978 resultados para INDUCED HYPERTENSION


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BACKGROUND: Early-life reduction in nephron number (uninephrectomy [UNX]) and chronic high salt (HS) intake increase the risk of hypertension and chronic kidney disease. Adenosine signaling via its different receptors has been implicated in modulating renal, cardiovascular, and metabolic functions as well as inflammatory processes; however, the specific role of the A3 receptor in cardiovascular diseases is not clear. In this study, gene-modified mice were used to investigate the hypothesis that lack of A3 signaling prevents the development of hypertension and attenuates renal and cardiovascular injuries following UNX in combination with HS (UNX-HS) in mice. METHODS AND RESULTS: Wild-type (A3 (+/+)) mice subjected to UNX-HS developed hypertension compared with controls (mean arterial pressure 106±3 versus 82±3 mm Hg; P<0.05) and displayed an impaired metabolic phenotype (eg, increased adiposity, reduced glucose tolerance, hyperinsulinemia). These changes were associated with both cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis together with renal injuries and proteinuria. All of these pathological hallmarks were significantly attenuated in the A3 (-/-) mice. Mechanistically, absence of A3 receptors protected from UNX-HS-associated increase in renal NADPH oxidase activity and Nox2 expression. In addition, circulating cytokines including interleukins 1β, 6, 12, and 10 were increased in A3 (+/+) following UNX-HS, but these cytokines were already elevated in naïve A3 (-/-) mice and did not change following UNX-HS. CONCLUSIONS: Reduction in nephron number combined with chronic HS intake is associated with oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, and development of hypertension in mice. Absence of adenosine A3 receptor signaling was strongly protective in this novel mouse model of renal and cardiovascular disease.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Hypertension is a common side effect of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) therapy; however, the exact pathways remain to be elucidated. The discovery of non-hematopoietic actions of rHuEPO increased the number of patients that could putatively benefit from this therapy; however, to achieve those effects higher doses are usually needed, which increase the risk and incidence of adverse events. Our aim was to study the effect of a broad range of rHuEPO doses on hematological and biochemical parameters, blood pressure and renal function and damage in the rat, focusing on endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). METHODS: Male Wistar rats were divided in 5 groups receiving different doses of rHuEPO (100, 200, 400 and 600 IU/kg body weight (BW)/week) and saline solution (control), during 3 weeks. Blood and 24h urine were collected to perform hematological and biochemical analysis. Blood pressure (BP) was measured by the tail-cuff method. The kidney tissue was collected to mRNA and protein expression assays and to characterize renal lesions. RESULTS: A dose-dependent increase in red blood cells count, hematocrit and hemoglobin levels was found with rHuEPO therapy, in rHuEPO200, rHuEPO400 and rHuEPO600 groups. Increased reticulocyte count was found in the rHuEPO400 and rHuEPO600 groups. BP raised in all groups receiving rHuEPO. The rHuEPO200 and rHuEPO600 groups presented increased kidney protein levels of HIF2α and a reduction in kidney protein levels of eNOS, along with the highest grade of vascular and tubular renal lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that rHuEPO-induced hypertension might involve indirect (hematological) and direct (renal) effects which varies according to the dose used. Thus, rHuEPO therapy should be performed rationally and under adequate surveillance, as hypertension develops even with lower doses. Especial caution with higher doses should be taken, as rHuEPO-induced hypertension leads to early renal damage without alterations in traditional markers of renal function, thus masking the serious adverse effects and risks.


