951 resultados para IMMOBILIZED BIOMASS


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The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of different feeding times (2, 4 and 6 h) and applied volumetric organic loads (4.5, 6.0 and 7.5 gCOD L-1 day(-1)) on the performance of an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (AnSBBR) treating effluent from biodiesel production. Polyurethane foam cubes were used as inert support in the reactor, and mixing was accomplished by recirculating the liquid phase. The effect of feeding time on reactor performance showed to be more pronounced at higher values of applied volumetric organic loads (AVOLs). Highest organic material removal efficiencies achieved at AVOL of 4.5 gCOD L-1 day(-1) were 87 % at 4-h feeding against 84 % at 2-h and 6-h feeding. At AVOL of 6.0 gCOD L-1 day(-1), highest organic material removal efficiencies achieved with 4-h and 6-h feeding were 84 %, against 71 % at 2-h feeding. At AVOL of 7.5 gCOD L-1 day(-1), organic material removal efficiency achieved with 4-h feeding was 77 %. Hence, longer feeding times favored minimization of total volatile acids concentration during the cycle as well as in the effluent, guaranteeing process stability and safety.


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This study investigated the application of an advanced oxidation process combining hydrogen peroxide with ultraviolet radiation (H2O2/UV) to remove recalcitrant compounds from Kraft bleaching effluent. Anaerobic pre-treatment was performed to remove easily degraded organics using a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor. Bleaching plant effluent was treated in the HAIB reactor processed over 19 h of hydraulic retention time (HRT), reaching the expected removal efficiencies for COD (61 +/- 3%), TOC (69 +/- 9%), BOD5 (90 +/- 5%) and AOX (55 +/- 14%). However, the anaerobic treatment did not achieve acceptable removal of UV254 compounds. Furthermore, there was an increase of lignin, measured as total phenols. The H2O2/UV post-treatment provided a wide range of removal efficiencies depending on the dosage of hydrogen peroxide and UV irradiation: COD ranged from 0 to 11%, UV254 from 16 to 35%, lignin from 0 to 29% and AOX from 23 to 54%. All peroxide dosages applied in this work promoted an increase in the BOD5/COD ratio of the wastewater. The experiments demonstrate the technical feasibility of using H2O2/UV for post-treatment of bleaching effluents submitted to anaerobic pre-treatment.


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This study reports the performance of a combined anaerobic-aerobic packed-bed reactor that can be used to treat domestic sewage. Initially, a bench-scale reactor was operated in three experimental phases. In the first phase, the anaerobic reactor was operated with an average organic matter removal efficiency of 77% for a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10 h. In the second phase, the reactor was operated with an anaerobic stage followed by an aerobic zone, resulting in a mean value of 91% efficiency. In the third and final phase, the anaerobic-aerobic reactor was operated with recirculation of the effluent of the reactor through the anaerobic zone. The system yielded mean total nitrogen removal percentages of 65 and 75% for recycle ratios (r) of 0.5 and 1.5, respectively, and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies were higher than 90%. When the pilot-scale reactor was operated with an HRT of 12 h and r values of 1.5 and 3.0, its performance was similar to that observed in the bench-scale unit (92% COD removal for r = 3.0). However, the nitrogen removal was lower (55% N removal for r = 3.0) due to problems with the hydrodynamics in the aerobic zone. The anaerobic-aerobic fixed-bed reactor with recirculation of the liquid phase allows for concomitant carbon and nitrogen removal without adding an exogenous source of electron donors and without requiring any additional alkalinity supplementation.


