the organizational consequences of product illegality attending at the following characteristics: (i) contracts are not enforceable in court, (ii) all participants are subject to the risk of being punished, (iii) employees present a major threat to the entrepreneur having the most detailed knowledge concerning participation, (iv) separation between ownership and management is difficult because record-keeping and auditing augments criminal evidence.


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El projecte s’ha realitzat a CONSTRUCCIÓ TÈCNICA INDUSTRIAL DEL TERSLU, empresa situada a Aiguaviva, municipi de Girona. Aquesta empresa es dedica a la construcció metàl•lica, però sobretot a la construcción d’estructures metàl•liques lleugeres i pesades, caldereria i manteniment industrial. L’objecte del projecte és buscar un mètode per la reducció del temps de fabricació imillorar la distribució en planta. Per a això s’han d’investigar diferents alternatives icomparar-les entre si per arribar a un resultat final satisfactori. La implantació de la nova distribució en planta com a objectiu final vol aconseguiraugmentar els beneficis globals de l’empresa. Això s.aconsegueix analitzant diferentsdistribucions, l’aplicació de diferents processos de fabricació i muntatge i augmentant lacoordinació entre el departament tècnic i el taller


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This paper makes a critical survey of some recent evolutionary economic literature dealing with industrial dynamics. Although the evolutionary models of industrial dynamics has explored the relationships among market structure and the innovation process within an analytical context that emphasize non-linearity, behavioral asymmetries and the existence of selective process in the competitive dynamics of markets, have been capable of offering compatible results with industrial organization stylized facts, a lot of limitations in technical change description pointed out have able to alter in a crucial way the results attained.


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Este trabalho analisou 2770 empresas nos BRICs entre 1995 e 2008 para identificar quais os setores mais atrativos para investimento conforme a relação risco-retorno, geração de valor e a tradição da Organização Industrial (IO). Os resultados reforçam os de Fama e French (1992), Mohanram (2005) e Goldszmidt, Brito e Vasconcelos (2007), porém divergem de World Bank (2008) quanto à China. Constatou-se que os setores mais atrativos na perspectiva de risco-retorno sobre o patrimônio líquido seriam óleo & gás na Rússia e mineração no Brasil, Índia e China, enquanto aqueles com menor atratividade seriam os setores têxtil, motores, máquinas & ferramentas e telecomunicações no Brasil.


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The Brazilian Ministry of Labour has been attempting to modify the norms used to analyse industrial accidents in the country. For this purpose, in 1994 it tried to make compulsory use of the causal tree approach to accident analysis, an approach developed in France during the 1970s,without having previously determined whether it is suitable for use under the industrial safety conditions that prevail in most Brazilian firms. In addition, apposition from Brazilian employers has blocked the proposed changes to the norms. The present study employed anthropotechnology to analyse experimental application of the causal tree method to work-related accidents in industrial firms in the region of Botucatu, São Paulo. Three work-related accidents were examined in three industrial firms representative of local, national and multinational companies. on the basis of the accidents analysed in this study, the rationale for the use of the causal tree method in Brazil can be summarized for each type of firm as follows:the method is redundant if there is a predominance of the type of risk whose elimination or neutralization requires adoption of conventional industrial safety measures (firm representative of local enterprises); the method is worth while if the company's specific technical risks have already largely been eliminated (firm representative of national enterprises); and the method is particularly appropriate if the firm has a good safety record and the causes of accidents are primarily related to industrial organization and management (multinational enterprise).


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Includes bibliography


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This paper discusses the diversity of industrial development among Asian countries that emerges through an investigation of the motorcycle industry despite its uniform industrial attributes. The paper then explores factors that generate diversity, focusing attention on the differences in knowledge-based assets accumulated in each country. It finds that diversity is brought about through the differences in domestic industrial resources and the capabilities of local firms. The analysis underscores each country’s intrinsic logic in industrial development, contrary to the current trend of stressing assimilation through the global production networks of multinational corporations.


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Projet de recherche réalisé en 2014-2015 avec l'appui du Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture.


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Projet de recherche réalisé en 2014-2015 avec l'appui du Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture.


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"October 1990."