1000 resultados para ISOTOPE APPLICATIONS


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At head of title on cover: "U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Plowshare Program, Project GNOME, Carlsbad, New Mexico.


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The oxygen isotopic composition of plant cellulose is commonly used for the interpretations of climate, ecophysiology and dendrochronology in both modern and palaeoenvironments. Further applications of this analytical tool depends on our in-depth knowledge of the isotopic fractionations associated with the biochemical pathways leading to cellulose. Here, we test two important assumptions regarding isotopic effects resulting from the location of oxygen in the carbohydrate moiety and the biosynthetic pathway towards cellulose synthesis. We show that the oxygen isotopic fractionation of the oxygen attached to carbon 2 of the glucose moieties differs from the average fractionation of the oxygens attached to carbons 3–6 from cellulose by at least 9%, for cellulose synthesized within seedlings of two different species (Triticum aestivum L. and Ricinus communis L.). The fractionation for a given oxygen in cellulose synthesized by the Triticum seedlings, which have starch as their primary carbon source, is different than the corresponding fractionation in Ricinus seedlings, within which lipids are the primary carbon source. This observation shows that the biosynthetic pathway towards cellulose affects oxygen isotope partitioning, a fact heretofore undemonstrated. Our findings may explain the species-dependent variability in the overall oxygen isotope fractionation during cellulose synthesis, and may provide much-needed insight for palaeoclimate reconstruction using fossil cellulose.


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Stable isotope data from eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) core TR163-19 (2°15'N, 90°57'W, 2348 m) are presented for the surface-dwelling foraminifers Globigerinoides ruber and G. sacculifer and thermocline-dwelling Globorotalia menardii and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei. Using species-specific normalization factors derived from experimental and plankton tow data, we reconstruct a 360 kyr record of water column hydrography across the past three glacial cycles. We demonstrate that G. ruber maintains a mixed layer habitat throughout the entire record, while G. sacculifer records a mixture of thermocline and mixed layer conditions and G. menardii and N. dutertrei record thermocline properties. We conclude that G. sacculifer is not appropriate for paleoceanographic applications in regions with steep vertical hydrographic gradients. Results suggest that this region of the EEP had a thicker mixed layer and deeper d13CDIC boundary between the surface and equatorial undercurrent during the last two glacial periods. A shift in N. dutertrei and G. sacculifer geochemistry prior to ~185 kyr suggests water column structure and chemocline gradients changed, possibly due to a shift in the position of the undercurrent relative to this site. The timing and magnitude of glacial-interglacial d13C variations between species indicates that near-surface carbon chemistry is controlled by changes in productivity, atmospheric circulation, and advected intermediate water sources north of the Antarctic polar front. These results demonstrate that when properly calibrated for species differences, multispecies geochemical data sets can be invaluable for reconstructing water column structure and properties in the past.


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This paper identifies a number of critical infrastructure applications that are reliant on location services from cooperative location technologies such as GPS and GSM. We show that these location technologies can be represented in a general location model, such that the model components can be used for vulnerability analysis. We perform a vulnerability analysis on these components of GSM and GPS location systems as well as a number of augmentations to these systems.


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The next phase envisioned for the World Wide Web is automated ad-hoc interaction between intelligent agents, web services, databases and semantic web enabled applications. Although at present this appears to be a distant objective, there are practical steps that can be taken to advance the vision. We propose an extension to classical conceptual models to allow the definition of application components in terms of public standards and explicit semantics, thus building into web-based applications, the foundation for shared understanding and interoperability. The use of external definitions and the need to store outsourced type information internally, brings to light the issue of object identity in a global environment, where object instances may be identified by multiple externally controlled identification schemes. We illustrate how traditional conceptual models may be augmented to recognise and deal with multiple identities.