986 resultados para INDUCTION PERIOD


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The final structure of molten syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP) sheared under different conditions was investigated by synchrotron small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and wide-angle x-ray diffraction (WAXD) techniques to elucidate the shear effects on sPP crystalline structure. The results obtained from the WAXD show that there is no variation on crystalline form but a little difference on the orientation of the 200 reflection. The SAXS data indicate that the lamellar thickness and long period have not been affected by shear but the lamellar orientation is dependent on shear. The experimental data of sPP crystallization from sheared melt may indicate a mesophase structure that is crucial to the shear effects on the final polymer multiscale crystalline structures.


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The thermal oxidation behaviour of polypropylene containing tetramethylpiperidine compounds and corresponding pentamethylpiperidine compounds are compared using air oven aging, oxygen uptake and thermogravimetry. Carbonyl formation, the induction period of oxygen absorption and weight loss have been selected to characterize the degree of oxidation. The results show that the stabilizing effectiveness of pentamethylpiperidines is always higher than that of tetramethyl types. Radical-trapping mechanisms cannot explain this, because large amounts of nitroxyl radicals are formed by the tetramethylpiperidine compounds. The quenching of singlet oxygen appears to be involved in thermal oxidation of polypropylene containing pentamethylpiperidine compounds. Specific hydrogen bonding between pentamethylpiperidines and hydroperoxide may account for their better thermal stabilizing action than tetramethylpiperidines.


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A novel and ideal dense catalytic membrane reactor for the reaction of partial oxidation of methane to syngas (POM) was constructed from the stable mixed conducting perovskite material of BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.2O3-delta and the catalyst of LiLaNiO/gamma-Al2O3. The POM reaction was performed successfully. Not only was a short induction period of 2 h obtained, but also a high catalytic performance of 96-98% CH4 conversion, 98-99% CO selectivity and an oxygen permeation flux of 5.4-5.8 ml cm(-2) min(-1) (1.9-2.) mumol m(-2) S-1 Pa-1) at 850 degreesC were achieved. Moreover, the reaction has been steadily carried out for more than 2200 h, and no interaction between the membrane material and the catalyst took place.


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The water uptake and water loss behaviour in three different formulations of zinc oxy-chloride cement have been studied in detail. Specimens of each material were subjected to a high humidity atmosphere (93% RH) over saturated aqueous sodium sulfate, and a low humidity desiccating atmosphere over concentrated sulfuric acid. In high humidity, the cement formulated from the nominal 75% ZnCl2 solutions gained mass, eventually becoming too sticky to weigh further. The specimens at 25% and 50% ZnCl2 by contrast lost mass by a diffusion process, though by 1 week the 50% cement had stated to gain mass and was also too sticky to weigh. In low humidity, all three cements lost mass, again by a diffusion process. Both water gain and water loss followed Fick's law for a considerable time. In the case of water loss under desiccating conditions, this corresponded to values of Mt/MĄ well above 0.5. However, plots did not go through the origin, showing that there was an induction period before true diffusion began. Diffusion coefficients varied from 1.56 x 10-5 (75% ZnCl2) to 2.75 x 10-5 cm2/s (50% ZnCl2), and appeared to be influenced not simply by composition. The drying of the 25% and 50% ZnCl2 cements in high humidity conditions occurred at a much lower rate, with a value of D of 2.5 x 10-8 cm2/s for the 25% ZnCl2 cement. This cement was found to equilibrate slowly, but total water loss did not differ significantly from that of the cements stored under desiccating conditions. Equilibration times for water loss in desiccating conditions were of the order of 2-4 hours, depending on ZnCl2 content; equilibrium water losses were respectively 28.8 [25% ZnCl2], 16.2 [50%] and 12.4 [75%] which followed the order of ZnCl2 content. It is concluded that the water transport processes are strongly influenced by the ZnCl2 content of the cement.


