993 resultados para Indirect Fluorescence Assay


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OBJECTIVE: Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is critically involved in the control of cartilage matrix metabolism. It is well known that IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) is increased during osteoarthritis (OA), but its function(s) is not known. In other cells, IGFBP-3 can regulate IGF-I action in the extracellular environment and can also act independently inside the cell; this includes transcriptional gene control in the nucleus. These studies were undertaken to localize IGFBP-3 in human articular cartilage, particularly within cells. DESIGN: Cartilage was dissected from human femoral heads derived from arthroplasty for OA, and OA grade assessed by histology. Tissue slices were further characterized by extraction and assay of IGFBPs by IGF ligand blot (LB) and by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for IGF-I and IGFBP-3 was performed on cartilage from donors with mild, moderate and severe OA. Indirect fluorescence and immunogold-labeling IHC studies were included. RESULTS: LBs of chondrocyte lysates showed a strong signal for IGFBP-3. IHC of femoral cartilage sections at all OA stages showed IGF-I and IGFBP-3 matrix stain particularly in the top zones, and closely associated with most cells. A prominent perinuclear/nuclear IGFBP-3 signal was seen. Controls using non-immune sera or antigen-blocked antibody showed negative or strongly reduced stain. In frozen sections of human ankle cartilage, immunofluorescent IGFBP-3 stain co-localized with the nuclear 4',6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole (DAPI) stain in greater than 90% of the cells. Immunogold IHC of thin sections and transmission electron immunogold microscopy of ultra-thin sections showed distinct intra-nuclear staining. CONCLUSIONS: IGFBP-3 in human cartilage is located in the matrix and within chondrocytes in the cytoplasm and nuclei. This new finding indicates that the range of IGFBP-3 actions in articular cartilage is likely to include IGF-independent roles and opens the door to studies of its nuclear actions, including the possible regulation of hormone receptors or transcriptional complexes to control gene action.


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Methods are presented for the production, affinity purification and analysis of plasmid DNA (pDNA). Batch fermentation is used for the production of the pDNA, and expanded bed chromatography, via the use of a dual affinity glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein, is used for the capture and purification of the pDNA. The protein is composed of GST, which displays affinity for glutathione immobilized to a solid-phase adsorbent, fused to a zinc finger transcription factor, which displays affinity for a target 9-base pair sequence contained within the target pDNA. A Picogreen™ fluorescence assay and/or anx ethidium bromide agarose gel electrophoresis assay can be used to analyze the eluted pDNA.


