959 resultados para Illinois Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Waste Inspection and Escort Program.


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Bentonite clay is identified as potential buffer in deep geological repositories (DGR) that store high level radioactive wastes (HLW) as the expansive clay satisfies the expected mechanical and physicochemical functions of the buffer material. In the deep geological disposal of HLW, iodine-129 is one of the significant nuclides, attributable to its long half-life (half life 1⁄4 1:7 × 107 years). However, the negative charge on the basal surface of bentonite particles precludes retention of iodide anions. To render the bentonite effective in retaining hazardous iodide species in DGR, improvement of the anion retention capacity of bentonite becomes imperative. The iodide retention capac-ity of bentonite is improved by admixing 10 and 20% Ag-kaolinite (Ag-K) with bentonite (B) on a dry mass basis. The present study produced Ag-kaolinite by heating silver nitrate-kaolinite mixes at 400°C. Marginal release of iodide retained by Ag-kaolinite occurred under extreme acidic (pH 1⁄4 2:5) and alkaline (pH 1⁄4 12:5) conditions. The swell pressure and iodide etention results of the B-Ag-K specimens bring out that mixing Ag-K with bentonite does not chemically modify the expansive clay; the mixing is physical in nature and Ag-K presence only contributes to iodide retention of the admixture. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000121. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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A sensitivity study has been conducted to assess the robustness of the conclusions presented in the MIT Fuel Cycle Study. The Once Through Cycle (OTC) is considered as the base-line case, while advanced technologies with fuel recycling characterize the alternative fuel cycles. The options include limited recycling in LWRs and full recycling in fast reactors and in high conversion LWRs. Fast reactor technologies studied include both oxide and metal fueled reactors. The analysis allowed optimization of the fast reactor conversion ratio with respect to desired fuel cycle performance characteristics. The following parameters were found to significantly affect the performance of recycling technologies and their penetration over time: Capacity Factors of the fuel cycle facilities, Spent Fuel Cooling Time, Thermal Reprocessing Introduction Date, and incore and Out-of-core TRU Inventory Requirements for recycling technology. An optimization scheme of the nuclear fuel cycle is proposed. Optimization criteria and metrics of interest for different stakeholders in the fuel cycle (economics, waste management, environmental impact, etc.) are utilized for two different optimization techniques (linear and stochastic). Preliminary results covering single and multi-variable and single and multi-objective optimization demonstrate the viability of the optimization scheme.


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Plutonium represents the major contribution to the radiotoxicity of spent nuclear fuel over storage times of up to several hundred thousand years. The speciation of plutonium in aquifer systems is important in order to assess the risks of high-level nuclear waste disposal and to acquire a deep knowledge of the mobilization and immobilization behavior of plutonium. In aqueous solutions, plutonium can coexist in four oxidation states and each one of them has different chemical and physical behavior. Tetravalent plutonium is the most abundant under natural conditions. Therefore, detailed speciation studies of tetravalent plutonium in contact with humic substances (HS) and kaolinite as a model clay mineral have been performed in this work. Plutonium is present in the environment at an ultratrace level. Therefore, speciation of Pu at the ultratrace level is mandatory. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) coupled to resonance ionization mass spectrometry (RIMS) was used as a new speciation method. CE-RIMS enables to improve the detection limit for plutonium species by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude compared to the previously developed CE-ICP-MS. For understanding the behavior of Pu(IV) in aqueous systems, redox reactions, complexation, and sorption behavior of plutonium were studied. The redox behavior of plutonium in contact with humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) was investigated. A relatively fast reduction of Pu(VI) in contact with HS was observed. It was mainly reduced to Pu(IV) and Pu(III) within a couple of weeks. The time dependence of the Pu(IV) complexation with Aldrich HA was investigated and a complex constant (logßLC) between 6.4 - 8.4 of Pu(IV) was determined by means of ultrafiltration taking into account the loading capacity (LC). The sorption of tetravalent plutonium onto kaolinite was investigated as a function of pH in batch experiments under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The sorption edge was found at about pH = 1 and a maximum sorption at around pH = 8.5. In the presence of CO2 at pH > 8.5, the sorption of plutonium was decreased probably due to the formation of soluble carbonate complexes. For comparison, the sorption of Th(IV) onto kaolinite was also investigated and consistent results were found. The Pu(IV) sorption onto kaolinite was studied by XANES and EXAFS at pH 1, 4, 9 and the sorbed species on kaolinite surface was Pu(IV). Depending on the pH, only 1 - 10 % of the sorbed plutonium is desorbed from kaolinite and released into a fresh solution at the same pH value. Furthermore, the sorption of HS onto kaolinite was studied as a function of pH at varying concentrations of HS, as a prerequisite to understand the more complex ternary system. The sorption of HA onto kaolinite was found to be higher than that of FA. The investigation of the ternary systems (plutonium-kaolinite-humic substances) is performed as a function of pH, concentration of HS, and the sequences of adding the reactants. The presence of HS strongly influences the sorption of Pu(IV) onto kaolinite over the entire pH range. For comparison, the influence of HS on the sorption of Th(IV) onto kaolinite was also investigated and a good agreement with the results of Pu(IV) was obtained.


