482 resultados para Hypothalamus


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The capacity for glucose, propionate or hormones of splanchnic origin to influence appetite by directly regulating the expression of neuropeptides in the feeding centres of the hypothalamus of the ruminant is not described. Therefore, our objective was to measure the direct effect of metabolites (glucose and propionate) or hormones [insulin, cholecystokinin (CCK), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and polypeptide YY (PYY)] on hypothalamic mRNA concentrations for neuropeptide Y (NPY), agouti-related peptide (AgRP) and proopiomelanocortin (POMC) following in vitro incubation. Hypothalamic tissue from 4- to 5-month-old lambs was obtained at slaughter and immediately incubated in culture media for 2 h at 36 °C. Treatments included a control Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM) containing 1 mm glucose or DMEM with the following additions: 10 mm glucose, 1 mm propionate, 1 nm insulin, 120 pm GLP-1, 100 pm PYY, 80 pm CCK or 10 mm glucose plus 1 nm insulin. The abundance of mRNA for NPY, AgRP and POMC was measured using quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. Fisher’s protected LSD test was used to compare changes in relative mRNA concentrations for the hypothalamus incubated in the control media vs. the rest of the treatments. The media containing glucose plus insulin increased POMC mRNA concentration (p < 0.05), but did not affect NPY or AgRP mRNA concentration. There were no effects observed for the other treatments (p > 0.20). Results of the present study are consistent with the concept that effects of propionate on feed intake in ruminants is not mediated through direct effects on the hypothalamus, and that insulin is required for an effect of glucose on hypothalamic POMC expression.


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The estrogen receptor and glucocorticoid receptor are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily that can signal using both non-genomic and genomic transcriptional modes. Though genomic modes of signaling have been well characterized and several behaviors attributed to this signaling mechanism, the physiological significance of non-genomic modes of signaling has not been well understood. This has partly been due to the controversy regarding the identity of the membrane ER (mER) or membrane GR (mGR) that may mediate rapid, non-genomic signaling and the downstream signaling cascades that may result as a consequence of steroid ligands binding the mER or the mGR. Both estrogens and glucocorticoids exert a number of actions on the hypothalamus, including feedback. This review focuses on the various candidates for the mER or mGR in the hypothalamus and the contribution of non-genomic signaling to classical hypothalamically driven behaviors and changes in neuronal morphology. It also attempts to categorize some of the possible functions of non-genomic signaling at both the cellular level and at the organismal level that are relevant for behavior, including some behaviors that are regulated by both estrogens and glucocorticoids in a potentially synergistic manner. Lastly, it attempts to show that steroid signaling via non-genomic modes may provide the organism with rapid behavioral responses to stimuli.