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Several orthopoxviruses (OPV) and Borna disease virus (BDV) are enveloped, zoonotic viruses with a wide geographical distribution. OPV antibodies cross-react, and former smallpox vaccination has therefore protected human populations from another OPV infection, rodent-borne cowpox virus (CPXV). Cowpox in humans and cats usually manifests as a mild, self-limiting dermatitis and constitutional symptoms, but it can be severe and even life-threatening in the immunocompromised. Classical Borna disease is a progressive meningoencephalomyelitis in horses and sheep known in central Europe for centuries. Nowadays the virus or its close relative infects humans and also several other species in central Europe and elsewhere, but the existence of human Borna disease with its suspected neuropsychiatric symptoms is controversial. The epidemiology of BDV is largely unknown, and the present situation is even more intriguing following the recent detection of several-million-year-old, endogenized BDV genes in primate and various other vertebrate genomes. The aims of this study were to elucidate the importance of CPXV and BDV in Finland and in possible host species, and particularly to 1) establish relevant methods for the detection of CPXV and other OPVs as well as BDV in Finland, 2) determine whether CPXV and BDV exist in Finland, 3) discover how common OPV immunity is in different age groups in Finland, 4) characterize possible disease cases and clarify their epidemiological context, 5) establish the hosts and possible reservoir species of these viruses and their geographical distribution in wild rodents, and 6) elucidate the infection kinetics of BDV in the bank vole. An indirect immunofluorescence assay and avidity measurement were established for the detection, timing and verification of OPV or BDV antibodies in thousands of blood samples from humans, horses, ruminants, lynxes, gallinaceous birds, dogs, cats and rodents. The mostly vaccine-derived OPV seroprevalence was found to decrease gradually according to the year of birth of the sampled human subjects from 100% to 10% in those born after 1977. On the other hand, OPV antibodies indicating natural contact with CPXV or other OPVs were commonly found in domestic and wild animals: the horse, cow, lynx, dog, cat and, with a prevalence occasionally even as high as 92%, in wild rodents, including some previously undetected species and new regions. Antibodies to BDV were detected in humans, horses, a dog, cats, and for the first time in wild rodents, such as bank voles (Myodes glareolus). Because of the controversy within the human Borna disease field, extra verification methods were established for BDV antibody findings: recombinant nucleocapsid and phosphoproteins were produced in Escherichia coli and in a baculovirus system, and peptide arrays were additionally applied. With these verification assays, Finnish human, equine, feline and rodent BDV infections were confirmed. Taken together, wide host spectra were evident for both OPV and BDV infections based on the antibody findings, and OPV infections were found to be geographically broadly distributed. PCR amplification methods were utilised for hundreds of blood and tissue samples. The methods included conventional, nested and real-time PCRs with or without the reverse transcription step and detecting four or two genes of OPVs and BDV, respectively. OPV DNA could be amplified from two human patients and three bank voles, whereas no BDV RNA was detected in naturally infected individuals. Based on the phylogenetic analyses, the Finnish OPV sequences were closely related although not identical to a Russian CPXV isolate, and clearly different from other CPXV strains. Moreover, the Finnish sequences only equalled each other, but the short amplicons obtained from German rodents were identical to monkeypox virus, in addition to German CPXV variants. This reflects the close relationship of all OPVs. In summary, RNA of the Finnish BDV variant could not be detected with the available PCR methods, but OPV DNA infrequently could. The OPV species infecting the patients of this study was proven to be CPXV, which is most probably also responsible for the rodent infections. Multiple cell lines and some newborn rodents were utilised in the isolation of CPXV and BDV from patient and wildlife samples. CPXV could be isolated from a child with severe, generalised cowpox. BDV isolation attempts from rodents were unsuccessful in this study. However, in parallel studies, a transient BDV infection of cells inoculated with equine brain material was detected, and BDV antigens discovered in archival animal brains using established immunohistology. Thus, based on several independent methods, both CPXV and BDV (or a closely related agent) were shown to be present in Finland. Bank voles could be productively infected with BDV. This experimental infection did not result in notable pathological findings or symptoms, despite the intense spread of the virus in the central and peripheral nervous system. Infected voles commonly excreted the virus in urine and faeces, which emphasises their possible role as a BDV reservoir. Moreover, BDV RNA was regularly reverse transcribed into DNA in bank voles, which was detected by amplifying DNA by PCR without reverse transcription, and verified with nuclease treatments. This finding indicates that BDV genes could be endogenized during an acute infection. Although further transmission studies are needed, this experimental infection demonstrated that the bank vole can function as a potential BDV reservoir. In summary, multiple methods were established and applied in large panels to detect two zoonoses novel to Finland: cowpox virus and Borna disease virus. Moreover, new information was obtained on their geographical distribution, host spectrum, epidemiology and infection kinetics.


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Four cationic acridine derivatives have been synthesized. The positively charged amine residue in one of these is connected directly on to the acridine nucleus and in three other acridines, the amines are connected via a 9-CH2 unit to acridine. We have investigated the binding of these acridines with mammalian DNA by absorption titration, UV- and induced-CD spectroscopy and competitive ethidium bromide displacement fluorescence assay. The effects on the DNA duplex denaturation melting temperatures upon binding of each one of these are also examined. The results obtained herein clearly show that the introduction of a -CH2 group in the im mediate vicinity of the interrelation moiety introduces alterations in the DNA binding characteristics of the resulting acridines.


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This dissertation describes studies of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) using unnatural amino acid mutagenesis to gain high precision insights into the function of these important membrane proteins.

