928 resultados para Implicit techniques


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Comparación de los esquemas de integración temporal explícito e implícito, en la simulación del flujo sanguíneo y su interacción con la pared arterial. There are two major strategies in FSI coupling techniques: implicit and explicit. The general difference between these methodologies is how many times the data is exchanged between the fluid and solid domains at each FSI time-step. In both coupling strategies, the pressure values coming from fluid domain calculations at each time-step are exported to the solid domain, and consequently, the solid domain is analyzed with these imported forces. In contrast to the explicit coupling, in the implicit approach the fluid and solid domain’s data is exchanged several times until the convergence is achieved. Although this method may boost the numerical stabilization, it increases the computational cost due to the extra data exchanges. In cardiovascular simulations, depending on the analysis objectives, one may choose an explicit or implicit approach. In the current work, the advantage of an explicit coupling strategy is highlighted when simulation of pulsatile blood flow in elastic arteries is desired.


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RDB to RDF Mapping Language (R2RML) es una recomendación del W3C que permite especificar reglas para transformar bases de datos relacionales a RDF. Estos datos en RDF se pueden materializar y almacenar en un sistema gestor de tripletas RDF (normalmente conocidos con el nombre triple store), en el cual se pueden evaluar consultas SPARQL. Sin embargo, hay casos en los cuales la materialización no es adecuada o posible, por ejemplo, cuando la base de datos se actualiza frecuentemente. En estos casos, lo mejor es considerar los datos en RDF como datos virtuales, de tal manera que las consultas SPARQL anteriormente mencionadas se traduzcan a consultas SQL que se pueden evaluar sobre los sistemas gestores de bases de datos relacionales (SGBD) originales. Para esta traducción se tienen en cuenta los mapeos R2RML. La primera parte de esta tesis se centra en la traducción de consultas. Se propone una formalización de la traducción de SPARQL a SQL utilizando mapeos R2RML. Además se proponen varias técnicas de optimización para generar consultas SQL que son más eficientes cuando son evaluadas en sistemas gestores de bases de datos relacionales. Este enfoque se evalúa mediante un benchmark sintético y varios casos reales. Otra recomendación relacionada con R2RML es la conocida como Direct Mapping (DM), que establece reglas fijas para la transformación de datos relacionales a RDF. A pesar de que ambas recomendaciones se publicaron al mismo tiempo, en septiembre de 2012, todavía no se ha realizado un estudio formal sobre la relación entre ellas. Por tanto, la segunda parte de esta tesis se centra en el estudio de la relación entre R2RML y DM. Se divide este estudio en dos partes: de R2RML a DM, y de DM a R2RML. En el primer caso, se estudia un fragmento de R2RML que tiene la misma expresividad que DM. En el segundo caso, se representan las reglas de DM como mapeos R2RML, y también se añade la semántica implícita (relaciones de subclase, 1-N y M-N) que se puede encontrar codificada en la base de datos. Esta tesis muestra que es posible usar R2RML en casos reales, sin necesidad de realizar materializaciones de los datos, puesto que las consultas SQL generadas son suficientemente eficientes cuando son evaluadas en el sistema gestor de base de datos relacional. Asimismo, esta tesis profundiza en el entendimiento de la relación existente entre las dos recomendaciones del W3C, algo que no había sido estudiado con anterioridad. ABSTRACT. RDB to RDF Mapping Language (R2RML) is a W3C recommendation that allows specifying rules for transforming relational databases into RDF. This RDF data can be materialized and stored in a triple store, so that SPARQL queries can be evaluated by the triple store. However, there are several cases where materialization is not adequate or possible, for example, if the underlying relational database is updated frequently. In those cases, RDF data is better kept virtual, and hence SPARQL queries over it have to be translated into SQL queries to the underlying relational database system considering that the translation process has to take into account the specified R2RML mappings. The first part of this thesis focuses on query translation. We discuss the formalization of the translation from SPARQL to SQL queries that takes into account R2RML mappings. Furthermore, we propose several optimization techniques so that the translation procedure generates SQL queries that can be evaluated more efficiently over the underlying databases. We evaluate our approach using a synthetic benchmark and several real cases, and show positive results that we obtained. Direct Mapping (DM) is another W3C recommendation for the generation of RDF data from relational databases. While R2RML allows users to specify their own transformation rules, DM establishes fixed transformation rules. Although both recommendations were published at the same time, September 2012, there has not been any study regarding the relationship between them. The second part of this thesis focuses on the study of the relationship between R2RML and DM. We divide this study into two directions: from R2RML to DM, and from DM to R2RML. From R2RML to DM, we study a fragment of R2RML having the same expressive power than DM. From DM to R2RML, we represent DM transformation rules as R2RML mappings, and also add the implicit semantics encoded in databases, such as subclass, 1-N and N-N relationships. This thesis shows that by formalizing and optimizing R2RML-based SPARQL to SQL query translation, it is possible to use R2RML engines in real cases as the resulting SQL is efficient enough to be evaluated by the underlying relational databases. In addition to that, this thesis facilitates the understanding of bidirectional relationship between the two W3C recommendations, something that had not been studied before.


