996 resultados para IR-n system
The water-soluble copper(II) complex [Cu(H2R)(HL)]center dot H2O (1) was prepared by reaction of copper(II) nitrate hydrate with (E)-2-(((1-hydroxynaphthalen-2-yl)methylene)amino) benzenesulfonic acid (H2L) and diethanolamine (H3R). It was characterized by IR and ESI-MS spectroscopies, elemental and X-ray crystal structural analyses. 1 shows a high catalytic activity for the solvent-free microwave (MW) assisted oxidation of 1-phenylethanol with tert-butylhydroperoxide, leading, in the presence of TEMPO, to yields up to 85% (TON = 850) in a remarkably short reaction time (15 min, with the corresponding TOE value of 3.40 x 10(3) h(-1)) under low power (25W) MW irradiation. Crown Copyright (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The odour of acids has a distinct quality that is perceived as sharp, pungent and often irritating. How acidity is sensed and translated into an appropriate behavioural response is poorly understood. Here we describe a functionally segregated population of olfactory sensory neurons in the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, that are highly selective for acidity. These olfactory sensory neurons express IR64a, a member of the recently identified ionotropic receptor (IR) family of putative olfactory receptors. In vivo calcium imaging showed that IR64a+ neurons projecting to the DC4 glomerulus in the antennal lobe are specifically activated by acids. Flies in which the function of IR64a+ neurons or the IR64a gene is disrupted had defects in acid-evoked physiological and behavioural responses, but their responses to non-acidic odorants remained unaffected. Furthermore, artificial stimulation of IR64a+ neurons elicited avoidance responses. Taken together, these results identify cellular and molecular substrates for acid detection in the Drosophila olfactory system and support a labelled-line mode of acidity coding at the periphery.
Oleoylethanolamide (OEA) is an agonist of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) and has been described to exhibit neuroprotective properties when administered locally in animal models of several neurological disorder models, including stroke and Parkinson's disease. However, there is little information regarding the effectiveness of systemic administration of OEA on Parkinson's disease. In the present study, OEA-mediated neuroprotection has been tested on in vivo and in vitro models of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OH-DA)-induced degeneration. The in vivo model was based on the intrastriatal infusion of the neurotoxin 6-OH-DA, which generates Parkinsonian symptoms. Rats were treated 2 h before and after the 6-OH-DA treatment with systemic OEA (0.5, 1, and 5 mg/kg). The Parkinsonian symptoms were evaluated at 1 and 4 wk after the development of lesions. The functional status of the nigrostriatal system was studied through tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH) and hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1, oxidation marker) immunostaining as well as by monitoring the synaptophysin content. In vitro cell cultures were also treated with OEA and 6-OH-DA. As expected, our results revealed 6-OH-DA induced neurotoxicity and behavioural deficits; however, these alterations were less severe in the animals treated with the highest dose of OEA (5 mg/kg). 6-OH-DA administration significantly reduced the striatal TH-immunoreactivity (ir) density, synaptophysin expression, and the number of nigral TH-ir neurons. Moreover, 6-OH-DA enhanced striatal HO-1 content, which was blocked by OEA (5 mg/kg). In vitro, 0.5 and 1 μM of OEA exerted significant neuroprotection on cultured nigral neurons. These effects were abolished after blocking PPARα with the selective antagonist GW6471. In conclusion, systemic OEA protects the nigrostriatal circuit from 6-OH-DA-induced neurotoxicity through a PPARα-dependent mechanism.
To clarify the role of Angiotensin II (Ang II) in the sensory system and especially in the trigeminal ganglia, we studied the expression of angiotensinogen (Ang-N)-, renin-, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)- and cathepsin D-mRNA, and the presence of Ang II and substance P in the rat and human trigeminal ganglia. The rat trigeminal ganglia expressed substantial amounts of Ang-N- and ACE mRNA as determined by quantitative real time PCR. Renin mRNA was untraceable in rat samples. Cathepsin D was detected in the rat trigeminal ganglia indicating the possibility of existence of pathways alternative to renin for Ang I formation. In situ hybridization in rat trigeminal ganglia revealed expression of Ang-N mRNA in the cytoplasm of numerous neurons. By using immunocytochemistry, a number of neurons and their processes in both the rat and human trigeminal ganglia were stained for Ang II. Post in situ hybridization immunocytochemistry reveals that in the rat trigeminal ganglia some, but not all Ang-N mRNA-positive neurons marked for Ang II. In some neurons Substance P was found colocalized with Ang II. Angiotensins from rat trigeminal ganglia were quantitated by radioimmunoassay with and without prior separation by high performance liquid chromatography. Immunoreactive angiotensin II (ir-Ang II) was consistently present and the sum of true Ang II (1-8) octapeptide and its specifically measured metabolites were found to account for it. Radioimmunological and immunocytochemical evidence of ir-Ang II in neuronal tissue is compatible with Ang II as a neurotransmitter. In conclusion, these results suggest that Ang II could be produced locally in the neurons of rat trigeminal ganglia. The localization and colocalization of neuronal Ang II with Substance P in the trigeminal ganglia neurons may be the basis for a participation and function of Ang II in the regulation of nociception and migraine pathology.
