971 resultados para IGF-I and cell migration


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The rate and direction of fibroblast locomotion is regulated by the formation of lamellipodia. In turn, lamellipodal formation is modulated in part by adhesion of that region of the cell from which the lamellipodia will extend or orginate. Cell surface $\beta$1,4-galactosyltransferase (GalTase) is one molecule that has been demonstrated to mediate cellular interactions with extracellular matrices. In the case of fibroblasts, GalTase must be associated with the actin cytoskeleton in order to mediate cellular adhesion to laminin. The object of this study was to determine how altering the quantity of GalTase capable of associating with the cytoskeleton impacts cell motility. Stably transfected cell lines were generated that have increased or decreased levels of surface GalTase relative to its cytoskeleton-binding sites. Biochemical analyses of these cells reveals that there is a limited number of sites on the cytoskeleton with which GalTase can interact. Altering the ratio of GalTase to its cytoskeleton binding sites does not affect the cells' abilities to spread, nor does it affect the localization of cytoskeletally-bound GalTase. It does, however, appear to interfere with stress fiber bundling. Cells with altered GalTase:cytoskeleton ratios change their polarity of laminin more frequently, as compared to controls. Therefore, the ectopic expression of GalTase cytoplasmic domains impairs a cell's ability to control the placement of lamellipodia. Cells were then tested for their ability to respond to a directional stimulus, a gradient of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). It was found that the ability of a cell to polarize in response to a gradient of PDGF is directly proportional to the quantity of GalTase associated with its cytoskeleton. Finally, the rate of unidirectional cell migration on laminin was found to be directly dependent upon surface GalTase expression and is inversely related to the ability of surface GalTase to interact with the cytoskeleton. It is therefore proposed that cytoskeletal assembly and lamellipodal formation can be regulated by the altering the ratio of cytoplasmic domains for specific matrix receptors, such as GalTase, relative to their cytoskeleton-binding sites. ^


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BPAG1a and BPAG1b (BPAG1a/b) constitute two major isoforms encoded by the dystonin (Dst) gene and show homology with MACF1a and MACF1b. These proteins are members of the plakin family, giant multi-modular proteins able to connect the intermediate filament, microtubule and microfilament cytoskeletal networks with each other and to distinct cell membrane sites. They also serve as scaffolds for signaling proteins that modulate cytoskeletal dynamics. To gain better insights into the functions of BPAG1a/b, we further characterized their C-terminal region important for their interaction with microtubules and assessed the role of these isoforms in the cytoskeletal organization of C2.7 myoblast cells. Our results show that alternative splicing does not only occur at the 5' end of Dst and Macf1 pre-mRNAs, as previously reported, but also at their 3' end, resulting in expression of additional four mRNA variants of BPAG1 and MACF1. These isoform-specific C-tails were able to bundle microtubules and bound to both EB1 and EB3, two microtubule plus end proteins. In the C2.7 cell line, knockdown of BPAG1a/b had no major effect on the organization of the microtubule and microfilament networks, but negatively affected endocytosis and maintenance of the Golgi apparatus structure, which became dispersed. Finally, knockdown of BPAG1a/b caused a specific decrease in the directness of cell migration, but did not impair initial cell adhesion. These data provide novel insights into the complexity of alternative splicing of Dst pre-mRNAs and into the role of BPAG1a/b in vesicular transport, Golgi apparatus structure as well as in migration in C2.7 myoblasts.


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Intensified aquaculture has strong impact on fish health by stress and infectious diseases and has stimulated the interest in the orchestration of cytokines and growth factors, particularly their influence by environmental factors, however, only scarce data are available on the GH/IGF-system, central physiological system for development and tissue shaping. Most recently, the capability of the host to cope with tissue damage has been postulated as critical for survival. Thus, the present study assessed the combined impacts of estrogens and bacterial infection on the insulin-like growth factors (IGF) and tumor-necrosis factor (TNF)-α. Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to 2 different concentrations of 17β-estradiol (E2) and infected with Yersinia ruckeri. Gene expressions of IGF-I, IGF-II and TNF-α were measured in liver, head kidney and spleen and all 4 estrogen receptors (ERα1, ERα2, ERβ1 and ERβ2) known in rainbow trout were measured in liver. After 5 weeks of E2 treatment, hepatic up-regulation of ERα1 and ERα2, but down-regulation of ERß1 and ERß2 were observed in those groups receiving E2-enriched food. In liver, the results further indicate a suppressive effect of Yersinia-infection regardless of E2-treatment on day 3, but not of E2-treatment on IGF-I whilst TNF-α gene expression was not influenced by Yersinia-infection but was reduced after 5 weeks of E2-treatment. In spleen, the results show a stimulatory effect of Yersinia-infection, but not of E2-treatment on both, IGF-I and TNF-α gene expressions. In head kidney, E2 strongly suppressed both, IGF-I and TNF-α. To summarise, the treatment effects were tissue- and treatment-specific and point to a relevant role of IGF-I in infection.


