844 resultados para Inclusion and Power
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia
This paper studies the information content of the chromosomes of twenty-three species. Several statistics considering different number of bases for alphabet character encoding are derived. Based on the resulting histograms, word delimiters and character relative frequencies are identified. The knowledge of this data allows moving along each chromosome while evaluating the flow of characters and words. The resulting flux of information is captured by means of Shannon entropy. The results are explored in the perspective of power law relationships allowing a quantitative evaluation of the DNA of the species.
We have developed SPARTS, a simulator of a generic embedded real-time device. It is designed to be extensible to accommodate different task properties, scheduling algorithms and/or hardware models for the wide variety of applications. SPARTS was developed to help the community investigate the behaviour of the real-time embedded systems and to quantify the associated constraints/overheads.
pp. 229-253
Los mecanismos de producción y reproducción de la influencia política es una importante área de estudio de la ciencia política en las últimas décadas. En la misma se han disputado diferentes teorías, desde las que plantean la influencia predominante de grupos de poder y sectores corporativos tanto en las decisiones del estado como en las no decisiones, hasta los que plantean que existe la puja de diferentes intereses dentro del Estado pero que no existe ningún grupo predominante. El análisis de redes (network analysis) permite estudiar este objeto mediante la observación de la estructura de relaciones de los actores influyentes dentro de la política provincial. En esta area de estudio, este proyecto propone estudiar de qué manera se produce y reproduce la influencia política en la Provincia de Córdoba.Las hipótesis que plantea el proyecto son las siguientes: H1- La estructura del poder socio-político provincial adquiere una configuración reticular en la que existe un núcleo de actores que representan intereses tradicionales organizados y permite un escaso acceso de nuevas organizaciones que defienden intereses sociales difusos. H2- En el proceso de influencia sociopolítica provincial operan mecanismos de influencia interpersonales directos e indirectos (Brokerage) que permiten a los actores acceder e influir en los decisores públicos. H3- En el proceso de influencia socio-política interviene una diversidad de recursos de poder que los actores utilizan para influir las políticas públicas. Para esto se propone como objetivos del proyecto los siguientes: 1- Identificar y analizar la estructura de poder e influencia que subyace a la política provincial. 2- Analizar los intereses, actores y sectores incluidos y excluidos de la estructura de influencia política. 3- Analizar los mecanismos y recursos de producción y reproducción del poder y la influencia. 4- Analizar las áreas de política del estado provincial que resultan lugar de influencia de los actores y sectores que configuran la estructura de poder socio-política. 5- Analizar el sistema de decisión colectiva (policy domain) en dos áreas de política provincial. 6- Analizar los recursos que posibilitan a los actores ejercer poder e influencia en las áreas de políticas estudiadas. Para la verificación empírica de las hipótesis se realiza un diseño de investigación que incluye el mapeo y análisis de dos tipos de redes políticas diferentes, la "red de influencia en la política provincial" y la red de influencia en un "área de políticas públicas". La reconstrucción de las redes políticas se realizará mediante entrevistas semi-estructuradas a actores sociales y políticos en un muestreo no probabilístico de tipo "bola de nieve". La investigación pretende realizar un aporte a la comprensión de la coordinación política y, en tal sentido, espera alcanzar una adecuada descripción y comprensión de los procesos de influencia y de estructuración del poder en la Provincia de Córdoba.
Per-antenna rate and power control for MIMO layered architectures in the low- and high-power regimes
In a MIMO layered architecture, several codewordsare transmitted from a multiplicity of antennas. Although thespectral efficiency is maximized if the rates of these codewordsare separately controlled, the feedback rate within the linkadaptation loop is reduced if they are constrained to be identical.This poses a direct tradeoff between performance andfeedback overhead. This paper provides analytical expressionsthat quantify the difference in spectral efficiency between bothapproaches for arbitrary numbers of antennas. Specifically, thecharacterization takes place in the realm of the low- and highpowerregimes via expansions that are shown to have a widerange of validity.In addition, the possibility of adjusting the transmit powerof each codeword individually is considered as an alternative tothe separate control of their rates. Power allocation, however,turns out to be inferior to rate control within the context of thisproblem.
Surface topography and light scattering were measured on 15 samples ranging from those having smooth surfaces to others with ground surfaces. The measurement techniques included an atomic force microscope, mechanical and optical profilers, confocal laser scanning microscope, angle-resolved scattering, and total scattering. The samples included polished and ground fused silica, silicon carbide, sapphire, electroplated gold, and diamond-turned brass. The measurement instruments and techniques had different surface spatial wavelength band limits, so the measured roughnesses were not directly comparable. Two-dimensional power spectral density (PSD) functions were calculated from the digitized measurement data, and we obtained rms roughnesses by integrating areas under the PSD curves between fixed upper and lower band limits. In this way, roughnesses measured with different instruments and techniques could be directly compared. Although smaller differences between measurement techniques remained in the calculated roughnesses, these could be explained mostly by surface topographical features such as isolated particles that affected the instruments in different ways.
A dynamical model based on a continuous addition of colored shot noises is presented. The resulting process is colored and non-Gaussian. A general expression for the characteristic function of the process is obtained, which, after a scaling assumption, takes on a form that is the basis of the results derived in the rest of the paper. One of these is an expansion for the cumulants, which are all finite, subject to mild conditions on the functions defining the process. This is in contrast with the Lévy distribution¿which can be obtained from our model in certain limits¿which has no finite moments. The evaluation of the spectral density and the form of the probability density function in the tails of the distribution shows that the model exhibits a power-law spectrum and long tails in a natural way. A careful analysis of the characteristic function shows that it may be separated into a part representing a Lévy process together with another part representing the deviation of our model from the Lévy process. This
We characterize the value function of maximizing the total discounted utility of dividend payments for a compound Poisson insurance risk model when strictly positive transaction costs are included, leading to an impulse control problem. We illustrate that well known simple strategies can be optimal in the case of exponential claim amounts. Finally we develop a numerical procedure to deal with general claim amount distributions.
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) refers to the onsite production of electricity and thermal energy from the same fuel source. Integrating power and thermal energy production is more efficient than separate generating systems and used in the right situation can yield several benefits.
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) refers to the onsite production of electricity and thermal energy from the same fuel source. Integrating power and thermal energy production is more efficient than separate generating systems and used in the right situation can yield several benefits.
This study deals with the statistical properties of a randomization test applied to an ABAB design in cases where the desirable random assignment of the points of change in phase is not possible. In order to obtain information about each possible data division we carried out a conditional Monte Carlo simulation with 100,000 samples for each systematically chosen triplet. Robustness and power are studied under several experimental conditions: different autocorrelation levels and different effect sizes, as well as different phase lengths determined by the points of change. Type I error rates were distorted by the presence of autocorrelation for the majority of data divisions. Satisfactory Type II error rates were obtained only for large treatment effects. The relationship between the lengths of the four phases appeared to be an important factor for the robustness and the power of the randomization test.