375 resultados para INACTIVITY


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Hypertension is one of the most common noncommunicable diseases worldwide, and physical inactivity is a risk factor predisposing to its occurrence and complications. However, it is still unclear the association between physical inactivity domains and hypertension, especially in public healthcare systems. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the association between physical inactivity aggregation in different domains and prevalence of hypertension among users of Brazilian public health system. 963 participants composed the sample. Subjects were divided into quartiles groups according to three different domains of physical activity (occupational; physical exercises; and leisure-time and transportation). Hypertension was based on physician diagnosis. Physical inactivity in occupational domain was significantly associated with higher prevalence of hypertension (OR = 1.52 [1.05 to 2.21]). The same pattern occurred for physical inactivity in leisure-time (OR = 1.63 [1.11 to 2.39]) and aggregation of physical inactivity in three domains (OR = 2.46 [1.14 to 5.32]). However, the multivariate-adjusted model showed significant association between hypertension and physical inactivity in three domains (OR = 2.57 [1.14-5.79]). The results suggest an unequal prevalence of hypertension according to physical inactivity across different domains and increasing the promotion of physical activity in the healthcare system is needed.


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To analyse the associations between high screen time and overweight, poor dietary habits and physical activity in adolescents according to sex. The study comprised 515 boys and 716 girls aged 14-17 years from Londrina, Brazil. Nutritional status (normal weight or overweight/obese) was assessed by calculating the body mass index. Eating habits and time spent in physical activity were reported using a questionnaire. The measurement of screen time considered the time spent watching television, using a computer and playing video games during a normal week. Associations between high screen time and dependent variables (nutritional status, eating habits and physical activity levels) were assessed by binary logistic regression, adjusted for sociodemographic and lifestyle variables. Most adolescents (93.8% of boys and 87.2% of girls) spent more than 2 hours per day in screen-time activities. After adjustments, an increasing trend in the prevalence of overweight and physical inactivity with increasing time spent on screen activities was observed for both sexes. Screen times of >4 hours/day compared with <2 hours/day were associated with physical inactivity, low consumption of vegetables and high consumption of sweets only in girls and the consumption of soft drinks in both sexes. The frequency of overweight and physical inactivity increased with increasing screen time in a trending manner and independently of the main confounders. The relationship between high screen time and poor eating habits was particularly relevant for adolescent girls.


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The obesity epidemic is spreading to low-income and middle-income countries as a result of new dietary habits and sedentary ways of life, fuelling chronic diseases and premature mortality. In this report we present an assessment of public health strategies designed to tackle behavioural risk factors for chronic diseases that are closely linked with obesity, including aspects of diet and physical inactivity, in Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Russia, and South Africa. England was included for comparative purposes. Several population-based prevention policies can be expected to generate substantial health gains while entirely or largely paying for themselves through future reductions of health-care expenditures. These strategies include health information and communication strategies that improve population awareness about the benefits of healthy eating and physical activity; fiscal measures that increase the price of unhealthy food content or reduce the cost of healthy foods rich in fibre; and regulatory measures that improve nutritional information or restrict the marketing of unhealthy foods to children. A package of measures for the prevention of chronic diseases would deliver substantial health gains, with a very favourable cost-effectiveness profile.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate, using visual assessment, an experimental optical sensor measuring perpendicular reflection intensity (PRI) as an indicator of enamel caries lesion activity/inactivity. Forty teeth with either an active or an inactive enamel lesion were selected from a pool of extracted teeth. Each tooth was cut into halves, with a clinically sound half and a half with a non-cavitated enamel lesion. After gentle plaque removal, the teeth were kept moistened. The lesions were then photographed and a defined measuring site per lesion was chosen and indicated with an arrow on a printout. Independently, the chosen site was visually assessed for lesion activity, and its glossiness was measured with PRI assessment. Surface roughness (SR) was assessed with optical profilometry using a confocal microscope. Visual assessment and PRI were repeated after several weeks and a reliability analysis was performed. For enamel lesions visually scored as active versus inactive, significantly different values were obtained with both PRI and SR. PRI values of the clinically sound control surfaces were significantly different only from active lesions. Generally, inactive lesions had the same glossiness and the same roughness as the sound control surfaces. The reliabilities for visual assessment (? = 0.89) and for PRI (ICC = 0.86) were high. It is concluded that, within the limits of this study, PRI can be regarded as a promising tool for quantitative enamel lesion activity assessment. There is scope and potential for the PRI device to be considerably improved for in vivo use.


