962 resultados para IgE-mediated food allergy


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Background: Barnacles are a type of seafood with worldwide distribution and abundant along the shores of temperate seas. They are particularly appreciated and regularly consumed in Portugal as well as in Spain, France and South America, but barnacle allergy is a rare condition of which there is only one reference in the indexed literature. The molecular allergens and possible cross-reactivity phenomena implicated (namely with mites) have not been established. Objective: To demonstrate the IgE-mediated allergy to barnacle and to identify the proteins implicated as well as possible cross-reactivity phenomena with mites. Methods: We report the clinical and laboratory data of five patients with documented IgE-mediated allergy to barnacle. The diagnosis was based on a suggestive clinical history combined with positive skin prick tests (SPT) to barnacle – prick to prick method. Two barnacle extracts were prepared (raw and cooked barnacle) and sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and IgE-immunoblotting were performed. An immunoblotting inhibition assay with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus was also done in order to evaluate cross-reactivity. Results: All patients had mite-related asthma and the allergic rhinoconjunctivitis; they all experienced mucocutaneous symptoms. All of them had positive SPT to barnacle, and the immunoblotting showed several allergenic fractions with a wide molecular weight range (19 – 94 kDa). The D. pteronyssinus extract inhibited several IgE-binding protein fractions in the barnacle extract. Conclusions: We describe five patients with IgE-mediated barnacle allergy. We also describe a group of IgEbinding+ proteins between 30 and 75 kDa as the allergenic fractions of this type of Crustacea. Cross-reactivity with D. pteronyssinus was demonstrated in two cases.


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Food allergy (FA) prevalence data in infants and preschool-age children are sparse, and proposed risk factors lack confirmation. In this study, 19 children’s day care centers (DCC) from 2 main Portuguese cities were selected after stratification and cluster analysis. An ISAAC’s (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) derived health questionnaire was applied to a sample of children attending DCCs. Outcomes were FA parental report and anaphylaxis. Logistic regression was used to explore potential risk factors for reported FA. From the 2228 distributed questionnaires, 1217 were included in the analysis (54.6%). Children’s median age was 3.5 years, and 10.8% were described as ever having had FA. Current FA was reported in 5.7%. Three (0.2%) reports compatible with anaphylaxis were identified. Reported parental history of FA, personal history of atopic dermatitis, and preterm birth increased the odds for reported current FA. A high prevalence of parental-perceived FA in preschool-age children was identified. Risk factor identification may enhance better prevention.


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Although the standard of care for cow’s milk (CM) allergy is strict food avoidance, oral immunotherapy (OIT) is being widely investigated as an alternative management option in certain cases. Immediate adverse reactions to OIT have been described, but its long-term effects are much less often reported. We present the case of a girl diagnosed with IgE-mediated CM allergy that was proposed for our CM OIT protocol at the age of 3 years. The first sessions (dose escalation up to 5 ml) were well tolerated, however eight hours after her daily morning dose of 5ml CM the child developed late episodes of vomiting. No other symptoms, particularly immediately after CM ingestion, were reported. These episodes became progressively worse and on the third day she presented mild dehydration and blood eosinophilia. After OIT interruption, a progressive clinical improvement was observed. An esophageal endoscopy was performed, showing signs of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) with peak 20 eosinophils/hpf. After treatment with topical swallowed fluticasone (500 mcg bid) and a CM-free diet for 4 months, the child was asymptomatic and endoscopy and biopsy findings were normal. The long-term effects of milk OIT are still in part unknown. We hypothesize that eosinophilic esophagitis may have been a consequence of OIT in this case. The findings seem to indicate that food allergy may play a role in the pathogenesis of esophageal eosinophilia and stress the importance of a well programmed long-term follow-up of patients that have undergone milk OIT.


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Background: It has been previously shown with English speaking children that food allergy clearly affects their quality of life. The first allergy quality of life questionnaire has been validated in English in 2008, however to date no questionnaire was available in French. Objectives: To validate the French version of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire- Parent Form (FAQLQ-PF) already existing version developed and validated in English by DunnGalvin et al. Methods: The questionnaire was translated from English to French by two independent French-speaking translators and retranslated by an independent English-speaking translator. We then recruited 30 patients between 0 and 12 years with a food allergy. Parents of these children answered the questionnaire during a clinic visit. The results obtained were then analysed and compared with the results provided by DunnGalvin's study and the Food Allergy independent Measure (FAIM). Results: 27 questionnaires were fully completed and available for analysis. Median age was 6 years with a range from 18 months to 12 years. We had a girl/boy ratio of 1:1.14. A Cronbach's a correlation index of 0.748 was found. Validity was demonstrated by significant correlations between FAQLQ-PF and the FAIM. Conclusion: The French version of the FAQLQ was validated and will permit to assess degree of Quality of Life for French-speaking children with food allergy. It will be an important tool for clinical research and will allow research collaboration between French and English speaking research teams.


