47 resultados para IGT
Thomas G. Brown, Ph.D., co-directeur de recherche
Introduction : La Fibrose Kystique (FK) est la maladie autosomique récessive la plus fréquente chez les Caucasiens et est due à une mutation du gène Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator (CFTR), codant pour un canal chlore. La principale mutation est la délétion de l'acide aminé phénylalanine en position 508. En raison de l’augmentation de l'espérance de vie, de nouvelles complications telles que le diabète associé à la FK (DAFK) ont vu le jour. Le DAFK semble principalement dû à un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline. Des études ont montré que les femmes et les personnes homozygotes ΔF508 ont un risque plus élevé de développer le DAFK. Objectifs : Comparer la sécrétion d'insuline entre les hommes et les femmes FK selon leur génotype CFTR. Notre hypothèse était que les femmes FK présentaient une sécrétion d'insuline moins élevée que des hommes. Méthodes : Deux cents sujets adultes sans diabète connu ont été recrutés dans la clinique de FK du CHUM et inclus dans cette étude. Cent seize ont été revus après un suivi de 24 ± 10 mois. Leur génotype CFTR a été extrait à partir des dossiers médicaux. Tous les sujets ont subi une hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale de 2-h (HGPO) afin de déterminer leur tolérance au glucose : normale (NGT), intolérance (IGT) ou DAFK. Des échantillons de sang ont été prélevés aux temps 0, 30, 60, 90, et 120 min de l’HGPO. À partir de ces derniers, la sécrétion d'insuline et la sensibilité à l’insuline des sujets ont été évaluées en utilisant les indices de Stumvoll et les aires sous la courbe de l’insuline durant l’HGPO. Résultats : Pour une excursion glycémique comparable, il y avait des différences significatives dans les concentrations d'insuline entre les hommes et les femmes et selon le génotype CFTR. Ainsi, les femmes et les sujets hétérozygotes avaient des concentrations d’insuline plus élevées que les hommes et les sujets homozygotes. Cela restait significatif quelle que soit leur tolérance au glucose. Le calcul du disposition index représentant la sécrétion d'insuline ajustée pour le degré de sensibilité à l’insuline a suggéré une sécrétion d'insuline plus élevée chez les femmes que les hommes. Le suivi prospectif nous a permis de déterminer que cette sécrétion plus élevée d’insuline était associée à une évolution plus favorable pour la tolérance au glucose. Fait intéressant, cette constatation n'était vraie que pour les femmes. Conclusion : Dans une vaste cohorte prospective observationnelle de patients FK sans diabète connu, nous avons démontré qu’en dépit d’un âge et d’une fonction pulmonaire semblables, les femmes présentaient une sécrétion d'insuline supérieure à celle des hommes et que cela pourrait avoir un effet protecteur, à court terme, chez celles-ci pour le développement du DAFK.
L’objectif de la présente étude consiste à tenter de mieux connaître la population judiciarisée qui se présente en traitement pour des problèmes de toxicomanies. Deux cent seize clients admis en traitement dans deux centres de réadaptation en toxicomanie du Québec constituent l’échantillon. Ces sujets ont répondu à l’Indice de gravité d’une toxicomanie (IGT-ASI), au Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI), à l’Inventaire de personnalité Jesness, et au University of Rhodes Island Change Assessment Scale (URICA). Ces outils nous serviront à décrire la popula~tion étudiée. L’analyse des données nous entraîne dans une réflexion à deux niveaux. D’une part, l’observation de problématiques multiples dans la population à l’étude nous questionne sur les possibilités de mettre en place des services de traitement adéquats pour ces personnes qui apparaissent éprouver des problèmes d’adaptation à plusieurs niveaux. D’autre part, le niveau des problèmes de toxicomanie des personnes référées par le système de justice nous interroge sur la pertinence de certaines de ces références.