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The reaction mechanism and the rate-determining step (RDS) of the isomerisation of n-alkanes (C-4-C-6) over partially reduced MoO3 catalysts were studied through the effects of the addition of an alkene isomerisation catalyst (i.e. CoAlPO- 11). When an acidic CoAlPO- 11 sample was mechanically mixed with the MoO3, a decrease of the induction period and an increase of the steady-state conversion of n-butane to isobutane were observed. These data support previous assumptions that a bifunctional mechanism occurred over the partially reduced MoO3 (a complex nanoscale mixture of oxide-based phases) during n-butane isomerisation and that the RDS was the skeletal isomerisation of the linear butene intermediates. The only promotional effect of CoAlPO-11 on the activity of partially reduced MoO3 for C-5-C-6 alkane hydroisomerisation was a reduction of the induction period, as the RDS at steady-state conditions appeared to be dehydrogenation of the alkane in this case. However, lower yields of branched isomers were observed in this case, the reason of which is yet unclear. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The cure of polydicyclopentadiene conducted by ring-opening metathesis polymerisation in the presence of a Grubbs catalyst was studied using non-invasive Raman spectroscopy. The spectra of the monomer precursor and polymerised product were fully characterised and all stages of polymerisation monitored. Because of the monomer's high reactivity, the cure process is adaptable to reaction injection moulding and reactive rotational moulding. The viscosity of the dicyclopentadiene undergoes a rapid change at the beginning of the polymerisation process and it is critical that the induction time of the viscosity increase is determined and controlled for successful manufacturing. The results from this work show non-invasive Raman spectroscopic monitoring to be an effective method for monitoring the degree of cure, paving the way for possible implementation of the technique as a method of real-time analysis for control and optimisation during reactive processing. Agreement is shown between Raman measurements and ultrasonic time of flight data acquired during the initial induction period of the curing process. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of continuous sonication and presonication on the kinetics of oxidative dissolution of ruthenium dioxide hydrate by bromate ions under acidic conditions are reported. Compared with unsonicated and presonicated dispersions the overall rate of dissolution of continuously sonicated dispersions is significantly greater due to a reduction in the average particle size and, hence, an increase in the specific surface area. Powder dispersions subjected to continuous ultrasound and presonication exhibit an initial induction period in their corrosion kinetics; the length of this induction period increases with increasing presonication. This corrosion feature is retained in the dissolution kinetics of powder samples which have been subjected to pre-ultrasound, but which are then stirred during the dissolution process. It is believed that this apparent permanent change in the nature of the powder particles is due to the ultrasound induced formation of a very thin layer of a largely unreactive form of ruthenium dioxide (possibly due to partial dehydration) on the surface of the powder particles. A kinetic scheme, based on this model, is used to account for the observed kinetics of dissolution of RuO2 . xH2O which have been subjected to both continuous sonication and presonication.


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A Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 commercial catalyst for methanol synthesis from syngas was investigated under operational conditions. HERFD XAS and EXAFS data were recorded under different reaction gas mixtures, temperatures, and pressures. Activation of the catalyst precursor occurred via a Cu+ intermediate. The active catalyst predominantly consists of metallic Cu and ZnO. Methanol production only starts when all accessible Cu is reduced. The structure of the active catalyst did not change with temperature or pressure even though the methanol yield changed strongly. Formation of a carbon-containing layer on top of the catalyst surface was detected by TPD, which was correlated with a several-hour induction period in the methanol production after the catalyst reduction.


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This study investigated the effect of ethanolic sesame cake extract on oxidative stabilization of olein based butter. Fractionation of cream was performed by the dry fractionation technique at 10 °C, ethanolic sesame cake extract (SCE) was incorporated into olein butter at three different concentrations; 50, 100, 150 ppm (T1, T2, T3) and compared with a control. The total phenolic content of SCE was 1.72 (mg gallic acid equivalent g−1 dry weight). The HPLC characterization of ethanolic sesame cake revealed the presence of antioxidant substances viz. sesamol, sesamin and sesamolin in higher extents. The DPPH free radical scavenging activity of SCE was 83 % as compared to 64 and 75 % in BHA and BHT. Fractionation of milk fat at 10 °C significantly (p < 0.05) influenced the fatty acid profile of olein and stearin fractions from the parent milk fat. Concentration of oleic acid and linoleic acid in olein fraction was 29.62 and 33.46 % greater than the parent milk fat. The loss of C18:1 in 90 days stored control and T3 was 24.37 and 3.58 %, respectively, 58 % C18:2 was broken down into oxidation products over 8.55 % loss in T3. The peroxide value of control, T1, T2, BHT and T3 in the Schaal oven test was 8.59, 8.12, 5.34, 4.52 and 2.49 (mequiv O2/kg). The peroxide value and anisidine value of 3 months stored control and T3 were 1.21, 0.42 (mequiv O2/kg) and 27.25, 13.25, respectively. The concentration of conjugated dienes in T3 was substantially less than the control. The induction period of T3 was considerably higher than BHT with no difference in sensory characteristics (p > 0.05). Ethanolic SCE can be used for the long-term preservation of olein butter, with acceptable sensory characteristics.