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Rab5 is a regulatory GTPase of vesicle docking and fusion that is involved in receptor-mediated endocytosis and pinocytosis. Introduction of active Rab5 in cells stimulates the rate of endocytosis and vesicle fusion, resulting in the formation of large endocytic vesicles, whereas dominant negative Rab5 inhibits vesicle fusion. Here we show that introduction of active Rab5 in fibroblasts also induced reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton but not of microtubule filaments, resulting in prominent lamellipodia formation. The Rab5-induced lamellipodia formation did not require activation of PI3-K or the GTPases Ras, Rac, Cdc42, or Rho, which are all strongly implicated in cytoskeletal reorganization. Furthermore, lamellipodia formation by insulin, Ras, or Rac was not affected by expression of dominant negative Rab5. In addition, cells expressing active Rab5 displayed a dramatic stimulation of cell migration, with the lamellipodia serving as the leading edge. Both lamellipodia formation and cell migration were dependent on actin polymerization but not on microtubules. These results demonstrate that Rab5 induces lamellipodia formation and cell migration and that the Rab5-induced lamellipodia formation occurs by a novel mechanism independent of, and distinct from, PI3-K, Ras, or Rho-family GTPases. Thus, Rab5 can control not only endocytosis but also actin cytoskeleton reorganization and cell migration, which provides strong support for an intricate relationship between these processes.


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Numerous studies have reported associations between IGF-I and other extra cellular matrix (ECM) proteins, including fibronectin (FN), integrins, IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) and through IGFBPs, with vitronectin (VN). Nevertheless, the precise nature and mechanisms of these interactions are still being characterised. In this paper, we discuss transglutaminases (TGases) as a constituent of the ECM and provide evidence for the first time that IGF-I is a lysine (K)-donor substrate to TGases. When IGF-I was incubated with an alpha-2 plasmin inhibitor-derived Q peptide in the presence of tissue transglutaminase (TG2), an IGF-I:Q peptide cross-linked species was detected using Western immunoblotting and confirmed by mass spectrometry. Similar findings were observed in the presence of Factor XIIIa (FXIIIa) TGase. To identify the precise location of this K-donor TGase site/s on IGF-I, all the three IGF-I K-sites, individually and collectively (K27, K65 and K68), were substituted to arginine (R) using site-directed mutagenesis. Incubation of these K→R IGF-I analogues with Q peptide in the presence of TG2 or FXIIIa resulted in the absence of cross-linking in IGF-I analogues bearing arginine substitution at site 68. This established that K68 within the IGF-I D-domain was the principal K-donor site to TGases. We further annotated the functional significance of these K→R IGF-I analogues on IGF-I mediated actions. IGF-I analogues with K→R substitution within the D-domain at K65 and K68 hindered migration of MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells and correspondingly reduced PI3-K/AKT activation. Therefore, this study also provides first insights into a possible functional role of the previously uncharacterised IGF-I D-domain.


