954 resultados para In-store observation
Information on the relationship between cumulative fossil CO2 emissions and multiple climate targets is essential to design emission mitigation and climate adaptation strategies. In this study, the transient response of a climate or environmental variable per trillion tonnes of CO2 emissions, termed TRE, is quantified for a set of impact-relevant climate variables and from a large set of multi-forcing scenarios extended to year 2300 towards stabilization. An ∼ 1000-member ensemble of the Bern3D-LPJ carbon–climate model is applied and model outcomes are constrained by 26 physical and biogeochemical observational data sets in a Bayesian, Monte Carlo-type framework. Uncertainties in TRE estimates include both scenario uncertainty and model response uncertainty. Cumulative fossil emissions of 1000 Gt C result in a global mean surface air temperature change of 1.9 °C (68 % confidence interval (c.i.): 1.3 to 2.7 °C), a decrease in surface ocean pH of 0.19 (0.18 to 0.22), and a steric sea level rise of 20 cm (13 to 27 cm until 2300). Linearity between cumulative emissions and transient response is high for pH and reasonably high for surface air and sea surface temperatures, but less pronounced for changes in Atlantic meridional overturning, Southern Ocean and tropical surface water saturation with respect to biogenic structures of calcium carbonate, and carbon stocks in soils. The constrained model ensemble is also applied to determine the response to a pulse-like emission and in idealized CO2-only simulations. The transient climate response is constrained, primarily by long-term ocean heat observations, to 1.7 °C (68 % c.i.: 1.3 to 2.2 °C) and the equilibrium climate sensitivity to 2.9 °C (2.0 to 4.2 °C). This is consistent with results by CMIP5 models but inconsistent with recent studies that relied on short-term air temperature data affected by natural climate variability.
Homologues of Drosophilia transient receptor potential (TRP) have been proposed to be unitary subunits of plasma membrane ion channels that are activated as a consequence of active or passive depletion of Ca2+ stores. In agreement with this hypothesis, cells expressing TRPs display novel Ca2+-permeable cation channels that can be activated by the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) protein. Expression of TRPs alters cells in many ways, including up-regulation of IP3Rs not coded for by TRP genes, and proof that TRP forms channels of these and other cells is still missing. Here, we document physical interaction of TRP and IP3R by coimmunoprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase-pulldown experiments and identify two regions of IP3R, F2q and F2g, that interact with one region of TRP, C7. These interacting regions were expressed in cells with an unmodified complement of TRPs and IP3Rs to study their effect on agonist- as well as store depletion-induced Ca2+ entry and to test for a role of their respective binding partners in Ca2+ entry. C7 and an F2q-containing fragment of IP3R decreased both forms of Ca2+ entry. In contrast, F2g enhanced the two forms of Ca2+ entry. We conclude that store depletion-activated Ca2+ entry occurs through channels that have TRPs as one of their normal structural components, and that these channels are directly activated by IP3Rs. IP3Rs, therefore, have the dual role of releasing Ca2+ from stores and activating Ca2+ influx in response to either increasing IP3 or decreasing luminal Ca2+.
Project staff: Marketing and Retail Subcouncil, Roger Uhe, Sona Rejebian.--P. [2] of cover.
Saline Valley Farms was an experiment in cooperative farming and living begun in 1932 by Harold S. Gray.
The mechanism of bainite growth has been investigated using in situ transmission electron microscopy observations. It was found that, in a number of alloys studied, a bainitic embryo is made of basic transformation units. These units are either a group of stacking faults or, in two dimensions, a series of parallelograms of different sizes. Thickening/widening of the bainite embryo takes place through shear along the stacking fault planes or twining planes. The bainite embryo is elongated by the formation of new transformation units at both tips of the bainite plate. The three-dimensional morphology of bainite is a convex tens-like lath. It is believed that the bainite embryo grows by shearing, which is controlled by the diffusion of solute atoms during the transformation. As the growth rate is much lower than that of martensite, it is therefore detectable. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A central component in pre-service teacher training is teaching practice and feedback. In some cases, feedback results in disquiet and tension (Brandt, 2008). Many researchers attribute this tension to the incompatibility of the assessment and development roles that the trainer must perform. The research reported on here, however, suggests that tension may also be rooted in a difference in expectation amongst trainers and trainees about the purpose and performance of feedback. This can result in trainees not playing by the rules of the game (Roberts & Sarangi, 2001) either because they do not understand them or because they wish to challenge them.