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A reação entre o óxido de magnésio (MgO) e o fosfato de monoamónio (MAP), à temperatura ambiente, origina os cimentos de fosfato de magnésio, materiais caracterizados pela sua presa rápida e pelas excelentes propriedades mecânicas adquiridas precocemente. As propriedades finais são dependentes, essencialmente, da composição do cimento (razão molar magnésia:fosfato e utilização de retardantes de presa) mas também são influenciadas pela reatividade da magnésia utilizada. Neste trabalho, a reação foi caracterizada através do estudo da influência da razão molar MgO:MAP (variando de 1:1 até 8:1), da presença e teor de aditivos retardantes (ácido bórico, ácido cítrico e tripolifosfato de sódio) e da variação da área superficial específica da magnésia (conseguida por calcinação do óxido), no tempo de presa, na temperatura máxima atingida e nas fases cristalinas finais formadas. A reação de presa pode ser comparada à hidratação do cimento Portland, com a existência de 4 estágios (reação inicial, indução, aceleração e desaceleração), com a diferença que estes estágios ocorrem a velocidade muito mais alta nos cimentos de fosfato de magnésio. Este estudo foi realizado utilizando a espetroscopia de impedâncias, acompanhada pela monitorização da evolução de temperatura ao longo do tempo de reação e, por paragem de reação, identificando as fases cristalinas formadas. A investigação do mecanismo de reação foi complementada com a observação da microestrutura dos cimentos formados e permitiu concluir que a origem da magnésia usada não afeta a reação nem as propriedades do cimento final. A metodologia de superfície de resposta foi utilizada para o estudo e otimização das características finais do produto, tendo-se mostrado um método muito eficaz. Para o estudo da variação da área superficial específica da magnésia com as condições de calcinação (temperatura e tempo de patamar) usou-se o planeamento fatorial de experiências tendo sido obtido um modelo matemático que relaciona a resposta da área superficial específica da magnésia com as condições de calcinação. As propriedades finais dos cimentos (resistência mecânica à compressão e absorção de água) foram estudadas utilizando o planeamento simplex de experiências, que permitiu encontrar modelos que relacionam a propriedade em estudo com os valores das variáveis (razão molar MgO:MAP, área superficial específica da magnésia e quantidade de ácido bórico). Estes modelos podem ser usados para formular composições e produzir cimentos com propriedades finais específicas.


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Les améliorations dans les protocoles de traitement pour la majorité des cancers pédiatriques ont augmenté de façon marquée les taux de survie. Cependant, des risques élevés de multiples problèmes de santé chez les survivants sont bien documentés. En ce qui concerne spécifiquement les problèmes neuropsychologiques, les principaux facteurs de risque individuels connus à ce jour (l’âge au diagnostic, le genre du patient, l’exposition aux radiations) demeurent insuffisants pour cibler efficacement et prévenir les séquelles à long terme. Les objectifs généraux de cette thèse étaient : 1) la caractérisation des trajectoires individuelles de problèmes de comportement chez une population de patients pédiatriques atteints de leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë; 2) l’identification des principaux déterminants génétiques, médicaux et psychosociaux associés aux problèmes de comportements. Les hypothèses étaient : 1) Il existe une association entre les trajectoires individuelles de problèmes de comportement et a - des facteurs psychosociaux liés au fonctionnement familial, b - des polymorphismes dans les gènes modérateurs des effets thérapeutiques du méthotrexate et des glucocorticoïdes, c - des variables liées aux traitements oncologiques. 2) L'utilisation de modèles statistiques multi-niveaux peut permettre d’effectuer cette caractérisation des trajectoires individuelles et l’identification des facteurs de risque associés. 138 patients pédiatriques (0-18 ans) ayant reçu un diagnostic de leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë entre 1993 et 1999 au CHU Ste-Justine ont participé à une étude longitudinale d’une durée de 4 ans. Un instrument validé et standardisés, le Child Behavior Checklist, a été utilisé pour obtenir un indice de problèmes de comportement, tel que rapporté par la mère, au moment du diagnostic, puis 1, 2, 3 et 4 ans post-diagnostic. Des données génétiques, psychosociales et médicales ont aussi été collectées au cours de cette même étude longitudinale, puis ont été exploitées dans les modélisations statistiques effectuées. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que les problèmes de comportement de type internalisés et externalisés possèdent des trajectoires et des facteurs de risque distincts. Les problèmes internalisés sont des manifestations de troubles affectifs chez le patient, tels que des symptômes dépressifs ou anxieux, par exemple. Ceux-ci sont très prévalents tôt après le diagnostic et se normalisent par la suite, indiquant des difficultés significatives, mais temporaires. Des facteurs médicaux exacerbant l'expérience de stress, soit le risque de rechute associé au diagnostic et les complications médicales affectant la durée de l'hospitalisation, ralentissent cette normalisation. Les problèmes externalisés se manifestent dans le contact avec autrui; des démonstrations d’agression ou de violence font partie des symptômes. Les problèmes externalisés sont plus stables dans le temps relativement aux problèmes internalisés. Des variables pharmacologiques et génétiques contribuent aux différences individuelles : l'administration d’un glucocorticoïde plus puissant du point de vue des effets pharmacologiques et toxicologiques, ainsi que l’homozygotie pour l’haplotype -786C844T du gène NOS3 sont liés à la modulation des scores de problèmes externalisés au fil du temps. Finalement, le niveau de stress familial perçu au diagnostic est positivement corrélé avec le niveau initial de problèmes externalisés chez le patient, tandis que peu après la fin de la période d’induction, le niveau de stress familial est en lien avec le niveau initial de problèmes internalisés. Ces résultats supportent l'idée qu'une approche holistique est essentielle pour espérer mettre en place des interventions préventives efficaces dans cette population. À long terme, ces connaissances pourraient contribuer significativement à l'amélioration de la qualité de vie des patients. Ces travaux enrichissent les connaissances actuelles en soulignant les bénéfices des suivis longitudinaux et multidisciplinaires pour comprendre la dynamique de changement opérant chez les patients. Le décloisonnement des savoirs semble devenir incontournable pour aspirer dépasser le cadre descriptif et atteindre un certain niveau de compréhension des phénomènes observés. Malgré des défis méthodologiques et logistiques évidents, ce type d’approche est non seulement souhaitable pour étudier des processus dynamiques, mais les travaux présentés dans cette thèse indiquent que cela est possible avec les moyens analytiques actuels.