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OBJECTIVE: Nitric oxide (NO) inhibits thrombus formation, vascular contraction, and smooth muscle cell proliferation. We investigated whether NO release is enhanced after endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) gene transfer in atherosclerotic human carotid artery ex vivo. METHODS AND RESULTS: Western blotting and immunohistochemistry revealed that transduction enhanced eNOS expression; however, neither nitrite production nor NO release measured by porphyrinic microsensor was altered. In contrast, transduction enhanced NO production in non-atherosclerotic rat aorta and human internal mammary artery. In transduced carotid artery, calcium-dependent eNOS activity was minimal and did not differ from control conditions. Vascular tetrahydrobiopterin concentrations did not differ between the experimental groups.Treatment of transduced carotid artery with FAD, FMN, NADPH, L-arginine, and either sepiapterin or tetrahydrobiopterin did not alter NO release. Superoxide formation was similar in transduced carotid artery and control. Treatment of transduced carotid artery with superoxide dismutase (SOD), PEG-SOD, PEG-catalase did not affect NO release. CONCLUSIONS: eNOS transduction in atherosclerotic human carotid artery results in high expression without any measurable activity of the recombinant protein. The defect in the atherosclerotic vessels is neither caused by cofactor deficiency nor enhanced NO breakdown. Since angioplasty is performed in atherosclerotic arteries,eNOS gene therapy is unlikely to provide clinical benefit.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a possible interaction between dietary fat and physical inactivity on whole-body insulin sensitivity and intramyocellular lipids (IMCLs). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Eight healthy male volunteers were studied on two occasions. After 2 days of an equilibrated diet and moderate physical activity, participants remained inactive (bed rest) for 60 h and consumed either a high-saturated fat (45% fat, of which approximately 60% was saturated fat [BR-HF]) or a high-carbohydrate (70% carbohydrate [BR-HCHO]) diet. To evaluate the effect of a high-fat diet alone, six of the eight volunteers were restudied after a 2-day equilibrated diet followed by 60 h on a high-saturated fat diet and controlled physical activity (PA-HF). Insulin sensitivity was measured by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp and IMCL concentrations by (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Insulin-mediated glucose disposal was decreased by BR-HF condition (-24 +/- 6%, P < 0.05) but did not change with BR-HCHO (+19 +/- 10%, NS). BR-HF and BR-HCHO increased IMCL levels (+32 +/- 7%, P < 0.05 and +17 +/- 8%, P < 0.0011, respectively). Although the increase in IMCL levels with PA-HF (+31 +/- 19%, P = 0.12) was similar to that during BR-HF, insulin-mediated glucose disposal (-7 +/- 9%, NS) was not decreased. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that physical inactivity and a high-saturated fat diet may interact to reduce whole-body insulin sensitivity. IMCL content was influenced by dietary lipid and physical inactivity but was not directly associated with insulin resistance.


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Type 2 diabetes has grown to epidemic proportions in the U.S., and its prevalence has been steadily increasing in Texas. The physical activity levels in the population have remained low despite it being one of the primary preventive strategies for type 2 diabetes. The objectives of this study were to estimate the direct medical costs of type 2 diabetes attributable to not meeting physical activity Guidelines and to physical inactivity in the U.S. and Texas in 2007. This was a cross sectional study that used physical activity prevalence data from the 2007 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to estimate the population attributable risk percentage (PAR%) for type 2 diabetes. These data were combined with the prevalence and cost data of type 2 diabetes to estimate the cost of type 2 diabetes attributable to not meeting Guidelines and to inactivity in the U.S. and Texas in 2007.^ The cost of type 2 diabetes in the U.S. in 2007, attributable to not meeting physical activity Guidelines was estimated to be $13.29 billion, and that attributable to physical inactivity (no leisure time physical activity) was estimated to be $3.32 billion. Depending on various assumptions, these estimates ranged from $7.61 billion to $41.48 billion for not meeting Guidelines, and $1.90 billion to $13.20 billion for physical inactivity in the U.S. in 2007. The cost of type 2 diabetes in Texas in 2007 attributable to not meeting physical activity Guidelines was estimated to be $1.15 billion, and that attributable to physical inactivity (no leisure time physical activity) was estimated to be $325 million. Depending on various assumptions, these estimates ranged from $800 million to $3.47 billion for not meeting Guidelines, and $186 million to $1.28 billion for physical inactivity in Texas in 2007. These results illustrate how much money could be saved annually just in terms of type 2 diabetes cost in the U.S. and Texas, if the entire adult population was active enough to meet physical activity Guidelines. Physical activity promotion, particularly at the environmental and policy level should be a priority in the population. ^


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This study examined the effect of prolonged inactivity, associated with aestivation, on neuromuscular transmission in the green-striped burrowing frog, Cyclorana alboguttata. We compared the structure and function of the neuromuscular junctions on the iliofibularis muscle from active C. alboguttata and from C. alboguttata that had been aestivating for 6 months. Despite the prolonged period of immobility, there was no significant difference in the shape of the terminals (primary, secondary or tertiary branches) or the length of primary terminal branches between aestivators and non-aestivators. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the membrane potentials of muscle fibres or in miniature end plate potential (EPP) frequency and amplitude. However, there was a significant decrease in evoked transmitter release characterised by a 56% decrease in mean EPP amplitude, and a 29% increase in the failure rate of nerve terminal action potentials to evoke transmitter release. The impact of this suite of neuromuscular characteristics on the locomotor performance of emergent frogs is discussed.


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Az elmúlt években Magyarországon is fokozatosan nőtt az érdeklődés az életminőség vizsgálata iránt. A 2004-2006 közötti időszakra készült első Nemzeti Fejlesztési Terv fő célkitűzése a lakosság életminőségének javítása volt, de célját nem érte el, mivel a WHO 2010 májusában közzétett statisztikája szerint a magyarországi életminőség-mutatók az európai rangsor végén találhatók. Elszomorító az Eurobarométer 2010. évi reprezentatív kutatásának eredménye: a népesség 77 százalékának életmódja mozgásszegény, fizikailag inaktív. Kutatásunk során azt a ténylegesen hiánypótló célt kívántuk elérni, hogy meghatározzuk és számszerűsítsük a mozgásszegény életmódból adódó nemzetgazdasági terheket, valamint megbecsüljük a fizikai inaktivitás csökkentésével elérhető megtakarítások számszerűsíthető mértékét. Az Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár (OEP) és egy saját országos kérdőíves kutatás (n = 1158) adataira támaszkodtunk. A fizikai inaktivitás betegségeire vonatkozó megtakarítási lehetőségeket tételesen határoztuk meg, majd megállapítottuk az inaktivitásból származó gazdasági terheket, aminek alapján a döntéshozók elkészíthetik a fizikai inaktivitás csökkentésre alkalmas akcióterveiket. Ezzel nemcsak a lakosság "közérzete" javulhat számottevően, de komolyabb költségeket is meg lehet takarítani közép- és hosszú távon. / === / Interest in examining the quality of life has increased steadily in Hungary in recent years. Improving it was the main objective of the first National Development Plan, for the 2004-6 period, but it failed to do so, for Hungary's indices for quality of life were at the bottom of the European list according to figures published by the WHO in May 2010. The results of the representative research Furobarometer 2010 are saddening: 77 per cent of the population pursue a low-exercise, physically inactive lifestyle. The authors' researches sought to fill a gap by measuring and quantifying the national economic costs of a low-exercise lifestyle and to estimate quantitatively the savings to be made by reducing such physical inactivity. The paper relics on the data of the National Health Insurance Fund and on an authors' questionnaire (n = 1158). The potential savings on illness relating to physical activity are listed one by one. to arrive at the economic costs of such inactivity, based on which it is possible for decision-makers to prepare adequate action plans for reducing physical inactivity. This will improve the "morale" of the public and bring appreciable savings in the medium and long term.


