279 resultados para Individu barricadé


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Mode of access: Internet.


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In 1860 the author published a sequel to this work, under the title: La centralisation: suite de L'individu et l'état.


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Preface signed: A.R. Saraiva.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Depuis le début du XXIe siècle, un type particulier d’images a envahi l’espace public constitué par Internet : il s’agit des images principales de profil, ces images que les utilisateurs de sites de réseaux sociaux choisissent pour les représenter auprès des autres individus connectés. Comme le plus souvent il s’agit d’une image du corps de celui ou celle qui s’affiche ainsi, il est intéressant de s’intéresser à cette pratique en la rattachant à des pratiques plus anciennes. Dans un premier temps, cette étude présente donc une perspective socio-historique en notant la ressemblance de la pratique de l’image principale de profil avec celle de l’autoportrait et du portrait commandé. Cela permet de remarquer plusieurs points de rupture ou d’inflexion dans l’usage de ce type d’images, mais aussi d’en dégager les usages sociaux typiques. Ensuite, l’observation d’un lieu particulier d’Internet permet de tirer les conclusions suivantes : si l’usage principal de ces images est facile à expliquer, elles servent à symboliser une présence dans des lieux non accessibles aux corps sensibles, ces images montrent toujours des éléments qui permettent de déduire une position sociale et elles sont fondamentalement identiques aux images produites avant Internet. Ensuite, l’étude de ces images montre qu’il y a un véritable continuum dans la manière de dévoiler son intimité qui permet d’affirmer que la frontière entre public et privé n’existe pas sur Internet. Finalement, ces images montrent une absence de canon quant à leur production et une multiplicité des façons de se mettre en scène qui laissent à penser qu’elles sont devenues des symboles à part entière dans la communication qui peut s’établir entre des étrangers sur Internet.


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Depuis le début du XXIe siècle, un type particulier d’images a envahi l’espace public constitué par Internet : il s’agit des images principales de profil, ces images que les utilisateurs de sites de réseaux sociaux choisissent pour les représenter auprès des autres individus connectés. Comme le plus souvent il s’agit d’une image du corps de celui ou celle qui s’affiche ainsi, il est intéressant de s’intéresser à cette pratique en la rattachant à des pratiques plus anciennes. Dans un premier temps, cette étude présente donc une perspective socio-historique en notant la ressemblance de la pratique de l’image principale de profil avec celle de l’autoportrait et du portrait commandé. Cela permet de remarquer plusieurs points de rupture ou d’inflexion dans l’usage de ce type d’images, mais aussi d’en dégager les usages sociaux typiques. Ensuite, l’observation d’un lieu particulier d’Internet permet de tirer les conclusions suivantes : si l’usage principal de ces images est facile à expliquer, elles servent à symboliser une présence dans des lieux non accessibles aux corps sensibles, ces images montrent toujours des éléments qui permettent de déduire une position sociale et elles sont fondamentalement identiques aux images produites avant Internet. Ensuite, l’étude de ces images montre qu’il y a un véritable continuum dans la manière de dévoiler son intimité qui permet d’affirmer que la frontière entre public et privé n’existe pas sur Internet. Finalement, ces images montrent une absence de canon quant à leur production et une multiplicité des façons de se mettre en scène qui laissent à penser qu’elles sont devenues des symboles à part entière dans la communication qui peut s’établir entre des étrangers sur Internet.


