999 resultados para Immunomagnetic Separation


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The effector function of natural killer (NK) cells is regulated by activating and inhibitory receptors, termed killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs). In haploidentical T-cell depleted transplantation the donor/recipient KIR mismatch significantly impacts on NK-mediated tumor cell killing, particularly in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Thirty-four high risk AML patients entered a phase I-II study of adoptive NK-cell based immunotherapy and were screened for the availability of one haploidentical KIR ligand mismatched donor. Thirteen of them resulted as having one suitable donor. NK cells were enriched from steady-state leukaphereses by using a double-step immunomagnetic separation system, consisting in depletion of CD3+ T cells followed by positive selection of CD56+ NK cells. CD56+ cells were enriched from 7,70% (1,26-11,70) to 93,50% (66,41-99,20) (median recovery 53,05% (30,97-72,85), median T-depletion 3,03 log (2,15-4,52) viability >92%) and their citotoxic activity was inalterate. All patients (4 progressions, 1 partial remission and 8 complete remissions) received NK cell infusion which was preceeded by immunosuppressive chemotherapy (fludarabine and cyclophosphamide) and followed by interleukin 2 injections. The median number of reinfused NK cells was 2,74x10(e)6/kg(1,11-5,00) and contamining CD3+ T cells were always less than 1x10(e)5/kg. The procedure was well-tolerated and no significant toxicity, including GvHD, related to NK cell infusion was observed. The donor NK cells were demonstrated in 5/10 patients. Among the 8 patients in complete remission 5 patients are stable after 18, 15, 4, 2 months of follow-up. Three other patients relapsed after 2 and 7 months. The patient in partial remission obtained a complete remission, which lasted for 6 months. The 4 patients with active/progressive disease showed the persistence of disease. This clinical observation may be correlated with in vitro studies, indicating that AML cells are capable to induce NK cell apoptosis in a dose-depend manner. In summery, a two-step enrichment of CD56+ NK cells allows the collection of a suitable number of target cells to be used as adoptive immunotherapy in AML patients. Infusion of NK cells is feasible and safe and adoptively transferred NK cells can be detected after infusion.


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Abnormal Hedgehog signaling is associated with human malignancies. Smo, a key player of that signaling, is the most suitable target to inhibit this pathway. To this aim several molecules, antagonists of Smo, have been synthesized, and some of them have started the phase I in clinical trials. Our hospital participated to one of these studies which investigated the oral administration of a new selective inhibitor of Smo (SMOi). To evaluate ex vivo SMOi efficacy and to identify new potential clinical biomarkers of responsiveness, we separated bone marrow CD34+ cells from 5 acute myeloid leukemia (AML), 1 myelofibrosis (MF), 2 blastic phases chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients treated with SMOi by immunomagnetic separation, and we analysed their gene expression profile using Affimetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 platform. This analysis, showed differential expression after 28 days start of therapy (p-value ≤ 0.05) of 1,197 genes in CML patients and 589 genes in AML patients. This differential expression is related to Hedgehog pathway with a p-value = 0.003 in CML patients and with a p-value = 0.0002 in AML patients, suggesting that SMOi targets specifically this pathway. Among the genes differentially expressed we observed strong up-regulation of Gas1 and Kif27 genes, which may work as biomarkers of responsiveness of SMOi treatment in CML CD34+ cells whereas Hedgehog target genes (such as Smo, Gli1, Gli2, Gli3), Bcl2 and Abca2 were down-regulated, in both AML and CML CD34+ cells. It has been reported that Bcl-2 expression could be correlated with cancer therapy resistance and that Hedgehog signaling modulate ATP-binding (ABC) cassette transporters, whose expression has been correlated with chemoresistance. Moreover we confirmed that in vitro SMOi treatment targets Hedgehog pathway, down-regulate ABC transporters, Abcg2 and Abcb1 genes, and in combination with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) could revert the chemoresistance mechanism in K562 TKIs-resistant cell line.