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Endocrine system plays a major role in the control of reproductive functions which are regulated by the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis and its interactions. FSH and LH receptor genes are expressed at the gonads and GnRH receptor gene is expressed at the anterior pituitary gland. Misense mutations of the FSH, LH or GnRH receptors, activating or inactivating their functions in mammals, are potentially useful to allow the understanding of the role of this group of gonadotropins in reproductive phenotypes as early puberty and birth interval length. In the present study, polymorphisms in bovine exon 11 and 3`UTR of LHR, exon 10 and 3`UTR of FSHR and GnRHR genes were characterized with some of them resulting in changes in the aminoacidic chain. These polymorphic sites were found in a Bos taurus indicus (Nellore) female population by means of PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing. Association between nucleotidic/aminoacidic changes and early puberty were determined by Chi-square analysis. It was found association between FSHR 3`UTR polymorphisms at position 2181, 2248 and 2249 bp and early puberty phenotype (p < 0.05). The presence of these new molecular markers might be considered in further studies to validate its correlation with early puberty or other reproduction associated phenotypes in cattle breeds. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Proline-specific dipeptidyl peptidases are emerging as a protease family with important roles in the regulation of signaling by peptide hormones related to energy balance. The treatment of neonatal rats with monosodium glutamate (MSG) is known to produce a selective damage on the arcuate nucleus with development of obesity. This study investigates the relationship among dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) hydrolyzing activity, CD26 protein, fasting, and MSG model of obesity in 2 areas of the central nervous system. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV and CD26 were, respectively, evaluated by fluorometry, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in soluble (SF) and membrane-bound (MF) fractions from the hypothalamus and hippocampus of MSG-treated and normal rats, submitted or not to food deprivation (FD). Dipeptidyl peptidase IV in both areas was distinguished kinetically as insensitive (DI) and sensitive (DS) to diprotin A. Compared with the controls, MSG and/or FD decreased the activity of DPPIV-DI in the SF and MF from the hypothalamus, as well as the activity of DPPIV-DS in the SF from the hypothalamus and in the MF from the hippocampus. Monosodium glutamate and/or FD increased the activity of DPPIV-DI in the MF from the hippocampus. The monoclonal protein expression of membrane CD26 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay decreased in the hypothalamus and increased in the hippocampus of MSG and/or FD relative to the controls. The existence of DPPIV-like activity with different sensitivities to diprotin A and the identity of insensitive with CD26 were demonstrated for the first time in the central nervous system. Data also demonstrated the involvement of DPPIV-DI/CD26 hydrolyzing activity in the energy balance probably through the regulation of neuropeptide Y and beta-endorphin levels in the hypothalamus and hippocampus. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Protein (western blotting) and gene (PCR) expressions, catalytic activity of puromycin-insensitive membrane-bound neutral aminopeptidase (APM/CD13) and in situ regional distribution of CD13 and FOS immunoreactivity (it) were evaluated in the hypothalamus of monosodium glutamate obese (MSG) and/or food deprived (FD) rats in order to investigate their possible interplay with metabolic functions. Variations in protein and gene expressions of CD13 relative to controls coincided in the hypothalamus of MSG and MSG-FD (decreased 2- to 17-fold). Compared with controls, the reduction of hypothalamic CD13 content reflected a negative balance in its regional distribution in the supraoptic, paraventricular, periventricular and arcuate nuclei. CD13-ir increased in the supraoptic nucleus in MSG (2.5-fold) and decreased in the paraventricular nucleus (2-fold) together with FOS-ir (1.5-fold) in FD. In MSG-FD. FOS-ir decreased (7-fold) in the paraventricular nucleus, while CD13-ir decreased in the periventricular (5.6-fold) and the arcuate (3.7-fold) nuclei. It was noteworthy that all these changes of CD13 were not related to catalytic activity of APM. Data suggested that hypothalamic CD13 plays a role in the regulation of energy metabolism not by means of APM enzyme activity. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Effective defense against natural threats in the environment is essential for the survival of individual animals. Thus, instinctive behavioral responses accompanied by fear have evolved to protect individuals from predators and from opponents of the same species (dominant conspecifics). While it has been suggested that all perceived environmental threats trigger the same set of innately determined defensive responses, we tested the alternate hypothesis that different stimuli may evoke differentiable behaviors supported by distinct neural circuitry. The results of behavioral, neuronal immediate early gene activation, lesion, and neuroanatomical experiments indicate that the hypothalamus is necessary for full expression of defensive behavioral responses in a subordinate conspecific, that lesions of the dorsal premammillary nucleus drastically reduce behavioral measures of fear in these animals, and that essentially separate hypothalamic circuitry supports defensive responses to a predator or a dominant conspecific. It is now clear that differentiable neural circuitry underlies defensive responses to fear conditioning associated with painful stimuli, predators, and dominant conspecifics and that the hypothalamus is an essential component of the circuitry for the latter two stimuli.


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In animal models of diet-induced obesity, the activation of an inflammatory response in the hypothalamus produces molecular and functional resistance to the anorexigenic hormones insulin and leptin. The primary events triggered by dietary fats that ultimately lead to hypothalamic cytokine expression and inflammatory signaling are unknown. Here, we test the hypothesis that dietary fats act through the activation of toll-like receptors 2/4 and endoplasmic reticulum stress to induce cytokine expression in the hypothalamus of rodents. According to our results, long-chain saturated fatty acids activate predominantly toll-like receptor 4 signaling, which determines not only the induction of local cytokine expression but also promotes endoplasmic reticulum stress. Rats fed on a monounsaturated fat-rich diet do not develop hypothalamic leptin resistance, whereas toll-like receptor 4 loss-of-function mutation and immunopharmacological inhibition of toll-like receptor 4 protects mice from diet-induced obesity. Thus, toll-like receptor 4 acts as a predominant molecular target for saturated fatty acids in the hypothalamus, triggering the intracellular signaling network that induces an inflammatory response, and determines the resistance to anorexigenic signals.