The olfactory system is an attractive model to study the genetic mechanisms underlying evolution of the nervous system. This sensory system mediates the detection and behavioural responses to an enormous diversity of volatile chemicals in the environment and displays rapid evolution, as species acquire, modify and discard olfactory receptors and circuits to adapt to new olfactory stimuli. Drosophilids provide an attractive model to study these processes. The availability of 12 sequenced genomes of Drosophila species occupying diverse ecological niches provides a rich resource for genomic analyses. Moreover, one of these species, Drosophila melanogaster, is amenable to a powerful combination of genetic and electrophysiological analyses. D. melanogaster has two distinct families of olfactory receptors to detect odours, the well-characterised Odorant Receptors (ORs) and the recently identified lonotropic Receptors (IRs). In my thesis, I have provided new insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying olfactory system evolution through three distinct, but interrelated projects. First, I performed a comparative genomic analysis of the IR repertoire in 12 sequenced Drosophila species, which has revealed that the olfactory IRs are highly conserved across species. By contrast, a large fraction of IRs that are not expressed in the olfactory system - and which may be gustatory receptors - are much more variable in sequence and gene copy number. Second, to identify ligands for IR expressing olfactory sensory neurons, I have performed an electrophysiological screen in D. melanogaster using a panel of over 160 odours. I found that the IRs respond to a number of amines, aldehydes and acids, contrasting with the chemical specificity of the OR repertoire, which is mainly tuned to esters, alcohols and ketones. Finally, the identification of ligands for IRs in this species allowed me to investigate in detail the molecular and functional evolution of a tandem array of IRs, IR75a/IR75b/IR75c, in D. sechellia. This species is endemic to the Seychelles archipelago and highly specialised to breed on the fruits of Morinda citrifolia, which is repulsive and toxic for other Drosophila species. These studies led me to discover that receptor loss, changes in receptor specificity and changes in receptor expression have likely played an important role during the evolution of these IRs in D. sechellia. These changes may explain, in part, the unique chemical ecology of this species. - Le système olfactif est un excellent modèle pour étudier les mécanismes génétiques impliqués dans l'étude de l'évolution du système nerveux. Ce système sensoriel permet la détection de nombreux composés volatils présents dans l'environnement et est à la base des réponses comportementales. Il est propre à chaque espèce et évolue rapidement en modifiant ou en éliminant des récepteurs et leurs circuits olfactifs correspondants pour s'adapter à de nouvelles odeurs. Pour étudier le système olfactif et son évolution, nous avons décidé d'utiliser la drosophile comme modèle. Le séquençage complet de 12 souches de drosophiles habitant différentes niches écologiques permet une analyse génomique conséquente. De plus, l'une de ces espèces Drosophila melanogaster permet la combinaison d'analyses génétiques et électrophysiologiques. En effet, D. melanogaster possède 2 familles distinctes de récepteurs olfactifs qui permettent la détection d'odeurs: les récepteurs olfactifs (ORs) étant les mieux caractérisés et les récepteurs ionotropiques (IRs), plus récemment identifiés. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai apporté des nouvelles connaissances qui m'ont permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes génétiques à la base de l'évolution du système olfactif au travers de trois projets différents, mais interdépendants. Premièrement, j'ai réalisé une analyse génomique comparative de l'ensemble des IRs dans les 12 souches de drosophiles séquencées jusqu'à présent. Ceci a montré que les récepteurs olfactifs IRs sont hautement conservés parmi l'ensemble de ces espèces. Au contraire, une grande partie des IRs qui ne sont pas exprimés dans le système olfactif, et qui semblent être des récepteurs gustatifs, sont beaucoup plus variables dans leur séquence et dans le nombre de copie de gènes. Deuxièmement, pour identifier les ligands des récepteurs IRs exprimés par les neurones sensoriels olfactifs, j'ai réalisé une étude électrophysiologique chez D. melanogaster e η testant l'effet de plus de 160 composés chimiques sur les IRs. J'ai trouvé que les IRs répondent à un nombre d'amines, d'aldéhydes et d'acides, contrairement aux récepteurs olfactifs ORs qui eux répondent principalement aux esthers, alcools et