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Hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia and dysglycemia constitute metabolic syndrome, a major public health concern, which is associated with cardiovascular mortality. High dietary salt (NaCl) is the most important dietary risk factor for elevated blood pressure. The kidney has a major role in salt-sensitive hypertension and is vulnerable to harmful effects of increased blood pressure. Elevated serum urate is a common finding in these disorders. While dysregulation of urate excretion is associated with cardiovascular diseases, present studies aimed to clarify the role of xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR), i.e. xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) and its post-translational isoform xanthine oxidase (XO), in cardiovascular diseases. XOR yields urate from hypoxanthine and xanthine. Low oxygen levels upregulate XOR in addition to other factors. In present studies higher renal XOR activity was found in hypertension-prone rats than in the controls. Furthermore, NaCl intake increased renal XOR dose-dependently. To clarify whether XOR has any causal role in hypertension, rats were kept on NaCl diets for different periods of time, with or without a XOR inhibitor, allopurinol. While allopurinol did not alleviate hypertension, it prevented left ventricular and renal hypertrophy. Nitric oxide synthases (NOS) produce nitric oxide (NO), which mediates vasodilatation. A paucity of NO, produced by NOS inhibition, aggravated hypertension and induced renal XOR, whereas NO generating drug, alleviated salt-induced hypertension without changes in renal XOR. Zucker fa/fa rat is an animal model of metabolic syndrome. These rats developed substantial obesity and modest hypertension and showed increased hepatic and renal XOR activities. XOR was modified by diet and antihypertensive treatment. Cyclosporine (CsA) is a fungal peptide and one of the first-line immunosuppressive drugs used in the management of organ transplantation. Nephrotoxicity ensue high doses resulting in hypertension and limit CsA use. CsA increased renal XO substantially in salt-sensitive rats on a high NaCl diet, indicating a possible role for this reactive oxygen species generating isoform in CsA nephrotoxicity. Renal hypoxia, common to these rodent models of hypertension and obesity, is one of the plausible XOR inducing factors. Although XOR inhibition did not prevent hypertension, present experimental data indicate that XOR plays a role in the pathology of salt-induced cardiac and renal hypertrophy.


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L’endothéline-1 (ET-1) est un peptide vasoactif extrêmement puissant qui possède une forte activité mitogénique dans les cellules du muscle lisse vasculaire (VSMCs). Il a été démontré que l’ET-1 est impliquée dans plusieurs maladies cardio-vasculaires, comme l’athérosclérose, l'hypertension, la resténose après l'angioplastie, l’insuffisance cardiaque et l'arythmie. L’ET-1 exerce ses effets via plusieurs voies de signalisation qui incluent le Ca2+, les protéines kinases activées par les mitogènes (MAPKs) y compris les kinases régulées par les signaux extracellulaires (ERK1/2) et la voie de la phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3K)/protein kinase B (PKB). Plusieurs études ont démontré que les dérivés réactifs de l'oxygène (ROS) peuvent jouer un rôle important dans la signalisation d’ERK1/2 et de PKB induite par plusieurs facteurs de croissance et hormones. Nous avons précédemment montré que l'ET-1 produit des ROS qui agissent comme médiateur de la signalisation cellulaire induite par l’ET-1. Le peroxyde d’hydrogène (H2O2), une molécule qui appartient à la famille des ROS, peut activer les voies de la MAPK et de la PKB dans les VSMCs. Par ailleurs, nos résultats suggèrent également que le Ca2+ et la calmoduline (CaM) sont essentiels pour la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2, de p38 et de PKB induite par le H2O2 dans les VSMCs. La Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinases II (CaMKII) est une sérine/thréonine protéine kinase multifonctionnelle activée par le Ca2+/CaM. Il a été montré que la CaMKII est impliquée dans les voies de signalisation induite par le H2O2 dans les cellules endothéliales. Cependant, le rôle de la CaMKII dans la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2, de PKB et de la proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) induite par l’ET-1 et le H2O2, de même que son rôle dans l’effet hypertrophique et prolifératif de l’ET-1 dans les VSMCs demeure inexploré. Le monoxyde d’azote (NO) est une molécule vasoactive impliquée dans la régulation de plusieurs réponses hormonales. Le NO peut moduler la signalisation contrôlant la croissance cellulaire induite par plusieurs agonistes d’où son rôle protecteur dans le système vasculaire. Des études ont montré que le NO peut inhiber la voie de Ras/Raf/ERK1/2 et la voie de PKB induite par le facteur de croissance endothélial (EGF) et l’angiotensine II (Ang II). Beaucoup d’autres travaux ont mis en évidence un cross-talk entre les voies de signalisation activées par l’ET-1 et le NO. La capacité du NO à inhiber la signalisation intracellulaire induite par l’ET-1 dans les VSMCs demeure inconnue. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse vise à déterminer le rôle du système Ca2+-CaM-CaMKII dans la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2, de PKB et de Pyk2 induite par l’ET-1 et le H2O2 ainsi que son rôle dans la croissance et la prolifération cellulaire induites par l’ET-1 dans les VSMCs. Nous avons également testé le rôle du NO dans la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2, de PKB et de Pyk2 ainsi que la synthèse protéique induite par l’ET-1. Dans la première partie de notre étude, nous avons examiné le rôle de la CaMKII dans la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2 et de PKB induite par l’ET-1 dans les VSMCs en utilisant trois approches différentes i.e. l'usage d'inhibiteurs pharmacologiques, un peptide auto-inhibiteur de la CaMKII (CaMKII AIP) et la technique de siRNA. Nous avons démontré que la CaMKII est impliquée dans la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2 et de PKB induite par l’ET-1 dans les VSMCs. Des études précédentes ont montré à l’aide d’inhibiteurs pharmacologiques comme le KN-93 que l'Ang II et les agents induisant une augmentation de la concentration en Ca2+ intracellulaire comme l’ionomycine, provoquent la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2 via la CaM dans les VSMCs. Cependant, en utilisant différentes approches, nos études ont montré pour la première fois une implication de la CaMKII dans la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2 et de PKB induite par l’ET-1 dans les VSMCs. Nous avons également rapporté pour la première fois, un rôle crucial de la CaMKII dans la pathophysiologie vasculaire associée à l’ET-1 puisque l’activation de la CaMKII joue un rôle important dans l’hypertrophie et la croissance cellulaire. Dans la deuxième partie, à la lumière des études précédentes qui montraient que les ROS agissent comme médiateurs de la signalisation induite par l’ET-1 dans les VSMCs, nous avons examiné si la CaMKII est également impliquée dans l’activation des voies d’ERK1/2 et de PKB induite par le H2O2. En utilisant des approches pharmacologiques et moléculaires, nous avons montré, comme pour l’ET-1, que la CaMKII joue un rôle critique en amont de la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2, de PKB et de Pyk2 induite par le H2O2. Nous avons précédemment montré que la transactivation du récepteur de type I de l’insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1R) est nécessaire à l’activation de PKB induite par le H2O2. Pour cette raison, nous avons examiné l'effet de l'inhibition de la CaMKII par l’inhibiteur pharmacologique ou par le knock-down de la CaMKII sur la phosphorylation d’IGF-1R induite par le H2O2. Les résultats démontrent que la CaMKII joue un rôle critique en amont de la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2, de PKB et d’IGF-1R induite par le H2O2. Dans la troisième partie de notre étude, nous avons également examiné le mécanisme moléculaire par lequel le NO exerce ses effets anti-mitogéniques et anti-hypertrophiques dans la signalisation induite par l’ET-1. En testant l'effet de deux différents donneurs de NO (S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP), sodium nitroprusside (SNP)) et un inhibiteur de NO synthase, le N (G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) dans la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2, de PKB et de Pyk2 induite par l’ET-1, nous avons observé que le NO a un effet inhibiteur sur la signalisation induite par l’ET-1 dans les VSMCs. Par ailleurs, le 8-Br-GMPc, un analogue du GMPc, a un effet similaire à celui des deux donneurs du NO, tandis que l’oxadiazole quinoxaline (ODQ), un inhibiteur de la guanylate cyclase soluble, inverse l'effet inhibiteur du NO. Nous concluons que le NO diminue la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2, de PKB et de Pyk2 induite par l’ET-1 d’une manière dépendante du GMPc. Le NO inhibe aussi les effets hypertrophiques de l’ET-1 puisque le traitement avec le SNAP diminue la synthèse des protéines induite par l’ET-1. En résumé, les études présentées dans cette thèse démontrent que l’ET-1 et le H2O2 sont des activateurs de la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2, de PKB et de Pyk2 dans les VSMCs et que la CaMKII s’avère nécessaire pour ce processus, en agissant en amont de l’activation de IGF-1R induite par le H2O2 dans les VSMCs. Elles montrent également que le NO inhibe la phosphorylation d’ERK1/2, de PKB et de Pyk2 induite par l’ET-1. Enfin, nos travaux suggèrent aussi que l’activation de la CaMKII stimule la synthèse des protéines et de l’ADN induites par l’ET-1 alors que le NO inhibe la synthèse des protéines induite par ET-1. Mots clés: Endothéline ; Peroxyde d'hydrogène ; CaMKII ; Monoxyde d’azote ; Système vasculaire ; PKB; ERK1/2; IGF-1R; Hypertrophie.