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The prevalence of food allergy in children is increasing, in particular in its most severe presentation, i.e. anaphylaxis. Food allergy has an important impact on children's and their parent's quality of life, because of the fear of accidental ingestion and limitations of social activities. Quality of life questionnaires adapted to food allergy are now available, as well as new diagnostic procedures using recombinant technology. Their interpretation and their clinical correlation remain difficult, especially in children, in the absence of references values. Various oral and subcutaneous immunotherapy strategies are currently under evaluation, using modified or native allergens.


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Food allergy can result in considerable morbidity, impact negatively on quality of life, and prove costly in terms of medical care. These guidelines have been prepared by the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology's (EAACI) Guidelines for Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Group, building on previous EAACI position papers on adverse reaction to foods and three recent systematic reviews on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and management of food allergy, and provide evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis and management of food allergy. While the primary audience is allergists, this document is relevant for all other healthcare professionals, including primary care physicians, and pediatric and adult specialists, dieticians, pharmacists and paramedics. Our current understanding of the manifestations of food allergy, the role of diagnostic tests, and the effective management of patients of all ages with food allergy is presented. The acute management of non-life-threatening reactions is covered in these guidelines, but for guidance on the emergency management of anaphylaxis, readers are referred to the related EAACI Anaphylaxis Guidelines.


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Allergic diseases including food allergy and eczema in an infant in combination with the everyday activities of caring for a family will pose challenges to parents. Only fragments of these challenges are revealed to health care professionals. Families have varying mental, social and economic resources to help them care for an allergic infant, and all such resources are important in determining how families succeed in meeting these challenges and the quality of the infant’s care. This study evaluated the whole burden to the family caused by an infant's allergic disease during the first 24 months of life. As the primary caregiver during this period is usually the mother, her perspective was considered important. Ecocultural theory, which considers families as capable of modifying the positive and negative forces facing them, was taken as the frame of reference. Data were collected as part of an ongoing prospective mother-infant study, and the methods included severity scoring of atopic dermatitis, dietary records, health-related quality of life measurements and assessments of the use of health care services and medications for treating the infant’s eczema, food allergy and asthma. Interviews with mothers were analysed by deductive content analysis on the basis of ecocultural theory and the family empowerment model. The theme “Living an ordinary family life” guided the organization of family activities essential for treating the infant's food allergy and eczema. These activities were sources of both strain and support for the mothers, the allergy-related supporting factors being the mother’s own knowledge of the allergy, hopes for an improvement in the infant’s condition, social support and work. An infant’s food allergy at the age of one year caused considerable strain for the mother in cases where the introduction of new foods into the child’s diet was delayed. This delay was still causing the mother additional strain when the child was 24 months of age. The infants waking at night at the ages of 12 and 24 months because of itching related to eczema caused strain for the mothers. The infants’ health-related quality of life was impaired at ages of 6 and 12 months compared with healthy infants. The principal reasons for impairments were itching, scratching and sleep disturbances at 6 and 12 months and treatment difficulties at 6 months. Problems with getting to sleep were reported at all stages irrespective of eczema and were also present in healthy infants. The economic impact of the treatment of allergic diseases on families during the first 24 months was 131 EUR (2006 value) in cases of eczema and 525 EUR in cases of food allergy. From the societal perspective, the costs of food allergy were a median of 3183 EUR (range 628–11 560 EUR) and of eczema a median of 275 EUR (range 94–1306 EUR). These large variations in costs in food allergy and eczema indicate that disease varies greatly . In conclusion, food allergy and eczema cause extra activities and costs to families which arrange these disease-related activities in such a way that they support the leading family theme “Living an ordinary family life”. Health care professionals should consider this thematic character of family life and disease-related activities in order to ensure that new treatments are sustainable, meaningful and tailored to daily activities. In addition, those mothers who are experiencing difficulties with food allergic infants or infants with eczema should be recognized early and provided with individual encouragement and support from health clinics. In the light of the present results, early detection of symptoms and effective parental guidance can contribute to the well-being and health-related quality of life of the child and family.