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O interesse em estudar o papel de variáveis sócio-demográficas no funcionamento cognitivo vem ganhando destaque nos últimos anos. Alguns estudos em neuropsicologia têm mostrado que os fatores sócio-culturais podem ser variáveis importantes na execução de tarefas neuropsicológicas. No entanto, pesquisas com populações saudáveis ainda são recentes na área. O presente artigo teve por objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o papel das variáveis sócio-demográficas escolaridade, idade e gênero no processamento da tomada de decisão avaliado pelo Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Foram consultadas as bases de dados Medline, Pubmed, Psycinfo e Web of Science, no período de 2000 até 2010, com as seguintes palavras-chaves na sintaxe “education OR schooling AND Iowa Gambling Task” OR “somatic marker” para a variável escolaridade; “age” OR “aging” AND “Iowa Gambling Task” OR “somatic marker” para a variável idade e; “sex” OR “gender” AND “Iowa Gambling Task” OR “somatic marker” para a variável sexo/gênero. Dos abstracts que preenchiam os critérios de inclusão, foram examinados 9 artigos completos para a variável idade, 3 artigos para a variável escolaridade e 6 artigos para a variável gênero. Foram encontrados poucos estudos sobre os fatores idade, escolaridade e gênero e seu impacto no desempenho do IGT. A variável mais estudada foi a idade. A maioria dos estudos mostrou que os adultos jovens tiveram uma melhor aprendizagem ao longo da tarefa do que os adultos idosos, mas não tiveram diferenças quanto ao desempenho total no instrumento. Já quanto ao fator escolaridade poucos estudos foram encontrados e quanto à variável gênero os resultados são contraditórios. Assim, evidencia-se a necessidade de um maior número de investigações com populações saudáveis que esclareçam o papel das variáveis idade, escolaridade e gênero na tomada de decisão mensurada pelo IGT.
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A Quaternaire Portugal - Consultoria para o Desenvolvimento SA1 (QP), empresa de capitais maioritariamente portugueses fundada em 1990, é constituída por um equipa pluridisciplinar e polivalente que presta serviços diversificados nos domínios da avaliação, da cultura, do emprego, competências e formação profissional, do planeamento estratégico, das políticas urbanas e do planeamento e ordenamento do território, tendo acompanhado e participado ativamente na evolução das políticas públicas nas últimas décadas especialmente em Portugal. No domínio do ordenamento do território e urbanismo, a QP tem colaborado na execução de instrumentos de gestão territorial (IGT) quer no Continente, quer nas Regiões Autónomas dos Açores (RAA) e da Madeira (RAM), pelo que a presente reflexão incide especialmente sobre a experiência da QP nos territórios insulares, em especial no dos Açores, para o qual a QP tem vindo a desenvolver IGT de âmbitos e conteúdos diversos.
The Iowa gambling task (IGT) is one of the most influential behavioral paradigms in reward-related decision making and has been, most notably, associated with ventromedial prefrontal cortex function. However, performance in the IGT relies on a complex set of cognitive subprocesses, in particular integrating information about the outcome of choices into a continuously updated decision strategy under ambiguous conditions. The complexity of the task has made it difficult for neuroimaging studies to disentangle the underlying neurocognitive processes. In this study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging in combination with a novel adaptation of the task, which allowed us to examine separately activation associated with the moment of decision or the evaluation of decision outcomes. Importantly, using whole-brain regression analyses with individual performance, in combination with the choice/outcome history of individual subjects, we aimed to identify the neural overlap between areas that are involved in the evaluation of outcomes and in the progressive discrimination of the relative value of available choice options, thus mapping the two fundamental cognitive processes that lead to adaptive decision making. We show that activation in right ventromedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was predictive of adaptive performance, in both discriminating disadvantageous from advantageous decisions and confirming negative decision outcomes. We propose that these two prefrontal areas mediate shifting away from disadvantageous choices through their sensitivity to accumulating negative outcomes. These findings provide functional evidence of the underlying processes by which these prefrontal subregions drive adaptive choice in the task, namely through contingency-sensitive outcome evaluation.
There is an increasing body of research investigating whether abnormal glucose tolerance is associated with cognitive impairments, the evidence from which is equivocal. A systematic search of the literature identified twenty-three studies which assessed either clinically defined impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or variance in glucose tolerance within the clinically defined normal range (NGT). The findings suggest that poor glucose tolerance is associated with cognitive impairments, with decrements in verbal memory being most prevalent. However, the evidence for decrements in other domains was weak. The NGT studies report a stronger glucose tolerance-cognition association than the IGT studies, which is likely to be due to the greater number of glucose tolerance parameters and the more sensitive cognitive tests in the NGT studies compared to the IGT studies. It is also speculated that the negative cognitive impact of abnormalities in glucose tolerance increases with age, and that glucose consumption is most beneficial to individuals with poor glucose tolerance compared to individuals with normal glucose tolerance. The role of potential mechanisms are discussed.