Chapter 2 considers the functional role of highly conserved proline residues within the transmembrane helices of the D2 dopamine GPCR. Through mutagenesis employing unnatural α-hydroxy acids, proline analogs, and N-methyl amino acids, we find that lack of backbone hydrogen bond donor ability is important to proline function. At one proline site we additionally find that a substituent on the proline backbone N is important to receptor function.

In Chapter 3, side chain conformation is probed by mutagenesis of GPCRs and the muscle-type nAChR. Specific side chain rearrangements of highly conserved residues have been proposed to accompany activation of these receptors. These rearrangements were probed using conformationally-biased β-substituted analogs of Trp and Phe and unnatural stereoisomers of Thr and Ile. We also modeled the conformational bias of the unnatural Trp and Phe analogs employed.

Chapters 4 and 5 examine details of ligand binding to nAChRs. Chapter 4 describes a study investigating the importance of hydrogen bonds between ligands and the complementary face of muscle-type and α4β4 nAChRs. A hydrogen bond involving the agonist appears to be important for ligand binding in the muscle-type receptor but not the α4β4 receptor.

Chapter 5 describes a study characterizing the binding of varenicline, an actively prescribed smoking cessation therapeutic, to the α7 nAChR. Additionally, binding interactions to the complementary face of the α7 binding site were examined for a small panel of agonists. We identified side chains important for binding large agonists such as varenicline, but dispensable for binding the small agonist ACh.

Chapter 6 describes efforts to image nAChRs site-specifically modified with a fluorophore by unnatural amino acid mutagenesis. While progress was hampered by high levels of fluorescent background, improvements to sample preparation and alternative strategies for fluorophore incorporation are described.

Chapter 7 describes efforts toward a fluorescence assay for G protein association with a GPCR, with the ultimate goal of probing key protein-protein interactions along the G protein/receptor interface. A wide range of fluorescent protein fusions were generated, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and evaluated for their ability to associate with each other.


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Apesar do desenvolvimento de novas drogas antifúngicas e da sua utilização como terapia profilática visando à prevenção de infecções fúngicas invasivas, estas ainda constituem-se num problema emergente, com elevadas taxas de mortalidade. Neste contexto, destaca-se a aspergilose invasiva, uma infecção fúngica oportunista que acomete pacientes com neutropenia profunda e prolongada, principalmente os pacientes com leucemia aguda ou submetidos a transplante de medula óssea. Aspergillus fumigatus, um fungo filamentoso, é o principal agente etiológico da aspergilose invasiva, sendo um patógeno angioinvasivo. As hifas deste fungo são capazes de causar injúria e ativação endotelial, induzindo o endotélio a um fenótipo pró-trombótico, que por sua vez, é mediado pela secreção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, em especial, o TNF-α. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a capacidade de cepas mutantes de A. fumigatus em ativar células endoteliais, avaliando o perfil de secreção de citocinas em meio condicionado e a expressão de fator tecidual. Resumidamente, monocamadas confluentes de células endoteliais isoladas da veia umbilical humana foram incubadas com conídios e tubos germinativos de cepas selvagens (Af293 e Ku80) e mutantes (Δugm1, ΔcalA, ΔcrzA, ΔprtT) de A. fumigatus. A taxa de adesão e endocitose destas cepas às monocamadas de HUVEC foi avaliada a partir de um ensaio quantitativo de imunofluorescência diferencial. O perfil cinético de secreção de citocinas foi determinado em meio condicionado das HUVECs, por ensaio de multiplex para IL-6, IL-8 e TNF-α. A ativação endotelial, por sua vez, foi determinada pela expressão de fator tecidual por RT-PCR em tempo real. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a mutante para o gene ugm1, responsável por codificar a enzima UDP-galactopiranose mutase, que converte resíduos de galactopiranose a galactofuranose, apresentou um fenótipo hiperaderente às células endoteliais e um estímulo 10 vezes maior à secreção de TNF-α e 2,5 vezes maior a secreção de IL-6, quando comparada a ativação observada para as cepas selvagens. A galactofuranose é um componente importante de glicoconjugados da parede celular de A. fumigatus. Dessa forma, a ausência desse monossacarídeo na célula fúngica leva a um mecanismo compensatório caracterizado por um aumento na expressão de moléculas de galactosaminogalactana na parede celular. De maneira contrária, mutantes para os genes calA e crzA, apresentaram um fenótipo hipoaderente às HUVECs e uma perda na capacidade de induzir a secreção de citocinas e ativar o endotélio. Essas mutantes apresentam deleções que interferem na via de cálcio/calcineurina, responsável por regular a morfogênese e virulência de A. fumigatus, além de apresentarem alterações no conteúdo de beta-1-3 glucana. Já a cepa ΔprtT, mutante para o fator de transcrição prtT que regula a secreção de múltiplas proteases, apresentou um fenótipo de adesão, estímulo e ativação endotelial semelhante ao observado para as cepas selvagens. A comparação entre a capacidade de conídios e tubos germinativos em ativar células endoteliais, corroborou achados anteriores da literatura que reportam que só hifas são capazes de ativar células endoteliais, independentemente da sua viabilidade. Os dados deste estudo permitiram concluir que dentre os componentes de superfície celular de A. fumigatus, os polímeros de galactose, em especial a galactosaminogalactana, parecem ser responsáveis, pelo menos em parte, pelos mecanismos de interação e ativação endotelial.