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Members of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) family have been shown to play critical roles in normal growth and development, as well as in tumour biology. The IGF system is complex and the biological effects of the IGFs are determined by their diverse interactions between many molecules, including their interactions with extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Recent studies have demonstrated that IGFs associate with the ECM protein vitronectin (VN) through IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP) and that this interaction modulates IGF-stimulated biological functions, namely cell migration and cell survival through the cooperative involvement of the type-I IGF receptor (IGF-1R) and VN-binding integrins. Since IGFs play important roles in the transformation and progression of breast cancer and VN has been found to be over-expressed at the leading edge of breast tumours, this project aimed to describe the effects of IGF-I:VN interactions on breast cell function. This was undertaken to dissect the molecular mechanisms underlying IGF-I:VN-induced responses and to design inhibitors to block the effects of such interactions. The studies described herein demonstrate that the increase in migration of MCF-7 breast cancer cells in response to the IGF-I:IGFBP-5:VN complex is accompanied by differential expression of genes known to be involved in migration, invasion and/or survival, including Tissue-factor (TF), Stratifin (SFN), Ephrin-B2, Sharp-2 and PAI-1. This „migration gene signature‟ was confirmed using real-time PCR analysis. Substitution of the native IGF-I within the IGF-I:IGFBP:VN complex with the IGF-I analogue, \[L24]\[A31]-IGF-I, which has a reduced affinity for the IGF-1R, failed to stimulate cell migration and interestingly, also failed to induce the differential gene expression. This supports the involvement of the IGF-1R in mediating these changes in gene expression. Furthermore, lentiviral shRNA-mediated stable knockdown of TF and SFN completely abrogated the increased cell migration induced by IGF-I:IGFBP:VN complexes in MCF-7 cells. Indeed, when these cells were grown in 3D Matrigel™ cultures a decrease in the overall size of the 3D spheroids in response to the IGF-I:IGFBP:VN complexes was observed compared to the parental MCF-7 cells. This suggests that TF and SFN have a role in complex-stimulated cell survival. Moreover, signalling studies performed on cells with the reduced expression of either TF or SFN had a decreased IGF-1R activation, suggesting the involvement of signalling pathways downstream of IGF-1R in TF- and/or SFN-mediated cell migration and cell survival. Taken together, these studies provide evidence for a common mechanism activated downstream of the IGF-1R that induces the expression of the „migration gene signature‟ in response to the IGF-I:IGFBP:VN complex that confers breast cancer cells the propensity to migrate and survive. Given the functional significance of the interdependence of ECM and growth factor (GF) interactions in stimulating processes key to breast cancer progression, this project aimed at developing strategies to prevent such growth factor:ECM interactions in an effort to inhibit the downstream functional effects. This may result in the reduction in the levels of ECM-bound IGF-I present in close proximity to the cells, thereby leading to a reduction in the stimulation of IGF-1R present on the cell surface. Indeed, the inhibition of IGF-I-mediated effects through the disruption of its association with ECM would not alter the physiological levels of IGF-I and potentially only exert effects in situations where abnormal over expression of ECM proteins are found; namely carcinomas and hyperproliferative diseases. In summary, this PhD project has identified novel, innovative and realistic strategies that can be used in vitro to inhibit the functions exerted by the IGF-I:IGFBP:VN multiprotein complexes critical for cancer progression, with a potential to be translated into in vivo investigations. Furthermore, TF and SFN were found to mediate IGF-I:IGFBP:VN-induced effects, thereby revealing their potential to be used as therapeutic targets or as predictive biomarkers for the efficacy of IGF-1R targeting therapies in breast cancer patients. In addition to its therapeutic and clinical scope, this PhD project has significantly contributed to the understanding of the role of the IGF system in breast tumour biology by providing valuable new information on the mechanistic events underpinning IGF-I:VN-mediated effects on breast cell functions. Furthermore, this is the first instance where favourable binding sites for IGF-II, IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-5 on VN have been identified. Taken together, this study has functionally characterised the interactions between IGF-I and VN and through innovative strategies has provided a platform for the development of novel therapies targeting these interactions and their downstream effects.