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Using generalized collocation techniques based on fitting functions that are trigonometric (rather than algebraic as in classical integrators), we develop a new class of multistage, one-step, variable stepsize, and variable coefficients implicit Runge-Kutta methods to solve oscillatory ODE problems. The coefficients of the methods are functions of the frequency and the stepsize. We refer to this class as trigonometric implicit Runge-Kutta (TIRK) methods. They integrate an equation exactly if its solution is a trigonometric polynomial with a known frequency. We characterize the order and A-stability of the methods and establish results similar to that of classical algebraic collocation RK methods. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A typical liquid state NMR spectrum is composed of a number of discrete absorptions which can be readily interpreted to yield detailed information about the chemical environment of the nuclei found within the sample. The same cannot be said about the spectra of solid samples. For these the absorptions are typically broad, featureless and yield little information directly. This situation may be further exacerbated by the characteristically long T1 values of nuclei bound within a solid lattice which, consequently, require long inter-sequence delays that necessitate lengthy experiments. This work attempts to address both of these inherent problems. Classically, the resolution of the broad-line spectra of solids into discrete resonances has been achieved by imparting to the sample coherent rotation about specific axes in relation to the polarising magnetic field, as implemented in the magic-angle spinning (MAS) [1], dynamic angle spinning (DAS) [2] and double rotation (DOR) [3] NMR experiments. Recently, an alternative method, sonically induced narrowing of the NMR spectra of solids (SINNMR) [4], has been reported which yields the same well resolved solid-state spectra as the classic solid-state NMR experiments, but which achieves the resolution of the broad-line spectra through the promotion of incoherent motion in a suspension of solid particles. The first part of this work examines SINNMR and, in particular, concentrates on ultrasonically induced evaluation, a phenomenon which is thought to be essential to the incoherent averaging mechanism. The second part of this work extends the principle of incoherent motion, implicit in SINNMR, to a new genre of particulate systems, air fluidized beds, and examines the feasibility of such systems to provide well resolved solid state NMR spectra. Samples of trisodium phosphate dodecahydrate and of aluminium granules are examined using the new method with partially resolved spectra being reported in the case of the latter.


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The aims of this study were to investigate the beliefs concerning the philosophy of science held by practising science teachers and to relate those beliefs to their pupils' understanding of the philosophy of science. Three philosophies of science, differing in the way they relate experimental work to other parts of the scientific enterprise, are described. By the use of questionnaire techniques, teachers of four extreme types were identified. These are: the H type or hypothetico-deductivist teacher, who sees experiments as potential falsifiers of hypotheses or of logical deductions from them; the I type or inductivist teacher, who regards experiments mainly as a way of increasing the range of observations available for recording before patterns are noted and inductive generalisation is carried out; the V type or verificationist teacher, who expects experiments to provide proof and to demonstrate the truth or accuracy of scientific statements; and the 0 type, who has no discernible philosophical beliefs about the nature of science or its methodology. Following interviews of selected teachers to check their responses to the questionnaire and to determine their normal teaching methods, an experiment was organised in which parallel groups were given H, I and V type teaching in the normal school situation during most of one academic year. Using pre-test and post-test scores on a specially developed test of pupil understanding of the philosophy of science, it was shown that pupils were positively affected by their teacher's implied philosophy of science. There was also some indication that V type teaching improved marks obtained in school science examinations, but appeared to discourage the more able from continuing the study of science. Effects were also noted on vocabulary used by pupils to describe scientists and their activities.


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The aim of this investigation was to compare the skeletal stability of three different rigid fixation methods after mandibular advancement. Fifty-five class II malocclusion patients treated with the use of bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy and mandibular advancement were selected for this retrospective study. Group 1 (n = 17) had miniplates with monocortical screws, Group 2 (n = 16) had bicortical screws and Group 3 (n = 22) had the osteotomy fixed by means of the hybrid technique. Cephalograms were taken preoperatively, 1 week within the postoperative care period, and 6 months after the orthognathic surgery. Linear and angular changes of the cephalometric landmarks of the chin region were measured at each period, and the changes at each cephalometric landmark were determined for the time gaps. Postoperative changes in the mandibular shape were analyzed to determine the stability of fixation methods. There was minimum difference in the relapse of the mandibular advancement among the three groups. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in postoperative stability. However, a positive correlation between the amount of advancement and the amount of postoperative relapse was demonstrated by the linear multiple regression test (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that all techniques can be used to obtain stable postoperative results in mandibular advancement after 6 months.