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Infiltration of macrophages into the artery wall plays detrimental roles during hypertension by promoting vascular inflammation and endothelial dysfunction, and it occurs via a chemo-attractant action of chemokines on macrophage cytokine receptors. We sought to identify the key chemokine receptors associated with macrophage infiltration into the vascular wall during deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)/salt-induced hypertension in mice and to evaluate the impact of pharmacological inhibition of these receptors on blood pressure and leukocyte accumulation. Mice treated with DOCA/salt for 21 days displayed markedly elevated systolic blood pressure (158±2 versus 114±5 mm Hg in sham group; P<0.0001). Polymerase chain reaction screening via a gene array of 20 chemokine receptors indicated an increased expression of CCR2 in aortas of DOCA/salt-treated mice. Real-time polymerase chain reaction confirmed mRNA upregulation of CCR2 in aortas from DOCA/salt-treated animals and of the CCR2 ligands CCL2, CCL7, CCL8, and CCL12 (all >2-fold versus sham; P<0.05). Flow cytometry revealed 2.9-fold higher macrophage numbers (ie, CD45+ CD11b+ F4/80+ cells) in the aortic wall of DOCA/salt versus sham-treated mice. Intervention with a CCR2 antagonist, INCB3344 (30 mg/kg per day, IP), 10 days after the induction of hypertension with DOCA/salt treatment, reduced the aortic expression of CCR2 mRNA and completely reversed the DOCA/salt-induced influx of macrophages. Importantly, INCB3344 substantially reduced the elevated blood pressure in DOCA/salt-treated mice. Hence, our findings highlight CCR2 as a promising therapeutic target to reduce both macrophage accumulation in the vascular wall and blood pressure in hypertension.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Enhanced sympathetic outflow to the heart and resistance vessels greatly contributes to the onset and maintenance of neurogenic hypertension. There is a consensus that the development of hypertension (clinical and experimental) is associated with an impairment of sympathetic reflex control by arterial baroreceptors. More recently, chronic peripheral chemoreflex activation, as observed in obstructive sleep apnea, has been proposed as another important risk factor for hypertension. In this review, we present and discuss recent experimental evidence showing that changes in the respiratory pattern, elicited by chronic intermittent hypoxia, play a key role in increasing sympathetic activity and arterial pressure in rats. This concept parallels results observed in other models of neurogenic hypertension, such as spontaneously hypertensive rats and rats with angiotensin II–salt-induced hypertension, pointing out alterations in the central coupling of respiratory and sympathetic activities as a novel mechanism underlying the development of neurogenic hypertension.


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Adrenal aldosterone production, the major regulator of salt and water retention, is discussed with respect to hypertensive diseases. Physiological aldosterone production is tightly regulated, either stimulated or inhibited, in the adrenal zona glomerulosa by both circulating factors and/or by locally derived endothelial factors. Arterial hypertension caused by volume overload is the leading clinical symptom indicating increased mineralocorticoid hormones. Excessive aldosterone production is seen in adenomatous disease of the adrenals. The balance between stimulatory/proliferative and antagonistic signaling is disturbed by expression of altered receptor subtypes in the adenomas. Increased aldosterone production without a detectable adenoma is the most frequent form of primary aldosteronism. Both increased sensitivity to agonistic signals and activating polymorphisms within the aldosterone synthase gene (CYP11B2) have been associated with excessive aldosterone production. 17alpha-Hydroxylase deficiency and glucocorticoidremediable aldosteronism can also cause excessive mineralocorticoid synthesis. In contrast, the severe form of pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, is characterized by a compromised volume expansion in the presence of inappropriately low aldosterone levels. Initial evidence suggests that compromised CYP11B2 is causative, and that administration of NaCl lowered blood pressure in pregnant patients with low aldosterone availability due to a loss of function.


