981 resultados para Inclusive Development


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ln 2004 Prahalad made managers aware of the great economic opportunity that the population at the BoP (Base of the Pyramid) could represent for business in the tom of new potential consumers. However, MNCs (Multi-National Corporations) have continued to fail in penetrating low income markets, arguably because applied strategies are often the same adopted at the top of the pyramid. Even in those few cases where products get re-envisioned, theie introduction in contexts of extreme poverty only induces new needs and develops new dependencies. At best the rearrangement of business models by MNCs has meant the realization of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibly) schemes that have validity from a marketing perspective, but still lack the crucial element of social embeddedness (London & Hart, 2004). Today the challenge is lo reach the lowest population tier with reinvented business models based on principles of value co-creation. Starting from a view of the potential consumer at the BoP as a ring of continuity in the value chain process – a resource that can itself produce value - this paper concludes proposing an alternative innovative approach to operate in developing markets that overturns the roles of MNCs and the BoP. The proposed perspective of ‘reversed' source of innovation and primary target market builds on two fundamental tenets: traditional knowledge is rich and greatly unexploded, and markets at the lop of the pyramid are saturated with unnecessary products / practices that have lost contact with the natural environment.


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In Atlanta, the trade ministers of a dozen countries across the Pacific Rim announced that they had successfully reached a concluded agreement upon the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The debate over the TPP will now play out in legislatures across the Pacific Rim, where sentiment towards the deal is much more mixed. The ministers insisted: “After more than five years of intensive negotiations, we have come to an agreement that will support jobs, drive sustainable growth, foster inclusive development, and promote innovation across the Asia-Pacific region … The agreement achieves the goal we set forth of an ambitious, comprehensive, high standard and balanced agreement that will benefit our nation’s citizens … We expect this historic agreement to promote economic growth, support higher-paying jobs; enhance innovation, productivity and competitiveness; raise living standards; reduce poverty in our countries; and to promote transparency, good governance, and strong labor and environmental protections.” But there has been fierce criticism of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, because of both its secrecy and its substance. Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz has warned that the agreement is not about free trade, but about the protection of corporate monopolies. The intellectual property chapter provides for longer and stronger protection of intellectual property rights. The investment chapter provides foreign investors with the power to challenge governments under an investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) regime. The environment chapter is weak and toothless, and seems to be little more than an exercise in greenwashing. The health annex — and many other parts of the agreement — strengthen the power of pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology developers. The text on state-owned enterprises raises concerns about public ownership of postal services, broadcasters and national broadband services.


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The research reports on a survey of 228 blind and partially sighted persons in 15 health authorities across Scotland. The survey reports data on patient experience of receiving health information in accessible reading formats. Data indicated that about 90% of blind and partially sighted persons did not receive communications from various NHS health departments in a format that they could read by themselves. The implications for patient privacy, confidentiality and wider impact on life and health care are highlighted. The implications for professional ethical medical practice and for public policy are also discussed. Recommendations for improved practice are made.


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A educação integral ao longo da vida de todos os indivíduos, em contextos formais, não formais e informais, com vista ao desenvolvimento inteligente, sustentável e inclusivo das nações é, actualmente, uma recomendação unânime de entidades e organizações a nível internacional (ex. UNESCO, UNICEF, NU, OCDE, OEI, UE). Neste âmbito, destaca-se o papel fulcral da literacia científica dos indivíduos, como motor do crescimento, produtividade e competitividade dos países e como um dos pilares basilares para o exercício de uma cidadania consciente na vida política, social e cultural. Para alcançar tais propósitos é necessário uma forte aposta numa educação de qualidade desde os primeiros anos de vida dos indivíduos. Para tal, é fundamental: (re)pensar perspectivas de educação, de ensino e de aprendizagem; dar reposta às amplamente reconhecidas necessidades de formação inicial e continuada de professores; e assegurar a existência de infraestruturas e recursos de suporte à concretização de tais anseios. O presente estudo pretende ser um contributo para a operacionalização de tais intenções, no campo particular da educação em ciências ao nível do ensino básico, tendo subjacente uma perspectiva de abordagem integrada e integradora da educação em ciências. O percurso de investigação, de natureza qualitativa, foi desenvolvido incidindo em dois focos fundamentais: (i) o desenvolvimento de infra-estruturas e recursos de suporte à educação em ciências e (ii) o desenvolvimento de um programa de formação continuada para professores do 1º CEB de educação em ciências na perspectiva considerada. Assim uma das grandes finalidades do estudo foi desenvolver (conceber, planificar, implementar e validar) um Centro Integrado de Educação em Ciências (CIEC) como parte integrante de uma escola do 1ºCEB. Partindo de orientações da literatura, da proficiência da equipa multidisciplinar e dos contributos de avaliadores externos procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento do conceito CIEC e respectivo espaço físico de suporte: espaço de educação formal - laboratório de ciências para o 1ºCEB; espaço de educação não formal – Centro de Ciência do CIEC.A segunda grande finalidade do estudo, foi o desenvolvimento (concepção, planificação, implementação e avaliação) de um programa de formação continuada que habilitasse os professores do 1ºCEB a desenvolverem actividades integradas de educação em ciências (AIEC). Tendo por base as orientações da literatura, bem como a caracterização das práticas, necessidades e expectativas dos professores-formandos, concebeu-se, planificou-se e implementou-se o programa de formação. A avaliação do programa efectuou-se tendo por base a análise dos dados recolhidos através de fontes distintas, e o seu cruzamento com recurso a métodos, técnicas e instrumentos diversificados. Assumindo-se como um contributo para a melhoria da educação em ciências nos primeiros anos de escolaridade, o presente estudo apresenta como resultados orientações para: o desenvolvimento de laboratórios em escolas do 1ºCEB; o desenvolvimento de centros de ciência, e ou espaços de educação não formal similares, e respectivo funcionamento; a implementação de actividades integradas da educação em ciências; o desenvolvimento de programas de formação continuada de professores; o processo de auto e hetero avaliação de práticas de professores no que respeita ao ensino das ciências em contextos formal e não formal.


