165 resultados para Hyphae


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We have systematically analysed the ultra structure of the early secretory pathway in the Trichoderma reesei hyphae in the wild-type QM6a, cellulase overexpressing Rut-C30 strain and a Rut-C30 transformant BV47 overexpressing a recombinant BiP1-VenusYFP fusion protein with an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention signal. The hyphae were studied after 24h of growth using transmission electron microscopy, confocal microscopy and quantitative stereological techniques. All three strains exhibited different spatial organisation of the ER at 24h in both a cellulase-inducing medium and a minimal medium containing glycerol as a carbon source (non-cellulase-inducing medium). The wild-type displayed a number of ER subdomains including parallel tubular/cisternal ER, ER whorls, ER-isolation membrane complexes with abundant autophagy vacuoles and dense bodies. Rut-C30 and its transformant BV47 overexpressing the BiP1-VenusYFP fusion protein also contained parallel tubular/cisternal ER, but no ER whorls; also, there were very few autophagy vacuoles and an increasing amount of punctate bodies where particularly the recombinant BiP1-VenusYFPfusion protein was localised. The early presence of distinct strain-specific features such as the dominance of ER whorls in the wild type and tub/cis ER in Rut-C30 suggests that these are inherent traits and not solely a result of cellular response mechanisms by the high secreting mutant to protein overload.


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Natural peptide libraries often contain cyclodepsipeptides containing alpha or beta hydroxy residues. Extracts of fungal hyphae of Isaria yield a microheterogenous cyclodepsipeptide mixture in which two classes of molecules can be identified by mass spectral fragmentation of negative ions. In the case of isaridins, which contain an alpha-hydroxy residue and a beta-amino acid residue, a characteristic product ion corresponding to a neutral loss of 72 Da is obtained. hi addition, neutral loss of water followed by a 72 Da loss is also observed. Two distinct modes of fragmentation rationalize the observed product ion distribution. The neutral loss of 72 Da has also been obtained for a roseotoxin component, which is also an alpha-hydroxy residue containing cyclodepsipeptide. In the case of isariins, which contain a beta-hydroxy acid residue, ring opening and subsequent loss of the terminal residue as an unsaturated ketene fragment, rationalizes the observed product ion formation. Fragmentation of negative ions provide characteristic neutral losses, which are diagnostic of the presence of alpha-hydroxy or beta-hydroxy residues.


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the leopard tree Caesalpinia ferrea (Leguminosae) a native of eastern Brazil-some of the leader branches connect to and fuse with neighbouring branches of the same tree. The bridge initials project out as pegs or protuberances and apparently extend in a coordinated manner, connecting branches up to 4 ft apart. The fusion of two branches of the same tree implies intra-plant communication involving signaling factor(s). The bridges resemble fusions between hyphae in a fungal colony. Whereas hyphal fusions are common and the process is apparently completed in <1 h, branch fusions in C. ferrea tree are limited and a slow process, apparently requiring several months to years to complete. Branch fusions in C. ferrea are in accord with Claus Mattheck's analysis that tree branches actually seek contact rather than avoid contacts.


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Root and butt rot is the most harmful fungal disease affecting Norway spruce in southern Finland. In approximately 90 % of cases the causal agent is Heterobasidion parviporum. Root and butt rot infections have not been reported in Finnish peatlands. However, the increase in logging operations in peatlands means there is a risk that the fungus will eventually spread to these areas. The aim of this study was to find out the impact of growing site on the resistance of Norway spruce to Heterobasidion parviporum infections. This was investigated by artificially inoculating H. parviporum to spruce trees in pristine mire, drained peatland and mineral soil and comparing the defence reactions. Additionally, the effect of genotype on resistance was studied by comparing the responses of spruce clones representing different geographic origins. The roots and stems of the trees to be sampled were wounded and inoculated with wood dowels pre-colonised by H. parviporum hyphae. The resulting necrosis around the point of inoculation was observed. It was presumed that increased length of necrosis indicates high susceptibility of the tree to the disease. The relationship between growth rate and host resistance was also studied. The results indicated that growing site does not have a statistically significant effect on host resistance. The average length of necrosis around the point of inoculation was 35 mm in pristine mire, 37 mm in drained peatland and 40 mm in mineral soil. It was observed that growth rate does not affect resistance, but that the genotype of the tree does have an effect. The most resistant spruce clone was the one with Russian origin. The results suggest that the spruce stands in peatlands are not more resistant to root and butt rot infections than those in mineral soil. These findings should be taken into consideration when logging peatland forests.