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The accurate prediction of the spent nuclear fuel content is essential for its safe and optimized transportation, storage and management. This isotopic evolution can be predicted using powerful codes and methodologies throughout irradiation as well as cooling time periods. However, in order to have a realistic confidence level in the prediction of spent fuel isotopic content, it is desirable to determine how uncertainties affect isotopic prediction calculations by quantifying their associated uncertainties.


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The baculovirus expression system using the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV) has been extensively utilized for high-level expression of cloned foreign genes, driven by the strong viral promoters of polyhedrin (polh) and p10 encoding genes. A parallel system using Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV) is much less exploited because the choice and variety of BmNPV-based transfer vectors are limited. Using a transient expression assay, we have demonstrated here that the heterologous promoters of the very late genes polh and p10 from AcNPV function as efficiently in BmN cells as the BmNPV promoters. The location of the cloned foreign gene with respect to the promoter sequences was critical for achieving the highest levels of expression, following the order +35 > +1 > -3 > -8 nucleotides (nt) with respect to the polh or p10 start codons. We have successfully generated recombinant BmNPV harboring AcNPV promoters by homeologous recombination between AcNPV-based transfer vectors and BmNPV genomic DNA. Infection of BmN cell lines with recombinant BmNPV showed a temporal expression pattern, reaching very high levels in 60-72 h post infection. The recombinant BmNPV harboring the firefly luciferase-encoding gene under the control of AcNPV polh or p10 promoters, on infection of the silkworm larvae led to the synthesis of large quantities of luciferase. Such larvae emanated significant luminiscence instantaneously on administration of the substrate luciferin resulting in 'glowing silkworms'. The virus-infected larvae continued to glow for several hours and revealed the most abundant distribution of virus in the fat bodies. In larval expression also, the highest levels were achieved when the reporter gene was located at +35 nt of the polh.


