999 resultados para Industrial District
The Services Sector stands out increasingly as an important element of support to various sectors of the economy. The interactions between the Industrial Sector and Services Sector show a process of decentralization of certain functions of the industries at the expense of the specialization of strategic and critical sectors to the production of goods in specialized industries. Thus, this paper aims to address what is the importance of industrial services for industries in the industrial district of Rio Claro (SP), verifying the characteristics of services, demand and supply of these services and the industries they serve
Recently, the environmental concern has grown due to the higher awareness about the availability and the importance of natural resources for survival on the Earth. So, laws and regulations were implemented aiming the environmental preservation. It has being developed new systems, technologies and techniques in order to minimize wastage of resources and minimize waste generation that may cause environmental impacts, in order to abide by the laws and regulations. These techniques and systems have been developed mostly for the industrial sector, because it’s one of the most responsible for the waste generation and impacts. One of the most employed systems is the environmental management, performed during the environmental diagnosis of the area/activity. So, this study aimed the environmental assessment and the establishment of proposals for the mitigation of the most significant environmental impacts generated in five industries of the Antonio Crepaldi industrial district – Presidente Prudente, in order to contribute to environmental issues and provide greater efficiency in the productive process of these industries... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Economic activities, whether large or small, can cause a range of environmental changes, not always reversible, harming society and its quality of life. Many potentially polluting activities have already been installed in various Brazilian cities, just as at the industrial district of Rio Claro / SP, which allow the synthesis of the many environmental impacts. In this sense, this report aims to make an environmental assessment in the influence area of the industrial district of Rio Claro / SP, located in the urban area of the city. As a result, the existence of prior related studies was observed, especially the diagnosis and study of the many implications that arises from activities impacting, and further, there was a demarcation of the influence area of the district and its derivatives impacts in the influence area, the steps of prediction and mitigation measures and if these activities meet the minimum technical requirements in planning and environmental applicable legislation.
At the end of the XIX Century, Marshall described the existence of some concentrations of small and medium enterprises specialised in a specific production activity in certain districts of some industrial English cities. Starting from his contribute, Italian scholars have paid particular attention to this local system of production coined by Marshall under the term industrial district. In other countries, different but related territorial models have played a central role as the milieu or the geographical industrial clusters. Recently, these models have been extended to non-industrial fields like culture, rural activities and tourism. In this text, we explore the extension of these territorial models to the study of tourist activities in Italy, using a framework that can be easily applied to other countries or regions. The paper is divided in five sections. In the first one, we propose a review of the territorial models applied to tourism industry. In the second part, we construct a tourist filiere and we apply a methodology for the identification of local systems through GIS tools. Thus, taxonomy of the Italian Tourist Local Systems is presented. In the third part, we discuss about the sources of competitiveness of these Tourist Local Systems. In the forth section, we test a spatial econometrics model regarding different kinds of Italian Tourist Local Systems (rural systems, arts cities, tourist districts) in order to measure external economies and territorial networks. Finally, conclusions and policy implications are exposed.
The studies of Giacomo Becattini concerning the notion of the "Marshallian industrial district" have led a revolution in the field of economic development around the world. The paper offers an interpretation of the methodology adopted by Becattini. The roots are clearly Marshallian. Becattini proposes a return to the economy as a complex social science that operates in historical time. We adopt a Schumpeterian approach to the method in economic analysis in order to highlight the similarities between the Marshall and Becattini's approach. Finally the paper uses the distinction between logical time, real time and historical time which enable us to study the "localized" economic process in a Becattinian way.
This article describes the ways in which cotton goods were commercialised during the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth. Several national cases are analysed: Britain, as the Workshop of the World; France, Germany, Switzerland and the US, as core economies; and Italy and Spain as countries on the European periphery. The main question that we address is why some cotton industries vertically integrated their production and commercialisation processes, but others did not. We present a model that combines industrial district size and product differentiation to explain why vertical integration was present in most cases and why there was vertical specialisation in Lancashire and Lowell.