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Sporothrix schenckii é um fungo dimórfico e agente etiológico da esporotricose, uma micose profunda que apresenta diferentes manifestações clínicas. As diversas manifestações clínicas desta e de outras doenças infecciosas podem ser relacionadas ao status imune do hospedeiro, a fatores de virulência do patógeno ou a diferentes genótipos. Dados anteriores do nosso grupo demonstram que diferenças na expressão de adesinas do S. schenckii para fibronectina estão diretamente relacionadas à virulência de diferentes cepas. Neste trabalho visamos avaliar caracteres morfológicos bioquímicos e genotípicos de doze isolados de geofílicos, zoofílicos e antropofílicos de S. schenckii, de diferentes origens geográficas, que apresentam diferentes graus de virulência. Foi analisada a morfologia das formas de micélio e levedura de cada isolado. Foi observado que a fase de micélio dos isolados estudados apresentaram morfologia típica com hifas finas e septadas, com conídios obovóides ou ovóides alongados. As leveduras apresentaram pleomorfismo típico da espécie, com células variando do formato ovóide ao alongado. Verificamos ainda a expressão de adesinas para fibronectina e laminina, do antígeno gp70 e, o padrão de bandas antigênicas reconhecidas por anticorpos IgG presentes em soro de pacientes com esporotricose ou de camundongos infectados. Para isso, foram extraídas proteínas de superfície da forma de levedura de cada isolada, sendo os extratos ensaiados por Western blot. Nestes ensaios observamos que os isolados mais virulentos de S. schenckii expressavam mais adesinas para fibronectina e laminina. A presença da gp70 foi detectada em dez dos doze isolados, sendo que apenas os isolados zoofílicos não expressam esta glicoproteína. O padrão antigênico foi variável entre os isolados, não havendo clara relação com a origem e/ou distribuição geográfica. Os dados fenotípicos foram confrontados com dados genotípicos. Para isso, sequenciamos os loci da calmodulina (CAL) e do Internal Transcribed Spacer 1/2 (ITS 1/2) a fim de averiguar se haviam diferenças genotípicas entre os isolados estudados. As análises do sequenciamento do loci CAL e ITS, contudo, apontam a divisão dos isolados em duas espécies filogenéticas, S. schenckii e S. brasiliensis não correlacionada com a distribuição geográfica dos mesmos. Nosso estudo reforça a hipótese de haver uma correlação entre virulência e expressão de adesinas, porém, sem qualquer relação entre a distribuição geográfica dos isolados zoofilicos, antropofílicos ou geofílicos, bem como dos genótipos encontrados.


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Aspergillus fumigatus é o principal agente etiológico da aspergilose invasiva, infecção fúngica oportunista com altas taxas de mortalidade afetando, principalmente, pacientes com neutropenia profunda e prolongada. Durante o processo de invasão e disseminação características desta infecção sistêmica, os conídios do fungo inalados e não eliminados pelas células do sistema imune inato diferenciam-se em hifas que, por sua vez, são angioinvasivas. Pouco se conhece sobre as moléculas da parede celular envolvidas na patogênese do A. fumigatus e/ou secretadas por este patógeno. Neste contexto, este trabalho procura ampliar o entendimento desta doença através do estudo de proteínas diferencialmente expressas na superfície de A. fumigatus durante a morfogênese. Foi utilizada uma abordagem proteômica e foram estudados extratos de superfície de células de A. fumigatus em diferentes estágios durante o processo de filamentação. Estas células foram denominadas, de acordo com o tempo de cultivo e a morfologia, como: TG6h (tubo germinativo), H12h ou H72h (hifas). As proteínas de superfície celular foram extraídas, a partir de células intactas, por tratamento brando com o agente redutor DTT (ditiotreitol). Observou-se que o perfil funcional das proteínas expressas por H12h e H72h foi similar, com exceção de proteínas relacionadas à resposta ao estresse, enquanto o perfil para TG6h apresentou diferenças significativas para vários grupos funcionais de proteínas quando comparado às hifas. Desta forma, foram realizados experimentos de proteômica diferencial entre tubo germinativo (TG6h) e a hifa madura (H72h), pela técnica de DIGE (differential gel electrophoresis). Os resultados revelaram que entre as proteínas diferencialmente expressas, aquelas relacionadas às vias de biossíntese e outras denominadas multifuncionais encontraram-se superexpressas em TG6h. Em relação às proteínas de resposta a estresse, observou-se que algumas HSPs eram mais expressas neste morfotipo, enquanto a MnSOD, relativa à resposta ao estresse oxidativo, era mais abundante na hifa. Com exceção da PhiA, integrante da parede celular, as proteínas identificadas como diferencialmente expressas na superfície do A. fumigatus não possuem sinal para secreção identificável, enquadrando-se nas proteínas atípicas de superfície. Foi verificada a integridade da membrana celular após tratamento com DTT, bem como a marcação por biotina das proteínas extraídas, o que comprovou sua localização superficial na célula fúngica. Hipóteses de que estas proteínas sejam endereçadas à parede celular por via secretória alternativa sustentam estes dados. Estas evidências foram confirmadas pelo fato de não terem sido encontradas as mesmas proteínas da superfície na análise do secretoma do A. fumigatus. Além disso, todas as proteínas caracterizadas no secretoma apresentavam sinal de secreção determinado pelo FunSecKB (www.proteomics.ysu.edu/secretomes/fungi.php). A análise do secretoma foi realizada utilizando-se a cepa selvagem AF293 e a mutante ∆prtT, mutante para um fator de transcrição que atua na regulação da secreção de proteases. Os resultados revelam a ALP1 como expressa na cepa selvagem, assim como outras proteases importantes para virulência e desenvolvimento da célula fúngica, estando suprimidas quando o gene prtT foi deletado.