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AIM: To determine whether trichobitacin, a novel ribosome-inactivating protein purified from the root tubers of Trichosanthes kirilowii, possesses the anti-HIV activity. METHODS: The inhibition of syncytial cell formation induced by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1),was determined under microscope, reduction of HIV-1 p24 antigen expression level was measured by ELISA, and decrease in numbers of HIV-1 antigen positive cells in acutely and-chronically infected cultures were detected by indirect immunofluorescence assay. RESULTS: Trichobitacin Was-found to greatly suppress syncytial cell formation induced by HIV-1 and to markedly reduce both expression of HIV-1 p24 antigen and the number of HIV antigen positive cells in acutely but not chronically HIV-1 infected culture. The median inhibitory concentration (IC50) in inhibition of syncytial cell formation and HIV antigen positive cells were 5 mu g.L-1 (95 % confidence limits: 1.3 - 20 mu g.L-1) and 0.09 mg.L-1 (95 % confidence limits: 0.011 - 0.755 mg.L-1), respectively. CONCLUSION: Trichobitacin is a novel ribosome-inactivating protein with anti-HIV-l activity.


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This study determined whether cutaneous antibodies were present in excised skin explants of grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella, immune to Scophthalmus maximus rhabdovirus (SMRV). Culture fluid from immune skin explants were assayed by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA), Western blot, indirect immunofluorescent assay (IFA) and flow cytometry (FCM). iELISA showed that cutaneous antibody titres were much lower (1:12) than antiserum titres (1:1458) from intraperitoneally immunized grass carp. The phosphoprotein and matrix protein antigens of purified SMRV proteins were recognized by cutaneous antibodies from skin culture fluid using Western blot. The skin culture fluid produced staining signals in viral assembly sites and cytoplasm of SMRV-infected epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) cells by IFA. FCM showed that 4.39% SMRV-infected EPC cells were detected, while non-specific reaction was seen in 2% of control cells. This is the first description of cutaneous antibodies against SMRV in grass carp.


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Syncytin is a placenta-specific protein and generally believed to play a pivotal role in syncytiotrophoblast morphogenesis. In this study, transcripts of this gene were quantified by real-time RT-PCR and the translated products were measured by an indirect immunofluorescence assay. Results showed that syncytin was found to be expressed in all nine leukemia and lymphoma cell lines studied albeit at different levels and in 43 peripheral blood samples of 57 leukemia or lymphoma patients. Neither the transcripts nor the translated syncytin was detected in blood samples of normal individuals. In conclusion, peripheral blood syncytin may serve as a marker for leukemia and lymphoma. ©


