992 resultados para Hybrid zone


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Historical climatic refugia predict genetic diversity in lowland endemics of the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. Yet, available data reveal distinct biological responses to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) conditions across species of different altitudinal ranges. We show that species occupying Brazil's montane forests were significantly less affected by LGM conditions relative to lowland specialists, but that pre-Pleistocene tectonics greatly influenced their geographic variation. Our conclusions are based on palaeoclimatic distribution models, molecular sequences of the cytochrome b, 16S, and RAG-1 genes, and karyotype data for the endemic frog Proceratophrys boiei. DNA and chromosomal data identify in P. boiei at least two broadly divergent phylogroups, which have not been distinguished morphologically. Cytogenetic results also indicate an area of hybridization in southern Sao Paulo. The location of the phylogeographic break broadly matches the location of a NW-SE fault, which underwent reactivation in the Neogene and led to remarkable landscape changes in southeastern Brazil. Our results point to different mechanisms underpinning diversity patterns in lowland versus montane tropical taxa, and help us to understand the processes responsible for the large number of narrow endemics currently observed in montane areas of the southern Atlantic forest hotspot. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurde in zwei Schwerpunktanalysen mit eine Teil- und Gesamtdatensatz die Untersuchung der Hybridisierung zwischen den beiden Microcebus-Arten M. murinus und M. griseorufus im Ökoton Südostmadagaskars umfangreich und vertieft untersucht. Für die genetischen Analysen wurden die maternal vererbte mitochondriale Hypervariable Region I (HVR 1) und neun nukleäre biparental vererbte Mikrosatellitenmarker eingesetzt. Als weiterer Datensatz wurden morphometrische Daten verwendet. Für die erste Schwerpunktanalyse wurde ein bereits vorhandener Teildatensatz (Hapke 2005 & Gligor 2006) mit Daten von insgesamt 162 Individuen aus neun Populationen der Dornbuschzone, der Übergangswaldzone und des Küstenwaldgebietes eingesetzt. In der zweiten Schwerpunktanalyse wurde eine umfangreiche Untersuchung der Microcebus griseoruus-M. murinus- Hybridzone vorgenommen. Für diese detaillierte Charakterisierung der Hybridzone wurde eine ausgedehnte und fein auflösende Probennahme in einem als Kernzone definierten Bereich, der die gesamte Übergangswaldzone und die dazu benachbarten Dornbuschgebiete umfasste, durchgeführt. Die morphometrischen und genetischen Daten der neu beprobten Individuen dieser Kernzone wurden mit den Daten des Teildatensatzes und weiteren Daten aus Küstenwaldpopulationen (Hapke 2005) zu einem Gesamtdatensatz zusammengefasst. Die Integration des Teildatensatzes in den Gesamtdatensatz erforderte umfassende und zeitintensive Labor- und Analysearbeiten, die im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit durchgeführt wurden. Der Gesamtdatensatz umfasste insgesamt 569 Individuen der Gattung Microcebus aus 29 Untersuchungsstandorten. Die mit beiden Datensätzen durchgeführte Analyse morphometrischer Daten zeigte deutlich, dass die Mehrzahl der Individuen aus der Übergangswaldzone einen intermediären Morphotyp aufweist. Durch die mit den Daten des Teildatensatzes durchgeführten Bayes’schen Clusteranalysen und Assignment-Tests, das vornehmlich in den Populationen der Übergangszone beobachtete signifikante Kopplungsungleichgewicht und Heterozygotendefizit, die festgestellte Verteilung der mitochondrialen Haplotypen und das kontrastierende Muster zwischen nukleären Mikrosatellitengenotypen und mitochondrialen Haplotypen in den Übergangswaldpopulationen konnte erstmals das Vorkommen einer Hybridzone zwischen Microcebus-Arten wissenschaftlich fundiert festgestellt werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Schwerpunktanalyse wurden in der Fachzeitschrift Molecular Ecology publiziert (Gligor et al. 2009). Die in der ersten Schwerpunktanalyse festgestellte Hybridzone konnte durch die zweite Schwerpunktanalyse mit den genetischen und morphometrischen Daten des Gesamtdatensatzes nicht nur bestätigt werden, sondern auch auf die gesamte Übergangswaldzone erweitert werden. Ferner wurden starke Hinweise auf eine Hybridisierung beider Microcebus-Arten an einigen Dornbuschstandorten der Kernzone gefunden. Durch die große Datenmenge des Gesamtdatensatzes, vor allem aus der Kernzone des Untersuchungsgebietes, war es möglich eine fundierte Charakterisierung der Microcebus griseoruus-M. murinus- Hybridzone durchzuführen. Die Übereinstimmung der Hybridzone mit dem beobachteten Vegetationsmosaik zusammen mit den Ergebnissen der PCA, der PCoA und der Bayes’schen Clusteranalyse sprechen für das Modell der „Mosaik Hybridzone“, während die Einzelbetrachtung der mosaikartig verteilten intermediären Übergangswälder eine hohe Abundanz der Hybride aufzeigte und somit eher das „Bounded Hybrid Superiority model“ unterstützt. Der gewählte geographische Beprobungsmaßstab könnte somit einen Einfluss auf die beobachtete Struktur einer Hybridzone haben. Eines der markantesten Muster in der Hybridzone ist das stark kontrastierende cyto-nukleäre Muster. Der seit ca. 3000 Jahren fortschreitende Klimawandel in Südmadagaskar und die damit verbundene Expansion des Verbreitungsgebietes der Art Microcebus griseorufus nach Osten, das in dieser Arbeit festgestellte „male-biased dispersal“ bei M. griseorufus und der Einfluss exogener Selektion sprechen stark für eine massive asymmetrische nukleäre Genintrogression von M. griseorufus-Allelen in M. murinus-Populationen, verbunden mit einer potentiellen Verdrängung der Art M. murinus aus der Übergangswaldzone. In den jeweiligen Kerngebieten Dornbusch und Küstenwald bleibt jedoch die Diskretheit beider Arten gewahrt.