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Foodborne diseases impact human health and economies worldwide in terms of health care and productivity loss. Prevention is necessary and methods to detect, isolate and quantify foodborne pathogens play a fundamental role, changing continuously to face microorganisms and food production evolution. Official methods are mainly based on microorganisms growth in different media and their isolation on selective agars followed by confirmation of presumptive colonies through biochemical and serological test. A complete identification requires form 7 to 10 days. Over the last decades, new molecular techniques based on antibodies and nucleic acids allow a more accurate typing and a faster detection and quantification. The present thesis aims to apply molecular techniques to improve official methods performances regarding two pathogens: Shiga-like Toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and Listeria monocytogenes. In 2011, a new strain of STEC belonging to the serogroup O104 provoked a large outbreak. Therefore, the development of a method to detect and isolate STEC O104 is demanded. The first objective of this work is the detection, isolation and identification of STEC O104 in sprouts artificially contaminated. Multiplex PCR assays and antibodies anti-O104 incorporated in reagents for immunomagnetic separation and latex agglutination were employed. Contamination levels of less than 1 CFU/g were detected. Multiplex PCR assays permitted a rapid screening of enriched food samples and identification of isolated colonies. Immunomagnetic separation and latex agglutination allowed a high sensitivity and rapid identification of O104 antigen, respectively. The development of a rapid method to detect and quantify Listeria monocytogenes, a high-risk pathogen, is the second objective. Detection of 1 CFU/ml and quantification of 10–1,000 CFU/ml in raw milk were achieved by a sample pretreatment step and quantitative PCR in about 3h. L. monocytogenes growth in raw milk was also evaluated.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar diversos métodos de detecção e recuperação de cistos de Giardia spp. e de oocistos de Cryptosporidium parvum em resíduos gerados no tratamento de águas de abastecimento com turbidez elevada tendo como padrão o Método 1623.1 da USEPA (2012 ). Para tanto, ensaios utilizando aparelho Jarteste (coagulação, floculação, decantação e filtração ) foram realizados utilizando o coagulante cloreto de polialumínio - PAC. Em todos os métodos avaliados foi utilizada a técnica de purificação por separação imunomagnética - IMS. A adaptação do método floculação em carbonato de cálcio FCCa elaborado por Vesey et al. (1993) e adaptado por Feng et al. (2011), repercutiu nos melhores resultados para a amostra de resíduo sedimentado, com recuperações de 68 ± 17 % para oocisto de C. parvum e de 42 ± 7 % para cisto de Giardia spp. Entretanto, as recuperações para a amostra de água de lavagem dos filtros - ALF foram inferiores à 1 %, não sendo possível determinar um método adequado. A presença dos patógenos indica que o reuso da ALF em ETA convencionais ou o descarte em mananciais sem um tratamento prévio, pode representar problemas de contaminação. A adaptação dos métodos de Boni de Oliveira (2012) e Keegan et al. (2008), também repercutiram em porcentagens de recuperação expressivas para a amostra de resíduo sedimentado, sendo de: 41 ± 35 % para oocisto de C. parvum e 11 ± 70 % para cisto de Giardia spp., e 38 ± 26 % para oocisto de C. parvum e 26 ± 13 % para cisto de Giardia spp., respectivamente. A análise estatística não resultou em diferença significativa entre estes dois métodos, entretanto, as elevadas recuperações indicam que estes métodos podem ser melhor avaliados em pesquisas futuras.


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O propósito do presente estudo foi investigar e monitorar a remoção de cistos de Giardia spp. e oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. por diferentes processos de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto (ETE) em escala plena, composta basicamente por tratamento preliminar, reator UASB e flotador por ar dissolvido, e verificar a ocorrência desses protozoários no lodo do reator UASB e do flotador. Além disso, avaliou-se a remoção desses parasitos pelo processo de flotação por ar dissolvido em escala de bancada (equipamento Flotateste). Analisou-se a qualidade das amostras a partir de variáveis físicas e químicas, e pela detecção de microrganismos indicadores - E. coli, coliformes totais e Clostridium perfringens. Os métodos de detecção de protozoários se basearam nas etapas de concentração (tripla centrifugação ou filtração em membrana seguida de tripla centrifugação); purificação por separação imunomagnética (IMS); detecção por reação de imunofluorescência direta (RID). As recuperações de cistos variaram de 32,6 a 67,0 % dependendo do método adotado, já para os oocistos as recuperações estiveram na faixa de 5,6 a 12,0 %. Na ETE-Monjolinho foram detectadas significativas quantidades de cistos de Giardia spp. em 100% das amostras de esgoto analisadas, com concentração média de 1,89 x 104 e 2,35 x 102 cistos.L-1 no esgoto bruto e tratado, respectivamente. Já os oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. foram detectados em 39,0 % das amostras de esgoto, com concentração média de 1,35 x 102 oocistos.L-1 no esgoto bruto e 5,87 oocistos.L-1 em esgoto tratado (após flotador). A remoção global da ETE para remoção de Giardia spp. foi em média 2,03 log. O lodo do reator UASB e lodo do flotador apresentaram altas quantidade de (oo)cistos, constatando-se a tendência desses sistemas em concentrar os (oo)cistos por seus processos físicos. Algumas correlações significativas foram encontradas, como correlação entre a concentração de cistos no lodo e a variável sólidos totais, a concentração de cistos no esgoto bruto e as variáveis cor aparente, DQO total e particulada, e a concentração de cistos no efluente UASB e o microrganismo Clostridium perfringens. Diferentemente do flotador em escala plena, o processo do flotação por ar dissolvido em escala de bancada alcançou elevadas remoções médias de cistos de Giardia spp., entre 2,5 e 2,7 log nas diferentes condições de floculação estudadas.