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are single-stranded non-coding RNAs that negatively regulate target gene expression through mRNA cleavage or translational repression. There is mounting evidence that they play critical roles in heart disease. The expression of known miRNAs in the heart has been studied at length by microarray and quantitative PCR but it is becoming evident that microRNA isoforms (isomiRs) are potentially physiologically important. It is well known that left ventricular (patho)physiology is influenced by transmural heterogeneity of cardiomyocyte phenotype, and this likely reflects underlying heterogeneity of gene expression. Given the significant role of miRNAs in regulating gene expression, knowledge of how the miRNA profile varies across the ventricular wall will be crucial to better understand the mechanisms governing transmural physiological heterogeneity. To determinine miRNA/isomiR expression profiles in the rat heart we investigated tissue from different locations across the left ventricular wall using deep sequencing. We detected significant quantities of 145 known rat miRNAs and 68 potential novel orthologs of known miRNAs, in mature, mature* and isomiR formation. Many isomiRs were detected at a higher frequency than their canonical sequence in miRBase and have different predicted targets. The most common miR-133a isomiR was more effective at targeting a construct containing a sequence from the gelsolin gene than was canonical miR-133a, as determined by dual-fluorescence assay. We identified a novel rat miR-1 homolog from a second miR-1 gene; and a novel rat miRNA similar to miR-676. We also cloned and sequenced the rat miR-486 gene which is not in miRBase (v18). Signalling pathways predicted to be targeted by the most highly detected miRNAs include Ubiquitin-mediated Proteolysis, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase, Regulation of Actin Cytoskeleton, Wnt signalling, Calcium Signalling, Gap junctions and Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy. Most miRNAs are not expressed in a gradient across the ventricular wall, with exceptions including miR-10b, miR-21, miR-99b and miR-486.


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Hyperammonemia is a key factor in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) as well as other metabolic encephalopathies, such as those associated with inherited disorders of urea cycle enzymes and in Reye's syndrome. Acute HE results in increased brain ammonia (up to 5 mM), astrocytic swelling, and altered glutamatergic function. In the present study, using fluorescence imaging techniques, acute exposure (10 min) of ammonia (NH4+/NH3) to cultured astrocytes resulted in a concentration-dependent, transient increase in [Ca2+]i. This calcium transient was due to release from intracellular calcium stores, since the response was thapsigargin-sensitive and was still observed in calcium-free buffer. Using an enzyme-linked fluorescence assay, glutamate release was measured indirectly via the production of NADH (a naturally fluorescent product when excited with UV light). NH4+/NH3 (5 mM) stimulated a calcium-dependent glutamate release from cultured astrocytes, which was inhibited after preincubation with 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid acetoxymethyl ester but unaffected after preincubation with glutamate transport inhibitors dihydrokainate and DL-threo-beta-benzyloxyaspartate. NH4+/NH3 (5 mM) also induced a transient intracellular alkaline shift. To investigate whether the effects of NH4+/NH3 were mediated by an increase in pH(i), we applied trimethylamine (TMA+/TMA) as another weak base. TMA+/TMA (5 mM) induced a similar transient increase in both pH(i) and [Ca2+]i (mobilization from intracellular calcium stores) and resulted in calcium-dependent release of glutamate. These results indicate that an acute exposure to ammonia, resulting in cytosolic alkalinization, leads to calcium-dependent glutamate release from astrocytes. A deregulation of glutamate release from astrocytes by ammonia could contribute to glutamate dysfunction consistently observed in acute HE.