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Hybrid zones provide excellent opportunities to study processes and mechanisms underlying reproductive isolation and speciation. Here we investigated sex-specific clines of molecular markers in hybrid zones of morphologically cryptic yet genetically highly-diverged evolutionary lineages of the European common vole (Microtus arvalis). We analyzed the position and width of four secondary contact zones along three independent transects in the region of the Alps using maternally (mitochondrial DNA) and paternally (Y-chromosome) inherited genetic markers. Given male-biased dispersal in the common vole, a selectively neutral secondary contact would show broader paternal marker clines than maternal ones. In a selective case, for example, involving a form of Haldane’s rule, Y-chromosomal clines would not be expected to be broader than maternal markers because they are transmitted by the heterogametic sex and thus gene flow would be restricted. Consistent with the selective case, paternal clines were significantly narrower or at most equal in width to maternal clines in all contact zones. In addition, analyses using maximum likelihood cline-fitting detected a shift of paternal relative to maternal clines in three of four contact zones. These patterns suggest that processes at the contact zones in the common vole are not selectively neutral, and that partial reproductive isolation is already established between these evolutionary lineages. We conclude that hybrid zone movement, sexual selection and/or genetic incompatibilities are likely associated with an unusual unidirectional manifestation of Haldane’s rule in this common European mammal.