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In recognition of a central role of the kidney in long-term blood pressure control, we undertook an in-depth analysis of the relationship between blood pressure and kidney damage caused by environmental exposure to the common pollutants cadmium and lead. The subjects were 200 healthy Thais, 16 and 60 years of age (100 female non-smokers, 53 male non-smokers, and 47 male smokers). None of these subjects had been exposed to Cd or Pb in the workplace and their urinary Cd concentrations ranged from 0.4 to 37 nM, whereas their urinary Pb concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 30 nM. The prevalence of high blood pressure was 2%, 8% and 19%, respectively in subjects with low, average and high Cd-burden (linear trend chi(2) = 6.4, P = 0.01). Multiple regression analysis revealed a significant positive association between Cd-burden and blood pressure in male nonsmokers (adjusted beta = 0.31, P = 0.02) and an inverse association between blood pressure and urinary Pb excretion rate in male smokers (adjusted beta = -0.38, P = 0.005). Associations between Cd-burden and nephropathies were evidenced by increases in urinary excretion of beta 2-microglobutin (P = 0.02) and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (P = 0.005) in subjects with high Cd-burden, compared with the subjects with average Cd-burden. In addition, an association between Cd-related nephropathy and high blood pressure was evidenced by a 20% increase in the prevalence of high blood pressure in people with NAG-uria (linear trend chi(2) = 4.3, P = 0.04). Our present study provides first evidence for a possible link between renal tubular damage and dysfunction caused by environmental Cd exposure and increased risk of high blood pressure. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background—The exact etiology of preeclampsia is unknown, but there is growing evidence of an imbalance in angiogenic growth factors and abnormal placentation. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a gaseous messenger produced mainly by cystathionine ?-lyase (CSE), is a proangiogenic vasodilator. We hypothesized that a reduction in CSE activity may alter the angiogenic balance in pregnancy and induce abnormal placentation and maternal hypertension. Methods and Results—Plasma levels of H2S were significantly decreased in women with preeclampsia (P<0.01), which was associated with reduced placental CSE expression as determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. Inhibition of CSE activity by DL-propargylglycine reduced placental growth factorproduction from first-trimester (8–12 weeks gestation) human placental explants and inhibited trophoblast invasion in vitro. Knockdown of CSE in human umbilical vein endothelial cells by small-interfering RNA increased the release of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 and soluble endoglin, as assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, whereas adenoviral-mediated CSE overexpression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells inhibited their release. Administration of DL-propargylglycine to pregnant mice induced hypertension and liver damage, promoted abnormal labyrinth vascularization in the placenta, and decreased fetal growth. Finally, a slow-releasing H2S-generating compound, GYY4137, inhibited circulating soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 and soluble endoglin levels and restored fetal growth in mice that was compromised by DL-propargylglycine treatment, demonstrating that the effect of CSE inhibitor was attributable to inhibition of H2S production. Conclusions—These results imply that endogenous H2S is required for healthy placental vasculature and that a decrease in CSE/H2S activity may contribute to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. (Circulation. 2013;127:2514-2522.)