Data quality is a difficult notion to define precisely, and different communities have different views and understandings of the subject. This causes confusion, a lack of harmonization of data across communities and omission of vital quality information. For some existing data infrastructures, data quality standards cannot address the problem adequately and cannot full all user needs or cover all concepts of data quality. In this paper we discuss some philosophical issues on data quality. We identify actual user needs on data quality, review existing standards and specification on data quality, and propose an integrated model for data quality in the eld of Earth observation. We also propose a practical mechanism for applying the integrated quality information model to large number of datasets through metadata inheritance. While our data quality management approach is in the domain of Earth observation, we believe the ideas and methodologies for data quality management can be applied to wider domains and disciplines to facilitate quality-enabled scientific research.
Identity influences the practice of English language teachers and supervisors, their professional development and their ability to incorporate innovation and change. Talk during post observation feedback meetings provides participants with opportunities to articulate, construct, verify, contest and negotiate identities, processes which often engender issues of face. This study examines the construction and negotiation of identity and face in post observation feedback meetings between in-service English language teachers and supervisors at a tertiary institution in the United Arab Emirates. Within a linguistic ethnography framework, this study combined linguistic microanalysis of audio recorded feedback meetings with ethnographic data gathered from participant researcher knowledge, pre-analysis interviews and post-analysis participant interpretation interviews. Through a detailed, empirical description of situated ‘real life’ institutional talk, this study shows that supervisors construct identities involving authority, power, expertise, knowledge and experience while teachers index identities involving experience, knowledge and reflection. As well as these positive valued identities, other negative, disvalued identities are constructed. Identities are shown to be discursively claimed, verified, contested and negotiated through linguistic actions. This study also shows a link between identity and face. Analysis demonstrates that identity claims verified by an interactional partner can lead to face maintenance or support. However, a contested identity claim can lead to face threat which is usually managed by facework. Face, like identity, is found to be interactionally achieved and endogenous to situated discourse. Teachers and supervisors frequently risk face threat to protect their own identities, to contest their interactional partner’s identities or to achieve the feedback meeting goal i.e. improved teaching. Both identity and face are found to be consequential to feedback talk and therefore influence teacher development, teacher/supervisor relationships and the acceptance of feedback. Analysis highlights the evaluative and conforming nature of feedback in this context which may be hindering opportunities for teacher development.
OBJECTIVE: The Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) score is a validated tool for risk stratification of acute coronary syndrome. We hypothesized that the TIMI risk score would be able to risk stratify patients in observation unit for acute coronary syndrome. METHODS: STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study of consecutive adult patients placed in an urban academic hospital emergency department observation unit with an average annual census of 65,000 between 2004 and 2007. Exclusion criteria included elevated initial cardiac biomarkers, ST segment changes on ECG, unstable vital signs, or unstable arrhythmias. A composite of significant coronary artery disease (CAD) indicators, including diagnosis of myocardial infarction, percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass surgery, or death within 30 days and 1 year, were abstracted via chart review and financial record query. The entire cohort was stratified by TIMI risk scores (0-7) and composite event rates with 95% confidence interval were calculated. RESULTS: In total 2228 patients were analyzed. Average age was 54.5 years, 42.0% were male. The overall median TIMI risk score was 1. Eighty (3.6%) patients had 30-day and 119 (5.3%) had 1-year CAD indicators. There was a trend toward increasing rate of composite CAD indicators at 30 days and 1 year with increasing TIMI score, ranging from a 1.2% event rate at 30 days and 1.9% at 1 year for TIMI score of 0 and 12.5% at 30 days and 21.4% at 1 year for TIMI ≥ 4. CONCLUSIONS: In an observation unit cohort, the TIMI risk score is able to risk stratify patients into low-, moderate-, and high-risk groups.
Résumé : La variation de la [Ca2+] intracellulaire participe à nombreux de processus biologiques. Les cellules eucaryotes expriment à la membrane plasmique une variété de canaux par lesquelles le calcium peut entrer. Dans les cellules non excitables, deux mécanismes principaux permettent l'entrée calcique; l'entrée capacitative de Ca2+ via Orai1 (SOCE) et l'entrée calcique activé par un récepteur (ROCE). Plusieurs protéines clés sont impliquées dans la régulation de ces voies d'entrée calcique, ainsi que dans l'homéostasie calcique. TRPC6 est un canal calcique impliquée dans l'entrée calcique dans les cellules à la suite d’une stimulation d’un récepteur hormonal. TRPC6 transloque à la membrane cellulaire et il y demeure jusqu'à ce que le stimulus soit retiré. Les mécanismes qui régulent le trafic et l'activation de TRPC6 sont cependant encore peu connus. Des découvertes récentes ont démontré qu'il y a un rôle potentiel de Rho kinase dans l'activité de TRPC6. Rho kinase est activée par la petite protéine G RhoA qui peut être activée par les protéines G hétérotrimériques Gα12 et Gα13. En plus de Gα12 et Gα13, les protéines de désensibilisation des GPCR β -arrestin 1 et / ou β-arrestin 2 peuvent aussi activer RhoA. Le but de notre étude est d'examiner la participation des protéines Gα12/13 et β-arrestin 1/ β-arrestin 2 dans l'activation de TRPC6 et de la protéine Orai1. Nous avons utilisé des ARN interférant (siRNA) spécifiques pour induire une réduction de l'expression de Gα12/13 ou β-arrestin 1/β-arrestin 2. La conséquence sur l’entrée de Ca2+ dans les cellules a été ensuite déterminée par imagerie calcique en temps réel suite à une stimulation par la vasopressine (AVP), thapsigargin ou carbachol. Nous avons donc identifié que dans des cellules A7r5, une lignée cellulaire de musculaires lisses vasculaires où le canal TRPC6 exprimé de manière endogène, la diminution de l’expression des protéines Gα12 ou Gα13 ne semble pas modifier l’entrée Ca2+ induit par l’AVP par rapport aux cellules témoins. D'autre part, la diminution de l’expression β-arrestin 1 ou β-arrestin 2 dans des cellules HEK 293 ainsi que des cellules HEK 293 exprimant de façon stable TRPC6 (cellules T6.11) ont augmenté l’entrée de Ca2+ induite par thapsigargin, un activateur pharmacologique de SOCE. Des études de co-immunoprécipitation démontrent une interaction entre la β-arrestin 1 et STIM1, alors qu'aucune interaction n'a été observée entre les β-arrestin 1 et Orai1. Nous avons de plus montré à l'aide d'analyse en microscopie confocale que la diminution de l’expression β-arrestin 1 ou β-arrestin 2 n’influence pas la quantité d’Orai1 à la périphérie cellulaire. Cependant, des résultats préliminaires indiquent que la diminution de l’expression β-arrestin 1 ou β-arrestin 2 augmente la quantité de STIM1-YFP dans l'espace intracellulaire et diminue sa quantité à la périphérie cellulaire. En conclusion, nous avons montré que les β-arrestin 1 ou β-arrestin 2 sont impliquées dans l'entrée capacitative de Ca2+ (SOCE) et contrôlent la quantité de STIM1 dans le réticulum endoplasmique.
Agent-based modelling and simulation offers a new and exciting way of understanding the world of work. In this paper we describe the development of an agent-based simulation model, designed to help to understand the relationship between human resource management practices and retail productivity. We report on the current development of our simulation model which includes new features concerning the evolution of customers over time. To test some of these features we have conducted a series of experiments dealing with customer pool sizes, standard and noise reduction modes, and the spread of the word of mouth. Our multidisciplinary research team draws upon expertise from work psychologists and computer scientists. Despite the fact we are working within a relatively novel and complex domain, it is clear that intelligent agents offer potential for fostering sustainable organisational capabilities in the future.
A new target station providing Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and residual gas analysis (RGA) for in situ observation of ion-induced changes in polymers has been installed at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research. The installations as well as first in situ measurements at room temperature are presented here. A foil of polyimide Kapton HN (R) was irradiated with 1.1 GeV Au ions. During irradiation several in situ FT-IR spectra were recorded. Simultaneously outgassing degradation products were detected with the RGA. In the IR spectra nearly all bands decrease due to the degradation of the molecular structure. In the region from 3000 to 2700 cm(-1) vibration bands of saturated hydrocarbons not reported in literature so far became visible. The outgassing experiments show a mixture of C(2)H(4), CO, and N(2) as the main outgassing components of polyimide. The ability to combine both analytical methods and the opportunity to measure a whole fluence series within a single experiment show the efficiency of the new setup. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3571301]