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Hybrid zones are regions where individuals from genetically differentiated populations meet and mate, resulting in at least some offspring of mixed ancestry. Patterns of gene flow (introgression) in hybrid zones vary across the genome, allowing assessment of the role of individual genes or genome regions in reproductive isolation. Here, we document patterns of introgression between two recently diverged species of field crickets. We sampled at a very fine spatial scale and genotyped crickets for 110 highly differentiated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified through transcriptome scans. Using both genomic and geographic cline analysis, we document remarkably abrupt transitions (<100 m) in allele frequencies for 50 loci, despite high levels of gene flow at other loci. These are among the steepest clines documented for any hybridizing taxa. Furthermore, the cricket hybrid zone provides one of the clearest examples of the semi-permeability of species boundaries. Comparisons between data from the fine-scale transect and data (for the same set of markers) from sampling a much larger area in a different region of the cricket hybrid zone reveal consistent patterns of introgression for individual loci. The consistency in patterns of introgression between these two distant and distinct regions of the hybrid zone suggests that strong selection is acting to maintain abrupt discontinuities within the hybrid zone and that genomic regions with restricted introgression likely include genes that contribute to nonecological prezygotic barriers.


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Background The mechanistic basis of speciation and in particular the contribution of behaviour to the completion of the speciation process is often contentious. Contact zones between related taxa provide a situation where selection against hybridization might reinforce separation by behavioural mechanisms, which could ultimately fully isolate the taxa. One of the most abundant European mammals, the common vole Microtus arvalis, forms multiple natural hybrid zones where rapidly diverging evolutionary lineages meet in secondary contact. Very narrow zones of hybridization spanning only a few kilometres and sex-specific gene flow patterns indicate reduced fitness of natural hybrids and incipient speciation between some of the evolutionary lineages. In this study, we examined the contribution of behavioural mechanisms to the speciation process in these rodents by fine-mapping allopatric and parapatric populations in the hybrid zone between the Western and Central lineages and experimental testing of the partner preferences of wild, pure-bred and hybrid female common voles. Results Genetic analysis based on microsatellite markers revealed the presence of multiple parapatric and largely non-admixed populations at distances of about 10 km at the edge of the area of natural hybridization between the Western and Central lineages. Wild females from Western parapatric populations and lab-born F1 hybrids preferred males from the Western lineage whereas wild females of Central parapatric origin showed no measurable preference. Furthermore, wild and lab-born females from allopatric populations of the Western or Central lineages showed no detectable preference for males from either lineage. Conclusions The detected partner preferences are consistent with asymmetrical reinforcement of pre-mating reproductive isolation mechanisms in the European common vole and with earlier results suggesting that hybridization is more detrimental to the Western lineage. As a consequence, these differences in behaviour might contribute to a further geographical stabilization of this moving hybrid zone. Such behavioural processes could also provide a mechanistic perspective for frequently-detected asymmetrical introgression patterns in the largely allopatrically diversifying Microtus genus and other rapidly speciating rodents.


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Ecological processes are central to the formation of new species when barriers to gene flow (reproductive isolation) evolve between populations as a result of ecologically-based divergent selection. Although laboratory and field studies provide evidence that 'ecological speciation' can occur, our understanding of the details of the process is incomplete. Here we review ecological speciation by considering its constituent components: an ecological source of divergent selection, a form of reproductive isolation, and a genetic mechanism linking the two. Sources of divergent selection include differences in environment or niche, certain forms of sexual selection, and the ecological interaction of populations. We explore the evidence for the contribution of each to ecological speciation. Forms of reproductive isolation are diverse and we discuss the likelihood that each may be involved in ecological speciation. Divergent selection on genes affecting ecological traits can be transmitted directly (via pleiotropy) or indirectly (via linkage disequilibrium) to genes causing reproductive isolation and we explore the consequences of both. Along with these components, we also discuss the geography and the genetic basis of ecological speciation. Throughout, we provide examples from nature, critically evaluate their quality, and highlight areas where more work is required.


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Hard biological materials such as bone possess superior material properties of high stiffness and toughness. Two unique characteristics of bone microstructure are a large aspect ratio of mineralized collagen fibrils (MCF), and an extremely thin and large area of extrafibrillar protein matrix located between the MCF. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of: (1) MCF aspect ratio, and (2) energy dissipation in extrafibrillar protein matrix on the mechanical behaviour of MCF arrays. In this study, notched specimens of MCF arrays in extrafibrillar protein matrix are subjected to bending. Cohesive zone model was implemented to simulate the failure of extrafibrillar protein matrix. The study reveals that the MCF array with a higher MCF aspect ratio and the MCF array with a higher protein energy dissipation in the interface direction are able to sustain a higher bending force and dissipate higher energy.