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Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the main cause of acute lower respiratory tract infections in infants and children. Rapid diagnosis is required to permit appropriate care and treatment and to avoid unnecessary antibiotic use. Reverse transcriptase (RT-PCR) and indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) methods have been considered important tools for virus detection due to their high sensitivity and specificity. In order to maximize use-simplicity and minimize the risk of sample cross-contamination inherent in two-step techniques, a RT-PCR method using only a single tube to detect HRSV in clinical samples was developed. Nasopharyngeal aspirates from 226 patients with acute respiratory illness, ranging from infants to 5 years old, were collected at the University Hospital of the University of Sao Paulo (HU-USP), and tested using IFA, one-step RT-PCR, and semi-nested RT-PCR. One hundred and two (45.1%) samples were positive by at least one of the three methods, and 75 (33.2%) were positive by all methods: 92 (40.7%) were positive by one-step RT-PCR, 84 (37.2%) by IFA, and 96 (42.5%) by the semi-nested RT-PCR technique. One-step RT-PCR was shown to be fast, sensitive, and specific for RSV diagnosis, without the added inconvenience and risk of false positive results associated with semi-nested PCR. The combined use of these two methods enhances HRSV detection. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We previously described the presence of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reduced form [NAD(P)H] oxidase components in pancreatic beta-cells and its activation by glucose, palmitic acid, and proinflammatory cytokines. In the present study, the importance of the NAD(P)H oxidase complex for pancreatic beta-cell function was examined. Rat pancreatic islets were incubated in the presence of glucose plus diphenyleneiodonium, a NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitor, for 1 h or with the antisense oligonucleotide for p47(PHOX) during 24 h. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was determined by a fluorescence assay using 2,7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate. Insulin secretion, intracellular calcium responses, [U-(14)C] glucose oxidation, and expression of glucose transporter-2, glucokinase and insulin genes were examined. Antisense oligonucleotide reduced p47(PHOX) expression [an important NAD(P)H oxidase cytosolic subunit] and similarly to diphenyleneiodonium also blunted the enzyme activity as indicated by reduction of ROS production. Suppression of NAD(P)H oxidase activity had an inhibitory effect on intracellular calcium responses to glucose and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion by isolated islets. NAD(P)H oxidase inhibition also reduced glucose oxidation and gene expression of glucose transporter-2 and glucokinase. These findings indicate that NAD(P)H oxidase activation plays an important role for ROS production by pancreatic beta-cells during glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. The importance of this enzyme complex for the beta-cell metabolism and the machinery involved in insulin secretion were also shown. (Endocrinology 150: 2197-2201, 2009)


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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a high-fat diet (HFD) on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase activity in rat pancreatic islets. We investigated if changes in NADPH oxidase are connected to beta cell dysfunction reported in obese animals. Methods: Male Wistar rats were fed a HFD or control diet for 3 months. DNA fragmentation, insulin secretion, and [U-(14)C] glucose oxidation were examined in isolated pancreatic islets. The oxidative stress markers nitrotyrosine and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal were assessed by immunohistochemistry. The protein content of gp91(phox) and p47(phox) was evaluated by Western blotting. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was determined by a fluorescence assay using hydroethidine. Results: Occurrence of DNA fragmentation was reduced in pancreatic islets from HFD rats. There were no differences in oxidative stress markers between the groups. Glucose oxidation and insulin secretion were elevated due to high glucose in pancreatic islets from HFD rats. Protein concentrations of p47(phox) and gp91(phox) subunits were reduced and ROS production was diminished in pancreatic islets from HFD rats. Conclusions: The diminished content of NADPH oxidase subunits and ROS concentrations may be associated with increased glucose oxidation and insulin secretion in an attempt to compensate for the peripheral insulin resistance elicited by the HFD.


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Metal-catalysed oxidation (MCO) may play a causative role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Amyloid peptide (A), the major biomarker of AD, in the presence of copper ions reduces Cu2+ to Cu+ and catalyses the formation of H2O2 that subsequently induces radicals through Fenton chemistry. A is also subject to attack by free radicals, where the presence of Cu2+ in conjunction with H2O2 catalyses oxygenation, primarily at the methionine sulfur atom. This work investigates MCO of A, to gain further insight into the role of oxidative stress in AD. By combining a fluorescence assay with gel electrophoresis to monitor MCO reactions of A (1-28) in the presence and absence of methionine it was determined that methionine can both protect some residues against MCO and promote the oxidation of Tyr(10) specifically. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometric analysis of methionine MCO products indicated the formation of methionine sulfoxide, methionine sulfone and related hydroxylated products. Similar products could be formed from the oxidation of Met(35) of A and may relate to changes in properties of the peptide following MCO.