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Le monde actuel, marqué par une augmentation incessante des exigences professionnelles, requiert des enseignants une adaptation constante aux changements sociaux, culturels et économiques. Si, pour les enseignants expérimentés, l’accommodation à ces transformations est accompagnée de plusieurs défis, pour les nouveaux enseignants qui ne maîtrisent pas complètement tous les aspects de la profession, l’intégration au milieu scolaire peut être extrêmement difficile ou même insupportable, au point où certains quittent le métier. Néanmoins, à force de persévérance, un certain nombre des nouveaux enseignants franchissent les obstacles imposés par la profession. Dans leur cas, la satisfaction et l’engagement professionnel peuvent être des caractéristiques importantes qui les incitent à continuer à exercer leurs activités d’enseignement. Dans ce contexte, l’étude vise l’analyse des éléments liés à la construction de l’identité professionnelle des enseignants lors de leur insertion dans le métier, à partir des perceptions des nouveaux enseignants et de celles des gestionnaires des écoles primaires et secondaires. L’harmonie entre la perception de ces deux groupes d’acteurs scolaires peut constituer un important facteur du rendement des professionnels dans leur métier et de l’efficacité des institutions d’enseignement. Ainsi, du côté des nouveaux enseignants, l’étude examine les variables qui peuvent être liées à leur engagement professionnel et de celui des gestionnaires, elle vise à analyser les éléments qui peuvent être liés à leur satisfaction sur le travail effectué par les nouveaux enseignants. La présente étude, de type quantitatif, est constituée des analyses secondaires des données issues des enquêtes pancanadiennes auprès des directions et des enseignants d’écoles primaires et secondaires du Canada, menées en 2005 et 2006 par une équipe de professeurs de différentes universités canadiennes. Les analyses statistiques sont basées sur deux modèles théoriques : (1) l’engagement professionnel des nouveaux enseignants et (2) la satisfaction des gestionnaires sur le travail effectué par les nouveaux enseignants. Ces modèles sont examinés en suivant la théorie classique des tests (TCT) et celle des réponses aux items (TRI) afin de profiter des avantages de chacune des méthodes. Du côté de la TCT, des analyses de cheminement et des modélisations aux équations structurelles ont été effectuées pour examiner les modèles théoriques. Du côté de la TRI, des modélisations de Rasch ont été utilisées pour examiner les propriétés psychométriques des échelles utilisées par la recherche afin de vérifier si les données sont bien ajustées aux modèles et si les items se regroupent de façon logique pour expliquer les traits latents à l’étude. Les résultats mettent en évidence le rapport humain qui définit la profession enseignante. Autrement dit, pour les nouveaux enseignants, les émotions en classe, conséquence du processus d’interaction avec leurs élèves, sont le facteur majeur lié à l’engagement professionnel. Dans le même sens, la relation des nouveaux enseignants avec les divers membres de la communauté scolaire (parents des élèves, gestionnaires, personnel de l’école et autres enseignants) est un facteur-clé de la satisfaction des gestionnaires quant au travail des nouveaux enseignants. Les analyses indiquent également l’importance de la satisfaction au travail dans le modèle des nouveaux enseignants. Cette variable est un important déterminant de l’engagement professionnel et peut être associée à tous les autres éléments du modèle des nouveaux enseignants. Finalement, les résultats indiquent le besoin de construction des variables latentes avec un plus grand nombre d’items pour mieux positionner les personnes dans l’échelle de mesure. Ce résultat est plutôt important pour le modèle des gestionnaires qui indique de mauvais ajustements items-personnes.