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This paper presents a computational method for eliminating severe stress concentration at the unsupported railhead ends in rail joints through innovative shape optimization of the contact zone, which is complex due to near field nonlinear contact. With a view to minimizing the computational efforts, hybrid genetic algorithm method coupled with parametric finite element has been developed and compared with the traditional genetic algorithm (GA). The shape of railhead top surface where the wheel contacts nonlinearly was optimized using the hybridized GA method. Comparative study of the optimal result and the search efficiency between the traditional and hybrid GA methods has shown that the hybridized GA provides the optimal shape in fewer computational cycles without losing accuracy. The method will be beneficial to solving complex engineering problems involving contact nonlinearity.


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Australian climate is highly suitable for using outdoor air for free building cooling. In order to evaluate the suitability of hybrid cooler for specific applications, a pre-design climate assessment tool is developed and presented in this paper. In addition to the consideration of the local climate, comfort zone proposed by ASHRAE handbook and specific design of building and operation of hybrid cooler, possible influence from environmental factors (e.g. air humidity and air velocity), as well as personal factors (e.g. activity level and clothing insulation) on occupant’s thermal comfort are also considered in this tool. It is demonstrated that with the input of climatic data for a particular location and the associated design data for a specific application, the developed climate assessment tool is able to not only sort outdoor air conditions into the different process regions but also project them onto the psychrometric chart. It can also be used to estimate the hours for an individual operational mode under various climate conditions and summarize them in a table “Results”.


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Grasses, legumes, saltbushes and herbs were evaluated at 6 sites in southern inland Queensland to identify potential pasture and forage plants for use on marginal cropping soils. The region experiences summer heat waves and severe winter frosts. Emphasis was on perennial plants, and native species were included. Seedlings were transplanted into the unfertilized fields in either summer or autumn to suit the growing season of plants, and watered to ensure estab-lishment. Summer-growing grasses were the most successful group, while cool season-growing perennials mostly failed. Summer legumes were disappointing, with Stylosanthes scabra and Indigofera schimperi performing best. Some lines such as I. schimperi and the Eragrostis hybrid cv. Cochise were assessed as potential weeds owing to low animal acceptance. Native Rhynchosia minima grew well at some sites and deserves more study. Cenchrus ciliaris was always easy to establish and produced the highest yields. Persistence of some Digitaria and Bothriochloa species, Eragrostis curvula and Fingerhuthia africana at specific sites was encouraging, but potential weediness needs careful assessment. Standard species were identified to represent the main forage types, such as Austrostipa scabra for cool season-growing grasses, for incorporation into future trials with new genetic materials. The early field testing protocol used should be considered for use elsewhere, if unreliable rainfall poses a high risk of establishment failure from scarce seed.