cétones. Finalement, l'identification de ligands pour les IRs dans ces espèces m'a permis d'étudier en détail l'évolution fonctionnelle et moléculaire des IR75a/IR75b/IR75c dans D. sechellia. Cette espèce est endémique de l'archipel des Seychelles et se nourrit spécifiquement du fruit Morinda citrifolia qui est répulsif et toxique pour d'autres souches de drosophiles. Ces études m'ont poussé à découvrir que, la perte de IR75a, le changement dans la spécificité de IR75b ainsi que le changement dans l'expression de IR75c ont probablement joué un rôle important dans l'évolution des IRs chez D. sechellia. Ces changements peuvent expliquer, en partie, l'écologie chimique propre à cette espèce. Résumé français large public Le système olfactif permet aux animaux de détecter des milliers de molécules odorantes, les aidant ainsi à trouver de la nourriture, à distinguer si elle est fraîche ou avariée, à trouver des partenaires sexuels, ainsi qu'à éviter les prédateurs. Selon l'environnement et le mode de vie des espèces, le système olfactif doit détecter des odeurs très diverses ; en effet, un moustique qui recherche du sang humain pour se nourrir doit détecter des odeurs bien différentes d'une abeille qui recherche des fleurs. Dans ma thèse, j'ai essayé de comprendre comment les systèmes olfactifs d'une espèce évoluent pour s'adapter aux exigences induites par son environnement. Un très bon modèle pour étudier cela est la drosophile dont les différentes espèces se nichent dans des habitats très divers. Pour ce faire, j'ai étudié les récepteurs olfactifs de différentes espèces de la drosophile. Ces récepteurs sont des protéines qui se lient à des odeurs spécifiques. Lorsqu'ils se lient, ils activent un neurone qui envoie un signal électrique au cerveau. Ce signal est ensuite traité par ce dernier qui indique à la mouche si l'odeur est attractive ou répulsive. J'ai identifié les récepteurs olfactifs de plusieurs espèces de drosophile et étudié s'il y avait des différences entre elles. La plupart des récepteurs sont similaires entre les espèces, cependant dans l'une d'entre elles, certains récepteurs sont différents. Ce fait est particulièrement intéressant car cette espèce de drosophile se nourrit de fruits que les autres espèces n'apprécient pas. Comme nous ne savons pas quels récepteurs se lient à quelles odeurs, j'ai testé un grand nombre de composants odorants. Ceci m'a permis de constater que, effectivement, certains changements produits dans ces récepteurs expliquent pourquoi cette espèce aime particulièrement ces fruits. En outre, mes résultats contribuent à mieux comprendre les changements génétiques qui sont impliqués dans l'évolution du système olfactif.
ABSTRACT Understanding the spatial behavior of soil physical properties under no-tillage system (NT) is required for the adoption and maintenance of a sustainable soil management system. The aims of this study were to quantify soil bulk density (BD), porosity in the soil macropore domain (PORp) and in the soil matrix domain (PORm), air capacity in the soil matrix (ACm), field capacity (FC), and soil water storage capacity (FC/TP) in the row (R), interrow (IR), and intermediate position between R and IR (designated IP) in the 0.0-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m soil layers under NT; and to verify if these soil properties have systematic variation in sampling positions related to rows and interrows of corn. Soil sampling was carried out in transect perpendicular to the corn rows in which 40 sampling points were selected at each position (R, IR, IP) and in each soil layer, obtaining undisturbed samples to determine the aforementioned soil physical properties. The influence of sampling position on systematic variation of soil physical properties was evaluated by spectral analysis. In the 0.0-0.1 m layer, tilling the crop rows at the time of planting led to differences in BD, PORp, ACm, FC and FC/TP only in the R position. In the R position, the FC/TP ratio was considered close to ideal (0.66), indicating good water and air availability at this sampling position. The R position also showed BD values lower than the critical bulk density that restricts root growth, suggesting good soil physical conditions for seed germination and plant establishment. Spectral analysis indicated that there was systematic variation in soil physical properties evaluated in the 0.0-0.1 m layer, except for PORm. These results indicated that the soil physical properties evaluated in the 0.0-0.1 m layer were associated with soil position in the rows and interrows of corn. Thus, proper assessment of soil physical properties under NT must take into consideration the sampling positions and previous location of crop rows and interrows.