This article describes the ways in which cotton goods were commercialised during the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth. Several national cases are analysed: Britain, as the Workshop of the World; France, Germany, Switzerland and the US, as core economies; and Italy and Spain as countries on the European periphery. The main question that we address is why some cotton industries vertically integrated their production and commercialisation processes, but others did not. We present a model that combines industrial district size and product differentiation to explain why vertical integration was present in most cases and why there was vertical specialisation in Lancashire and Lowell.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää syy siihen, miksi Etelä-Karjalassa syntyy vähemmän uusia ICT-alan yrityksiä, kuin mihin on edellytyksiä. Tutkimusmetodologia oli toiminta-analyyttinen ja sen empiirinen osuus muodostettiin avoimien teemahaastatteluiden avulla. Haastatellut olivat alueen ICTalan päättäjiä ja heitä oli yhteensä 28. Merkittävimpinä syinä siihen, että korkeakoulun, ammattikorkeakoulun ja teknologiakeskuksen olemassaolosta huolimatta maakuntaan syntyy varsin vähän uusia ICT-alan yrityksiä, nähtiin olevan negatiivinen ilmapiiri ja kateus yrittäjyyttä kohtaan, lähimarkkinoiden pieni koko sekä maakunnallisen yhteistyön puuttuminen ICT-alalla. Kehittämisalueina nousivat esiin koulutus, alueellinen yhteistyö, yritysyhteistyö, infrastruktuurin kehittäminen, tutkimus- ja tuotekehitys sekä alueen markkinointi. Ohjeeksi ICT-alan yrittäjyyden edistämiseksi Etelä-Karjalassa tutkimuksessa annettiin laajan yhteisen tahdon aikaansaaminen ja resurssien kohdentaminen jollekin valitulle ICT-alan osa-alueelle tavoitteena synnyttää alueelle kansainvälisesti merkittävä osaamiskeskittymä.
The aim of this paper was to evaluate alterations in the quality of the water of the Tibagi River caused by the urban and industrial activities in the region of Ponta Grossa. The study involved the monitoring of physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of the water body, which were evaluated by a principal components analysis routine. Sample collections were carried out monthly during one year (October of 2005 to September of 2006), at 3 sampling points: upstream and downstream of the industrial district and downstream from the city of Ponta Grossa. The principal components analysis showed the effect of point sources associated with industrial activity, which contribute to the rise of total concentration of amoniacal nitrogen and the reduction of dissolved oxygen in the studied region.
L’importance que revêt la localisation des entreprises dans le fonctionnement et la compétitivité de celles-ci amène à porter l’attention sur la problématique des clusters et l’influence qu’ils peuvent avoir sur la production de connaissances. À travers une perspective théorique qui repose sur la prise en compte des travaux portant sur les districts industriels et ceux plus récents, sur les clusters, nous mettons en évidence une évolution conceptuelle du phénomène de la localisation des entreprises. La place qu’occupe la production de connaissances constitue désormais un élément central des travaux récents qui portent sur les districts et les clusters industriels. Notre examen des dynamiques de fonctionnement de ces systèmes permet d’affirmer que la production de connaissances est une caractéristique centrale des clusters ainsi que leur principal avantage compétitif. Étroitement liée aux réseaux inter-organisationnels, la production de connaissances n’est pas un phénomène naturel, elle découle des mécanismes intrinsèques aux clusters, qu’on cherche à mettre en évidence. Pour ce faire, notre méthodologie qui emprunte les principaux repères de l’analyse stratégique des organisations conduit à l’étude du fonctionnement concret d’un réseau local d’innovation, constitué d’entreprises et d’institutions locales présentes dans le cluster montréalais de l’aérospatiale. Un réseau constitué par l’intermédiaire du Consortium de Recherche et d’Innovation en Aérospatiale du Québec, une institution centrale dans le fonctionnement de ce cluster.
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad analizar las características de generación y difusión del conocimiento en distintos distritos industriales o aquéllos dedicados a la industria de la confección. Se analizan dos distritos textiles localizados en las ciudades de Pergamino y Mar del Plata (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina). Ellos poseen una importante masa crítica de talleres de confección ligados a empresas con marca y diseño propio, cuya localización dentro o fuera de los límites de la ciudad varía en ambos casos. La metodología de investigación es cuantitativa y de tipo descriptivo. Los resultados muestran que Pergamino ha construido una base más sólida de conocimiento que Mar del Plata, proveniente de diferentes orígenes y sendero evolutivo. Ello incide, como un círculo virtuoso, sobre el conocimiento arquitectural de las empresas y sobre sus estrategias empresariales. Sin embargo, si bien en Pergamino existe un flujo constante de saberes tecnológicos externos que permiten crear una base más elevada de conocimiento de las firmas, que se difunde en el distrito, no se vislumbra el surgimiento de nuevas empresas locales con marca y diseño. De esta manera persiste un tipo de organización donde las firmas núcleo,en su mayoría externas al territorio, son las que traccionan el dinamismo de la trama. The aim of this paper is to analyze the patterns of knowledge creation and diffusion in two textile industrial districts located in the Argentinean cities of Mar del Plata and Pergamino. Both of them have an important number of supplier manufacturing firms linked to fashion- oriented clothing subcontractors, which are located inside or outside the geographical boundaries of each city. The methodology research is quantitative and descriptive. The results show that Pergamino has developed over time a stronger knowledge base than Mar del Plata, which could be related to different historical circumstances and evolutionary paths. This has an importante effect on firms’ architectural knowledge and strategies. Even though in Pergamino there is a permanent flow of external technological know how, which increase its knowledge base and let the firms belonging to the cluster to share it, there is not new fashion-oriented clothing local firms, prevailing a type of industrial district where the dynamism of the economy depends on the hub firms located outside the local context.
Desenvolvimento local, cidadania e arranjos produtivos locais: um estudo no estado do Rio de Janeiro
The aim of the present study was to verify how the participation and interaction of the local government public and private instittutions and civil society, might promote sustainable development, taking as a reference the Local Productive Arrangements (LPA) of Nova Friburgo and its Region. This work was conducted after a theoretical discussion concerning local development, citizenship, local development with citizenship and local productive arrangements. Afterwards, semi-structured interviews were realized with 32 citizens from five cities that were part of the Fashion Development Council, using the discourse analysis to data treatment. It was verified that the productive arrangement in the Centro-Norte Fluminense region of the Rio de Janeiro State has one of its main competitive advantages the pool of institutions, that articulate and support the underwear fashion sector. However, the APL presents many other characteristics making impossible to classify it as a cluster or an industrial district since there is still a need for cooperation among institutions and undertakers. In addition, there is no integration between the government instances and civil society in relation to the LPA development. So, it is concluded that there is a need for more union and dialogue among all of these involved actors, to overcome ¿bottle-necks¿ in the sector of underwear fashion in the region, such as informality of a huge number of companies and the low qualification of employees and undertakers.
O presente estudo trata da organização dos horários de trabalho em turnos fixos, analisando seu impacto na qualidade do sono, na utilização do tempo livre pelo trabalhador e de aspectos relacionados à sua percepção quanto à saúde. A pesquisa foi realizada com auxiliares do setor de impressão e acabamento de uma gráfica e editora localizada na cidade industrial, em Curitiba no estado do Paraná. Para avaliar a qualidade do sono, das relações sociais e da saúde, utilizou-se a versão traduzida do Standard Shiftwork Index (SSI) (JAFFE; SMOLENSKI; WUN, 1996). Para a identificação do cronotipo (vespertinidade/matutinidade) foi utilizado o questionário de Horne e Ostberg (1976). Os resultados demonstraram não haver diferenças significativas entre os três turnos quando comparados os valores médios dos escores de cada constructo, com exceção para as atividades sociais e familiares. Quando analisadas separadamente, cada questão do SSI referente ao sono, algumas tendências indicaram que quando o cronotipo é relacionado com o turno de trabalho, existem percepções diferentes quanto à qualidade do sono. Foi constatado também nos três turnos um anseio dos trabalhadores por um dia a mais de folga na semana, pois o descanso semanal não é suficiente para reparar a fadiga ocasionada pelo trabalho, principalmente para os trabalhadores do terceiro turno.