33 resultados para ICOMOS
A cidade de Belém do Pará contém um espaço que abriga inúmeros monumentos pétreos históricos, os quais configuram e marcam a identidade da sociedade belenense do século XIX. Esse espaço é o Cemitério da Soledade, que se configura como um museu a céu aberto. Além do intemperismo, que faz com que as pedras estejam constantemente sendo alteradas, o Soledade sofre com saques e vandalismos ao longo de seus mais de 150 anos de existência e a presença de patologias nos revestimentos pétreos de túmulos e mausoléus do primeiro cemitério público de Belém, fere a qualidade e a integridade do material, interferindo de forma negativa na leitura da imagem do espaço, o qual é tombado como Patrimônio Nacional Paisagístico desde1964, pelo IPHAN. A partir disso, e considerando a importância da conservação e restauração de edifícios e monumentos antigos para a preservação da memória de um povo, a pesquisa buscou avaliar as deteriorações de origem intempérica e antrópica nas diferentes pedras utilizadas nos túmulos e mausoléus do Cemitério Nossa Senhora da Soledade, por meio do conhecimento das características das rochas usadas, do seu estado de alteração e das causas e mecanismos de deterioração visando gerar subsídios para a sua conservação e restauração. O diagnóstico do estado de conservação, por meio de mapeamento de danos confirmou o nível avançado das manifestações patológicas nas superfícies das pedras, que internamente também apresentam falta de coesão e descontinuidades, conforme resultados do ultrassom. A partir das análises e investigações tecnológicas foi possível caracterizar o granito, o lioz e o mármore e determinar agentes e mecanismos de deterioração como a ação química, as altas temperaturas e a ação microbiológica. Para contribuir com ações de conservação futuras, foram realizados testes de procedimentos restaurativos, com polimento e aplicação de emplastro de bentonita, que se mostraram eficientes na limpeza dos monumentos. Com os dados obtidos com esse estudo, busca-se a oposição ao caráter atual de abandono do Cemitério da Soledade, promovendo a importância de mantê-lo conservado para as gerações futuras.
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de realizar o levantamento e pesquisa sobre os jardins de valor histórico na cidade de Jaú (SP), visando dar subsídios para a elaboração do inventário, revitalização e proposta de proteção como patrimônio cultural. O estudo de caso adotado é a Praça da República tendo como subsídio as fichas de inventário disponíveis no Brasil a nível federal, estadual e municipal, bem como a recomendada pelo International Council on Momuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O Cemitério Japonês de Álvares Machado - SP, marco histórico, cultural e simbólico, tombado pelo CONDEPHAAT, foi uma obra que surgiu diante da necessidade dos imigrantes japoneses que desbravaram a área e a colonizaram, ao qual dedicaram suas vidas, contribuindo enormemente para o povoamento e desenvolvimento do local. A chegada dos primeiro colonos japoneses coincide com o início do povoamento da porção sudoeste paulista, fato que foi impulsionado pela chegada da Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana à região. Passados mais de 90 anos, o sítio histórico apresenta boa conservação, no entanto há diversas ameaças à integridade física que urgem serem estudadas e sanadas. O presente trabalho visa levantar essas questões e propor soluções, tendo em vista a legislação, as recomendações de órgãos nacionais e internacionais de preservação de bens culturais, tais como UNESCO, ICOMOS, IPHAN, CONDEPHAAT e também através de pesquisa bibliográfica. Há também a proposta de intervenção arquitetônica, com o intuito de oferecer infraestrutura para recepção de visitantes, principalmente durante o evento anual do Shokonsai e a visita dos familiares que ali estão enterrados; oferecer novos usos para o local, de modo a ser ocupado e utilizado permanentemente, favorecendo a manutenção e ampliando a mensagem cultural, simbólica e da memória coletiva do local
Luego de una primera etapa de investigación concluida, que durante tres años nos llevó a investigar interdisciplinariamente turismo y arquitectura, el mismo equipo de investigación que llevara adelante el proyecto Patrimonio, turismo y educación: la arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno de Misiones 16H313 2010/12, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (F.H.y C.S.) Universidad Nacional de Misiones (U.Na.M.), se propone un segundo estamento de investigación. Este equipo interdisciplinario de investigación en producción continua desde 2001 donde a partir del patrimonio jesuítico y el concepto de territorio museo abierto, luego con la inclusión de otras fundamentaciones como el aportado recientemente por ICOMOS de espíritu del lugar. Utilizado desde la antigüedad por el hombre el espíritu del lugar le ha servido para acordar con sus dioses