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A incidência de infecções fúngicas invasivas vem aumentando nos últimos anos. Estas infecções, em geral, apresentam altas taxas de mortalidade. A profilaxia com antifúngicos ainda é a estratégia mais comum na contenção da mortalidade e prevenção contra infecções fúngicas invasivas, porém, apresenta baixa eficiência, e relatos de resistência às drogas. Além disso, a terapia antifúngica é limitada a um pequeno grupo de drogas, como os polienos, azóis e equinocandinas. Desta forma, a busca de novos alvos de drogas é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de novos antifúngicos. Estudos in silico indicaram quatro genes como potenciais alvo de drogas em fungos patogênicos. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a expressão das proteínas codificadas por dois destes possíveis genes alvo, a proteína erg6, na fração microssomal, e trr1, na fração citosólica, em hifas de A. fumigatus. Visando alcançar este objetivo, foram primeiramente padronizadas todas as etapas de fracionamento celular visando isolar estas duas subfrações celulares de A. fumigatus. Posteriormente, foi otimizado o protocolo de extração e reidratação de proteínas microssomais bem como reidratação de proteínas citosólicas. Estes extratos foram submetidos a diferentes protocolos de fracionamento proteico em um sistema de eletroforese OFFGEL (OGE). Os resultados de Western immunoblot mostraram que estas duas proteínas, erg6 e trr1, são de fato expressas na fase filamentosa de A. fumigatus. O extrato proteico da fração microssomal submetido ao OGE em doze subfrações apresentou três subunidades da proteína erg6, reconhecidas pelo anticorpo monoclonal, com massas moleculares e pI distintos: uma subunidade de aproximadamente 79 kDa com pI entre 5,91 e 6,49, e outras duas subunidades de aproximadamente 35 kDa e 32 kDa, ambas com pI entre 6,49 e 7,08. A enzima erg6 foi descrita como um homotetrâmero em outros fungos. Porém, nossos resultados sugerem que, em A. fumigatus, a erg6 possui uma estrutura heterotetramérica. Quanto à proteína trr1, tanto no extrato total quanto nas frações resultantes do fracionamento em OGE, uma banda única de aproximadamente 40 kDa, com pI na faixa de 4,79 e 5,33, foi reconhecida pelo anticorpo policlonal. Desta forma, esta proteína parece ter uma estrutura homodimérica, assim como descrito em outros micro-organismos.


