949 resultados para Igreja católica, liturgia e ritual


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Com base num estudo empírico realizado entre 2001 e 2004, que incidiu sobre jovens leigos organizados formalmente na estrutura da Igreja Católica-romana e sujeitos a um processo de socialização religiosa institucional estruturado, propomo-nos discutir a incidência do processo de recomposição do religioso entre os jovens católicos praticantes no contexto português. Os resultados apontam, por um lado, para uma progressiva erosão das práticas e representações associadas à doutrina Católica-romana – o que se traduz numa heterogeneidade de posicionamentos que oscilam entre o integrismo intransigente e o progressismo radical – e por outro, verificámos que o envolvimento emocional, em detrimento do processo estruturado de formação, é neste caso o elemento central na vinculação ideológica confessional.


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O presente trabalho pretende recuperar duas experiências que vêm sendo realizadas com classes populares, por setores ligados à Igreja Católica na Diocese de Lins, Estado de São Paulo, à luz de um critério fundamental que é o de analisar relações estabelecidas com duas comunidades populares e de verificar se são capazes de suprimir as opressões mediante a superação das causas dessas opressões.


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Pesquisadora da FGV/DAPP, Daniela Tranches de Melo, comenta repercussão do texto final do Sínodo nas redes sociais no jornal da Globo News.


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It historizes and it analyzes the social capital in the area Seridó. The traditions associative seridoenses are reconstructed starting from the dimensions: economical, social, religious person and politics. In them it is possible to notice actions that form the social capital of the area. The country of Seridó present an associative tradition based on the mutual help, in the trust and reciprocity that she remount there are decades in your history. The relationship among the Catholic Church, that historically it is present in the area, and rural communities, through your community associations, it is the backdrop where you/they are the responsible associative elements for the tear of the regional social fabric: in him (the backdrop) he/she is the responsible social capital for the work of the rural community organizations. The Catholic Church, through your social action and the Program of Combat to the Rural Poverty, of Rio Grande do Norte is the league that sustains the actions collective seridoenses


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La discussion des métamorphoses de l'Église Catholique Romaine causés par ses relations avec la modernité est la toile de fond au débat sur l'émergence de nouveaux mouvements religieux, en particulier les nouvelles communautés. Dans le but de comprendre la convergence/ divergence ou conservation/ changement en ce qui concerne la relation entre l'Institution et la Communauté, j'ai choisi de contextualiser l'histoire du christianisme catholique dans la modernité et dans la post-modernité à partir de penseurs classiques et contemporains. J ai évité une vision unilatérale qui met l'accent sur l'aspect objectif ou subjectif et a opté pour une approche dialogique capable de permettre une lecture des deux côtés de la réalité. Cette réflexion a guidé le travail ethnographique réalisé dans deux communautés à Cidade do Natal: Fraternité Éfeso et Communauté Catholique Veni Creator Spiritus. Cette recherche a montré que les nouvelles communautés promeuvent un nouveau catholicisme certainement plus conservateur que réformateur; tantôt elles attirent et rettiennent les croyants dans l'Église, tantôt inquiètent la hiérarchie ecclésiastique - depuis l encadrement de ce nouveau phénomène dans la structure existante jusqu'à sa orientation


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The purpose of this work is to analyze the influence of the Catholic Church on rural worker s union in the Seridó potiguar region between 1964 to 1979. To the work developed by the Church is connected the beginning of worker s union in the Seridó region. In this way, this research tries to understand what is also the politic direction of the labor s union by means of the Cathólic Church that througt a process of creating Leagues have been looking for reinforcing and protecting catholicism as a way of maintaining its believers and distancing them from others movements such as Peasant League and the influence of Brazilian Communist Party. We use as sources oral narratives and newspaper A Folha , wich was published by the Parish Church of Caicó (RN) between 1954 to 1967. Some wrintten documents produced by worker s union from the Seridó region were also used


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This article is the result of a research study concluded in 2003, which aimed at investigating how the conception of Law is expressed in the actions of the so-called social pastoral commissions of the Catholic Church in Londrina, Brazil. By observing that the conception of charity and that of social rights walk side-bi-side within the Catholic Church, a question emerged: how is the conception of social right expressed in the actions of social pastoral commissions? Charity is preached as a Christian duty, as an action expressed in the experience of solidarity towards others who are in a situation that prevents them from having minimal living conditions. At least at discourse level, the actions developed are not limited to provide basic goods, clothes or medicine. We realized that those who act in social pastoral commissions, driven by values such as love to fellow human beings and solidarity, have not lost sight of the idea of social right - on the contrary, they have been reinforcing it. © 2006 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - UFRGS.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)