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La prévalence des allergies alimentaires IgE-médiées aurait triplé au cours de la dernière décennie avec des études Nord-Américaines atteignant les 8% chez les enfants. Quoiqu’il n’y ait à ce jour aucun traitement curatif pour les allergies alimentaires, l’immunothérapie oral (OIT) constitue une nouvelle approche expérimentale prometteuse. Cette dernière consiste en l’administration de doses progressive d’allergènes par voie orale sur une période prolongée dans le but d’instaurer un état de désensibilisation et possiblement une tolérance orale soutenue. Cette approche a été démontrée sécuritaire et permettrait la désensibilisation à haute dose de plus de 80% des participants allergiques aux arachides, lait ou œufs. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons 2 études de phase 1 portant sur des protocoles d’OIT, destinés à optimiser l’efficience du traitement chez les sujets avec allergies alimentaires multiples. Près de 30% des enfants avec allergie alimentaire sont allergiques à plus d’un aliment, une proportion qui augmente à 70% lorsqu’on considère les cas les plus sévères. Ces enfants sont à risque augmenté de réactions accidentelles et souffrent d’un impact plus grand sur leur qualité de vie. Dans la première étude, en créant un mélange individualisé avec un ratio stochiométrique 1:1 entre les protéines des aliments allergiques de l’enfant, nous démontrons qu’il est possible de désensibiliser jusqu’à 5 aliments simultanément avec un profil d’innocuité similaire à une monothérapie. Dans la seconde étude, nous utilisons un traitement à l’omalizumab, un anticorps monoclonal anti-IgE, pour permettre une désensibilisation orale multi-allergénique fortement accélérée. Lorsque comparé à l’approche sans omalizumab, ce protocole s’associe à une nette diminution du temps requis pour atteindre les doses d’entretien, passant d’une médiane de 21 à 4 mois, sans affecter le profil d’innocuité. Alors que ces études fournissent des approches cliniques raisonnables pour désensibiliser la population multi-allergique, plusieurs questions persistent, notamment en ce qui a trait à l’induction de tolérance permanente. Une barrière majeure à cet égard réside dans notre piètre compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents à l’immunothérapie. Prenant avantage d’échantillons cliniques bien caractérisés provenant des essais cliniques ci-haut mentionnés, nous utilisons les nouvelles technologies de séquençage TCR pour suivre la distribution clonale des lymphocytes T spécifiques aux arachides durant une immunothérapie orale. Nous démontrons que l’OIT s’associe à des changements significatifs dans les fréquences des clones spécifiques, suggérant un processus d’épuisement clonal et de remplacement. Nous démontrons par ailleurs que le test de prolifération lymphocytaire, traditionnellement utilisé pour évaluer la réponse cellulaire allergique, est dominé par une distribution polyclonale hautement non-spécifique. Cette observation a des implications majeures considérant que la plupart de la littérature actuelle sur la réponse T se base sur cette technique. En somme, cette thèse jette les bases pour des programmes de recherche translationnelle pour optimiser et personnaliser les protocoles cliniques actuels et développer de nouvelles avenues d’investigation et de traitement pour améliorer la prise en charge des sujets avec allergies alimentaires.


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Once administered, a drug can activate the immune system by various mechanisms and lead to a large range of clinical manifestations closely related to the type of immune reaction elicited. Administration of the drug can classically result in an immunoglobulin E (IgE)-type sensitization, but can also result in more complex activation of the immune system potentially resulting in severe syndromes, such as the drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS). Although there has been a major increase in our knowledge over the last years, the exact mechanisms of drug allergy are not well understood for most clinical manifestations. A complex interaction between individual characteristics, environmental factors, and the drug itself is usually responsible for adverse reactions to drugs. In this educational review series, we described three cases of drug allergy: first, a child with a typical IgE-mediated drug allergy, second, a child with a non-immediate reaction to penicillin, and in the third patient, we will discuss the drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome, which is rare but potentially fatal. These cases are correlated to the immune mechanism potentially involved.


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Diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity relies on history, skin tests, in vitro tests and provocation tests. In vitro tests are of great interest, due to possible reduction of drug provocation tests. In this review we focus on best investigated in vitro techniques for the diagnosis of T cell-mediated drug hypersensitivity reactions. As drug hypersensitivity relies on different pathomechanisms and as a single diagnostic test usually does not cover all possible reactions, it is advisable to combine different tests to increase the overall sensitivity. Recently, proliferation-based assays have been supplemented by a panel of novel in vitro tests including analysis of cytotoxic potential of effector cells (granzyme B, granulysin, CD107a), evaluation of cytokine secretion (IL-2, IL-5, IL-13, and IFN-γ) and up-regulation of cell surface activation markers (CD69). We discuss the latest findings and readout systems to identify causative drugs by detecting functional and phenotypic markers of drug-reacting cells, and their ability to enable a more conclusive diagnosis of drug allergy.


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Over the last decades, considerable efforts have been undertaken in the development of animal models mimicking the pathogenesis of allergic diseases occurring in humans. The mouse has rapidly emerged as the animal model of choice, due to considerations of handling and costs and, importantly, due to the availability of a large and increasing arsenal of genetically modified mouse strains and molecular tools facilitating the analysis of complex disease models. Here, we review latest developments in allergy research that have arisen from in vivo experimentation in the mouse, with a focus on models of food allergy and allergic asthma, which constitute major health problems with increasing incidence in industrialized countries. We highlight recent novel findings and controversies in the field, most of which were obtained through the use of gene-deficient or germ-free mice, and discuss new potential therapeutic approaches that have emerged from animal studies and that aim at attenuating allergic reactions in human patients.


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Food allergies are a global health issue with increasing prevalence. Allergic reactions can range from mild local symptoms to severe anaphylactic reactions. Significant progress has been made in diagnostic tools such as component-resolved diagnostics and its impact on risk stratification as well as in therapeutic approaches including biologicals. However, a cure for food allergy has not yet been achieved and patients and their families are forced to alter eating habits and social engagements, impacting their quality of life. New technologies and improved in vitro and in vivo models will advance our knowledge of the pathogenesis of food allergies and multicenter-multinational cohort studies will elucidate interactions between genetic background, lifestyle, and environmental factors. This review focuses on new insights and developments in the field of food allergy and summarizes recently published articles.