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捷安肽素是一种由枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)ZK 产生的抗真菌多肽。本文以柑桔青霉菌(Penicillium italicum)和绿霉菌(Penicillium digitaum)为供试真菌,研究了捷安肽素的抑菌性能及作用机理,为捷安肽素开发为有效的生物杀菌剂提供理论依据。全文共分两部分:第一部分:捷安肽素对柑桔青霉菌和绿霉菌抑制效果研究。采用琼脂扩散法测定捷安肽素对柑桔青霉菌和绿霉菌的抑菌活性。53.9 µg/mL 捷安肽素对绿霉菌和青霉菌的抑菌圈直径分别为26.7mm 和24.1mm。结果表明捷安肽素能够抑制柑桔青绿霉菌的生长,柑桔绿霉菌比青霉菌对捷安肽素敏感。在柑桔果实上,研究了不同浓度、不同接入时间的捷安肽素对柑桔青霉病和绿霉病的防治效果,并与常用化学杀菌剂抑霉唑、咪鲜胺、甲基硫菌灵和多菌灵作比较。53.9 µg/mL捷安肽素处理柑桔果实,柑桔青霉病和绿霉病发病率分别为5.0 %和5.3 %,比对照低95.0 %和94.7 %;柑桔青霉病和绿霉病的病情指数分别为1.87 和2.18,比对照低73.73 和97.82。结果表明,捷安肽素能够有效地防治柑桔青绿霉病。与对照相比,捷安肽素先于或后于柑桔青绿霉菌接入时,对柑桔青绿霉菌均有抑制作用,但抑制效果随接入间隔时间的增长而降低。第二部分:捷安肽素对绿霉菌作用机理研究。首先在光学显微镜和透射电镜下观察捷安肽素处理后绿霉菌菌丝表面形态结构与菌丝体内超微结构的变化。形态观察发现,捷安肽素处理24h以内,绿霉菌菌丝结构无变化。捷安肽素作用36h后,绿霉菌菌丝不规则缢缩和膨大。48h后,在绿霉菌菌丝顶端、中部、末端的多处细胞均可发生畸形的球状结构,这种畸变结构随处理的延长而增加,致使细胞成为捻珠状。处理72 h后,畸变球形细胞开始断裂离解。处理96h后,镜下几乎无完整菌丝,成单个的球状细胞,部分细胞出现破裂。而对照菌丝表面光滑,结构完整。通过透射电镜观察发现,与对照相比,捷安肽素处理后,绿霉菌细胞壁、细胞膜轮廓模糊不清,细胞质外泄。推测捷安肽素能够使绿霉菌细胞膜通透性发生改变。进一步实验利用紫外-可见分光光度计检测捷安肽素作用后绿霉菌胞外液紫外吸光度的变化,表明捷安肽素作用于绿霉菌菌丝后,细胞内蛋白质、核酸缓慢泄漏。通过Atomscan Advantage单道扫描等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP)测定捷安肽素作用后菌丝体内K+浓度的改变,结果表明捷安肽素作用于柑桔绿霉菌1h内,菌丝体内K+含量迅速下降,为对照绿霉菌K+含量的37.53 %,1 h后菌丝体内K+含量变化趋于平缓。K+的迅速泄漏,以及蛋白质、核酸的泄漏表明捷安肽素通过迅速改变绿霉菌细胞膜通透性,使绿霉菌菌丝生长受到抑制。Jiean-peptide produced by Bacillus subtilis ZK has broad-spectrumresistance to plant pathogens. In this study, we investigated the antifungal propertyand the possible antifungal mechanism of jiean-peptide against two commonphytopathogenic fungi of citrus fruits: blue molds (P. italicum) and green molds (P.digitatum).The paper involved two parts:Part 1 is the study of the antifungal property of jiean-peptide against blue moldsand green molds of citrus fruits. The in vitro inhibition effect of jiean-peptide againstblue molds and green molds was detected by agar diffusion method. The diameters ofinhibition zones of green molds and blue molds are 26.7mm and 24.1mm respectivelyby treating with 53.9 µg/mL jiean-peptide. It shows that jiean-peptide effectivelyinhibits the both phytopathogenic fungi, and it is more effective for inhibiting greenmolds than blue molds. The effectiveness of jiean-peptde to inhibit green molds andblue molds in vivo was investigated compared with four conventional fungicides thatare imazalil, prochloraz, carbendazin and methylthiophanate. The result is that the incidences of the blue mold disease and green mold disease are 5.0 % and 5.3 %, thedisease severities are 1.87 and 2.18 respectively when citrus are inoculated with 53.9µg/ml jiean-peptide. The decay incidences and disease severities were significantlyreduced by treating with jiean-peptide compared with the control. The results indicateJiean-peptide is effective for controlling blue molds and green molds on citrus. Theoptimized inoculation time was also investigated. When inoculated with jiean-peptideat 0 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h and 48 h before or after pathogens’ inoculation, Jiean-peptidecan suppress the occurrence of blue molds and green molds compared with the control, but the effect of later inoculation decreases compared with the inoculation at the sametime.In Part 2, we investigated the possible antifungal mechanism against greenmolds of citrus. At first, we observed the exterior morphological changes andultrastructural changes of blue molds under light microscopy (LM) and transmissionelectron microscopy (TEM). Compared with untreated control cells which aregenerally uniform in shape, the appearances of treated hyphae change obviously. Itshows that some cells of hyphae irregularly shrink or enlarge when cultured for 36h.When the treating time of jiean-peptide increases, the aberrance of the hyphaebecomes more obvious, and hyphae exhibit the moniliform appearances. Finally, thereis no intact hypha leaved except only single cells, and some of which appear fractured.By transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation, we find that the outline ofthe cell wall and the cell membrane of hyphae are blurry, and the cytoplasma oozesout. The observation result under LM and TEM suggests that jiean-peptide mightchange the permeability of the cell membrane. So we conducted further experiment todetect the change of permeability when the cells of blue molds were treated withjiean-peptide. And the effect of jiean-peptide on non-growing cells of blue molds wastested. By the spectrophotometer measurement, we found that compounds with lightabsorption at 260 nm and 280 nm were released and amounts increased within 12 hcompared with the control. Moreover, by the ICP measurement, the leakage of K+occurred immediately in the presence of jiean-peptide within 1 h, but with nearly nofurther change after 1 h. All these results indicate that jiean-peptide could change themembrane permeability of blue molds immediately and result in leaking nucleotides,proteins and K+ from cells.