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The investigation of phylogenetic diversity and functionality of complex microbial communities in relation to changes in the environmental conditions represents a major challenge of microbial ecology research. Nowadays, particular attention is paid to microbial communities occurring at environmental sites contaminated by recalcitrant and toxic organic compounds. Extended research has evidenced that such communities evolve some metabolic abilities leading to the partial degradation or complete mineralization of the contaminants. Determination of such biodegradation potential can be the starting point for the development of cost effective biotechnological processes for the bioremediation of contaminated matrices. This work showed how metagenomics-based microbial ecology investigations supported the choice or the development of three different bioremediation strategies. First, PCR-DGGE and PCR-cloning approaches served the molecular characterization of microbial communities enriched through sequential development stages of an aerobic cometabolic process for the treatment of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons inside an immobilized-biomass packed bed bioreactor (PBR). In this case the analyses revealed homogeneous growth and structure of immobilized communities throughout the PBR and the occurrence of dominant microbial phylotypes of the genera Rhodococcus, Comamonas and Acidovorax, which probably drive the biodegradation process. The same molecular approaches were employed to characterize sludge microbial communities selected and enriched during the treatment of municipal wastewater coupled with the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Known PHA-accumulating microorganisms identified were affiliated with the genera Zooglea, Acidovorax and Hydrogenophaga. Finally, the molecular investigation concerned communities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated soil subjected to rhizoremediation with willow roots or fertilization-based treatments. The metabolic ability to biodegrade naphthalene, as a representative model for PAH, was assessed by means of stable isotope probing in combination with high-throughput sequencing analysis. The phylogenetic diversity of microbial populations able to derive carbon from naphthalene was evaluated as a function of the type of treatment.


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O processo de nitrificação e desnitrificação simultâneas (NDS) permite alcançar a remoção combinada de matérias carbonácea e nitrogenada em uma única unidade. O reator de leito estruturado, com biomassa imobilizada e recirculação interna, apresenta características positivas para que estes processos envolvidos ocorram, tais como propiciar a formação de biofilme e evitar a colmatação do leito. Esta configuração tem sido estudada com êxito em reatores em escala de bancada para tratamento de esgoto. Nesta pesquisa foi utilizado um reator de leito estruturado em escala piloto com a finalidade de avaliar sua implantação, eficiência e estabilidade tratando esgoto doméstico em condições reais para futura aplicação em pequenas comunidades, condomínios residenciais entre outros como sistema descentralizado. O reator foi construído em fibra de vidro, de formato cilíndrico, com diâmetro interno de aproximadamente 0,80 m e 2,0 m de altura. O volume total foi de aproximadamente 0,905 m3 e o volume útil de 0,642 m3. A operação foi realizada sob condições de aeração contínua e intermitente e os tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH) testados foram de 48, 36 e 24 horas. A remoção de DQO manteve-se acima de 90% com TDH de 48 e 36 horas. A melhor eficiência de remoção de nitrogênio total foi de 72,4 ± 6,4%, sob TDH de 48 horas e a aeração intermitente, com 2 horas de aeração e 1 hora não aerada. A concentração de oxigênio dissolvido (OD) média de 2,8 ± 0,5 mg.L-1 na fase aerada e temperatura média de 24,7 ± 1,0 °C. Nesse mesmo período, a eficiência média de remoção de DQO foi de 94 ± 4 %. Apesar das dificuldades apresentadas no controle da aeração, as eficiências das remoções obtidas indicaram que o reator de leito estruturado e aeração intermitente (LEAI) se apresenta como uma alternativa promissora em escala plena, requerendo ajustes para construção e incremento da estabilidade da NDS.


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Este trabalho apresenta as avaliações de desempenho, das demandas operacionais e dos fatores intervenientes no aumento da escala da unidade piloto do Reator anaeróbio Horizontal de Leito Fixo (RAHLF) no tratamento de esgoto sanitário após passagem por peneira com malha de 1 mm, durante dois anos de operação. O reator dispunha de volume total de 237,5 1, construídos com tubos comerciais de PVC de 14,5 cm de diâmetro (D), dispostos em cinco módulos horizontais em série de 2,88 m, perfazendo um comprimento total de (L) de 14,4 m e relação de total de L/D de 100. O suporte de imobilização de biomassa, espuma de poliuretano em matrizes cúbicas de 1 cm de aresta, mostrou-se adequado ao desenvolvimento do biofilme. Em partida, sem inoculação prévia, ocorreu a sua consolidação a partir de 70 dias, com predominância de morfologia semelhante a Methanosaeta sp. em relação a da Methanosarcina. Em torno de 90 dias com afluente de 350 mg/l de DQO, observe-se a melhor qualidade do efluente, com valor de 100 mg/l de DQO. Em longa operação ocorreu queda de rendimento e menor reprodutibilidade das previsões do projeto, atribuída aos constantes entupimentos e ineficácia das operações de limpeza, com o comprometimento de volume reacional verificados por estudos de hidrodinâmica. Da investigação das origens dos equipamentos observou-se tratar mais de um efeito local e qualitativamente relacionado à biomassa retida que propriamente quantitativo e extensivo ao longo de todo reator, com produção continuada de polímeros extracelulares, promovendo um efeito sinérgico com os predominantes organismos filamentosos e com os sólidos particulados retidos no leito. Diante das potencialidades desta configuração de reator apontam-se alternativas de mitigação dos entupimentos e o direcionamento dos estudos necessários para novo aumento de escala para o tratamento de esgoto sanitário.