In this work, we derive the full 3D kinematics of the near-infrared outflow HH 223, located in the dark cloud Lynds 723 (L723), where a well-defined quadrupolar CO outflow is found. HH 223 appears projected on to the two lobes of the eastwest CO outflow. The radio continuum source VLA 2, towards the centre of the CO outflow, harbours a multiple system of low-mass young stellar objects. One of the components has been proposed to be the exciting source of the eastwest CO outflow. From the analysis of the kinematics, we get further evidence on the relationship between the near-infrared and CO outflows and on the location of their exciting source. The proper motions were derived using multi-epoch, narrow-band H2 (2.122 μm line) images. Radial velocities were derived from the 2.122 μm line of the spectra. Because of the extended (∼5 arcmin), S-shaped morphology of the target, the spectra were obtained with the multi-object-spectroscopy (MOS) observing mode using the instrument Long-Slit Intermediate Resolution Infrared Spectrograph (LIRIS) at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope. To our knowledge, this work is the first time that MOS observing mode has been successfully used in the near-infrared range for an extended target.
Der täglich Wechsel von Hell- und Dunkelphasen führte während der Evolution zur Entwicklung innerer Uhren in nahezu allen Organismen. In der Schabe Rhyparobia maderae lokalisierten Läsions- und Transplantationsexperimente die innere Uhr in der akzessorischen Medulla (AME). Dieses kleine birnenförmige Neuropil am ventromedianen Rand der Medulla ist mit etwa 240 Neuronen assoziiert, die eine hohe Anzahl an zum Teil kolokalisierten Neuropeptiden und Neurotransmittern exprimieren. Diese Signalstoffe scheinen essentiell zu sein für die Synchronisation der inneren Uhr mit der Umwelt, der Kopplung der beiden bilateralen AME, der Aufrechterhaltung des circadianen Rhythmus sowie der zeitlichen Steuerung bestimmter Verhaltensweisen. Während die Funktion einiger dieser neuronalen Botenstoffe bereits gut untersucht ist, fehlt sie für andere. Zudem ist noch ungeklärt, wann einzelne Botenstoffe im circadianen Netzwerk agieren. Im Fokus dieser Studie lag daher die Erforschung der Funktion von SIFamide und Corazonin im circadianen Netzwerk sowie die weitere Untersuchung der Funktionen der Neuropeptide MIP und PDF. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass SIFamide auch in R. maderae in vier großen neurosekretorischen Zellen in der pars intercerebralis exprimiert wird. Varikosenreiche SIFamide-immureaktive (-ir) Fasern innervieren eine Vielzahl an Neuropilen und finden sich auch in der Hüllregion der AME. Injektionsexperimente resultierten in einer monophasischen Phasen-Antwort-Kurve (PRC) mit einer Verzögerung zur frühen subjektiven Nacht. SIFamide ist also ein Eingangssignal für das circadiane Netzwerk und könnte in der Kontrolle der Schalf/Wach-Homöostase involviert sein. Auch Corazonin fungiert als Eingangssignal. Da die Injektionsexperimente in einer monophasischen PRC mit einem Phasenvorschub zur späten subjektiven Nacht resultierten, ist davon auszugehen, dass die Corazonin-ir AME-Zelle Bestandteil des Morning-Oszillator-Netzwerkes in R. maderae ist. Darüber hinaus zeigten Backfill-Experimente, dass MIP an der Kopplung beider AMAE beteiligt ist. ELISA-Quantifizierungen der PDF-Level im Tagesverlauf ergaben Schwankungen in der Konzentration, die auf eine Ausschüttung des Peptids während des Tages hindeuten – ähnlich wie es in Drosophila melanogaster der Fall ist. Dies spiegelt sich in der vervollständigten bimodalen PDF-PRC wieder. Hier führen Injektionen zu einem Phasenvorschub, bevor maximale Peptidlevel erreicht werden, sowie zu einer Phasenverzögerung, sobald die Peptidlevel wieder zu sinken beginnen. Die PRCs erlauben somit Rückschlüsse auf den Zeitpunkt der maximalen Peptidfreisetzung. PDF-ir Neuriten findet sich zudem in sämtlichen Ganglien des ventralen Strickleiternervensystems, was eine Funktion in der Kontrolle der Prozesse impliziert, die durch die Mustergeneratoren in Thorakal- und Abdominalganglien gesteuert werden.
Asynchronous Optical Sampling (ASOPS) [1,2] and frequency comb spectrometry [3] based on dual Ti:saphire resonators operated in a master/slave mode have the potential to improve signal to noise ratio in THz transient and IR sperctrometry. The multimode Brownian oscillator time-domain response function described by state-space models is a mathematically robust framework that can be used to describe the dispersive phenomena governed by Lorentzian, Debye and Drude responses. In addition, the optical properties of an arbitrary medium can be expressed as a linear combination of simple multimode Brownian oscillator functions. The suitability of a range of signal processing schemes adopted from the Systems Identification and Control Theory community for further processing the recorded THz transients in the time or frequency domain will be outlined [4,5]. Since a femtosecond duration pulse is capable of persistent excitation of the medium within which it propagates, such approach is perfectly justifiable. Several de-noising routines based on system identification will be shown. Furthermore, specifically developed apodization structures will be discussed. These are necessary because due to dispersion issues, the time-domain background and sample interferograms are non-symmetrical [6-8]. These procedures can lead to a more precise estimation of the complex insertion loss function. The algorithms are applicable to femtosecond spectroscopies across the EM spectrum. Finally, a methodology for femtosecond pulse shaping using genetic algorithms aiming to map and control molecular relaxation processes will be mentioned.
Reactivities of pyridylthioazophenols (1) with zinc(II) salts have been studied and the complexes isolated in pure form and characterized. Pyridylthioazophenols react with zinc( II)acetate in MeOH/EtOH at room temperature to give a series of pyridylsulfinylazophenols (2)but no zinc( II) complex. The sulfoxides (2) have been characterized by IR and NMR. One of the pyridylsulfinylazophenols (2a) has been subjected to single-crystal X-ray analysis in order to confirm details of its structure. A series of dimeric zinc( II) complexes of tetradentate NSNO pyridylthioazophenolates has been isolated through reaction of zinc nitrate in MeOH followed by in situ reaction with azide ion, which acts as a mu-(1,1) bridge. All complexes have been characterized spectroscopically. The detailed structure of one of the dinuclear zinc( II) complexes has been established by a single-crystal X-ray structure determination. In complex 3a two octahedrally coordinated zinc( II) ions are bridged by two end-on azide ions. No reactions of pyridylthioazophenols with zinc chloride in refluxing EtOH have been observed.
The lowest absorption band of fac-[Re(Cl)(CO)(3)(5-NO2-phen)] encompasses two close-lying MLCT transitions. The lower one is directed to LUMO, which is heavily localized on the NO2 group. The UV-vis absorption spectrum is well accounted for by TD-DFT (G03/PBEPBE1/CPCM), provided that the solvent, MeCN, is included in the calculations. Near-UV excitation of fac-[Re(Cl)(CO)(3)(5-NO2-phen)] populates a triplet metal to ligand charge-transfer excited state, (MLCT)-M-3, that was characterized by picosecond time-resolved IR spectroscopy. Large positive shifts of the v(CO) bands upon excitation (+70 cm(-1) for the A'(1) band) signify a very large charge separation between the Re(Cl)(CO)3 unit and the 5-NO2-phen ligand. Details of the excited-state character are revealed by TD-DFT calculated changes of electron density distribution. Experimental excited-state v(CO) wavenumbers agree well with those calculated by DFT. The (MLCT)-M-3 state decays with a ca. 10 ps lifetime (in MeCN) into another transient species, that was identified by TRIR and TD-DFT calculations as an intraligand (3)n pi* excited state, whereby the electron density is excited from the NO2 oxygen lone pairs to the pi* system of 5-NO2-phen. This state is short-lived, decaying to the ground state with a similar to 30 ps lifetime. The presence of an n pi* state seems to be the main factor responsible for the lack of emission and the very short lifetimes of 3 MLCT states seen in all d(6)-metal complexes of nitro-polypyridyl ligands. Localization of the excited electron density in the lowest (MLCT)-M-3 states parallels localization of the extra electron in the reduced state that is characterized by a very small negative shift of the v(CO) IR bands (-6 cm(-1) for A'(1)) but a large downward shift of the v(s)(NO2) IR band. The Re-Cl bond is unusually stable toward reduction, whereas the Cl ligand is readily substituted upon oxidation.