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Background: The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system is composed of ligands and receptors which regulate cell proliferation, survival, differentiation and migration. Some functions are regulated via intracellular signaling cascades, others by involvement of the extracellular milieu, including binding proteins and other extracellular matrix proteins. However, understanding of their functions and the exact nature of these interactions remains incomplete. Methods: IGF-I was PEGylated at its lysine sites - K27, K65 and K68. Binding of PEG-IGF-I to the IGFBPs was analyzed using BIAcore and its ability to activate the IGF-IR was assessed using IGF-IR phosphorylation assay. Furthermore, functional consequences of PEGylating the lysine residues of IGF-I was investigated using cell viability and cell migration assays. In addition, particular downstream signaling pathways regularly implicated in these mechanisms were also dissected using phospho-AKT and phospho-ERK1/2 assays. Results: In this study, IGF-I specifically PEGylated at lysine 27 (PEG-K27), 65 (PEG-K65) or 68 (PEG-K68) were employed. Receptor phosphorylation was only reduced by 2-fold with PEG-K65 and PEG-K68 over all the time points tested, and as observed in two cell types, 3T3 fibroblasts and MCF-7 breast cancer cells. PEGylation at K27 resulted in a much larger effect, with more than 10-fold lower activation for 3T3 fibroblasts and a ~3 fold reduced IGF-IR activation for MCF-7 breast cancer cells over 15 minutes. In addition, all PEG-IGF-I variants demonstrated a ten-fold reduction in the association rate to IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs). Functionally, all PEG variants completely lost their ability to induce cell migration in the presence of IGFBP-3/vitronectin (VN) complexes as compared to IGF-I; in contrast, cell viability was fully preserved. Further investigations into the downstream signaling pathways revealed that the PI3-K/AKT pathway was preferentially affected upon treatment with the PEG-IGF-I variants compared to the MAPK/ERK pathway. Conclusion: PEGylation of IGF-I has an impact on cell migration but not cell viability. General significance: PEG-IGF-I may differentially modulate IGF-I mediated functions that are dependent on its interaction with its receptor as well as key extracellular proteins such as VN and IGFBPs.


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Objective: Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HM beta) is a metabolite of leucine widely used for improving sports performance. Although limp is recognized to promote anabolic or anti-catabolic effects on protein metabolism, the impact of its long-term use on skeletal muscle and/or genes that control the skeletal protein balance is not fully known. This study aimed to investigate whether chronic HM beta treatment affects the activity of GH/IGF-I axis and skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA expression. Design: Rats were treated with HK beta (320 mg/kg BW) or vehicle, by gavage, for 4 weeks, and killed by decapitation. Blood was collected for evaluation of serum insulin, glucose and IGF-I concentrations. Samples of pituitary, liver, extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles were collected for total RNA or protein extraction to evaluate the expression of pituitary growth hormone (GH) gene (mRNA and protein), hepatic insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) mRNA, skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA by Northern blotting/real time-PCR, or Western blotting. Results: Chronic HM beta treatment increased the content of pituitary GH mRNA and GH, hepatic IGF-I mRNA and serum IGF-I concentration. No changes were detected on skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA expression. However, the HIM-treated rats although normoglycemic, exhibited hyperinsulinemia. Conclusions: The data presented herein extend the body of evidence on the potential role of HM beta-treatment in stimulating GH/IGF-I axis activity. In spite of this effect, HM beta supplementation also induces an apparent insulin resistance state which might limit the beneficial aspects of the former results, at least in rats under normal nutritional status and health conditions. (C) 2010 Growth Hormone Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system is a key regulator of cell growth, survival and differentiation, and these functions are co-modulated by other growth factors including fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2). To investigate IGF/FGF interactions in neuronal cells, we employed neuroblastoma cells (SK-N-MC). In serum free conditions proliferation of the SK-N-MC cells was promoted by IGF-I (25 ng/ml), but blunted by FGF-2 (50 ng/ml). IGF-I-induced proliferation was abolished in the presence of FGF-2 even when IGF-I was used at 100 ng/ml. In addition to our previously described FGF-2 induced proteolytic cleavage of IGFBP-2, we found that FGF-2 increased IGFBP-6 levels in conditioned medium (CM) without affecting IGFBP-6 mRNA abundance. Modulation of IGFBP-2 and -6 levels were not significant mechanisms involved in the blockade of IGF-I action since the potent IGF-I analogues [QAYL]IGF-I and des(1-3)IGF-I (minimal IGFBP affinity) were unable to overcome FGF-2 inhibition of cell proliferation. FGF-2 treated cells showed morphological differentiation expressing the TUJ1 neuronal marker while cells treated with IGF-I alone showed no morphological change. When IGF-I was combined with FGF-2, however, cell morphology was indistinguishable from that seen with FGF-2 alone. FGF-2 inhibited proliferation and enhanced differentiation was also associated with a 70% increase in cell death. Although IGF-I alone was potently anti-apoptotic (60% decreased), IGF-I was unable to prevent apoptosis when administrated in combination with FGF-2. Gene-array analysis confirmed FGF-2 activation of the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways and blockade of IGF anti-apoptotic signaling. FGF-2, directly and indirectly, overcomes the proliferative and anti-apoptotic activity of IGF-I by complex mechanisms, including enhancement of differentiation and apoptotic pathways, and inhibition of IGF-I induced anti-apoptotic signalling. Modulation of IGF binding protein abundance by FGF-2 does not play a significant role in inhibition of IGF-I induced mitogenesis.