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Aims: Humans with inactivating mutations in peroxisomal proliferators activated receptor gamma (PPAR?) typically develop a complex metabolic syndrome characterized by insulin resistance, diabetes, lipodystrophy, hypertension, and dyslipidaemia which is likely to increase their cardiovascular risk. Despite evidence that the activation of PPAR? may prevent cardiac fibrosis and hypertrophy, recent evidence has suggested that pharmacological activation of PPAR? causes increased cardiovascular mortality. In this study, we investigated the effects of defective PPAR? function on the development of cardiac fibrosis and hypertrophy in a murine model carrying a human dominant-negative mutation in PPAR?. Methods and results: Mice with a dominant-negative point mutation in PPAR? (P465L) and their wild-type (WT) littermates were treated with either subcutaneous angiotensin II (AngII) infusion or saline for 2 weeks. Heterozygous P465L and WT mice developed a similar increase in systolic blood pressure, but the mutant mice developed significantly more severe cardiac fibrosis to AngII that correlated with increased expression of profibrotic genes. Both groups similarly increased the heart weight to body weight ratio compared with saline-treated controls. There were no differences in fibrosis between saline-treated WT and P465L mice. Conclusion: These results show synergistic pathogenic effects between the presence of defective PPAR? and AngII-induced hypertension and suggest that patients with PPAR? mutation and hypertension may need more aggressive therapeutic measures to reduce the risk of accelerated cardiac fibrosis. © The Author 2009.


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Background-The exact etiology of preeclampsia is unknown, but there is growing evidence of an imbalance in angiogenic growth factors and abnormal placentation. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a gaseous messenger produced mainly by cystathionine γ-lyase (CSE), is a proangiogenic vasodilator. We hypothesized that a reduction in CSE activity may alter the angiogenic balance in pregnancy and induce abnormal placentation and maternal hypertension. Methods and Results-Plasma levels of H2S were significantly decreased in women with preeclampsia (P<0.01), which was associated with reduced placental CSE expression as determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. Inhibition of CSE activity by DL-propargylglycine reduced placental growth factorproduction from first-trimester (8-12 weeks gestation) human placental explants and inhibited trophoblast invasion in vitro. Knockdown of CSE in human umbilical vein endothelial cells by small-interfering RNA increased the release of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 and soluble endoglin, as assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, whereas adenoviral-mediated CSE overexpression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells inhibited their release. Administration of DL-propargylglycine to pregnant mice induced hypertension and liver damage, promoted abnormal labyrinth vascularization in the placenta, and decreased fetal growth. Finally, a slow-releasing H2S-generating compound, GYY4137, inhibited circulating soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 and soluble endoglin levels and restored fetal growth in mice that was compromised by DL-propargylglycine treatment, demonstrating that the effect of CSE inhibitor was attributable to inhibition of H2S production. Conclusions-These results imply that endogenous H2S is required for healthy placental vasculature and that a decrease in CSE/H2S activity may contribute to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. © 2013 American Heart Association, Inc.


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OBJECTIVE: High-fat diet (HFD)-induced hypertension in rabbits is neurogenic because of the central sympathoexcitatory actions of leptin. Hypothalamic melanocortin and neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons are recognized as the major signalling pathways through which leptin exerts its central effects. In this study, we assessed the effects of specific antagonists and agonists to melanocortin and NPY receptors on HFD-induced sympathoexcitation and hypertension. METHODS: Rabbits were instrumented with intracerebroventricular cannula, renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) electrode, and blood pressure telemetry transmitter. RESULTS: After 3 weeks HFD (13.5% fat, n = 12) conscious rabbits had higher RSNA (+3.8  nu, P = 0.02), blood pressure (+8.6  mmHg, P < 0.001) and heart rate (+15  b/min, P = 0.01), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in the hypothalamus compared with rabbits fed a control diet (4.2% fat, n = 11). Intracerebroventricular administration of the melanocortin receptor antagonist SHU9119 reduced RSNA (-2.7  nu) and blood pressure (-8.5  mmHg) in HFD but not control rabbits, thus reversing 100% of the hypertension and 70% of the sympathoexcitation induced by a HFD. By contrast, blocking central NPY Y1 receptors with BVD10 increased RSNA only in HFD rabbits. Intracerebroventricular α-melanocortin stimulating hormone increased RSNA and heart rate (P < 0.001) in HFD rabbits but had no effect in control rabbits. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that obesity-induced hypertension and increased RSNA are dependent on the balance between greater activation of melanocortin signalling through melanocortin receptors and lesser activation of NPY sympathoinhibitory signalling. The amplification of the sympathoexcitatory effects of α-melanocortin stimulating hormone also indicates that the underlying mechanism is related to facilitation of leptin-melanocortin signalling, possibly involving chronic activation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor.