184 resultados para IMMUNOASSAYS
The invention relates to immunoassays, methods for carrying out immunoassays, immunoassay kits and methods for manufacturing immunoassay kits. In particular, the invention has relevance to capillary (especially microcapillary) immunoassay technology.
Data obtained during routine diagnosis of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and 2 (HTLV-2) in ""at-risk"" individuals from Sao Paulo, Brazil using signal-to-cutoff (S/C) values obtained by first, second, and third generation enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kits, were compared. The highest S/C values were obtained with third generation EIA kits, but no correlation was detected between these values and specific antibody reactivity to HTLV-1, HTLV-2, or untyped HTLV (p = 0.302). In addition, use of these third generation kits resulted in HTLV-1/2 false-positive samples. In contrast, first and second generation EIA kits showed high specificity, and the second generation EIA kits showed the highest efficiency, despite lower S/C values. Using first and second generation EIA kits, significant differences in specific antibody detection of HTLV-1, relative to HTLV-2 (p = 0.019 for first generation and p < 0.001 for second generation EIA kits) and relative to untyped HTLV (p = 0.025 for first generation EIA kits), were observed. These results were explained by the composition and format of the assays. In addition, using receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis, a slight adjustment in cutoff values for third generation EIA kits improved their specificities and should be used when HTLV ""at-risk"" populations from this geographic area are to be evaluated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Immunochemical methods have increased considerably in the past years, and many examples of small and large scale studies have demonstrated the reliability of the immunotechniques for control and monitoring gf contaminant residues in different kinds of samples. Application of the immunoassay (IA) methods in pesticide residue control is an area with enormous potential for growth. The most extensively studied IA is the enzyme-linked absorbent assay (ELISA), but several other approaches, that include radioimmunoassay and immunoaffinity chromatography, have been also developed recently. In comparison with classical analytical methods, IA methods offer the possibility of highly sensitive, relatively vapid, and cost-effective measurements. This paper introduces the general IAs used until now, focusing on their use in pesticide analysis, and discussing briefly the effects of interferences from solvent residues or matrix components on the IA performance. Numerous immunochemical methods commonly used for pesticide determination in different samples such as food, crop and environmental samples are presented.
The routine methods for detecting Listeria sp. in foods are time consuming and involve using selective enrichments and plating on agars. In this study, the presence of Listeria sp. in 120 meat and meat product samples was investigated by two rapid immunoassays (TECRA Listeria Visual Immunoassay [VIA] and BioControl Visual Immunoprecipitate Assay [VIP] for Listeria) and a cultural procedure. The cultural method of detecting Listeria sp. followed Canada's Health Protection Branch Method, and the rapid tests followed the manufacturers' instructions. The agreement between the cultural and the rapid tests was established at a confidence limit of 95%. Seventy-nine samples (65.8%) were Listeria sp. positive in at least one of the three tests. There was no statistically significant difference between the cultural procedure and any of the rapid immunoassays. The agreement rates between the VIA and the cultural method and between the VIP and the cultural method were 87 and 84%, respectively. Both tests - the VIA and VIP - proved to be rapid, efficient and easy to perform.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Immunoassays are essential in the workup of patients with suspected heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. However, the diagnostic accuracy is uncertain with regard to different classes of assays, antibody specificities, thresholds, test variations, and manufacturers. We aimed to assess diagnostic accuracy measures of available immunoassays and to explore sources of heterogeneity. We performed comprehensive literature searches and applied strict inclusion criteria. Finally, 49 publications comprising 128 test evaluations in 15 199 patients were included in the analysis. Methodological quality according to the revised tool for quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies was moderate. Diagnostic accuracy measures were calculated with the unified model (comprising a bivariate random-effects model and a hierarchical summary receiver operating characteristics model). Important differences were observed between classes of immunoassays, type of antibody specificity, thresholds, application of confirmation step, and manufacturers. Combination of high sensitivity (>95%) and high specificity (>90%) was found in 5 tests only: polyspecific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with intermediate threshold (Genetic Testing Institute, Asserachrom), particle gel immunoassay, lateral flow immunoassay, polyspecific chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) with a high threshold, and immunoglobulin G (IgG)-specific CLIA with low threshold. Borderline results (sensitivity, 99.6%; specificity, 89.9%) were observed for IgG-specific Genetic Testing Institute-ELISA with low threshold. Diagnostic accuracy appears to be inadequate in tests with high thresholds (ELISA; IgG-specific CLIA), combination of IgG specificity and intermediate thresholds (ELISA, CLIA), high-dose heparin confirmation step (ELISA), and particle immunofiltration assay. When making treatment decisions, clinicians should be a aware of diagnostic characteristics of the tests used and it is recommended they estimate posttest probabilities according to likelihood ratios as well as pretest probabilities using clinical scoring tools.
We describe an adaptation of the rolling circle amplification (RCA) reporter system for the detection of protein Ags, termed “immunoRCA.” In immunoRCA, an oligonucleotide primer is covalently attached to an Ab; thus, in the presence of circular DNA, DNA polymerase, and nucleotides, amplification results in a long DNA molecule containing hundreds of copies of the circular DNA sequence that remain attached to the Ab and that can be detected in a variety of ways. Using immunoRCA, analytes were detected at sensitivities exceeding those of conventional enzyme immunoassays in ELISA and microparticle formats. The signal amplification afforded by immunoRCA also enabled immunoassays to be carried out in microspot and microarray formats with exquisite sensitivity. When Ags are present at concentrations down to fM levels, specifically bound Abs can be scored by counting discrete fluorescent signals arising from individual Ag–Ab complexes. Multiplex immunoRCA also was demonstrated by accurately quantifying Ags mixed in different ratios in a two-color, single-molecule-counting assay on a glass slide. ImmunoRCA thus combines high sensitivity and a very wide dynamic range with an unprecedented capability for single molecule detection. This Ag-detection method is of general applicability and is extendable to multiplexed immunoassays that employ a battery of different Abs, each labeled with a unique oligonucleotide primer, that can be discriminated by a color-coded visualization system. ImmunoRCA-profiling based on the simultaneous quantitation of multiple Ags should expand the power of immunoassays by exploiting the increased information content of ratio-based expression analysis.
We report the assessment and validation of an NS1 epitope-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of antibodies to West Nile virus (WNV) in macaques. Sera from naturally infected Macaca nemestrina were tested by ELISA and plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT). Results were correlated with hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) data. Our results demonstrate that the blocking ELISA rapidly and specifically detects WNV infection in M. nemestrina. In addition, the diagnostic value of 7 commercially available immunoassays (PanBio immunoglobulin [Ig] M ELISA, PanBio IgG ELISA, PanBio immunofluorescence assay (IFA), InBios IgG ELISA, InBios IgM ELISA, Focus Diagnostics IgG ELISA, and Focus Diagnostics IgM ELISA) in M. nemestrina was evaluated and compared with that of the epitope-blocking ELISA. The PanBio IgG ELISA was found to effectively diagnose WNV exposure in M. nemestrina. Further, PanBio IFA slides are fast and reliable screening tools for diagnosing flaviviral exposure in M. nemestrina.
This paper describes the implementation of a sensitive, on-chip immunoassay for the analysis of intracellular proteins, developed using microdroplet technology. The system offers a number of analytical functionalities, enabling the lysis of low cell numbers, as well as protein detection and quantification, integrated within a single process flow. Cells were introduced into the device in suspension and were electrically lysed in situ. The cell lysate was subsequently encapsulated together with antibody-functionalized beads into stable, water-in-oil droplets, which were stored on-chip. The binding of intracellular proteins to the beads was monitored fluorescently. By analyzing many individual droplets and quantifying the data obtained against standard additions, we measured the level of two intracellular proteins, namely, HRas-mCitrine, expressed within HEK-293 cells, and actin-EGFP, expressed within MCF-7 cells. We determined the concentrations of these proteins over 5 orders of magnitude, from ~50 pM to 1 µM. The results from this semiautomated method were compared to those for determinations made using Western blots, and were found not only to be faster, but required a smaller number of cells. © 2011 American Chemical Society.
Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a low molecular weight and potent marine neurotoxin which is usually present in some species of puffer fish. TTX selectively binds to voltage-sensitive sodium channels (VSGCs), blocking the influx of sodium into the cell and affecting neural transmission. The bioaccumulation of this toxin in seafood can poses a risk to human safety. With the purpose of achieving cheap, specific and reliable tools to determine TTX in puffer fish samples, a self-assembled dithiol-based immunoassay, an electrochemical immunosensor and an optical Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) immunosensor are proposed. The immunoassay for TTX based on the use of dithiols self-assembled on maleimide-plates (mELISA) has been able to detect as low as 2.28 μg/L of TTX. The effect of different puffer fish matrixes on this mELISA has been quantified and the corresponding correction factors have been established. This
mELISA has enabled to establish the cross-reactivity factors for four TTX analogues: 5,6,11-trideoxy-TTX, 5,6,11-trideoxy-4-anhydro-TTX, 11-nor-TTX-6-ol and 5,11-deoxy-TTX. The crossreactivity factors have also been established by the optical SPR immunosensor previously reported, which had a limit of detection (LOD) of 4.27 μg/L. The mELISA and the SPR immunosensor have then been tested with spiked-puffer fish matrixes, providing an effective
LOD of 0.23 and 0.43 mg/kg respectively, well below the limit set in Japan (2 mg/kg). The mELISA and the SPR immunosensor have also been applied to the analysis of naturally contaminated puffer fish samples, providing similar TTXs contents between techniques and also compared to LC-MS/MS. The suitability of these immunochemical techniques has been demonstrated not only for screening purposes, but also for research activities. Currently, given that dithiols could improve the electron transfer and the sensitivity of an electrochemical assay, the mELISA strategy is being transferred to gold electrodes for the electrochemical detection of TTX and the subsequent development of the multiplexed electrochemical immunosensor.
Paper has become increasingly recognized as a very interesting substrate for the construction of microfluidic devices, with potential application in a variety of areas, including health diagnosis, environmental monitoring, immunoassays and food safety. The aim of this review is to present a short history of analytical systems constructed from paper, summarize the main advantages and disadvantages of fabrication techniques, exploit alternative methods of detection such as colorimetric, electrochemical, photoelectrochemical, chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence, as well as to take a closer look at the novel achievements in the field of bioanalysis published during the last 2 years. Finally, the future trends for production of such devices are discussed.
The prevalence of human T-cell lymphotropic viruses types 1 and 2 (HTLV-1/2) in Mozambique is not known. The present study examined blood samples from 208, 226, and 318 individuals from Northern, Central, and Southern Mozambique, respectively, of all socioeconomic and demographic strata attending public health centers in Mozambique for HTLV-1/2-specific antibodies. Serum samples were assessed for HIV- and HTLV-1/2-specific antibodies by using enzyme immunoassays, and infections with HTLV-1 and -2 were confirmed by using Western blot. An overall HTLV-1/2 prevalence of 2.3% (2.9% in female and 1.1% in male subjects) was observed, and the prevalence of infection increased with age. Regional variation in the prevalence of HIV and HTLV-1/2 was observed; 32.2%, 65.5%, and 44% of individuals tested HIV positive in Northern, Central, and Southern Mozambique, respectively, and 2.4%, 3.9%, and 0.9% tested HTLV-1/2 positive in the same regions. HTLV-1 infection was confirmed in these individuals. No association between HTLV-1 infection and socio-demographic variables or HIV status was detected, although the low number of HTLV-1-positive cases did not allow robust statistical analyses. The results obtained suggest different risk factors and epidemiologic correlates of HIV and HTLV-1 transmission in Mozambique. Furthermore, our results suggested that North and Central Mozambique should be considered endemic regions for HTLV-1 infection. As no cases of HTLV-2 were detected, HTLV-2 appears to have not been introduced into Mozambique.
Evaluation of commercially available test kits for Chagas disease for use in blood bank screening is difficult due to a lack of large and well-characterized specimen panels. This study presents a collaborative effort of Latin American blood centers and the World Health Organization (WHO) to establish such a panel. A total of 437 specimens, from 10 countries were collected and sent to the WHO Collaborating Center in Sao Paulo and used to evaluate 19 screening assays during 2001 through 2005. Specimens were assigned a positive or negative status based on concordant results in at least three of the four confirmatory assays (indirect immunofluorescence, Western blot, radioimmunoprecipitation assay, and recombinant immunoblot). Of the 437 specimens, 168 (39%) were characterized as positive, 262 (61%) were characterized as negative, and 7 (2%) were judged inconclusive and excluded from the analysis. Sensitivity and specificity varied considerably: 88 to 100 and 60 to 100 percent, respectively. Overall, enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) performed better than the other screening assays. Four EIAs had both parameters higher than 99 percent. Of the four confirmatory assays, only the RIPA gave a 100 percent agreement with the final serologic status of the specimens. The sensitivities and specificities of at least four of the commercially available EIAs for Chagas disease are probably high enough to justify their use for single-assay screening of blood donations. Our data suggest that the majority of commercially available indirect hemagglutination assays should not be used for blood donor screening and that the RIPA could be considered a gold standard for evaluating the performance of other assays.