PAPRO operates within the Forest Research company and their mission is to develop value-addingindustry solutions. At present there are no good ways for mills to easily test the printing quality on newsprintpaper. There is a great need for a fast way to do this on different paper qualities; with a laboratory-offset press this can be both a time and money saving method. At PAPRO Forest Research, NewZealand, a laboratory offset press has been developed and designed, during the past seven years, concerningthis issue. Earlier projects were made concerning the press, e.g. to establish the optimal settings.The mission with this project was to partly determine the present variability of the print quality andto evaluate if the fountain solution, distilled water and 2% Diol green concentrate, used at the momentmixed with different percentages of Isopropanol could decrease the variability and contribute to morestabile results. Throughout the whole project the print quality showed a high variation and was evenmore variable when the Isopropanol was added. All in all 50 print rounds times twelve printed paperstrips was carried out through the project divided into three parts. To analyse the print quality, amicroscope with an image capture camera has been used. Data from the taken images was analysedand inserted into charts to see the variations.The conclusions of the whole project are not satisfying because no final evaluations were possible tomake. Main conclusions are that the additive of Isopropanol to the ordinary fountain solution, used atpresent, only contributed to more unstable results of the print quality. And it seems to be difficult toget some stable results from the lab press as long as the room where it is placed is not fully conditionedas required for the process of offset printing. And the fact that the airbrush which applies theamount of fountain solution is also variable, as shown in earlier projects, which contributes to unstableresults as well. For further work more exact parameters as a conditioned room are required and thepossibility to further design the laboratory press to use waterless offset printing instead.
A laboratory offset press has been developed over the last five years at PAPRO for testing print qualityon newsprint, as at present, there is no good way for the mills to test this issue. In this project a comparisonhas been made between a laboratory offset press and a commercial press to see if the laboratoryoffset press can be used as a reliable test method or if a further development is needed.To evaluate the method, similar papers have been printed in both presses and compared using imageanalysis techniques. All together eighteen samples were tested which is enough to give comparableresults. The print quality showed a high variation, the values from the laboratory offset press and thecommercial press were not following the same trends. At present time the laboratory offset press needsome further development before it can be used as a reliable test method for halftone prints. Even sosome conclusions were made.The newsprint that has been used came from Norske Skog Tasman Mill (Kawerau), since the otheraim of this project was to do a repeatability study of their three existing paper machines to distinguishpossible differences in the production. The paper samples were taken from each paper machine on sixdifferent dates to give a representative result. This also gave the opportunity to compare the machinesbetween themselves. Comparison between the machines shows that the wire side gives a better andmore even result than the topside on the prints from the laboratory offset press. According to the resultfrom the commercial press the wire side shows a higher degree of variability. Samples from papermachine 2 and 3 were less variable and had the lowest standard deviation of grey level for solid areas.This suggests that newsprints from PM 2 and PM 3 give a more even print quality with a better inkcoverage.
Na fase de tolerância à glicose diminuída (TGD) já estão presentes vários distúrbios metabólicos característicos do diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e fatores de risco que predispõem à vasculopatia. Nosso objetivo foi o de verificar se indivíduos de nossa população, com TGD e normotensos, apresentam elevação da excreção urinária de albumina (EUA) e da depuração de creatinina (D Cr). Teste oral de tolerância à glicose padrão com dosagem de insulina foi realizado, classificando os participantes em dois grupos: com TGD e com tolerância à glicose normal (TGN). Urina do período noturno foi utilizada para a determinação da EUA (imunoturbidimetria) e da D Cr. Os dois grupos não diferiram quanto à EUA e à D Cr. A freqüência de microalbuminúria foi de 21,1 e 3,3%, respectivamente, para os grupos com TGD e TGN (NS). Concluímos que, nesta amostra da população brasileira, indivíduos com TGD, normotensos e com resistência à insulina não apresentaram microalbuminúria e hiperfiltração glomerular.