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Wet peroxide oxidation (WPO) of phenol is an effective means for the production of diphenols, which are of great industrial importance. An added advantage of this method is the removal of phenol from wastewater effluents. Hydroxylation of phenol occurs efficiently over mixed iron aluminium pillared montmorillonites. An initial induction period is noticed in all cases. A thorough study on the reaction variables suggests free radical mechanism for the reaction.


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The work presented in this thesis is mainly centered on the synthesis and characterization of some encapsulated transition metal complexes and the catalytic activity of the synthesized complexes in certain organic reactions.thesis deals with the catalytic activity of ruthenium-exchanged zeolite and the zeolite encapsulated complexes of SSC, SOD, SPD, AA, ABA, DMG, PCO, PCP, CPO and CPP in the hydroxylation of phenol using hydrogen peroxide. The products were analyzed with a GC to determine the percentage conversion and the chromatograms indicate the presence of different products like hydroquinone, catechol,benzoquinone, benzophenone etc. The major product formed is hydroquinone. From the screening studies, RuYSSC was found to be the most effective catalyst for phenol hydroxylation with 94.4% conversion and 76% hydroquinone selectivity. The influence of different factors like reaction time, temperature, amount of catalyst, effect of various solvents and oxidant to substrate ratio in the catalytic activity were studied in order to find out the optimum conditions for the hydroxylation reaction. The influence of time on the percentage conversion of phenol was studied by conducting the reactions for different durations varying from one hour to four hours. There is an induction period for all the complexes and the length of the induction period depends on the nature of the active components. Though the conversion of phenol and selectivity for hydroquinone. increases with time, the amount of benzoquinone formed decreases with time. This is probably due to the decomposition of benzoquinone formed during the initial stages of the reaction into other degradation products like benzophenones. The effect of temperature was studied by carrying out the reaction at three different temperatures, 30°C, 50°C and 70°C. Reactions carried at temperatures higher than 70°C result either in the decomposition of the products or in the formation of tarry products. Activity increased with increase in the amount of the catalyst up to a certain level. However further increase in the weight of the catalyst did not have any noticeable effect on the percentage conversion. The catalytic studies indicate that the oxidation reaction increases with increase in the volume of hydrogen peroxide till a certain volume. But further increase in the volume of H202 is detrimental as some dark mass is obtained after four hours of reaction. The catalytic activity is largely dependent on the nature of the solvent and maximum percentage conversion occurred when the solvent used is water. The intactness of the complexes within the zeolite cages enhances their possibility of recycling and the activities of the recycled catalysts show only a slight decrease when compared to the fresh samples .


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The phosphine-stabilised gold cluster [Au6(Ph2P-o-tolyl)6](NO3)2 is converted into an active nanocatalyst for the oxidation of benzyl alcohol through low-temperature peroxide-assisted removal of the phosphines, avoiding the high-temperature calcination process. The process was monitored using in-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy, which revealed that after a certain period of the reaction with tertiary butyl hydrogen peroxide, the phosphine ligands are removed to form nanoparticles of gold which matches with the induction period seen in the catalytic reaction. Density functional theory calculations show that the energies required to remove the ligands from the [Au6Ln]2+ increase significantly with successive removal steps, suggesting that the process does not occur at once but sequentially. The calculations also reveal that ligand removal is accompanied by dramatic re-arrangements in the topology of the cluster core.