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Quantification of dermal exposure to pesticides in rural workers, used in risk assessment, can be performed with different techniques such as patches or whole body evaluation. However, the wide variety of methods can jeopardize the process by producing disparate results, depending on the principles in sample collection. A critical review was thus performed on the main techniques for quantifying dermal exposure, calling attention to this issue and the need to establish a single methodology for quantification of dermal exposure in rural workers. Such harmonization of different techniques should help achieve safer and healthier working conditions. Techniques that can provide reliable exposure data are an essential first step towards avoiding harm to workers' health.


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The Centers for High Cost Medication (Centros de Medicação de Alto Custo, CEDMAC), Health Department, São Paulo were instituted by project in partnership with the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine, USP, sponsored by the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, FAPESP) aimed at the formation of a statewide network for comprehensive care of patients referred for use of immunobiological agents in rheumatological diseases. The CEDMAC of Hospital de Clínicas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (HC-Unicamp), implemented by the Division of Rheumatology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, identified the need for standardization of the multidisciplinary team conducts, in face of the specificity of care conducts, verifying the importance of describing, in manual format, their operational and technical processes. The aim of this study is to present the methodology applied to the elaboration of the CEDMAC/HC-Unicamp Manual as an institutional tool, with the aim of offering the best assistance and administrative quality. In the methodology for preparing the manuals at HC-Unicamp since 2008, the premise was to obtain a document that is participatory, multidisciplinary, focused on work processes integrated with institutional rules, with objective and didactic descriptions, in a standardized format and with electronic dissemination. The CEDMAC/HC-Unicamp Manual was elaborated in 10 months, with involvement of the entire multidisciplinary team, with 19 chapters on work processes and techniques, in addition to those concerning the organizational structure and its annexes. Published in the electronic portal of HC Manuals in July 2012 as an e-Book (ISBN 978-85-63274-17-5), the manual has been a valuable instrument in guiding professionals in healthcare, teaching and research activities.


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Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate three transfer techniques used to obtain working casts of implant-supported prostheses through the marginal misfit and strain induced to metallic framework. Thirty working casts were obtained from a metallic master cast, each one containing two implant analogues simulating a clinical situation of three-unit implant-supported fixed prostheses, according to the following transfer impression techniques: Group A, squared transfers splinted with dental floss and acrylic resin, sectioned and re-splinted; Group B, squared transfers splinted with dental floss and bis-acrylic resin; and Group N, squared transfers not splinted. A metallic framework was made for marginal misfit and strain measurements from the metallic master cast. The misfit between metallic framework and the working casts was evaluated with an optical microscope following the single-screw test protocol. In the same conditions, the strain was evaluated using strain gauges placed on the metallic framework. The data was submitted to one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey's test (α=5%). For both marginal misfit and strain, there were statistically significant differences between Groups A and N (p<0.01) and Groups B and N (p<0.01), with greater values for the Group N. According to the Pearson's test, there was a positive correlation between the variables misfit and strain (r=0.5642). The results of this study showed that the impression techniques with splinted transfers promoted better accuracy than non-splinted one, regardless of the splinting material utilized.


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El Niño South Oscillation (ENSO) is one climatic phenomenon related to the inter-annual variability of global meteorological patterns influencing sea surface temperature and rainfall variability. It influences human health indirectly through extreme temperature and moisture conditions that may accelerate the spread of some vector-borne viral diseases, like dengue fever (DF). This work examines the spatial distribution of association between ENSO and DF in the countries of the Americas during 1995-2004, which includes the 1997-1998 El Niño, one of the most important climatic events of 20(th) century. Data regarding the South Oscillation index (SOI), indicating El Niño-La Niña activity, were obtained from Australian Bureau of Meteorology. The annual DF incidence (AIy) by country was computed using Pan-American Health Association data. SOI and AIy values were standardised as deviations from the mean and plotted in bars-line graphics. The regression coefficient values between SOI and AIy (rSOI,AI) were calculated and spatially interpolated by an inverse distance weighted algorithm. The results indicate that among the five years registering high number of cases (1998, 2002, 2001, 2003 and 1997), four had El Niño activity. In the southern hemisphere, the annual spatial weighted mean centre of epidemics moved southward, from 6° 31' S in 1995 to 21° 12' S in 1999 and the rSOI,AI values were negative in Cuba, Belize, Guyana and Costa Rica, indicating a synchrony between higher DF incidence rates and a higher El Niño activity. The rSOI,AI map allows visualisation of a graded surface with higher values of ENSO-DF associations for Mexico, Central America, northern Caribbean islands and the extreme north-northwest of South America.