The equilibrium point between blood lactate production and removal (La-min(-)) and the individual anaerobic threshold (IAT) protocols have been used to evaluate exercise. During progressive exercise, blood lactate [La-](b), catecholamine and cortisol concentrations, show exponential increases at upper anaerobic threshold intensities. Since these hormones enhance blood glucose concentrations [Glc](b), this study investigated the [Glc] and [La-](b) responses during incremental tests and the possibility of considering the individual glucose threshold (IGT) and glucose minimum;(Glc(min)) in addition to IAT and La-min(-) in evaluating exercise. A group of 15 male endurance runners ran in four tests on the track 3000 m run (v(3km)); IAT and IGT- 8 x 800 m runs at velocities between 84% and 102% of v(3km); La-min(-) and Glc(min) - after lactic acidosis induced by a 500-m sprint, the subjects ran 8 x 800 m at intensities between 87% and 97% of v(3km); endurance test (ET)- 30 min at the velocity of IAT. Capillary blood (25 mu l) was collected for [La-](b) and [Glc](b) measurements. The TAT and IGT were determined by [La-](b) and [Glc](b) kinetics during the second test. The La-min(-) and Glc(min) were determined considering the lowest [La-] and [Glc](b) during the third test. No differences were observed (P < 0.05) and high correlations were obtained between the velocities at IAT [283 (SD 19) and IGT 281 (SD 21)m. min(-1); r = 0.096; P < 0.001] and between La,, [285 (SD 21)] and Glc(min) [287 (SD 20) m. min(-1) = 0.77; P < 0.05]. During ET, the [La-](b) reached 5.0 (SD 1.1) and 5.3 (SD 1.0) mmol 1(-1) at 20 and 30 min, respectively (P > 0.05). We concluded that for these subjects it was possible to evaluate the aerobic capacity by IGT and Glc(min), as well as by IAT and La-min(-).
In a cross-sectional study, we assessed beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity index (ISI) with hyperglycemic clamps (10 mmol/l) in 24 subjects with impaired fasting glycemia (IFG, fasting plasma glucose [FPG] between 6.1 and 7.0 mmol/l), 15 type 2 diabetic subjects (FPG >7.0 mmol/l), and 280 subjects with normal fasting glycemia (NFG, FPG <6.1 mmol/l). First-phase insulin release (0-10 min) was lower in IFG (geometric mean 541 pmol/l (.) 10 min; 95% confidence interval [CI] 416-702 pmol/l (.) 10 min) and in type 2 diabetes (geometric mean 376 pmol/l (.) 10 min; 95% CI 247-572 pmol/l (.) 10 min) than NFG (geometric mean 814 pmol/l (.) 10 min; 95% CI 759-873 pmol/l (.) 10 min) (P < 0.001). Second-phase insulin secretion (140-180 min) was also lower in IFG (geometric mean 251 pmol/l; 95% CI 198-318 pmol/l; P = 0.026) and type 2 diabetes (geometric mean 157 pmol/l; 95% CI 105-235 pmol/l; P < 0.001) than NFG (geometric mean 295 pmol/l; 95% CI 276-315 pmol/l): IFG and type 2 diabetic subjects had a lower ISI (0.15 +/- 0.02 and 0.16 +/- 0.02 mumol/kg fat-free mass [FFM]/min/ pmol/l, respectively) than NFG (0.24 +/- 0.01 mumol/kg FFM/min/pmol/l, P < 0.05). We found a stepwise decline in first-phase (and second-phase) secretion in NFG subjects with progressive decline in oral glucose tolerance (P < 0.05). IFG subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) had lower first-phase secretion than NFG subjects with IGT (P < 0.02), with comparable second-phase secretion and ISI. NFG and IFG subjects with a diabetic glucose tolerance (2-h glucose >11.1 mmol/l) had a lower ISI than their respective IGT counterparts (P < 0.05). We conclude that the early stages of glucose intolerance are associated with disturbances in beta-cell function, while insulin resistance is seen more markedly in later stages.
We performed hyperglycemic clamps in 283 nondiabetic Caucasians and, with multiple linear regression, determined the contribution of beta-cell function and tissue insulin sensitivity to variations in glycemia and insulinemia during oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs). Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) subjects had reduced insulin sensitivity(P < .02) and beta-cell function (P < .0001). Normal glucose tolerance (NGT) subjects with first-degree type 2 diabetic relatives had reduced first and second phase insulin secretion (both, P < .05), but normal insulin sensitivity(P = .37). beta-Cell function and insulin sensitivity accounted for one fourth of the variability in glucose tolerance. Fasting plasma glucose in subjects with NGT (n = 185) was a function of both phases of insulin secretion and of insulin sensitivity tall, P < .05), whereas, in IGT subjects (n = 98), it was a function of first phase insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity(P < .01). Two-hour glycemia was a function of second phase secretion and insulin sensitivity (P < .01). Fasting and 2-hour plasma insulin levels were determined by insulin sensitivity land glycemia) in NGT subjects (P < .001), but by second phase secretion in IGT (P < .001). We conclude that beta-cell function is reduced in subjects with IGT; glycemia and insulinemia are not regulated by the same mechanisms in IGT and NGT; insulin sensitivity does not contribute to insulinemia in IGT; family history of diabetes influences beta-cell function, but not insulin sensitivity in Caucasians. Copyright (C) 2000 by W.B. Saunders Company.