995 resultados para Hydrodynamic modeling


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Most of the works published on hydrodynamic parameter identification of open-frame underwater vehicles focus their attention almost exclusively on good coherence between simulated and measured responses, giving less importance to the determination of “actual values” for hydrodynamic parameters. To gain insight into hydrodynamic parameter experimental identification of open-frame underwater vehicles, an experimental identification procedure is proposed here to determine parameters of uncoupled and coupled models. The identification procedure includes: (i) a prior estimation of actual values of the forces/torques applied to the vehicle, (ii) identification of drag parameters from constant velocity tests and (iii) identification of inertia and coupling parameters from oscillatory tests; at this stage, the estimated values of drag parameter obtained in item (ii) are used. The procedure proposed here was used to identify the hydrodynamic parameters of LAURS—an unmanned underwater vehicle developed at the University of São Paulo. The thruster–thruster and thruster–hull interactions and the advance velocity of the vehicle are shown to have a strong impact on the efficiency of thrusters appended to open-frame underwater vehicles, especially for high advance velocities. Results of tests with excitation in 1-DOF and 3-DOF are reported and discussed, showing the feasibility of the developed procedure.


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The purpose of this research is to study sedimentation mechanism by mathematical modeling in access channels which are affected by tidal currents. The most important factor for recognizing sedimentation process in every water environment is the flow pattern of that environment. It is noteworthy that the flow pattern is affected by the geometry and the shape of the environment as well as the type of existing affects in area. The area under the study in this thesis is located in Bushehr Gulf and the access channels (inner and outer). The study utilizes the hydrodynamic modeling with unstructured triangular and non-overlapping grids, using the finite volume, From method analysis in two scale sizes: large scale (200 m to 7.5km) and small scale (50m to 7.5km) in two different time durations of 15 days and 3.5 days to obtain the flow patterns. The 2D governing equations used in the model are the Depth-Averaged Shallow Water Equations. Turbulence Modeling is required to calculate the Eddy Viscosity Coefficient using the Smagorinsky Model with coefficient of 0.3. In addition to the flow modeling in two different scales and the use of the data of 3.5 day tidal current modeling have been considered to study the effects of the sediments equilibrium in the area and the channels. This model is capable of covering the area which is being settled and eroded and to identify the effects of tidal current of these processes. The required data of the above mentioned models such as current and sediments data have been obtained by the measurements in Bushehr Gulf and the access channels which was one of the PSO's (Port and Shipping Organization) project-titled, "The Sedimentation Modeling in Bushehr Port" in 1379. Hydrographic data have been obtained from Admiralty maps (2003) and Cartography Organization (1378, 1379). The results of the modeling includes: cross shore currents in northern and north western coasts of Bushehr Gulf during the neap tide and also the same current in northern and north eastern coasts of the Gulf during the spring tide. These currents wash and carry fine particles (silt, clay, and mud) from the coastal bed of which are generally made of mud and clay with some silts. In this regard, the role of sediments in the islands of this area and the islands made of depot of dredged sediments should not be ignored. The result of using 3.5 day modeling is that the cross channels currents leads to settlement places in inner and outer channels in tidal period. In neap tide the current enters the channel from upside bend of the two channels and outer channel. Then it crosses the channel oblique in some places of the outer channel. Also the oblique currents or even almost perpendicular current from up slope of inner channel between No. 15 and No. 18 buoys interact between the parallel currents in the channel and made secondary oblique currents which exit as a down-slope current in the channel and causes deposit of sediments as well as settling the suspended sediments carried by these currents. In addition in outer channel the speed of parallel currents in the bend of the channel which is naturally deeper increases. Therefore, it leads to erosion and suspension of sediments in this area. The speed of suspended sediments carried by this current which is parallel to the channel axis decreases when they pass through the shallower part of the channel where it is in the buoys No.7 and 8 to 5 and 6 are located. Therefore, the suspended sediment settles and because of this process these places will be even shallower. Furthermore, the passing of oblique upstream leads to settlement of the sediments in the up-slope and has an additional effect on the process of decreasing the depth of these locations. On the contrary, in the down-slope channel, as the results of sediments and current modeling indicates the speed of current increases and the currents make the particles of down-slope channel suspended and be carried away. Thus, in a vast area of downstream of both channels, the sediments have settled. At the end of the neap tide, the process along with circulations in this area produces eddies which causes sedimentation in the area. During spring some parts of this active location for sedimentation will enter both channels in a reverse process. The above mentioned processes and the places of sedimentation and erosion in inner and outer channels are validated by the sediments equilibrium modeling. This model will be able to estimate the suspended, bed load and the boundary layer thickness in each point of both channels and in the modeled area.