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Type 2 diabetes mellitus results from the complex association of insulin resistance and pancreatic beta-cell failure. Obesity is the main risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus, and recent studies have shown that, in diet-induced obesity, the hypothalamus becomes inflamed and dysfunctional, resulting in the loss of the perfect coupling between caloric intake and energy expenditure. Because pancreatic beta-cell function is, in part, under the control of the autonomic nervous system, we evaluated the role of hypothalamic inflammation in pancreatic islet function. In diet-induced obesity, the earliest markers of hypothalamic inflammation are present at 8 weeks after the beginning of the high fat diet; similarly, the loss of the first phase of insulin secretion is detected at the same time point and is restored following sympathectomy. Intracerebroventricular injection of a low dose of tumor necrosis factor a leads to a dysfunctional increase in insulin secretion and activates the expression of a number of markers of apoptosis in pancreatic islets. In addition, the injection of stearic acid intracerebroventricularly, which leads to hypothalamic inflammation through the activation of tau-like receptor-4 and endoplasmic reticulum stress, produces an impairment of insulin secretion, accompanied by increased expression of markers of apoptosis. The defective insulin secretion, in this case, is partially dependent on sympathetic signal-induced peroxisome proliferator receptor-gamma coactivator Delta a and uncoupling protein-2 expression and is restored after sympathectomy or following PGC1 alpha expression inhibition by an antisense oligonucleotide. Thus, the autonomic signals generated in concert with hypothalamic inflammation can impair pancreatic islet function, a phenomenon that may explain the early link between obesity and defective insulin secretion.


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Failure to provide omega 3 fatty acids in the perinatal period results in alterations in nerve growth factor levels, dopamine production and  permanent elevations in blood pressure. The present study investigated whether changes in brain (i.e., hypothalamus) glycerophospholipid fatty acid profiles induced by a diet rich in omega 6 fatty acids and very low in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) during pregnancy and the perinatal period could be reversed by subsequent feeding of a diet containing ALA. Female rats (6 per group) were mated and fed either a low ALA diet or a control diet containing ALA throughout pregnancy and until weaning of the pups at 3 weeks. At weaning, the pups (20 per group) remained on the diet of their mothers until 9 weeks, when half the pups were switched onto the other diet, thus generating four groups of animals. At 33 weeks, pups were killed, the hypothalamus dissected from the male rats and analysed for glycerophospholipid fatty acids. In the animals fed the diet with very little ALA and then re-fed the control diet containing high levels of ALA for 24 weeks, the DHA levels were still significantly less than the control values in PE, PS and PI fractions, by 9%, 18% and 34%, respectively. In this group, but not in the other dietary groups, ALA was detected in all glycerophospholipid classes at 0.2–1.7% of the total fatty acids. The results suggest that omega 6–3 PUFA imbalance early in life leads to irreversible changes in hypothalamic composition. The increased ALA and reduced DHA proportions in the animals re-fed ALA in later life are consistent with a dysfunction or down-regulation of the conversion of ALA to 18:4n-3 by the delta-6 desaturase.


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Describes a method that relates generally to a nucleic acid molecule which encodes a protein associated with the modulation of obesity, diabetes and metabolic energy levels. More particularly, the present method is directed to a nucleic acid molecule and a recombinant and purified naturally occurring protein encoded thereby and their use in therapeutic and diagnostic protocols for conditions such as obesity, diabetes and energy imbalance. The subject nucleic acid molecule and protein and their derivatives, homologues, analogues and mimetics are proposed as therapeutic and diagnostic agents for obesity, diabetes and energy imbalance.


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An isolated nucleic acid molecule comprising a sequence of nucleotides encoding or complementary to a sequence encoding a molecule or derivative or homologue thereof wherein said nucleic acid molecule is expressed in a larger amount in one or both hypothalamus tissue or muscle tissue of obese animals compared to lean animals or in fed animals compared to fasted animals. Nucleic acid sequences are disclosed. It is proposed to use the expression products of such nucleic acids as modulators and/or monitors of physiological processes associated with obesity, anorexia, weight maintenance, impaired muscle development, diabetes and/or metabolic energy levels.


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An isolated nucleic acid molecule comprising a sequence of nucleotides encoding or complementary to a sequence encoding a molecule or derivative or homologue thereof wherein said nucleic acid molecule is expressed in a larger amount in one or both hypothalamus tissue or muscle tissue of obese animals compared to lean animals or in fed animals compared to fasted animals. Nucleic acid sequences are disclosed. It is proposed to use the expression products of such nucleic acids as modulators and/or monitors of physiological processes associated with obesity, anorexia, weight maintenance, impaired muscle development, diabetes and/or metabolic energy levels.


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An isolated nucleic acid molecule comprising a sequence of nucleotides encoding or complementary to a sequence encoding a molecule or derivative or homologue thereof wherein said nucleic acid molecule is expressed in a larger amount in one or both hypothalamus tissue or muscle tissue of obese animals compared to lean animals or in fed animals compared to fasted animals. Nucleic acid sequences are disclosed. It is proposed to use the expression products of such nucleic acids as modulators and/or monitors of physiological processes associated with obesity, anorexia, weight maintenance, impaired muscle development, diabetes and/or metabolic energy levels.