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Empowerment is a standard but ambiguous element of development rhetoric and so, through the socially complex and contested terrain of South Africa, this paper explores its potential to contribute to inclusive development. Investigating micro-level engagements with the national strategy of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) in the South African wine industry highlights the limitations, but also potential, of this single domain approach. However, latent paternalism, entrenched interests and a ‘dislocated blackness’ maintain a complex racial politics that shapes both power relations and the opportunities for transformation within the industry. Nonetheless, while B-BBEE may not, in reality, be broad-based its manifestations are contributing to challenging racist structures and normalising changing attitudes. This paper concludes that, to be transformative, empowerment needs to be re-embedded within South Africa as a multi-scalar, multi-dimensional dialogue and, despite the continuation of structural constraints, positions the local as a critical scale at which to initiate broader social change.


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The Rapid Assessment of Disability (RAD) questionnaire measures the magnitude and impact of disability and aims to inform the design of disability inclusive development programs. This paper reports the psychometric evaluation of the RAD.


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The contextual precept of this paper is to re-theorise inclusive education beyond technical rational solutions to the ‘problem’ of disability. Drawing on Foucauldian and critical disability theories, I make the case for the analysis of inclusive schooling through the lens of students’ ‘included’ subjectivities – notwithstanding the presence of diagnosed special educational needs. I contend that there is a theoretical mismatch between humanist inclusive schooling and the posthumanist position of disability: an epistemic fissure that impedes inclusive development. Through analysis of the voices of students with disabilities from two different schooling contexts in Australia and Spain, I demonstrate how fragmented virtues of normalcy suffused their subjectivities. I conclude the paper with a discussion of the roles that DisHuman disability studies might play in recasting inclusive schooling by troubling normative discourse.


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This doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the production of bicarbonates and related regional development in Brazil. It is widely believed that one of Brazil s vocations lies in the agro-energy sector. However, current national agro-energy policies, together with the experience of Petrobras (the national oil company) in rural settlements in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, show that Brazil has fallen short of effectively including the North and Northeast regions of the country, let alone small-scale rural producers (residing in rural settlements or not), in the development process and related benefits from the country s participation in the current world energy grid. The methodology entails secondary research related to the theme, such as books, official documents, websites and statistical databases from diverse sources, in addition to an analysis of statements from interviews of Petrobras representatives and other important scientific, institutional and labor union authorities, in relation to agro-energy issues and the socio-economic participation of family-based agriculture in this process. Principal findings show a correlation between agro-energy and regional development, creating the potential for numerous opportunities and challenges. Findings demonstrate the possibility of reversing/reducing historically rooted indices of hunger and poverty that continue to devastate the North and Northeast regions. At the same time, the thesis points to a potentially catastrophic increase in regional disparities, should the present historic moment not be seized upon so as to include these regions. Classic examples of non-policy at the federal level are presented as evidence of the absence of a regionally focused agroenergy policy in the current government, reinforced by the experiences of Petrobras in the Rio Grande do Norte rural settlements. Finally, the thesis concludes that there is an urgent need to create a government-sponsored enterprise (with a structure similar to Petrobras) with the purpose of implementing a truly broad and inclusive development process for the bicarbonates production sector, while remaining attentive to Brazil s opportune and critical role in the world s current agro-energy scenario.