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Hypoxia is one of many factors involved in the regulation of the IGF system. However, no information is available regarding the regulation of the IGF system by acute hypoxia in humans. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of acute hypoxia on the IGF system of children. Design: Twenty-seven previously health children (14 boys and 13 girls) aged 15 days to 9.5 years were studied in two different situations: during a hypoxemic state (HS) due to acute respiratory distress and after full recovery to a normoxemic state (NS). In these two situations oxygen saturation was assessed with a pulse-oximeter and blood samples were collected for serum IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-1, IGFBP-3, ALS and insulin determination by ELISA; fluoroimmunometric assay determination for GH and also for IGF1R gene expression analysis in peripheral lymphocytes by quantitative real-time PCR. Data were paired and analyzed by the Wilcoxon non-parametric test. Results: Oxygen saturation was significantly lower during HS than in NS (P<0.0001). IGF-I and IGF-II levels were lower during HS than in NS (P<0.0001 and P=0.0004. respectively). IGFBP-3 levels were also lower in HS than in NS (P=0.0002) while ALS and basal GH levels were higher during HS (P=0.0015 and P=0.014, respectively). Moreover, IGFBP-1 levels were higher during HS than in NS (P=0.004). No difference was found regarding insulin levels. The expression of IGF1R mRNA as 2(-Delta Delta CT) was higher during HS than in NS (P=0.03). Conclusion: The above results confirm a role of hypoxia in the regulation of the IGF system also in humans. This effect could be direct on the liver and/or mediated by GH and it is not restricted to the hepatocytes but involves other cell lines. During acute hypoxia a combination of alterations usually associated with reduced IGF action was observed. The higher expression of IGF1R mRNA may reflect an up-regulation of the transcriptional process. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) stimulate angiogenesis within a wound environment and this effect is mediated through paracrine interactions with the endothelial cells present. Here we report that human MSC-conditioned medium (n=3 donors) significantly increased EaHy-926 endothelial cell adhesion and cell migration, but that this stimulatory effect was markedly donor-dependent. MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry demonstrated that whilst collagen type I and fibronectin were secreted by all of the MSC cultures, the small leucine rich proteoglycan, decorin was secreted only by the MSC culture that was least effective upon EaHy-926 cells. These individual extracellular matrix components were then tested as culture substrata. EaHy-926 cell adherence was greatest on fibronectin-coated surfaces with least adherence on decorin-coated surfaces. Scratch wound assays were used to examine cell migration. EaHy-926 cell scratch wound closure was quickest on substrates of fibronectin and slowest on decorin. However, EaHy-926 cell migration was stimulated by the addition of MSC-conditioned medium irrespective of the types of culture substrates. These data suggest that whilst the MSC secretome may generally be considered angiogenic, the composition of the secretome is variable and this variation probably contributes to donor-donor differences in activity. Hence, screening and optimizing MSC secretomes will improve the clinical effectiveness of pro-angiogenic MSC-based therapies.