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The so-called toxic triad of factors linked to cancer, namely obesity, poor cardiorespiratory fitness and physical inactivity, increase the risk of cancer and, when cancer is present, worsen its prognosis. Thus, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle have been linked to an elevated cancer risk whereas regular physical exercise and good cardiorespiratory function (CRF) diminish this risk. Despite genetic risk factors, there is evidence to show that some lifestyle modifications are capable of reducing the incidence of cancer and its associated morbidity and mortality. Regular physical exercise targeted at maintaining body weight within healthy limits and improving CRF will reduce a person's cancer risk and, once diagnosed, will also improve its prognosis, reducing mortality and the risk of disease recurrence through similar effects. In this review, we describe how physical activity can be used as a pleiotropic, coadjuvant tool to minimize the toxic triad for cancer and update the mechanisms proposed to date for the effects observed.


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Purpose: Physical activity has become a focus of cancer recovery research as it has the potential to reduce treatment-related burden and optimize health-related quality of life (HRQoL). However, the potential for physical activity to influence recovery may be age-dependent. This paper describes physical activity levels and HRQoL among younger and older women after surgery for breast cancer and explores the correlates of physical inactivity. Methods: A population-based sample of breast cancer patients diagnosed in South-East Queensland, Australia, (n=287) were assessed once every three months, from 6 to 18 months post-surgery. The Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast questionnaire (FACTB+4) and items from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) questionnaire were used to measure HRQoL and physical activity, respectively. Physical activity was assigned metabolic equivalent task (MET) values, and categorized as < 3, 3 to 17.9 and 18+ MET-hours/weeks. Descriptive statistics, generalized linear models with age stratification (<50 years versus 50+ years), and logistic regression were used for analyses (p=0.05, two-tailed). Results: Younger women who engaged in 3 or more MET-hours/week of physical activity reported a higher HRQoL at 18 months compared to their more sedentary counterparts (p<0.05). Older women reported similar HRQoL irrespective of activity level and consistently reported clinically higher HRQoL than younger women. Increasing age, being overweight or obese, and restricting use of the treated side at six months post-surgery increased the likelihood of sedentary behavior (OR>3, p<0.05). Conclusions: Age influences the potential to observe HRQoL benefits related to physical activity participation. These results also provide relevant information for the design of exercise interventions for breast cancer survivors and highlights that some groups of women are at greater risk of long-term sedentary behavior.


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Purpose Increased physical activity in colorectal cancer patients is related to improved recurrence free and overall survival. Psychological distress after cancer may place patients at risk of reduced physical activity; but paradoxically also act as a motivator for positive lifestyle change. The relationship between psychological distress and physical activity after cancer over time has not been described. Methods A prospective survey of 1966 (57% response) colorectal cancer survivors assessed the psychological distress variables of anxiety, depression, somatisation, cancer threat appraisal as predictors of physical activity five, 12, 24 and 36 months post-diagnosis 978 respondents had valid data for all time points. Results Higher somatisation was associated with greater physical inactivity (Relative risk ratio (RRR) =1.12; 95% CI=[1.1, 1.2]) and insufficient physical activity (RRR=1.05; [0.90, 1.0]). Respondents with a more positive appraisal of their cancer were significantly (p=0.031) less likely to be inactive (RRR=0.95; [0.90, 1.0]) or insufficiently active (RRR=0.96). Fatigued and obese respondents and current smokers were more inactive. Respondents whose somatisation increased between two time periods were less likely to increase their physical activity over the same period (p<0.001). Respondents with higher anxiety at one time period were less likely to have increased their activity at the next assessment (p=0.004). There was no association between depression and physical activity. Conclusions Cancer survivors who experience somatisation and anxiety are at greater risk of physical inactivity. The lack of a clear relationship between higher psychological distress and increasing physical activity argues against distress as a motivator to exercise in these patients.