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Anthropometric assessment is a simple, safe, and cost-efficient method to examine the health status of individu-als. The Japanese obesity classification based on the sum of two skin folds (Σ2SF) was proposed nearly 40 years ago therefore its applicability to Japanese living today is unknown. The current study aimed to determine Σ2SF cut-off values that correspond to percent body fat (%BF) and BMI values using two datasets from young Japa-nese adults (233 males and 139 females). Using regression analysis, Σ2SF and height-corrected Σ2SF (HtΣ2SF) values that correspond to %BF of 20, 25, and 30% for males and 30, 35, and 40% for females were determined. In addition, cut-off values of both Σ2SF and HtΣ2SF that correspond to BMI values of 23 kg/m2, 25 kg/m2 and 30 kg/m2 were determined. In comparison with the original Σ2SF values, the proposed values are smaller by about 10 mm at maximum. The proposed values show an improvement in sensitivity from about 25% to above 90% to identify individuals with ≥20% body fat in males and ≥30% body fat in females with high specificity of about 95% in both genders. The results indicate that the original Σ2SF cut-off values to screen obese individuals cannot be applied to young Japanese adults living today and modification is required. Application of the pro-posed values may assist screening in the clinical setting.


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This study is a qualitative examination of the professional structure of the ecclesias-tical funeral field. The research material is based on 13 funeral cases in the archdio-cese. The researcher participated in all the funerals and memorial events, interviewed the closest survivors, the officials of the funeral agency and the ecclesiastical actors. The material was collected by means of observation and recording of the interviews, and was later transcribed and analyzed. The actors in this study are the survivors, the funeral agencies and the church. The survivors act as the buyers and users of the products (funeral services) who require both the funeral agencies and the church to assist them with the problems that the death has caused. The numbers of actions related to the death and to the funerals - the rituals of death - are placed on the action field, which in this study is called the funeral field. In this field, the researchquestion focused space and power, and the actions on the funeral field are highly ritualized. The theoretical model comes from Pierre Bourdieu. The study showed an action structure on the funeral field in which the survivors first contacted a funeral agency, which then contacted the other actors of the field, re-served the date and place for the funeral, and organised the funeral arrangements. The funeral agencies arranged an opportunity for the survivors to have a last look at the deceased when he or she was placed in the coffin, and they held a moment of the prayer (if desired) before removing the deceased from the hospital's chapel. The sur-vivors contacted the pastor of the funeral much later. The pastor also participated in the memorial event. The survivors contacted the church musician through via pastor. In some cases, the survivors had neither met nor even seen the musician prior to the actual funeral service. Still, the music was of great importance to the survivors. In the research interviews, tensions emerged to some extent between the funeral agencies and the ecclesiastical actors; these actors attempted to resolve these tensions through organising negotiations. In the beginning of the 20th century, the family took an active part in the preparations of the deceased and in the arrangements of the funerals, whereas this study showed that these days, survivors often transfer the preparations to the funeral agencies. The professional side of the funeral field has grown. The funeral agencies can be seen as providers of full services that act on the survivors' behalf, aspiring to high individu-ality and aiming to fulfil the survivors' wishes. In practise, the role of the church in carrying out the last journey was reduced in the research cases to the actual funeral. In several cases, the pastor or the cantor of the funeral had never before seen the per-son in the coffin at any stage of life or death. The proportion of cremations in funeral cases has increased rapidly, however, special issues related to these cremations (such as the possibility of holding a funeral service for the already cremated deceased) have seen little consideration in the church. In the church's liturgies on funeral rites, cremation is frequently overlooked. The pastors or the cantors did not participate in either the burial of the funeral urn or in the scattering of the deceased's ashes. The verger took care of it. The parishes had no adopted standard practices for cremations, yet in each case for the survivors that moment was crucial.


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Cap. 1. Proyectos patrimoniales y museísticos en las sociedades democráticas y capitalistas: entre la legitimación formal y la vinculación social. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Cap. 2. Musées et patrimoine immatériel au Québec : enjeux politiques et sociaux. Laurier Turgeon. Cap. 3. “El patrimonio pertenece a todos”. De la universalidad a la identidad, ¿cuál es el lugar de la participación social? Victoria Quintero Morón. Cap. 4. La legitimación social y política de los museos: dos casos del estado de Oaxaca, México. Teresa Morales Lersch y Cuauhtémoc Camarena Ocampo. Cap. 5. Reinterpretaciones de la misión social de los museos: políticas de la cultura en la red de museos de Loures, Portugal. Marta Anico. Cap. 6. La comunicación de los museos y sus relaciones con las políticas culturales de las ciudades. Entre la repetición de estrategias y la innovación. Daniel Paül i Agustí. Cap. 7. El Patrimonio de la Guerra Civil como útil de concienciación social al amparo de la Ley de la Memoria Histórica. Óscar Navajas Corral y Julián González Fraile. Cap. 8. Política y planificación museística, y participación social en Cataluña: un breve recorrido histórico y algunas reflexiones. Daniel Solé i Lladós. Cap. 9. Diagnóstico de las acciones de los museos catalanes como parte de las políticas de integración. Fabien Van Geert. Cap. 10. Los inexistentes alcornocaleños y las experiencias museísticas etnográficas en el Parque Natural Los Alcornocales. Agustín Coca Pérez.


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Nesta tese, ao aproximar as obras do filósofo Jean-Paul Sartre e do dramaturgo Luigi Pirandello, pretende-se pesquisar de que forma o teatro pode contribuir para ampliar o espaço significativo entre as pessoas. A via para a compreensão das relações intersubjetivas escolhida nesta pesquisa de Doutorado é o teatro, pois este gênero literário possui uma singularidade que os demais gêneros não possuem que é, justamente, o movimento, o gesto, a ação. Esta ação realizada no palco está intimamente ligada a um movimento que se inaugura na existência, possibilitando vislumbrar outras experiências subjetivas. A importância do teatro, para Jean-Paul Sartre, está em mostrar o ser humano em determinada situação na sua vida cotidiana, como se ele pudesse ver a si próprio a partir do seu exterior. É a partir deste espaço dramático que Pirandello parte para compreender o indivíduo e sua relação com os outros. O homem, para Pirandello, para poder se relacionar com as demais pessoas, constrói uma máscara ou uma forma determinada e é desta maneira que ele inventa a si próprio. Esta tese procura evidenciar que, tanto para Sartre quanto para Pirandello, a subjetividade, sempre movente, mutável e conflituosa, é constituída à medida que cada qual tece linhas de ação, em determinada situação e em um lugar específico. A constituição da subjetividade possui uma relação íntima com a intersubjetividade e com o espaço que ocupamos no mundo; ela será definida a partir de elos afetivos, políticos, profissionais, espaciais, temporais e também utópicos que se estabelecem no mundo. Considera-se como ponto de partida desta pesquisa que o espaço cênico é uma via de acesso para a compreensão das relações intersubjetivas, pois elas se realizam a partir das relações de proximidade e de afastamento que estabelecemos com as demais pessoas. As distâncias que estabelecemos entre nossas intencionalidades e o mundo estão intimamente ligadas à constituição do eu; estas distâncias estabelecem os vínculos relacionais entre as pessoas. O teatro, ao apresentar um homem situado, engajado em um projeto de vida através de suas palavras, seus silêncios, seus gestos e suas ações, pode ser uma via de invenção de novos horizontes existenciais.


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In this experiment, we tested the hypothesis that males of root voles (Microtus oeconomus Pallas) of different social ranks display different behavioural strategies. To document behavioural differences between social ranks, we investigated patterns in the behavioural responses to urine cues from familiar and novel individu in a choice maze. Ten pairs of male voles were efectively used in this experiment. All behaviour was recorded with OBSERVER 5.0. When experiment was finished, video tapes were transformed into digital data. Then all data were analyzed by SPSS. The results showed that the approach latency of subordinates was shorter for familiar odours than novel ones, dominant individuals preferentially entered the strange odourant box, subordinates preferred familiar odours over novel ones, subordinates spent more time visiting familiar odours compared to the novel odours, dominants preferred novel odours to familiar ones, subordinates approached familiar odours more frequently than novel ones and self-groomed more often in the familiar odourant box than in the novel box, and dominant and subordinate individuals showed significantly different countermarking behaviours to familiar and novel odours. In conclusion, the dominants and subordinates displayed different behaviour patterns when faced to familiar and novel conspecific males' urine cues. The data support our hypothesis that differences in social rank induce differences in behavioural patterns.