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The motion of DNA (in the bulk solution) and the non-Newtonian effective fluid behavior are considered separately and self-consistently with the fluid motion satisfying the no-slip boundary condition on the surface of the confining geometry in the presence of channel pressure gradients. A different approach has been developed to model DNA in the micro-channel. In this study the DNA is assumed as an elastic chain with its characteristic Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and density. The force which results from the fluid dynamic pressure, viscous forces and electromotive forces is applied to the elastic chain in a coupled manner. The velocity fields in the micro-channel are influenced by the transport properties. Simulations are carried out for the DNAs attached to the micro-fluidic wall. Numerical solutions based on a coupled multiphysics finite element scheme are presented. The modeling scheme is derived based on mass conservation including biomolecular mass, momentum balance including stress due to Coulomb force field and DNA-fluid interaction, and charge transport associated to DNA and other ionic complexes in the fluid. Variation in the velocity field for the non-Newtonian flow and the deformation of the DNA strand which results from the fluid-structure interaction are first studied considering a single DNA strand. Motion of the effective center of mass is analyzed considering various straight and coil geometries. Effects of DNA statistical parameters (geometry and spatial distribution of DNAs along the channel) on the effective flow behavior are analyzed. In particular, the dynamics of different DNA physical properties such as radius of gyration, end-to-end length etc. which are obtained from various different models (Kratky-Porod, Gaussian bead-spring etc.) are correlated to the nature of interaction and physical properties under the same background fluid environment.


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Aquatic species can experience different selective pressures on morphology in different flow regimes. Species inhabiting lotic regimes often adapt to these conditions by evolving low-drag (i.e., streamlined) morphologies that reduce the likelihood of dislodgment or displacement. However, hydrodynamic factors are not the only selective pressures influencing organismal morphology and shapes well suited to flow conditions may compromise performance in other roles. We investigated the possibility of morphological trade-offs in the turtle Pseudemys concinna. Individuals living in lotic environments have flatter, more streamlined shells than those living in lentic environments; however, this flatter shape may also make the shells less capable of resisting predator-induced loads. We tested the idea that ‘‘lotic’’ shell shapes are weaker than ‘‘lentic’’ shell shapes, concomitantly examining effects of sex. Geometric morphometric data were used to transform an existing finite element shell model into a series of models corresponding to the shapes of individual turtles. Models were assigned identical material properties and loaded under identical conditions, and the stresses produced by a series of eight loads were extracted to describe the strength of the shells. ‘‘Lotic’’ shell shapes produced significantly higher stresses than ‘‘lentic’’ shell shapes, indicating that the former is weaker than the latter. Females had significantly stronger shell shapes than males, although these differences were less consistent than differences between flow regimes. We conclude that, despite the potential for many-to-one mapping of shell shape onto strength, P. concinna experiences a trade-off in shell shape between hydrodynamic and mechanical performance. This trade-off may be evident in many other turtle species or any other aquatic species that also depend on a shell for defense. However, evolution of body size may provide an avenue of escape from this trade-off in some cases, as changes in size can drastically affect mechanical performance while having little effect on hydrodynamic performance.


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"February 1979."


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The mesoscale simulation of a lamellar mesophase based on a free energy functional is examined with the objective of determining the relationship between the parameters in the model and molecular parameters. Attention is restricted to a symmetric lamellar phase with equal volumes of hydrophilic and hydrophobic components. Apart from the lamellar spacing, there are two parameters in the free energy functional. One of the parameters, r, determines the sharpness of the interface, and it is shown how this parameter can be obtained from the interface profile in a molecular simulation. The other parameter, A, provides an energy scale. Analytical expressions are derived to relate these parameters to r and A to the bending and compression moduli and the permeation constant in the macroscopic equation to the Onsager coefficient in the concentration diffusion equation. The linear hydrodynamic response predicted by the theory is verified by carrying out a mesoscale simulation using the lattice-Boltzmann technique and verifying that the analytical predictions are in agreement with simulation results. A macroscale model based on the layer thickness field and the layer normal field is proposed, and the relationship between the parameters in the macroscale model from the parameters in the mesoscale free energy functional is obtained.