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The aim of this study was to compare the performance of the following techniques on the isolation of volatiles of importance for the aroma/flavor of fresh cashew apple juice: dynamic headspace analysis using PorapakQ(®) as trap, solvent extraction with and without further concentration of the isolate, and solid-phase microextraction (fiber DVB/CAR/PDMS). A total of 181 compounds were identified, from which 44 were esters, 20 terpenes, 19 alcohols, 17 hydrocarbons, 15 ketones, 14 aldehydes, among others. Sensory evaluation of the gas chromatography effluents revealed esters (n = 24) and terpenes (n = 10) as the most important aroma compounds. The four techniques were efficient in isolating esters, a chemical class of high impact in the cashew aroma/flavor. However, the dynamic headspace methodology produced an isolate in which the analytes were in greater concentration, which facilitates their identification (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) and sensory evaluation in the chromatographic effluents. Solvent extraction (dichloromethane) without further concentration of the isolate was the most efficient methodology for the isolation of terpenes. Because these two techniques also isolated in greater concentration the volatiles from other chemical classes important to the cashew aroma, such as aldehydes and alcohols, they were considered the most advantageous for the study of cashew aroma/flavor.


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To perform a comparative evaluation of the mechanical resistance of simulated fractures of the mandibular body which were repaired using different fixation techniques with two different brands of 2.0 mm locking fixation systems. Four aluminum hemimandibles with linear sectioning simulating a mandibular body fracture were used as the substrates and were fixed using the two techniques and two different brands of fixation plate. These were divided into four groups: groups I and II were fixed with one four-hole plate, with four 6 mm screws in the tension zone and one four-hole plate, with four 10 mm screws in the compression zone; and groups III and IV were fixed with one four-hole plate with four 6 mm screws in the neutral zone. Fixation plates manufactured by Tóride were used for groups I and III, and by Traumec for groups II and IV. The hemimandibles were submitted to vertical, linear load testing in an Instron 4411 servohydraulic mechanical testing unit, and the load/displacement (3 mm, 5 mm and 7 mm) and the peak loads were measured. Means and standard deviations were evaluated applying variance analysis with a significance level of 5%. The only significant difference between the brands was seen at displacements of 7 mm. Comparing the techniques, groups I and II showed higher mechanical strength than groups III and IV, as expected. For the treatment of mandibular linear body fracture, two locking plates, one in the tension zone and another in the compression zone, have a greater mechanical strength than a single locking plate in the neutral zone.


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The importance of medicinal plants and their use in industrial applications is increasing worldwide, especially in Brazil. Phyllanthus species, popularly known as quebra-pedras in Brazil, are used in folk medicine for treating urinary infections and renal calculus. This paper reports an authenticity study, based on herbal drugs from Phyllanthus species, involving commercial and authentic samples using spectroscopic techniques: FT-IR, ¹H HR-MAS NMR and ¹H NMR in solution, combined with chemometric analysis. The spectroscopic techniques evaluated, coupled with chemometric methods, have great potential in the investigation of complex matrices. Furthermore, several metabolites were identified by the NMR techniques.


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PURPOSE: Maxillary sinus lifting is a technique, in which, a possible complication is sinus membrane perforation. The aim of this study was to compare two techniques using ultrasound surgery to perform autogenous graft for maxillary sinus lifting. METHODS: Ten rabbits were used in the study, one of them did not undergo surgery. The other nine rabbits had their maxillary sinuses filled with autogenous bone grafts collected from the external skull diploe in particulate form on the right side, and shaved on the left side, both with ultrasonic device. Data on bone density in left and right maxillary sinus, obtained by computed tomography in transverse and longitudinal sections, recorded 90 days after the grafts, were statistically compared. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the two techniques that used shaved and particulate bone collected by means of ultrasonic device from rabbit skulls. CONCLUSION: Assessment of operative procedures led to the conclusion that piezoelectric ultrasound was shown to be a safe tool in the surgical approach to the maxillary sinus of rabbits, allowing sinus membrane integrity to be maintained during surgical procedures.