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Neste trabalho de doutorado utilizou-se um reator anaeróbio em batelada seqüencial contendo biomassa imobilizada em matrizes cúbicas de espuma de poliuretano e agitação mecânica, com volume total de 5.5 L e volume útil de 4.5 L. A agitação do meio líquido foi realizada com quatro tipos de impelidores (turbina tipo hélice, lâminas planas, lâminas planas inclinadas e lâminas curvas, testados individualmente, sempre em número de 3), com 6 cm de diâmetro. A pesquisa foi realizada em quatro etapas experimentais. A etapa 1 objetivou determinar o tempo de mistura no reator para cada tipo de impelidor, ou seja, o tempo necessário para que o meio líquido ficasse totalmente homogêneo. A etapa 2 objetivou selecionar o tipo de impelidor e a respectiva intensidade de agitação que garantisse a minimização da resistência à transferência de massa externa no sistema. As intensidades de agitação testadas variaram de 200 a 1100 rpm, dependendo do tipo de impelidor. A etapa 3 foi realizada com tipo de impelidor e intensidade de agitação definidos na etapa 2, mas variando-se o tamanho da biopartícula (0,5, 1,0, 2,0 e 3,0 cm de aresta). O objetivo desta etapa foi selecionar o tamanho de biopartícula que minimizasse a resistência à transferência de massa interna. De posse das condições operacionais otimizadas (tipo de impelidor, intensidade de agitação e tamanho de partícula de suporte), a etapa 4 constituiu na aplicação das mesmas para o tratamento de um resíduo real, sendo escolhida água residuária de suinocultura. Na etapa 1, os resultados mostraram que os tempos de mistura para todos os tipos de impelidores foram desprezíveis em relação ao tempo total de ciclo. A etapa 2 revelou tempos de partida muito curtos (cerca de 20 dias), em todas as condições testadas, sendo atingidas remoções de DQO próximas de 70%. Além disso, o tipo de impelidor exerceu grande influência na qualidade final do efluente, fato este claramente constatado quando as frações de DQO foram consideradas separadamente (filtrada e suspensa). De acordo com os resultados obtidos na etapa 3, o tamanho da biopartícula teve influência decisiva no desempenho do sistema, nas condições testadas. As velocidades de dissolução foram aparentemente influenciadas pelo empacotamento do leito de espuma, enquanto que o consumo da fração de DQO correspondente às amostras filtradas foi provavelmente influenciado por fatores mais complexos. Finalmente, o teste realizado com resíduo diluído de suinocultura demonstrou que a operação do reator em estudo para o tratamento deste tipo de água residuária é possível. Os dados operacionais mostraram que o reator permaneceu estável durante o período testado. A agitação mecânica provou ser eficiente para melhorar a degradação da DQO suspensa, um dos maiores problemas no tratamento deste tipo de água residuária. Sendo assim, de acordo com os dados experimentais obtidos ao longo do trabalho, pode-se afirmar que a agitação em reatores em batelada mostrou-se importante não somente para proporcionar boas condições de mistura ou melhorar a transferência de massa na fase líquida, mas também para melhorar a solubilização da matéria orgânica particulada, melhorando as velocidades de consumo de matéria orgânica.


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Nesse estudo, procurou-se investigar a influência do aumento de carga orgânica em um ASBR operado a 30ºC, agitado mecanicamente e contendo microrganismos imobilizados em suporte inerte. Para tal, foi aplicado um carregamento orgânico volumétrico variando de 1,5 a 6,0 g DQO/L.dia, alimentando-se um reator construído em acrílico (5,4 L) com 2 L de água residuária sintética com concentrações de 500 a 2000 mg DQO/L com fontes de carboidrato/proteína/lipídio, em bateladas de 8 a 12 h. O sistema apresentou eficiências de remoção de material orgânico entre 73% e 88% para as condições estudadas. Entretanto, quando o reator foi alimentado com uma concentração de 2000 mg DQO/L em bateladas de 8 h, verificou-se o acúmulo de ácidos voláteis totais, refletindo na redução da eficiência de remoção de material orgânico para 55%, para amostras filtradas. Os perfis dinâmicos ao longo da batelada permitiram concluir que, para a condição com o mesmo carregamento orgânico, porém com concentrações afluentes e tempos de ciclo diferentes, a produção inicial de ácidos voláteis totais foi mais acentuada para o caso de alimentação com maior concentração. Para condições com concentrações afluentes iguais, o tempo a mais para o ciclo foi fundamental para obter-se efluente de melhor qualidade em termos de remoção de matéria orgânica.


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The present study is about the Pseudomonas sp. BTMS-51 isolated from the marine sediments of Cochin Coast. In the present study, it is concluded that marine bacteria are ideal candidates for immobilization using either Ca-alginate entrapment or physical adsorption on to synthetic inert supports and the process of immobilization does not negatively influence them. Thus, Ca-alginate entrapment of the bacteria was found to be well suited for reuse of the biomass and extended operational stability during continuous operation. Adherence of the bacterium to inertsupports was observed to be strong and it imparted minimal stress on the immobilized bacterium and allowed detachment and relocation on the supports which enabled the formation of a dynamic equilibrium maintaining a stable cell loading. This is particularly desirable in the industry for extended operational stability and maintenance of consistently higher outputs. Marine Pseudomonas sp. BTMS-51 is ideal for industrial production of extra cellular L-glutaminase and immobilization on to synthetic inert support such as polyurethane foam could be an efficient technique, employing packed bed reactor for continuous production of the enzyme. Temperature and glutamine concentration had significant effects on enzyme production by cells immobilized on polyurethane foam (PUF).


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A marine Pseudomonas sp BTMS-51, immobilized by Ca-alginate gel entrapment was used for the production of extracellular Lglutaminase under repeated batch process and continuous process employing a packed bed reactor (PBR). Immobilized cells could produce an average of 25 U/ml of enzyme over 20 cycles of repeated batch operation and did not show any decline in production upon reuse. The enzyme yield correlated well with the biomass content in the beads. Continuous production of the enzyme in PBR was studied at different substrate concentrations and dilution rates. In general, the volumetric productivity increased with increased dilution rate and substrate concentrations and the substrate conversion efficiency declined. The PBR operated under conditions giving maximal substrate conversion efficiency gave an average yield of 21.07 U/ml and an average productivity of 13.49 U/ml/h. The system could be operated for 120 h without any decline in productivity


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In the current study, a novel non-acetone forming butanol and ethanol producer Was isolated and identified. Based on the 16s rDNA sequence BLAST and phylogenetic analyses, it was found to have high similarity with the reported hydrogen producing strains of Clostridium sporogenes. Biochemical studies revealed that it is lipase and protease positive. The lipolytic and proteolytic properties are the very important characteristics of Clostridium sporogenes. Sugar utilization profile studies were positive for glucose, saccharose, cellobiose and weakly positive result to xylose. This study demonstrated C. sporogenes BE01, an isolate from NIIST is having potential to compete with existing, well known butanol producers with the advantage of no acetone in the final solvent mixture. Rice straw hydrolysate is a potent source of substrate for butanol production by C. sporogenes BE01. Additional supplementation of vitamins and minerals were avoided by using rice straw hydrolysate as substrate. Its less growth, due to the inhibitors present in the hydrolysate and also inhibition by products resulted in less efficient conversion of sugars to butanol. Calcium carbonate played an important role in improving the butanol production, by providing the buffering action during fermentation and stimulating the electron transport mediators and redox reactions favoring butanol production. Its capability to produce acetic acid, butyric acid and hydrogen in significant quantities during butanol production adds value to the conversion process of lignocellulosic biomass to butanol. High cell density fermentation by immobilizing the cells on to ceramic particles improved the solvents and VFA production. Reduced sugar utilization from the concentrated hydrolysate could be due to accumulation of inhibitors in the hydrolysate during concentration. Two-stage fermentation was very efficient with immobilized cells and high conversions of sugars to solvents and VFAs were achieved. The information obtained from the study would be useful to develop a feasible technology for conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to biobutanol.


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Cellulase is an enzymatic complex which synergically promotes the degradation of cellulose to glucose. The adsorption behavior of cellulase from Trichoderma reesei onto Si wafers or amino-terminated surfaces was investigated by means of ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM) as a function of temperature. Upon increasing temperature from (24 +/- 1) to (60 +/- 1) degrees C, adsorption of cellulase became faster and more pronounced and the mean roughness of cellulase adsorbed layers increased. In the case of cellulase adsorbed onto Si wafers, Arrhenius`s plot allowed us to estimate the adsorption energy as 24.2 kJ mol(-1). The hydrolytic activity of free cellulase and cellulase immobilized onto Si wafers was tested using cellulose dispersions as substrates. The incubation temperature ranged from (37 +/- 1) to (60 +/- 1) degrees C. The highest efficiency was observed at (60 +/- 1) degrees C. The amount of glucose produced by free cellulase was similar to 20% higher than that obtained from immobilized cellulase. However, immobilizing cellulase onto Si wafers proved to be advantageous because they could be reused six times while retaining their original activity level. Such an effect was attributed to surface hydration, which prevents enzyme denaturation. The hydrolytic activity of cellulase immobilized onto amino-terminated surfaces was slightly lower than that observed for cellulase adsorbed onto Si wafers, and reuse was not possible.


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Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) microspheres with different degree of crystallinity were used as solid supports for Rhizomucor miehei lipase immobilization, and the enzyme-PVA complexes were used as biocatalysts for the transesterification of soybean oil to fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE). The amounts of immobilized enzyme on the polymeric supports were similar for both the amorphous microspheres (PVA4) and the high crystalline microspheres (PVA25). However, the enzymatic activity of the immobilized enzymes was depended on the crystallinity degree of the PVA microspheres: enzymes immobilized on the PVA4 microspheres have shown low enzymatic activity (6.13 U mg-1), in comparison with enzymes immobilized on the high crystalline PVA25 microspheres (149.15 U mg-1). A synergistic effect was observed for the enzyme-PVA25 complex during the transesterification reaction of soybean oil to FAEE: transesterification reactions with free enzyme with the equivalent amount of enzyme that were immobilized onto the PVA25 microspheres (5.4 U) have yielded only 20% of FAEE, reactions with the pure highly crystalline microsphere PVA25 have not yielded FAEE, however reactions with the enzyme-PVA25 complexes have yielded 66.3% of FAEE. This synergistic effect of an immobilized enzyme on a polymeric support has not been observed before for transesterification reaction of triacylglycerides into FAEE. Based on ATR-FTIR, 23Na- and 13C-NMR-MAS spectroscopic data and the interaction of the polymeric network intermolecular hydrogen bonds with the lipases residual amino acids a possible explanation for this synergistic effect is provided. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Zymomonas mobilis was immobilized using a cell suspension fixed to 8.6 x 10(7) CFU mL(-1) by spectrophotometry. This biomass was suspended in sodium alginate solution (3%) that was dropped with a hypodermic syringe into 0.2 M calcium chloride solution. Was test two initial pH of fermentation medium (4 and 5) and different sucrose concentrations 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35% at 30 degrees C, without stirring for 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. The levan production to pH 4 was high in sucrose 25% for 24 (16.51 g L-1) and 48 (15.31 g L-1) hours. The best values obtained to pH 5 was in sucrose 35% during 48 (22.39 g L-1) and 96 (23.5 g L-1) hours, respectively. The maximum levan yield was 40.8% and 22.47% in sucrose 15% to pH 4 and 5, respectively. Substrate consumption to pH 4 was bigger in sucrose 15 (56.4%) and 20% (59.4%) and to pH 5 was in 25 (68.85%) and 35% (64.64%). In relation to immobilization efficiency, Zymomonas mobilis showed high adhesion and colonization in support, indicated by cell growth increased from 107 to 10(9) CFU mL(-1) during fermentation time.