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A number of methods are available for those researchers considering the addition of molecular analyses of ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi to their research projects and weighing the various approaches they might take. Analyzing natural EcM fungal communities has traditionally been a highly skilled, time-consuming process relying heavily on exacting morphological characterization of EcM root tips. Increasingly powerful molecular methods for analyzing EcM communities make this area of research available to a much wider range of researchers. Ecologists can gain from the body of work characterizing EcM while avoiding the requirement for exceptional expertise by carefully combining elements of traditional methods with the more recent molecular approaches. A cursory morphological analysis can yield a traditional quantification of EcM fungi based on tip numbers, a unit with functional and historical significance. Ectomycorrhizal root DNA extracts may then be analyzed with molecular methods widely used for characterizing microbiota. These range from methods applicable only to the simple mixes resulting from careful morphotyping, to community-oriented methods that identify many types in mixed samples as well as provide an estimate of their relative abundances. Extramatrical hyphae in bulk soil can also be more effectively studied, extending characterization of EcM fungal communities beyond the rhizoplane. The trend toward techniques permitting larger sample sets without prohibitive labor and time requirements will also permit us to more frequently address the issues of spatial and temporal variability and better characterize the roles of EcM fungi at multiple scales.


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The fungal species Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii cause respiratory and neurological disease in animals and humans following inhalation of basidiospores or desiccated yeast cells from the environment. Sexual reproduction in C. neoformans and C. gattii is controlled by a bipolar system in which a single mating type locus (MAT) specifies compatibility. These two species are dimorphic, growing as yeast in the asexual stage, and producing hyphae, basidia, and basidiospores during the sexual stage. In contrast, Filobasidiella depauperata, one of the closest related species, grows exclusively as hyphae and it is found in association with decaying insects. Examination of two available strains of F. depauperata showed that the life cycle of this fungal species shares features associated with the unisexual or same-sex mating cycle in C. neoformans. Therefore, F. depauperata may represent a homothallic and possibly an obligately sexual fungal species. RAPD genotyping of 39 randomly isolated progeny from isolate CBS7855 revealed a new genotype pattern in one of the isolated basidiospores progeny, therefore suggesting that the homothallic cycle in F. depauperata could lead to the emergence of new genotypes. Phylogenetic analyses of genes linked to MAT in C. neoformans indicated that two of these genes in F. depauperata, MYO2 and STE20, appear to form a monophyletic clade with the MATa alleles of C. neoformans and C. gattii, and thus these genes may have been recruited to the MAT locus before F. depauperata diverged. Furthermore, the ancestral MATa locus may have undergone accelerated evolution prior to the divergence of the pathogenic Cryptococcus species since several of the genes linked to the MATa locus appear to have a higher number of changes and substitutions than their MATalpha counterparts. Synteny analyses between C. neoformans and F. depauperata showed that genomic regions on other chromosomes displayed conserved gene order. In contrast, the genes linked to the MAT locus of C. neoformans showed a higher number of chromosomal translocations in the genome of F. depauperata. We therefore propose that chromosomal rearrangements appear to be a major force driving speciation and sexual divergence in these closely related pathogenic and saprobic species.