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Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) is a dominantly inherited disorder, which predisposes to multiple tumours of the nervous system, typically schwannomas and meningiomas. Biallelic inactivation of the NF2 gene occurs both in sporadic and NF2-related schwannomas and in most meningiomas. The NF2 gene product merlin (or schwannomin) is structurally related to the ERM proteins, ezrin, radixin and moesin, which act as molecular linkers between the actin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane. Merlin is a tumor suppressor that participates in cell cycle regulation. Merlin s phosphorylation status appears to be associated with its tumour suppressor activity, i.e. non-phosphorylated merlin functions as a tumour suppressor, whereas protein phosphorylation results in loss of functional activity. This thesis study was initiated to investigate merlin s role as a tumor suppressor and growth inhibitor. These studies show, that like many other tumor suppressors, also merlin is targeted to the nucleus at some stages of the cell cycle. Merlin s nuclear localization is regulated by cell cycle phase, contact inhibition and adhesion. In addition, a potential nuclear binding partner for merlin was identified, Human Enhancer of Invasion 10 (HEI10), a cyclin B interacting protein. Many tumor suppressors interact with microtubules and this thesis work shows that also merlin colocalizes with microtubules in mitotic structures. Merlin binds microtubules directly, and increases their polymerization in vitro and in vivo. In addition, primary mouse Schwann cells lacking merlin displays disturbed microtubule cytoskeleton. Fourth part of this thesis work began from the notion that PKA phosphorylates an unidentified site from the merlin N-terminus. Our studies show that serine 10 is a target for PKA and modulation of this residue regulates cytoskeletal organization, lamellipodia formation and cell migration. In summary, this thesis work shows that merlin s role is much more versatile than previously thought. It has a yet unidentified role in the nucleus and it participates in the regulation of both microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton. These studies have led to a better understanding of this enigmatic tumor suppressor, which eventually will aid in the design of specific drugs for the NF2 disease.


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Molecular biology techniques are of help in genetic improvement since they permit the identification, mapping and analysis of polymorphisms of genes encoding proteins that act on metabolic pathways involved in economically interesting traits. The somatotrophic axis, which essentially consists of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I and IGF-II), and their associated binding proteins and receptors (GHRHR, GHR, IGF-IR and IGF-IIR), plays a key role in the metabolism and physiology of mammalian growth. The objectives of the present study were to estimate the allele and genotype frequencies of the IGF-I/SnaBI, IGF-IR/TaqI and GHRH/HaeIII gene polymorphisms in different genetic groups of beef cattle and to determine associations between these polymorphisms and growth and carcass traits. For this purpose, genotyping was performed on 79 Nellore animals, 30 Canchim (5/8 Charolais+3/8 Zebu) animals and 275 crossbred cattle originating from the crosses of Simmental (n=30) and Angus (n=245) sires with Nellore females. In the association studies, traits of interest were analyzed using the GLM procedure of SAS and least square means of the genotypes were compared by the Tukey test. Associations of IGF-I/SnaBI genotypes with body weight and subcutaneous backfat were significant (p < 0.05), and nearly significant for longissimus dorsi area (p=0.06), with the 1313 genotype being favorable compared to the AB genotype. No significant associations were observed between this polymorphism and weight gain or carcass yield (P > 0.05). The IGF-IR/TaqI and GHRH/HaeIII polymorphisms showed no association with production traits. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Growth hormone insensitivity syndrome (GHIS) is a rare cause of growth retardation characterized by high serum GH levels, and low serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels associated with a genetic defect of the GH receptor (GHR) as well post-GHR signaling pathway. Based on clinical, as well as biochemical characteristics, GHIS can be genetically classified as classical/Laron's syndrome and nonclassical/atypical GHIS. Recombinant human IGF-I (rhIGF-I) treatment is effective in promoting growth in subjects who have GHIS. Further, pharmacological studies of a IGF-I compound containing a 1:1 molar complex of rhIGF-I and rhIGF-binding protein-3 (BP-3) demonstrated that the complex was effective in increasing levels of circulating total and free IGF-I and that the administration in patients with GHIS should be safe, well-tolerated and more effective than rhIGF-I on its own.


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A number of mathematical models for predicting growth and final height outcome have been proposed to enable the clinician to 'individualize' growth-promoting treatment. However, despite optimizing these models, many patients with isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) do not reach their target height. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of polymorphic genotypes [CA repeat promoter polymorphism of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and the -202 A/C promoter polymorphism of IGF-Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP-3)] on variable growth factors as well as final height in severe IGHD following GH treatment. DESIGN, PATIENTS AND CONTROLS: One hundred seventy eight (IGF-I) and 167 (IGFBP-3) subjects with severe growth retardation because of IGHD were studied. In addition, the various genotypes were also studied in a healthy control group of 211 subjects.