antes del asentamiento de un poblado/castro/chester/burgo/burger/borgo/burg, entre ellos el de locus genius que los campamentos de centuriones romanos utilizaban para denominar al espíritu dueño de ese espacio, que en general tenía alguna caracterización particular y diferente del resto. En este nuevo ciclo nuestro equipo se plantea la cuestion en tres escalas de trabajo: La escala Macro/Territorial: el antiguo Territorio Nacional devenido con la presidencia de Juan Domingo Perón mediante, en provincia de Misiones en diciembre de 1953 en una escala macro; en La escala Media/Urbana: la influencia que algunas obras tuvieron en el devenir de sus poblados y las que no lo hicieron. La escala Micro/Arquitectónica: en la que se estudiará detenidamente la Escuela Normal de Alem, declarada recientemente Monumento Historico Nacional mediante decreto N°1934/12 del Poder Ejecutivo Nacional con la firma de la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, y otros. La utilización de la información de este modo producida tendrá como resultado más tangible la formulación en la provincia de un Circuito Turístico de la Modernidad que utilice como antecedente el producido, puesto en marcha y analizado en MMM1, sin perjuicio de una profundización del análisis de dicho modelo en MMM2
La acción de “conservar” aparece como un nuevo campo de actividad para los arquitectos, especialistas o no, que puede resultar determinante para la propia revitalización de la disciplina. Partiendo de esta observación, presente en la exposición Cronocaos (R. Koolhaas. Venecia, 2010) el texto propone la reactivación programática como primera estrategia para la conservación. A través del concepto de ruina, se analizan dos intervenciones llevadas a cabo recientemente en París. La primera de ellas, en el Palais de Tokyo (Lacaton & Vassal. 2001) nos conduce hasta el término “a-ruinar”, entendido como extraer de la ruina. La segunda, en el Centro Georges Pompidou (R. Rogers y J.F. Bodin. 2000) se ajusta al significado más común de “arruinar” en el sentido de precipitar al desastre. Ambas dan cuenta de la disparidad de criterios de intervención y de su estrecha relación con el proyecto socio-cultural del cual son instrumento, lo que induce a pensar que la conservación del llamado “patrimonio arquitectónico del siglo XX” transciende la propia arquitectura y requiere nuevas formas de “gestión”
“Conseguir un equilibrio óptimo entre el coste y los resultados y producir el mínimo impacto posible en el patrimonio arquitectónico, utilizando los fondos disponibles de una manera racional” (ICOMOS, Principios, 1.6) constituyen objetivos clave en los procesos de intervención en el patrimonio arquitectónico para “lograr la eficiencia y efectividad de las propuestas adoptadas, teniendo en cuenta la viabilidad económica y los aspectos medioambientales y sociales de la sostenibilidad” (Nueva Carta de Atenas 2003). Este trabajo se propone revisar el coste del ciclo de vida, una herramienta prevista para el análisis de la viabilidad sostenible de todo tipo de actividades, como un enfoque para la evaluación de proyectos, estrategias y políticas, tanto públicas como privadas, de intervención en el patrimonio arquitectónico. Se propone así introducir el método en los procesos de toma de decisiones incorporando conceptos tales como la durabilidad, obsolescencia y ciclos de vida diferenciales de estructuras y elementos preexistentes y de materiales y sistemas tecnológicos innovadores, así como el impacto de las externalidades positivas en la reutilización de los espacios históricos a lo largo de su ciclo de vida.
Ponencia presentada en el congreso internacional organizado por el Comité Internacional de Arquitectura Vernácula de ICOMOS - UNESCO.
Algunas obras ejemplares del Movimiento Moderno, como son: el Sanatorio en Hilversum, la Escuela de la Bauhaus, la Villa Savoye o el Pabellón de Alemania, etc., han sido intervenidas. ¿Qué criterios se han seguido? ¿Han sido los mismos? ¿Cuáles han sido los prioritarios? Sea mediante restauraciones o reconstrucciones parciales o totales, los criterios que más han prevalecido devuelven las obras al origen, por lo menos en la forma. Resulta significativo que lo que más ha motivado estas intervenciones sea el avanzado deterioro debido, en muchos casos, a la debilidad de las soluciones constructivas empleadas que no han superado el medio siglo. ¿Es el movimiento moderno patrimonio? ¿Qué diferencia hay entre esta arquitectura moderna y la histórica que la precedió? Si se considera que ambas son portadoras de los valores culturales de su época, ¿por qué se aplican criterios distintos en cada caso? ¿Por qué sobre el patrimonio histórico prima el diferenciar el tiempo de la actuación mientras que sobre el patrimonio moderno se tiende a borrar las huellas del tiempo mediante la restauración arqueológica? ¿Cuánto no hay de contradictorio con los fundamentos del Movimiento Moderno en esta fosilización?.
This research aims to provide a reflection on the preservation practices of Brasilia as Cultural Heritage in four analytical/political dimensions: conceptual, urban, political-institutional and legal. In order to do that, the preparation process for the Plan for the Preservation of Brasilia Urban Set (PPCUB) was taken as research object. This preservation plan is representative of the context which determines the relation between goals and preservation practices in the social production process of urban space. Designed by Lucio Costa in 1957, Brasilia received the Cultural Heritage title 27 years later, in 1987. It was recognized a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) in the same year as it "represents a unique artistic piece of work, a masterpiece of creative genius"; and "an outstanding example of a type of construction or architectural compound that illustrates a significant stage in history" (SILVA, 2003). Brasilia’s urban conception, also recognised in the district and federal levels, gives prominence to the 'urban scales' – monumental, residential, gregarious and bucolic – as the main aspects to be preserved. Despite being an undoubted representative, Brasilia seemingly displays a contradiction. On the one hand, the essential value of the city’s urban design is acknowledged as cultural heritage at international, national and district levels. On the other hand, numerous ways of urban interventions disregard the principles of that conception. In 2012, the international Monitoring Report raised some issues which highlight the following main needs: primary need for clear definition of the urban scales’ characteristics and boundaries; definition of a legal framework that conciliates national and district laws of occupation and use of land; creation of inter-sectors executive authority with both decision-making and financial autonomy; and promotion of heritage educational programs. This report also proposes "to cancel the current process of approval conducted by PPCUB and establish a formal consultation process through a committee made up by GDF and IPHAN, which will enable the active participation of University of Brasilia, the Architects Association, ICOMOS and local organizations" (SEDHAB, 2010). Already in its drafting process, the international recommendations evidence that preserving Brasilia’s urban design conception is not among the goals to be achieved. Thus, this research highlights that the intentional nature of PPCUB’s plans does little towards realizing the current proposals.
This thesis investigates the crossover from and intersection between tangible and intangible heritage in the context of World Heritage. Since the start of the twenty-first century, intangible heritage has become increasingly important in international cultural heritage conservation theory and practice. In heritage literature, intangible heritage has been theorized in relation to tangible or built heritage, thereby extending the definition of cultural heritage to consider a holistic perspective. New heritage conservation instruments have been created for the protection of intangible heritage, such as most prominently the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The changing conception of cultural heritage that goes beyond tangible heritage has also influenced existing instruments like the 1972 UNESCO Convention concerning the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The thesis studies how intangible heritage has been recognized and interpreted in implementing the concept of cultural heritage as defined by the World Heritage Convention. It examines the historical development of the concept of World Cultural Heritage with the aim of tracing the construction of intangible heritage in this context. The thesis consists of six chapters. The introduction sets out the research problem and research question. In the literature review, international cultural heritage conservation is portrayed as the research context, the knowledge gap between World Heritage and intangible heritage is identified and an understanding of the research problem deepened, and methods from similar research in the subject area are presented. The methodology in the third chapter describes choices made concerning the research paradigm, research approach and strategy, the use of concepts and illustrative examples, as well as data collection and analysis methods. Knowledge is constructed using primarily a historical approach and related methods. Through the analysis of pertinent documents and heritage discourses, an understanding of the concept of intangible heritage is developed and the concept of World Cultural Heritage is investigated. In the fourth chapter, intangible heritage is studied by looking at specific cultural heritage discourses, that is, a scientific, a UNESCO, and an ICOMOS discourse. Intangible heritage is theorized in relation to the concepts of tangible heritage, heritage value, and cultural heritage. Knowledge gained in this chapter serves as a theoretical lens to trace the recognition of and tease out interpretations of intangible heritage in the context of implementing the concept of World Cultural Heritage. The results are presented in chapter five. A historical development is portrayed in five time periods and for the concepts of cultural heritage, Outstanding Universal Value, the criteria to assess World Heritage value, and authenticity. The conclusion summarizes the main outcomes, assesses the thesis’ contribution to scientific knowledge as well as its limitations, and outlines possible further research. The main results include the identification of the term intangible heritage as an indicator for a paradigm shift and a new approach to conceiving cultural heritage in international cultural heritage conservation. By focusing on processes and the living relationship between people and their environment or place, intangible heritage emphasizes the anthropological. In the context of this conception, intangible heritage takes on two meanings. First, value is attributed by people and hence, is inherently immaterial. Secondly, place is constituted of a tangible-intangible continuum in terms of attributes. A paradigm shift and increasing recognition of an anthropological approach to cultural heritage were identified for all discourses, that is, UNESCO, ICOMOS, the scientific field, and World Heritage. For World Heritage, intangible heritage was recognized indirectly in terms of historical associations during the 1970s and 1980s. The anthropological shift occurred in the early 1990s. The term intangible was introduced and the meaning of intangible heritage was extended to include cultural associations. The subsequent decade is characterized by a process of internalization and implementation of the new approach to cultural heritage. The 2003 Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention created momentum. By the early 2010s, while not explicitly recognizing the immaterial character of values, a holistic approach to cultural heritage was fully endorsed that considers the idea of intangible attributes as carriers of values. An understanding of the recognition of intangible heritage through the implementation of the World Heritage Convention and scientific research in general provide an important knowledge base for implementing the Convention in a more coherent, objective, and well-informed way.