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Invasive aspergillosis, largely caused by Aspergillus fumigatus, is responsible for a growing number of deaths among immunosuppressed patients. Immunosuppressants such as FK506 (tacrolimus) that target calcineurin have shown promise for antifungal drug development. FK506-binding proteins (FKBPs) form a complex with calcineurin in the presence of FK506 (FKBP12-FK506) and inhibit calcineurin activity. Research on FKBPs in fungi is limited, and none of the FKBPs have been previously characterized in A. fumigatus. We identified four orthologous genes of FKBP12, the human FK506 binding partner, in A. fumigatus and designated them fkbp12-1, fkbp12-2, fkbp12-3, and fkbp12-4. Deletional analysis of the four genes revealed that the Δfkbp12-1 strain was resistant to FK506, indicating FKBP12-1 as the key mediator of FK506-binding to calcineurin. The endogenously expressed FKBP12-1-EGFP fusion protein localized to the cytoplasm and nuclei under normal growth conditions but also to the hyphal septa following FK506 treatment, revealing its interaction with calcineurin. The FKBP12-1-EGFP fusion protein didn't localize at the septa in the presence of FK506 in the cnaA deletion background, confirming its interaction with calcineurin. Testing of all deletion strains in the Galleria mellonella model of aspergillosis suggested that these proteins don't play an important role in virulence. While the Δfkbp12-2 and Δfkbp12-3 strains didn't show any discernable phenotype, the Δfkbp12-4 strain displayed slight growth defect under normal growth conditions and inhibition of the caspofungin-mediated "paradoxical growth effect" at higher concentrations of the antifungal caspofungin. Together, these results indicate that while only FKBP12-1 is the bona fide binding partner of FK506, leading to the inhibition of calcineurin in A. fumigatus, FKBP12-4 may play a role in basal growth and the caspofungin-mediated paradoxical growth response. Exploitation of differences between A. fumigatus FKBP12-1 and human FKBP12 will be critical for the generation of fungal-specific FK506 analogs to inhibit fungal calcineurin and treat invasive fungal disease.


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Studies demonstrate the active and passive capability of lichens to inhibit or retard the weathering of calcareous surfaces. Lichen coverage may actively protect a surface through shielding by the thallus and the binding and waterproofing of the rock surface and subsurface by fungal hyphae. Passive protection of rock surfaces may be induced by the formation of an insoluble encrustation, such as calcium oxalate, at the lichen-rock interface. Recent research suggests that the decay of hyphae, induced by changes in microenvironmental conditions, necrosis, parasitism or the natural physiological traits of particular lichen species, may expose a chemically and physically weakened substrate to dissolution triggering relatively rapid weathering-related surface lowering. Consequently, certain epilithic crustose and endolithic lichens may induce a period of surface stability throughout the course of their lifespan, followed by a phase of instability and rapid episodic microtopographical evolution after death and decay. A series of conceptual models is proposed to illustrate this idea over short (single lichen lifespan) and long (multiple lichen lifespans) timescales. The models suggest that the microscale biogeomorphological system of lichen-rock interaction is underpinned by nonlinear dynamical system theory as it exhibits dynamical instability and is consequently difficult to predict over a long timescale. Dominance by biodeterioration or bioprotection may be altered by changes in lichen species or in environmental conditions over time.