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Aims: A survey to determine the prevalence and numbers of Salmonella in beef cattle presented for slaughter at abattoirs across Australia was conducted between September 2002 and January 2003. Methods and Results: Automated immunomagnetic separation (AIMS) was used for detection and isolation of Salmonella enriched from cattle faeces. Salmonella were enumerated from positive samples using a combination of the Most Probable Number (MPN) technique and AIMS. A total of 310 faecal samples were tested, 155 were from lot-fed cattle and 155 from grass-fed cattle. Salmonella spp. were isolated from 21 (6.8%) of the cattle and the prevalence amongst grass-fed cattle (4.5%) was not significantly different to that found in lot-fed cattle (9%). Counts of Salmonella in positive faeces varied from


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Aims: To determine the prevalence and concentration of Escherichia coli O157 shed in faeces at slaughter, by beef cattle from different production systems. Methods and Results: Faecal samples were collected from grass-fed (pasture) and lot-fed (feedlot) cattle at slaughter and tested for the presence of E. coli O157 using automated immunomagnetic separation (AIMS). Escherichia coli O157 was enumerated in positive samples using the most probable number (MPN) technique and AIMS and total E. coli were enumerated using Petrifilm. A total of 310 faecal samples were tested (155 from each group). The geometric mean count of total E. coli was 5 x 10(5) and 2.5 x 10(5) CFU g(-1) for lot- and grass-fed cattle, respectively. Escherichia coli O157 was isolated from 13% of faeces with no significant difference between grass-fed (10%) and lot-fed cattle (15%). The numbers of E. coli O157 in cattle faeces varied from undetectable (


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Fecal culture for Escherichia coli 0157:H7 was compared to rectoanal mucosal swab (RAMS) culture in dairy heifers over a 1-year period. RAMS enrichment culture was as sensitive as fecal culture using immunomagnetic separation (IMS) (P = 0.98, as determined by a chi-square test). RAMS culture is less costly than fecal IMS culture and can yield quantitative data.


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Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in support of government applications has already seen significant growth and the potential for use of UAVs in commercial applications is expected to rapidly expand in the near future. However, the issue remains on how such automated or operator-controlled aircraft can be safely integrated into current airspace. If the goal of integration is to be realized, issues regarding safe separation in densely populated airspace must be investigated. This paper investigates automated separation management concepts in uncontrolled airspace that may help prepare for an expected growth of UAVs in Class G airspace. Not only are such investigations helpful for the UAV integration issue, the automated separation management concepts investigated by the authors can also be useful for the development of new or improved Air Traffic Control services in remote regions without any existing infrastructure. The paper will also provide an overview of the Smart Skies program and discuss the corresponding Smart Skies research and development effort to evaluate aircraft separation management algorithms using simulations involving realworld data communication channels, and verified against actual flight trials. This paper presents results from a unique flight test concept that uses real-time flight test data from Australia over existing commercial communication channels to a control center in Seattle for real-time separation management of actual and simulated aircraft. The paper also assesses the performance of an automated aircraft separation manager.


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The compulsory dispute resolution requirements in family law parenting cases create new roles and obligations for both lawyers and family dispute resolution (FDR) practitioners. This article will discuss how the legislative provisions impact on both sets of professionals in practice. It will also highlight the increased non-adversarial role of lawyers and a new role for FDR practitioners as “gatekeepers” to family courts in cases requiring FDR certificates.


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In conventional fabrication of ceramic separation membranes, the particulate sols are applied onto porous supports. Major structural deficiencies under this approach are pin-holes and cracks, and the dramatic losses of flux when pore sizes are reduced to enhance selectivity. We have overcome these structural deficiencies by constructing hierarchically structured separation layer on a porous substrate using lager titanate nanofibers and smaller boehmite nanofibers. This yields a radical change in membrane texture. The resulting membranes effectively filter out species larger than 60 nm at flow rates orders of magnitude greater than conventional membranes. This reveals a new direction in membrane fabrication.


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Ceramic membranes were fabricated by in situ synthesis of alumina nanofibres in the pores of an alumina support as a separation layer, and exhibited a high permeation selectivity for bovine serum albumin relative to bovine hemoglobin (over 60 times) and can effectively retain DNA molecules at high fluxes.