Expression and function of the bile acid receptor GpBAR1 (TGR5) in the murine enteric nervous system
BACKGROUND: Bile acids (BAs) regulate cells by activating nuclear and membrane-bound receptors. G protein coupled bile acid receptor 1 (GpBAR1) is a membrane-bound G-protein-coupled receptor that can mediate the rapid, transcription-independent actions of BAs. Although BAs have well-known actions on motility and secretion, nothing is known about the localization and function of GpBAR1 in the gastrointestinal tract. METHODS: We generated an antibody to the C-terminus of human GpBAR1, and characterized the antibody by immunofluorescence and Western blotting of HEK293-GpBAR1-GFP cells. We localized GpBAR1 immunoreactivity (IR) and mRNA in the mouse intestine, and determined the mechanism by which BAs activate GpBAR1 to regulate intestinal motility. KEY RESULTS: The GpBAR1 antibody specifically detected GpBAR1-GFP at the plasma membrane of HEK293 cells, and interacted with proteins corresponding in mass to the GpBAR1-GFP fusion protein. GpBAR1-IR and mRNA were detected in enteric ganglia of the mouse stomach and small and large intestine, and in the muscularis externa and mucosa of the small intestine. Within the myenteric plexus of the intestine, GpBAR1-IR was localized to approximately 50% of all neurons and to >80% of inhibitory motor neurons and descending interneurons expressing nitric oxide synthase. Deoxycholic acid, a GpBAR1 agonist, caused a rapid and sustained inhibition of spontaneous phasic activity of isolated segments of ileum and colon by a neurogenic, cholinergic and nitrergic mechanism, and delayed gastrointestinal transit. CONCLUSIONS & INFERENCES: G protein coupled bile acid receptor 1 is unexpectedly expressed in enteric neurons. Bile acids activate GpBAR1 on inhibitory motor neurons to release nitric oxide and suppress motility, revealing a novel mechanism for the actions of BAs on intestinal motility.
We discuss the modelling of dielectric responses of amorphous biological samples. Such samples are commonly encountered in impedance spectroscopy studies as well as in UV, IR, optical and THz transient spectroscopy experiments and in pump-probe studies. In many occasions, the samples may display quenched absorption bands. A systems identification framework may be developed to provide parsimonious representations of such responses. To achieve this, it is appropriate to augment the standard models found in the identification literature to incorporate fractional order dynamics. Extensions of models using the forward shift operator, state space models as well as their non-linear Hammerstein-Wiener counterpart models are highlighted. We also discuss the need to extend the theory of electromagnetically excited networks which can account for fractional order behaviour in the non-linear regime by incorporating nonlinear elements to account for the observed non-linearities. The proposed approach leads to the development of a range of new chemometrics tools for biomedical data analysis and classification.
We describe the public ESO near-IR variability survey (VVV) scanning the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the mid-plane where star formation activity is high. The survey will take 1929 h of observations with the 4-m VISTA telescope during 5 years (2010-2014), covering similar to 10(9) point sources across an area of 520 deg(2), including 33 known globular clusters and similar to 350 open clusters. The final product will be a deep near-IR atlas in five passbands (0.9-2.5 mu m) and a catalogue of more than 106 variable point sources. Unlike single-epoch surveys that, in most cases, only produce 2-D maps, the VVV variable star survey will enable the construction of a 3-D map of the surveyed region using well-understood distance indicators such as RR Lyrae stars, and Cepheids. It will yield important information on the ages of the populations. The observations will be combined with data from MACHO, OGLE, EROS, VST, Spitzer, HST, Chandra, INTEGRAL, WISE, Fermi LAT, XMM-Newton, GAIA and ALMA for a complete understanding of the variable sources in the inner Milky Way. This public survey will provide data available to the whole community and therefore will enable further studies of the history of the Milky Way, its globular cluster evolution, and the population census of the Galactic Bulge and center, as well as the investigations of the star forming regions in the disk. The combined variable star catalogues will have important implications for theoretical investigations of pulsation properties of stars. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.