165 resultados para Idealism.
On cover: Über den neuesten Idealism.
Mode of access: Internet.
First edition, 1896; reprinted 1897.
Includes bibliographical references.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Includes bibliographical references.
"Bibliographical notes": p. 66-70.
Quimica Nova and the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society are two examples of successful initiatives taken by the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ - Sociedade Brasileira de Química), and may serve as models for the scientific societies of developing countries. Pillars of the SBQ, these two periodicals are undeniable demonstrations that idealism, utopia and dignity are the essential ingredients for transforming dreams into reality. Few believed that the Brazilian chemical community would one day have, as it does today, two scientific research periodicals indexed in the principal international data banks.
Este estudo tem como objetivo discutir a memória histórica do primeiro foco guerrilheiro no Brasil, organizado pelo Movimento Nacional Revolucionário (MNR), em 1966-1967, com o apoio de Leonel Brizola e de Cuba, na região do Caparaó, divisa dos Estados de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo. Assim, o estudo se propõe a analisar o pouco conhecido episódio da formação, do idealismo e do desfecho que envolveu a Guerrilha do Caparaó, apresentando as memórias dos guerrilheiros (sendo em sua grande maioria ex-militares), dos agentes da repressão, dos setores conservadores da sociedade e dos habitantes das comunidades do entorno do atual Parque Nacional do Caparaó, demonstrando, assim, as diferentes percepções e representações sobre a referida Guerrilha. Para tanto, será exposto todo o contexto histórico da época em questão. Como metodologia, utilizaremos o conceito de memória, que, em suas ramificações, abrangerá a história oral, além de análises bibliográficas, pesquisas em jornais do período (A Gazeta, O Globo, Jornal do Brasil, A Última Hora, Tribuna da Imprensa, Correio da Manhã, O Estado de São Paulo, Estado de Minas, O Diário da Tarde), em revistas (O Cruzeiro, Opinião e Revista Capixaba) e em documentos da Delegacia de Ordem Política e Social (DOPS) dos Arquivos Públicos dos estados do Espírito Santo e Minas Gerais, e documentos do Serviço Nacional de Informação (SNI), do Arquivo Nacional.
In his Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment (1784), Kant puts forward his belief that the vocation to think freely, which humankind is endowed with, is bound to make sure that “the public use of reason” will at last act “even on the fundamental principles of government and the state [will] find it agreeable to treat man – who is now more than a machine – in accord with his dignity”. The critical reference to La Mettrie (1747), by opposing the machine to human dignity, will echo, in the dawn of the 20th century, in Bergson’s attempt to explain humor. Besides being exclusive to humans, humor is also a social phenomenon. Freud (1905) assures that pleasure originated by humor is collective, it results from a “social process”: jokes need an audience, a “third party”, in order to work and have fun. Assuming humor as a social and cultural phenomenon, this paper intends to sustain that it played a role in the framing of the public sphere and of public opinion in Portugal during the transition from Absolute Monarchy to Liberalism. The search for the conditions which made possible the critical exercise of sociability is at the root of the creation of the public sphere in the sense developed by Habermas (1962), whose perspective, however, has been questioned by those who point 2 out the alleged idealism of the concept – as opposed, for example, to Bakhtin (1970), whose work stresses diversity and pluralism. This notwithstanding, the concept of public sphere is crucial to the building of public opinion, which is, in turn, indissoluble from the principle of publicity, as demonstrated by Bobbio (1985). This paper discusses the historical evolution of the concept of public opinion from Ancient Greece doxa, through Machiavelli’s “humors” (1532), the origin of the expression in Montaigne (1580) and the contributions of Hobbes (1651), Locke (1690), Swift (1729), Rousseau (1762) or Hume (1777), up to the reflection of Lippman (1922) and Bourdieu’s critique (1984). It maintains that humor, as it appears in Portuguese printed periodicals from 1797 (when Almocreve de Petas was published for the first time) to the end of the civil war (1834) – especially in those edited by José Daniel Rodrigues da Costa but also in O Piolho Viajante, by António Manuel Policarpo da Silva, or in the ones written by José Agostinho de Macedo, as well as in a political “elite minded” periodical such as Correio Braziliense –, contributed to the framing of the public sphere and of public opinion in Portugal.
Tese de Doutoramento em Filosofia - Especialidade de Filosofia da Mente
Introducció al pensament del filòsof positivista australià D.C. Stove (1928-1994). Amb la traducció contextualitzada de tres escrits curts representatius: "El somni d'Holbach" (1989), "Antagonismes racials i d'altra mena" i "Adéu a les Lletres" (1989). L'obra d'Stove està dedicada al combat de l'idealisme en totes les seves manifestacions, des de l'optimisme de la Il·lustració fins al relativisme epistèmic contemporani.
La caverna de José Saramago té com a referència indubtable la imatge de la caverna del llibre VII de la República de Plató, i, tanmateix, Saramago no és un escriptor idealista o metafísic. Aquest article mostra com, tot aprofitant l¿aplicabilitat amb què Plató dota la seva imatge, Saramago defensa la necessitat de saber rebre els missatges de la terra, de la matèria, de no esdevenir presoners en las cavernes daurades de la societat occidental, i d¿esdevenir lliures en la natura, phýsis, i no pas lluny o més enllà, metá, d¿ella.