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El tema que aquí se encara es la cooperación potencial de las universidades con las políticas de conocimiento para un desarrollo inclusivo. En la sección 1 se resume una concepción del desarrollo inclusivo. En la sección 2 se considera la emergencia de la llamada "universidad empresarial" como modelo dominante a escala internacional. En la sección 3 se analizan algunos rasgos de ese modelo mirado desde el "Sur". En la sección 4 se presenta como alternativa el modelo de la universidad para el desarrollo. En la sección 5 se discuten las posibilidades de semejante alternativa.


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El tema que aquí se encara es la cooperación potencial de las universidades con las políticas de conocimiento para un desarrollo inclusivo. En la sección 1 se resume una concepción del desarrollo inclusivo. En la sección 2 se considera la emergencia de la llamada "universidad empresarial" como modelo dominante a escala internacional. En la sección 3 se analizan algunos rasgos de ese modelo mirado desde el "Sur". En la sección 4 se presenta como alternativa el modelo de la universidad para el desarrollo. En la sección 5 se discuten las posibilidades de semejante alternativa.


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El tema que aquí se encara es la cooperación potencial de las universidades con las políticas de conocimiento para un desarrollo inclusivo. En la sección 1 se resume una concepción del desarrollo inclusivo. En la sección 2 se considera la emergencia de la llamada "universidad empresarial" como modelo dominante a escala internacional. En la sección 3 se analizan algunos rasgos de ese modelo mirado desde el "Sur". En la sección 4 se presenta como alternativa el modelo de la universidad para el desarrollo. En la sección 5 se discuten las posibilidades de semejante alternativa.


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While there is increasing international interest in disability inclusive development, people with disability largely remain ‘unseen, unheard and uncounted’ (UN ESCAP 2012:1). Children with disability, particularly, remain excluded from research informing development, and there is a paucity of information that is drawn directly from the self-report of children with disability living in developing countries. This exclusion occurs across all stages of research, including access to research findings. When child research is conducted in such countries, to gain further evidence to support disability inclusive development and advance human rights, researchers must question how findings will be reported back to participants and their communities, and seek a method that is both accessible and culturally relevant. This paper reports on the Voices of Pacific children with disability research project about the human rights of children with disability in Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea (PNG), and focuses on film as a dissemination method. Project researchers developed methods to enhance the participation of children with diverse disabilities as informants, and drew upon community development principles to disseminate research findings via film; a method that resonated with the aural and visual story telling traditions of participants.This medium also included accessibility features that have been utilised by local and international audiences.


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Abstract: In this text, we deal with proccesses of appropriation of space in the Dam of Póvoa (Portugal) using a dwelling perspective (Ingold 2009) over the territory. The reconversion of innactive spaces in rural areas into leisure-related ones in a quite common practice in contemporary times.The Spaniards beach is one of the local names given by locals to the Dam of Póvoa (Castelo de Vide), in northern Alentejo (Portugal). In the collective memory of the residents, the Dam (built in the 1920’s) is remembered for the many flowers surrounding the area. This Garden-style aesthetics has outlived the initial function of the Dam (to produce electric power). From the 1960’s to the 1980’s, it was also a popular leisure space for Spanish and Portuguese people. It is not a beach, but being inland, it was the closest thing to a beach the residents had. The centrality of this leisure space in the area only decayed after the construction of swimming pools in the nearby towns. Early in the begginning of 21st century a fire destroyed part of the natural floral landscape of the dam. Abandoned for some years, the place has still been appropriated by leisured people in day-trips (for sight-seeing, pic-nics), fishing competitions, caravan soujorns, and, since 2013, in a music and dance festival named Andanças (www.andancas.net). The research that underlies this paper was carried out between 2013 and 2016 by a team of anthropologists. An ethnography of the Dam and its uses, and of the festival and its participants was carried out. In our working-paper we higlight the main research findings achieved. Key-words: Leisure; Landscape; Tourism; Music; Space; Portugal.


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Over the last two decades, moves toward “inclusion” have prompted change in the formation of education policies, schooling structures and pedagogical practice. Yet, exclusion through the categorisation and segregation of students with diverse abilities has grown; particularly for students with challenging behaviour. This paper considers what has happened to inclusive education by focusing on three educational jurisdictions known to be experiencing different rates of growth in the identification of special educational needs: New South Wales (Australia), Alberta (Canada) and Finland (Europe). In our analysis, we consider the effects of competing policy forces that appear to thwart the development of inclusive schools in two of our case-study regions.