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Olkiluoto Island is situated in the northern Baltic Sea, near the southwestern coast of Finland, and is the proposed location of a spent nuclear fuel repository. This study examined Holocene palaeoseismicity in the Olkiluoto area and in the surrounding sea areas by computer simulations together with acoustic-seismic, sedimentological and dating methods. The most abundant rock type on the island is migmatic mica gneiss, intruded by tonalites, granodiorites and granites. The surrounding Baltic Sea seabed consists of Palaeoproterozoic crystalline bedrock, which is to a great extent covered by younger Mesoproterozoic sedimentary rocks. The area contains several ancient deep-seated fracture zones that divide it into bedrock blocks. The response of bedrock at the Olkiluoto site was modelled considering four future ice-age scenarios. Each scenario produced shear displacements of fractures with different times of occurrence and varying recovery rates. Generally, the larger the maximum ice load, the larger were the permanent shear displacements. For a basic case, the maximum shear displacements were a few centimetres at the proposed nuclear waste repository level, at proximately 500 m b.s.l. High-resolution, low-frequency echo-sounding was used to examine the Holocene submarine sedimentary structures and possible direct and indirect indicators of palaeoseismic activity in the northern Baltic Sea. Echo-sounding profiles of Holocene submarine sediments revealed slides and slumps, normal faults, debris flows and turbidite-type structures. The profiles also showed pockmarks and other structures related to gas or groundwater seepages, which might be related to fracture zone activation. Evidence of postglacial reactivation in the study area was derived from the spatial occurrence of some of the structures, especial the faults and the seepages, in the vicinity of some old bedrock fracture zones. Palaeoseismic event(s) (a single or several events) in the Olkiluoto area were dated and the palaeoenvironment was characterized using palaeomagnetic, biostratigraphical and lithostratigraphical methods, enhancing the reliability of the chronology. Combined lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and palaeomagnetic stratigraphy revealed an age estimation of 10 650 to 10 200 cal. years BP for the palaeoseismic event(s). All Holocene sediment faults in the northern Baltic Sea occur at the same stratigraphical level, the age of which is estimated at 10 700 cal. years BP (9500 radiocarbon years BP). Their movement is suggested to have been triggered by palaeoseismic event(s) when the Late Weichselian ice sheet was retreating from the site and bedrock stresses were released along the bedrock fracture zones. Since no younger or repeated traces of seismic events were found, it corroborates the suggestion that the major seismic activity occurred within a short time during and after the last deglaciation. The origin of the gas/groundwater seepages remains unclear. Their reflections in the echo-sounding profiles imply that part of the gas is derived from the organic-bearing Litorina and modern gyttja clays. However, at least some of the gas is derived from the bedrock. Additional information could be gained by pore water analysis from the pockmarks. Information on postglacial fault activation and possible gas and/or fluid discharges under high hydraulic heads has relevance in evaluating the safety assessment of a planned spent nuclear fuel repository in the region.


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Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV)-based baculovirus expression system exploits silkworm larvae as an economical alternative to large-scale cell cultures for production of biomolecules. To generate recombinant BmNPV at high efficiency, we have achieved high efficiency transfection of B. mori cells, BmN, through lipofection. Optimal conditions for lipofection were standardized by quantification of the transient expression level of firefly luciferase (luc) reporter gene under control of an immediate early gene promoter of BmNPV Lipofection was 50-fold and 100-fold more efficient than the calcium phosphate method for transfecting BmN and Sf9 cells, respectively. Lipofection enabled us to generate a recombinant BmNPV (vBmluc), harboring luc under control of the strong polyhedrin promoter On infection with vBmluc, luciferase was expressed at very high levels, 170 mu g/10(6) BmN cells or 13 mg/larva. Expression of luciferase in vBmluc-infected larvae was visualized by luminescence emission instantaneously following luciferin injection generating ''glowing silkworms''.


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The waste materials generated in the nuclear fuel cycle are very varied,ranging from the tailings arising from mining and processing uranium ore, depleted uranium in a range of chemical forms, to a range of process wastes of differing activities and properties. Indeed, the wastes generated are intimately linked to the options selected in operating the nuclear fuel cycle, most obviously to the management of spent fuel. An open fuel cycle implies the disposal of highly radioactive spent fuel, whereas a closed fuel cycle generates a complex array of waste streams. On the other hand, a closed fuel cycle offers options for waste management, for example reduction in highly active waste volume, decreased radiotoxicity, and removal of fissile material. Many technological options have been proposed or explored, and each brings its own particular mix of wastes and environmental challenges.


