973 resultados para Immigration internationale
Public testimony by Prof. Briggs given before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, April 5, 1995.
"Since the founding days of the Republic, the relationship between American unionism and mass immigration has been contentious. No issue has caused the labor movement more agony and irony. It is no surprise, therefore, that throughout its history the American labor movement has sought to influence U.S. immigration policy."
Collection consists largely of minutes and correspondence from the office of the Jewish Immigrant Information Bureau which administered the Galveston Immigration Plan. Includes correspondence among members of the JIIB, the Industrial Removal Office, the Hilfsverein de Deutschen Juden (Relief Organization of German Jews), the Jewish Colonization Society (ICA), and various Jewish organizations in the United States. Collection also contains many ship passenger lists.
This thesis examines posting of workers within the free movement of services in the European Union. The emphasis is on the case law of the European Court of Justice and in the role it has played in the liberalisation of the service sector in respect of posting of workers. The case law is examined from two different viewpoints: firstly, that of employment law and secondly, immigration law. The aim is to find out how active a role the Court has taken with regard these two fields of law and what are the implications of the Court’s judgments for the regulation on a national level. The first part of the thesis provides a general review of the Community law principles governing the freedom to provide services in the EU. The second part presents the Posted Workers’ Directive and the case law of the European Court of Justice before and after the enactment of the Directive from the viewpoint of employment law. Special attention is paid to a recent judgment in which the Court has taken a restrictive position with regard to a trade union’s right to take collective action against a service provider established in another Member State. The third part of the thesis concentrates, firstly, on the legal status of non-EU nationals lawfully resident in the EU. Secondly, it looks into the question of how the Court’s case law has affected the possibilities to use non-EU nationals as posted workers within the freedom to provide services. The final chapter includes a critical analysis of the Court’s case law on posted workers. The judgments of the European Court of Justice are the principal source of law for this thesis. In the primary legislation the focus is on Articles 49 EC and 50 EC that lay down the rules concerning the free movement of services. Within the secondary legislation, the present work principally concentrates on the Posted Workers’ Directive. It also examines proposals of the European Commission and directives that have been adopted in the field of immigration. The conclusions of the case study are twofold: while in the field of employment law, the European Court of Justice has based its judgments on a very literal interpretation of the Posted Workers’ Directive, in the field of immigration its conclusions have been much more innovative. In both fields of regulation the Court’s judgments have far-reaching implications for the rules concerning posting of workers leaving very little discretion for the Member States’ authorities.
How immigration affects the labor market of the host country is a topic of major concern for many immigrant-receiving nations. Spain is no exception following the rapid increase in immigrant flows experienced over the past decade. We assess the impact of immigration on Spanish natives’ income by estimating the net immigration surplus accruing at the national level and at high immigrant-receiving regions while taking into account the imperfect substitutability of immigrant and native labor. Specifically, using information on the occupational densities of immigrants and natives of different skill levels, we develop a mapping of immigrant-to-native self-reported skills that reveals the combination of natives across skills that would be equivalent to an immigrant of a given self-reported skill level, which we use to account for any differences between immigrant self-reported skill levels and their effective skills according to the Spanish labor market. We find that the immigrant surplus amounts to 0.04 percent of GDP at the national level and it is even higher for some of the main immigrant-receiving regions, such as Cataluña, Valencia, Madrid, and Murcia.
In 1998 the longtime series of the standardized bottom trawl surveys conducted in the western Baltic (ICES Sub-division (SD) 22 and 24 since 1978) during spring and autumn and also in the eastern Baltic (ICES Sub-division since 1993) during spring were continued. The results of the surveys as well as those of a sampling programme carried out on board of commercial cutters (mainly financed by an EU study project) and on the market, the investigation of the survival rate of the discards, and the landing statistics are the basis of the analysis of the German and international cod fishery in 1998. The German cod fishery was concentrated on the ICES SD 22 and 24 (total landings 9722 t). The total landings from the fishing grounds east off Bornholm, the traditional German fishing ground, amounted only to about 1270 t. The German cod quota was utilized at 64 %. The fishery in the ICES SD 22 and 24 was characterized by a discard rate of undersized cod of 13 %. That corresponds to about 7.3 million specimens of 0-group, one- and two-years-old youngfish, respectively. The total international cod landings of the Baltic amounted to 101 500 t. In comparison with 1997 (total landings 129 600 t) the landing decreased by 23 %. The percentage utilization of the cod TAC (1998: 140 000 t) amounted to 74 % in 1998.