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This paper presents a new approach by making use of a hybrid method of using the displacement discontinuity element method and direct boundary element method to model concrete cracking by incorporating fictitious crack model. Fracture mechanics approach is followed using the Hillerborg's fictitious crack model. A boundary element based substructure method and a hybrid technique of using displacement discontinuity element method and direct boundary element method are compared in this paper. In order to represent the process zone ahead of the crack, closing forces are assumed to act in such a way that they obey a linear normal stress-crack opening displacement law. Plain concrete beams with and without initial crack under three-point loading were analyzed by both the methods. The numerical results obtained were shown to agree well with the results from existing finite element method. The model is capable of reproducing the whole range of load-deflection response including strain-softening and snap-back behavior as illustrated in the numerical examples. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The giant basal spicules of the siliceous sponges Monorhaphis chuni and Monorhaphis intermedia (Hexactinellida) represent the largest biosilica structures on earth (up to 3 m long). Here we describe the construction (lamellar organization) of these spicules and of the comitalia and highlight their organic matrix in order to understand their mechanical properties. The spicules display three distinct regions built of biosilica: (i) the outer lamellar zone (radius: >300 mu m), (ii) the bulky axial cylinder (radius: <75 mu m), and (iii) the central axial canal (diameter: <2 mu m) with its organic axial filament. The spicules are loosely covered with a collagen net which is regularly perforated by 7-10 mu m large holes; the net can be silicified. The silica layers forming the lamellar zone are approximate to 5 mu m thick; the central axial cylinder appears to be composed of almost solid silica which becomes porous after etching with hydrofluoric acid (HF). Dissolution of a complete spicule discloses its complex structure with distinct lamellae in the outer zone (lamellar coating) and a more resistant central part (axial barrel). Rapidly after the release of the organic coating from the lamellar zone the protein layers disintegrate to form irregular clumps/aggregates. In contrast, the proteinaceous axial barrel, hidden in the siliceous axial cylinder, is set up by rope-like filaments. Biochemical analysis revealed that the (dominant) molecule of the lamellar coating is a 27-kDa protein which displays catalytic, proteolytic activity. High resolution electron microscopic analysis showed that this protein is arranged within the lamellae and stabilizes these surfaces by palisade-like pillars. The mechanical behavior of the spicules was analyzed by a 3-point bending assay, coupled with scanning electron microscopy. The load-extension curve of the spicule shows a biphasic breakage/cracking pattern. The outer lamellar zone cracks in several distinct steps showing high resistance in concert with comparably low elasticity, while the axial cylinder breaks with high elasticity and lower stiffness. The complex bioorganic/inorganic hybrid composition and structure of the Monorhaphis spicules might provide the blueprint for the synthesis of bio-inspired material, with unusual mechanical properties (strength, stiffness) without losing the exceptional properties of optical transmission. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Despite over seven decades of speciation research and 25 years of phylogeographic studies, a comprehensive understanding of mechanisms that generate biological species remains elusive. In temperate zones, the pervasiveness of range fragmentation and subsequent range expansions suggests that secondary contact between diverging lineages may be important in the evolution of species. Thus, such contact zones provide compelling opportunities to investigate evolutionary processes, particularly the roles of geographical isolation in initiating, and indirect selection against hybrids in completing (reinforcement), the evolution of reproductive isolation and speciation. The spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) has six well-supported mitochondrial lineages many of which are now in secondary contact. Here I investigate the evolutionary consequences of secondary contact of two such lineages (Eastern and Interior) in Southwestern Ontario using genetic, morphological, acoustical, experimental, and behavioural evidence to show accentuated divergence of the mate recognition system in sympatry. Mitochondrial and microsatellite data distinguish these two lineages but also show ongoing hybridization. Bayesian assignment tests and cline analysis imply asymmetrical introgression of Eastern lineage nuclear markers into Interior populations. Male calls are divergent between Eastern and Interior allopatric populations and show asymmetrical reproductive character displacement in sympatry. Female preference of pure lineage individuals is also exaggerated in sympatry, with hybrids showing intermediate traits and preference. I suggest that these patterns are most consistent with secondary reinforcement. I assessed levels of post-zygotic isolation between the Eastern and Interior lineages using a laboratory hybridization experiment. Hybrid tadpoles showed equal to or greater fitness than their pure lineage counterparts, but this may be countered through competition. More deformities and developmental anomalies in hybrid tadpoles further suggest post-zygotic isolation. Despite evidence for pre-mating isolation between the two lineages, isolation appears incomplete (i.e. hybridization is ongoing). I hypothesize that potentially less attractive hybrids may circumvent female choice by adopting satellite behaviour. Although mating tactics are related to body size, genetic status may play a role. I show that pure Eastern males almost always engage in calling, while hybrids adopt a satellite tactic. An absence of assortative mating, despite evidence of female preference, suggests successful satellite interception possibly facilitating introgression.