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Ionic Polymer Metal Composites (IPMCs) are a class of Electro-Active Polymers (EAPs) consisting of a base polymer (usually Nafion), sandwiched between thin films of electrodes and an electrolyte. Apart from fuel cell like proton exchange process in Nafion, these IPMCs can act both as an actuator and a sensor. Typically, IPMCs have been known for their applications in fuel cell technology and in artificial muscles for robots. However, more recently, sensing properties of IPMC have opened up possibilities of mechanical energy harvesting. In this paper, we consider a bi-layer stack of IPMC membranes where fluid flow induced cyclic oscillation allows collection of electronic charge across a pair of functionalized electrode on the surface of IPMC layers/stacks. IPMCs work well in hydrated environment; more specifically, in presence of an electrolyte, and therefore, have great potential in underwater applications like hydrodynamic energy harvesting. Hydrodynamic forces produce bending deformation, which can induce transport of cations via polymer chains of the base polymer of Nafion or PTFE. In our experimental set-up, the deformation is induced into the array of IPMC membranes immersed in electrolyte by water waves caused by a plunger connected to a stepper motor. The frequency and amplitude of the water waves is controlled by the stepper motor through a micro-controller. The generated electric power is measured across a resistive load. Few orders of magnitude increase in the harvested power density is observed. Analytical modeling approach used for power and efficiency calculations are discussed. The observed electro-mechanical performance promises a host of underwater energy harvesting applications.


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Wave-induced instability of untrenched pipeline on sandy seabed is a `wave-soil-pipeline' coupling dynamic problem. To explore the mechanism of the pipeline instability, the hydrodynamic loading with U-shaped oscillatory flow tunnel is adopted, which is quite different from the previous experiment system. Based on dimensional analysis, the critical conditions for pipeline instability are investigated by altering pipeline submerged weight, diameter, soil parameters, etc. Based on the experimental results, different linear relationships between Froude number (Fr) and non-dimensional pipeline weight (G) are obtained for two constraint conditions. Moreover, the effects of loading history on the pipeline stability are also studied. Unlike previous experiments, sand scouring during the process of pipe's losing stability is detected in the present experiments. In addition, the experiment results are compared with the previous experiments, based on Wake II model for the calculation of wave-induced forces upon pipeline. It shows that the results of two kinds of experiments are comparable, but the present experiments provide better physical insight of the wave-soil-pipeline coupling effects.


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Onset and evolution of the Rayleigh-Benard (R-B) convection are investigated using the Information Preservation (IP) method. The information velocity and temperature are updated using the Octant Flux Splitting (OFS) model developed by Masters & Ye based on the Maxwell transport equation suggested by Sun & Boyd. Statistical noise inherent in particle approaches such as the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is effectively reduced by the IP method, and therefore the evolutions from an initial quiescent fluid to a final steady state are shown clearly. An interesting phenomenon is observed: when the Rayleigh number (Ra) exceeds its critical value, there exists an obvious incubation stage. During the incubation stage, the vortex structure clearly appears and evolves, whereas the Nusselt number (Nu) of the lower plate is close to unity. After the incubation stage, the vortex velocity and Nu rapidly increase, and the flow field quickly reaches a steady, convective state. A relation of Nu to Ra given by IP agrees with those given by DSMC, the classical theory and experimental data.


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A Nonlinear Fluid Damping (NFD) in the form of the square-velocity is applied in the response analysis of Vortex-induced Vibrations (VIV). Its nonlinear hydrodynamic effects oil the coupled wake and structure oscillators are investigated. A comparison between the coupled systems with the linear and nonlinear fluid dampings and experiments shows that the NFD model can well describe response characteristics, such as the amplification of body displacement at lock-in and frequency lock-ill, both at high and low mass ratios. Particularly, the predicted peak amplitude of the body in the Griffin plot is ill good agreement with experimental data and empirical equation, indicating the significant effect of the NFD on the structure motion.


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The study of pair-wise interactions between swimming microorganisms is fundamental to the understanding of the rheological and transport properties of semi-dilute suspensions. In this paper, the hydrodynamic interaction of two ciliated microorganisms is investigated numerically using a boundary-element method, and the microorganisms are modeled as spherical squirmers that swim by time-dependent surface deformations. The results show that the inclusion of the unsteady terms in the ciliary propulsion model has a large impact on the trajectories of the interacting cells, and causes a significant change in scattering angles with potential important consequences on the diffusion properties of semi-dilute suspensions. Furthermore, the analysis of the shear stress acting on the surface of the microorganisms revealed that the duration and the intensity of the near-field interaction are significantly modified by the presence of unsteadiness. This observation may account for the hydrodynamic nature of randomness in some biological reactions, and supersedes the distinction between intrinsic randomness and hydrodynamic interactions, adding a further element to the understanding and modeling of interacting microorganisms.


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In semilevitation melting, a cylindrical metal ingot is melted by a coaxial a.c. induction coil. A watercooled solid base supports the ingot, while the top and side free surface is confined by the magnetic forces as the melting front progresses. The dynamic interplay between gravity, hydrodynamic stress, and the Lorentz force in the fluid determines the instantaneous free surface shape. The coupled nonstationary equations for turbulent flow, heat with phase change, and high-frequency electromagnetic field are solved numerically for the axisymmetric time-dependent domain by a continuous mesh transformation, using a pseudospectral method. Results are obtained for the two actually existing coil configurations and several validation cases.