In der Zeit unzureichender Nahrungsmittelversorgung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nahmen schon wenige Wochen nach Kriegsende die ersten Fischereifahrzeuge wieder den Fang auf. Unzureichend ausgerüstet und z.T. nur provisorisch wieder für Fischereizwecke zurückgewandelt, bemühten sie sich, in zugewiesenen, begrenzten Seegebieten zu fischen und so ihren Versorgungsbeitrag zu leisten. Einen möglichst großen Anteil dieser Fänge als Konsumware der hungernden Bevölkerung direkt zukommen zu lassen, das war ab Spätsommer 1945 das Hauptziel von Fischereibiologen, Lebensmittelchemikern und Fischereitechnikern, die sich zum größten Teil in Hamburg zusammen gefunden hatten. Sie gehörten zu den Nachkriegsresten von vier Instituten der ehemaligen Reichsanstalt für Fischerei (1938-1945): dem Institut für See- und Küstenfischerei aus Hamburg-Altona, dem Institut für Ostseefischerei aus Swinemünde, dem Institut für Fischverarbeitung aus Hamburg- Altona, dem Institut für Netzforschung aus Lötzen (Ostpr.). Schon ab Herbst 1945 gingen die vier Institutsreste in die Verwaltung der Hansestadt Hamburg über und wurden mit kleinen, aber regelmäßigen städtischen Etats arbeitsfähig.
27 Jahre nach Durchführung der ersten Internationalen Konferenz über Fischinspektion, die von der FAO in Halifax, Kanada, 1969 veranstaltet wurde, war das Nationale Fischerei Institut der USA in Kooperation mit anderen Institutionen Sponsor und Organisator einer zweiten Konferenz über Fischinspektion und Qualitätskontrolle. Diese Konferenz fand vom 19. - 24. Mai 1996 in Arlington, Virginia, statt. An 3 Tagen war die Konferenz durch eine Ausstellung begleitet, auf der 26 Aussteller, Consulting-Firmen, Handelslaboratorien und Universitätsinstitute, ihr know how und ihre Dienste auf dem Gebiet der Fischinspektion und Qualitätskontrolle offerierten. Die Konferenzteilnehmer hatten während der Konferenzpausen auf diese Weise die Möglichkeit, sich über Neuheiten und Leistungsangebote zu informieren.
Based on the report of the most recent meeting of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management (ACFM), May 1996, brief uptodate information is given on the status of the fish stocks utilized by the German fleet and the relevant advice on TAC's to be fished in 1997.
The international hydroacoustic herring survey in the North Sea is carried out since the early eighties with Dutch, Scottish, Danish und Norwegian contribution. Since 1994 Germany also participates in this survey on a regular basis and has taken over a sector in the easter part between the Dogger Bank and the Danish coast. This area is known for the abundance of chiefly juvenile herring and sprat. During the 1995 cruise some 420000 t of herring were found here, most of them being juveniles of age group I. Analyses of plankton hauls showed that planktonic echos were not caused by juvenile herring, instead the echos were apparently produced by small pelagic gastropodes of the genus Spiratella.
Until now observations on the temporal variation of size of freshwater copepods have not provided much information. Other observers only mention in passing this or that phenomenon from which it is possible to deduct termporal variations. In this study Cyclops strenuus s.l., a freshwater species of fairly wide distribution, is studied in two water bodies. The author studies the systematic, placing of inhabitants described as C. strenuus Fischer in both locations, their annual life cycle, and their annual size variations.