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Bis-triazinylphenanthroline ligands (BTPhens), which contain additional alkyl (n-butyl and sec-butyl) groups attached to the triazine rings, have been synthesized, and the effects of this alkyl substitution on their extraction properties with Ln(III) and An(III) cations in simulated nuclear waste solutions have been studied. The speciation of n-butyl-substituted ligand (C4- BTPhen) with some trivalent lanthanide nitrates was elucidated by 1 H-NMR spectroscopic titrations. These experiments have shown that the dominant species in solution were the 1:2 complexes [Ln(III)(BTPhen)2], even at higher Ln(III) concentrations, and the relative stability of 2:1 to 1:1 BTPhen-Ln(III) complexes varied with different lanthanides. As expected, sec-butylsubstituted ligand (sec-C4 BTPhen) showed higher solubility than C4-BTPhen in certain diluents. A greater separation factor (SFAm/Eu = ca. 210) was observed for sec-C4-BTPhen compared to C4-BTPhen (SFAm/Eu = ca. 125) in 1-octanol at 4 M HNO3 solutions. The greater separation factor may be due to the higher solubility of the 2:1 complex for sec-C4-BTPhen at the interface than the 1:1 complex of C4-BTPhen.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des BMWi-Verbundprojektes Wechselwirkung und Transport von Aktiniden im natürlichen Tongestein unter Berücksichtigung von Huminstoffen und Tonorganika – Wechselwirkung von Neptunium und Plutonium mit natürlichem Tongestein“ durchgeführt. Um die langfristige Sicherheit der nuklearen Endlager beurteilen zu können, muss eine mögliche Migration der radiotoxischen Abfälle in die Umwelt betrachtet werden. Wegen seiner langen Halbwertszeit (24000 a) leistet Pu-239 einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Radiotoxizität abgebrannter Kernbrennstoffe in einem Endlager. Das redox-sensitive Pu tritt in Lösung unter umweltrelevanten Bedingungen in den Oxidationsstufen +III bis +VI auf und kann nebeneinander in bis zu vier Oxidationsstufen vorliegen. Tonsteinformationen werden als mögliches Wirtsgestein für Endlager hoch-radioaktiver Abfälle betrachtet. Deshalb sind ausführliche Informationen zur Mobilisierung und Immobilisierung des Pu durch/in das Grundwasser aus einem Endlager von besonderer Bedeutung. In dieser Arbeit wurden neue Erkenntnisse über die Wechselwirkung zwischen Pu und dem natürlichen Tongestein Opalinuston (OPA, Mont Terri, Schweiz) mit Hinblick auf die Endlagerung wärmeentwickelnder radioaktiver Abfälle in einem geologischen Tiefenlager gewonnen.rnDer Fokus der Arbeit lag dabei auf der Bestimmung der Speziation von Pu an der Mineraloberfläche nach Sorptions- und Diffusionsprozessen mittels verschiedener synchrotronbasierter Methoden (µ-XRF, µ-XANES/EXAFS, µ-XRD, XANES/EXAFS). rnDie Wechselwirkung zwischen Pu und OPA wurde zunächst in Batch- und Diffusionsexperimenten in Abhängigkeit verschiedener experimenteller Parameter (u.a. pH, Pu-Oxidationsstufe) untersucht. In Sorptionsexperimenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass einige Parameter (z.B. Temperatur, Huminsäure) einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die Sorption von Pu haben.rnDie Speziationsuntersuchungen wurden zum einen an Pulverproben aus Batchexperimenten und zum anderen an OPA-Dünnschliffen bzw. Diffusionsproben in Abhängigkeit verschiedener experimenteller Parameter durchgeführt. Die EXAFS-Messungen an der Pu LIII-Kante der Pulverproben ergaben, dass eine innersphäriche Sorption von Pu(IV) an Tongestein unabhängig von dem Ausgangsoxidationszustand des Plutoniums in Lösung stattgefunden hat. Durch die Kombination der ortsaufgelösten Methoden wurde erstmalig mittels μ-XRF die Verteilung von Pu und anderen in OPA enthaltenen Elementen bestimmt. µ-XANES-Spektren an Pu-Anreicherungen auf OPA-Dünnschliffen und in Diffusionsproben bestätigen, dass das weniger mobile Pu(IV) die dominierende Spezies nach den Sorptions- und Diffusionsprozessen ist. Darüber hinaus wurde zum ersten Mal ein Diffusionsprofil von Pu in OPA mittels µ-XRF gemessen. Die Speziationsuntersuchungen mittels μ-XANES zeigten, dass das eingesetzte Pu(V) entlang seines Diffusionspfades zunehmend zu Pu(IV) reduziert wird. Mit µ-XRD wurde Illit als dominierende Umgebung, in der Pu angereichert wurde, identifiziert und Siderit als eine redoxaktive Phase auftreten kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass die Sicherheit von OPA als Wirtsgestein eines Endlagers hoch-radioaktiver Abfälle positiv zu bewerten ist. rn