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High-affinity nitrate transport was examined in intact hyphae of Neurospora crassa using electrophysiological recordings to characterize the response of the plasma membrane to NO3- challenge and to quantify transport activity. The NO3(-)-associated membrane current was determined using a three electrode voltage clamp to bring membrane voltage under experimental control and to compensate for current dissipation along the longitudinal cell axis. Nitrate transport was evident in hyphae transferred to NO3(-)-free, N-limited medium for 15 hr, and in hyphae grown in the absence of a nitrogen source after a single 2-min exposure to 100 microM NO3-. In the latter, induction showed a latency of 40-80 min and rose in scalar fashion with full transport activity measurable approx. 100 min after first exposure to NO3-; it was marked by the appearance of a pronounced sensitivity of membrane voltage to extracellular NO3- additions which, after induction, resulted in reversible membrane depolarizations of (+)54-85 mV in the presence of 50 microM NO3-; and it was suppressed when NH4+ was present during the first, inductive exposure to NO3-. Voltage clamp measurements carried out immediately before and following NO3- additions showed that the NO3(-)-evoked depolarizations were the consequence of an inward-directed current that appeared in parallel with the depolarizations across the entire range of accessible voltages (-400 to +100 mV). Measurements of NO3- uptake using NO3(-)-selective macroelectrodes indicated a charge stoichiometry for NO3- transport of 1(+):1(NO3-) with common K(m) and Jmax values around 25 microM and 75 pmol NO3- cm-2sec-1, respectively, and combined measurements of pHo and [NO3-]o showed a net uptake of approx. 1 H+ with each NO3- anion. Analysis of the NO3- current demonstrated a pronounced voltage sensitivity within the normal physiological range between -300 and -100 mV as well as interactions between the kinetic parameters of membrane voltage, pHo and [NO3-]o. Increasing the bathing pH from 5.5 to 8.0 reduced the current and the associated membrane depolarizations 2- to 4-fold. At a constant pHo of 6.1, driving the membrane voltage from -350 to -150 mV resulted in an approx. 3-fold reduction in the maximum current and a 5-fold rise in the apparent affinity for NO3-. By contrast, the same depolarization effected an approx. 20% fall in the K(m) for transport as a function in [H+]o. These, and additional results are consistent with a charge-coupling stoichiometry of 2(H+) per NO3- anion transported across the membrane, and implicate a carrier cycle in which NO3- binding is kinetically adjacent to the rate-limiting step of membrane charge transit. The data concur with previous studies demonstrating a pronounced voltage-dependence to high-affinity NO3- transport system in Arabidopsis, and underline the importance of voltage as a kinetic factor controlling NO3- transport; finally, they distinguish metabolite repression of NO3- transport induction from its sensitivity to metabolic blockade and competition with the uptake of other substrates that draw on membrane voltage as a kinetic substrate.


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Soil aggregation is a principal ecosystem process mediated by soil biota. Collembola and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are important groups in the soil, and can interact in various ways. Few studies have examined collembola effects on soil aggregation, while many have quantified AM effects. Here, we asked if collembola have any effect on soil aggregation, and if they alter AM fungi-mediated effects on soil aggregation.

We carried out a factorial greenhouse study, manipulating the presence of both collembola and AM fungi, using two different plant species, Sorghum vulgare and Daucus carota. We measured root length and biomass, AMF (and non-AMF) soil hyphal length, root colonization, and collembolan populations, and quantified water stable soil aggregates (WSA) in four size classes.

Soil exposed to growth of AMF hyphae and collembola individually had higher WSA than control treatments. Moreover, the interaction effects between AMF and collembola were significant, with nonadditive increases in the combined application compared to the single treatments.

Our findings show that collembola can play a crucial role in maintaining ecological sustainability through promoting soil aggregation, and point to the importance of considering organism interactions in understanding formation of soil structure. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fluvial islands are emergent landforms which form at the interface between the permanently inundated areas of the river channel and the more stable areas of the floodplain as a result of interactions between physical river processes, wood and riparian vegetation. These highly dynamical systems are ideal to study soil structure development in the short to medium term, a process in which soil biota and plants play a substantial role. We investigated soil structure development on islands along a 40 year chronosequence within a 3 km island-braided reach of the Tagliamento River, Northeastern Italy. We used several parameters to capture different aspects of the soil structure, and measured biotic (e.g., fungal and plant root parameters) and abiotic (e.g. organic carbon) factors expected to determine the structure. We estimated models relating soil structure to its determinants, and, in order to confer statistical robustness to our results, we explicitly took into account spatial autocorrelation, which is present due to the space for time substitution inherent in the study of chronosequences and may have confounded results of previous studies. We found that, despite the eroding forces from the hydrological and geomorphological dynamics to which the system is subject, all soil structure variables significantly, and in some case greatly increased with site age. We interpret this as a macroscopic proxy for the major direct and indirect binding effects exerted by root variables and extraradical hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Key soil structure parameters such as percentage of water stable aggregates (WSA) can double from the time the island landform is initiated (mean WSA = 30%) to the full 40 years (mean WSA = 64%) covered by our chronosequence. The study demonstrates the fundamental role of soil biota and plant roots in aggregating soils even in a system in which intense short to medium term physical disturbances are common.