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Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade em Antropologia


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Few studies have addressed the relationship between law and power in the works of Michel Foucault. Some authors emphasize that law performs a completely secondary role in the diagram of power of modernity, while others argue that there is a close link between power relations and the law. Foucault's Law by Golden and Fitzpatrick aims to renew these discussions and reconstruct another law of Foucault. In this paper I make a critical reading of this work, highlighting the faulty presentation that the authors carried out of the works of Foucault.


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Résumé: L'adoption d'une innovation technopédagogique par une communauté enseignante universitaire La thèse traite de l'adoption d'une innovation technopédagogique par une communauté enseignante universitaire. Cette étude longitudinale, réalisée dans le cadre d'une recherche-action, vise à comprendre la dynamique globale du processus d'adoption d'une innovation. Le cadre de réflexion théorique de l'étude provient de la recherche en management, en systèmes d'information et en éducation. Il tient à la fois compte des motivations et des besoins des individus (dimension individuelle), de la compatibilité des technologies de l'information selon les théories usuelles de l'apprentissage (dimension pédagogique) et du type de soutien à offrir aux utilisatrices-utilisateurs (dimension organisationnelle). Le modèle d'accompagnement émergeant de cette recherche se compose de cycles itératifs au cours desquels un groupe définit et résout un problème, puis réfléchit successivement aux enjeux émergents d'un cycle à l'autre. Le modèle tient explicitement compte des trois éléments clés suivants: l'individu, la pédagogie et l'organisation qui forment une dynamique systémique indissociable et en interaction les unes les autres pendant toute la durée du processus d'adoption de l'innovation. Il met aussi en lumière la nécessité de stimuler une réflexion critique grâce au concours de ressources externes crédibles pour déterminer la compatibilité des technologies à partir d'expériences concrètes. Une telle démarche participative systématique permet d'accroître la cohésion des idées du groupe par le dialogue et les débats d'opinions_ Par ailleurs, la proximité avec notre milieu de recherche sur une période de deux ans offre la possibilité de saisir plusieurs facettes de la dynamique organisationnelle. Lorsque l'on réalise une étude longitudinale qui met en évidence l'incidence d'événements concomitants, on constate la fragilité du processus et la réversibilité de la décision d'adoption. L'intention d'adoption évolue constamment au gré des expériences des individus et du contexte qui évolue lui-même. L'établissement de relations partenariales avec les groupes intéressés représente une activité essentielle pour pallier ou neutraliser les effets indésirables d'événements concomitants.||Abstract: This thesis deals with a university teaching community adopting a technological/pedagogical innovation. This longitudinal study--part of an action-research study--aims at gaining understanding of the overall dynamics involved in adopting an innovation. The study's conceptual framework derives from management, information-systems, and teaching research. It takes into account the motivations and needs of individuals (individual dimension), the compatibility of information technologies according to current learning theories (pedagogical dimension), and the type of support to be offered to users (organizational dimension). The companion model issuing from this research work comprises iterative cycles during which a group defines and solves a problem and then successively reflects on the issues emerging from one cycle to the next. The model takes explicit account of three key elements: the individual, pedagogical approach, and organization form an indissociable system dynamic in which all dimensions interact during the entire process of adopting innovation. It also sheds light on the need to stimulate critical reflection about the combination of credible external resources so that tangible experiences can be used to determine technology compatibility. This kind of systematic participative process yields greater cohesiveness of group ideas through dialogue and discussion. Moreover, the proximity to our research setting over two years provides the opportunity to seize the many facets of organizational dynamics. During the course of a longitudinal study that highlights the incidence of concomitant events, the fragility of the process and reversibility of the adoption decision become apparent. The adoption intention constantly fluctuates through the experiences of individuals and the context, which also changes. Establishing partnership relations with interested groups stands out as an essential activity in attenuating or counteracting the undesirable effects produced by concomitant events.