This thesis investigates the crossover from and intersection between tangible and intangible heritage in the context of World Heritage. Since the start of the twenty-first century, intangible heritage has become increasingly important in international cultural heritage conservation theory and practice. In heritage literature, intangible heritage has been theorized in relation to tangible or built heritage, thereby extending the definition of cultural heritage to consider a holistic perspective. New heritage conservation instruments have been created for the protection of intangible heritage, such as most prominently the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The changing conception of cultural heritage that goes beyond tangible heritage has also influenced existing instruments like the 1972 UNESCO Convention concerning the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The thesis studies how intangible heritage has been recognized and interpreted in implementing the concept of cultural heritage as defined by the World Heritage Convention. It examines the historical development of the concept of World Cultural Heritage with the aim of tracing the construction of intangible heritage in this context. The thesis consists of six chapters. The introduction sets out the research problem and research question. In the literature review, international cultural heritage conservation is portrayed as the research context, the knowledge gap between World Heritage and intangible heritage is identified and an understanding of the research problem deepened, and methods from similar research in the subject area are presented. The methodology in the third chapter describes choices made concerning the research paradigm, research approach and strategy, the use of concepts and illustrative examples, as well as data collection and analysis methods. Knowledge is constructed using primarily a historical approach and related methods. Through the analysis of pertinent documents and heritage discourses, an understanding of the concept of intangible heritage is developed and the concept of World Cultural Heritage is investigated. In the fourth chapter, intangible heritage is studied by looking at specific cultural heritage discourses, that is, a scientific, a UNESCO, and an ICOMOS discourse. Intangible heritage is theorized in relation to the concepts of tangible heritage, heritage value, and cultural heritage. Knowledge gained in this chapter serves as a theoretical lens to trace the recognition of and tease out interpretations of intangible heritage in the context of implementing the concept of World Cultural Heritage. The results are presented in chapter five. A historical development is portrayed in five time periods and for the concepts of cultural heritage, Outstanding Universal Value, the criteria to assess World Heritage value, and authenticity. The conclusion summarizes the main outcomes, assesses the thesis’ contribution to scientific knowledge as well as its limitations, and outlines possible further research. The main results include the identification of the term intangible heritage as an indicator for a paradigm shift and a new approach to conceiving cultural heritage in international cultural heritage conservation. By focusing on processes and the living relationship between people and their environment or place, intangible heritage emphasizes the anthropological. In the context of this conception, intangible heritage takes on two meanings. First, value is attributed by people and hence, is inherently immaterial. Secondly, place is constituted of a tangible-intangible continuum in terms of attributes. A paradigm shift and increasing recognition of an anthropological approach to cultural heritage were identified for all discourses, that is, UNESCO, ICOMOS, the scientific field, and World Heritage. For World Heritage, intangible heritage was recognized indirectly in terms of historical associations during the 1970s and 1980s. The anthropological shift occurred in the early 1990s. The term intangible was introduced and the meaning of intangible heritage was extended to include cultural associations. The subsequent decade is characterized by a process of internalization and implementation of the new approach to cultural heritage. The 2003 Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention created momentum. By the early 2010s, while not explicitly recognizing the immaterial character of values, a holistic approach to cultural heritage was fully endorsed that considers the idea of intangible attributes as carriers of values. An understanding of the recognition of intangible heritage through the implementation of the World Heritage Convention and scientific research in general provide an important knowledge base for implementing the Convention in a more coherent, objective, and well-informed way.
16H313 MMM Patrimonio, turismo y educación: la arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno de Misiones 2010/12, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (F.H.y C.S.) Universidad Nacional de Misiones (U.Na.M.) Directora Dra Arq Graciela G de Kuna; Codirectora: Mgter Beatriz Rivero; investigadores Arq. Juan Curti y Arq Mario Melgarejo