995 resultados para Hybrid layer


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The thesis presents experimental results, simulations, and theory on turbulence excited in magnetized plasmas near the ionosphere’s upper hybrid layer. The results include: The first experimental observations of super small striations (SSS) excited by the High-Frequency Auroral Research Project (HAARP) The first detection of high-frequency (HF) waves from the HAARP transmitter over a distance of 16x10^3 km The first simulations indicating that upper hybrid (UH) turbulence excites electron Bernstein waves associated with all nearby gyroharmonics Simulation results that indicate that the resulting bulk electron heating near the upper hybrid (UH) resonance is caused primarily by electron Bernstein waves parametrically excited near the first gyroharmonic. On the experimental side we present two sets of experiments performed at the HAARP heating facility in Alaska. In the first set of experiments, we present the first detection of super-small (cm scale) striations (SSS) at the HAARP facility. We detected density structures smaller than 30 cm for the first time through a combination of satellite and ground based measurements. In the second set of experiments, we present the results of a novel diagnostic implemented by the Ukrainian Antarctic Station (UAS) in Verdansky. The technique allowed the detection of the HAARP signal at a distance of nearly 16 Mm, and established that the HAARP signal was injected into the ionospheric waveguide by direct scattering off of dekameter-scale density structures induced by the heater. On the theoretical side, we present results of Vlasov simulations near the upper hybrid layer. These results are consistent with the bulk heating required by previous work on the theory of the formation of descending artificial ionospheric layers (DIALs), and with the new observations of DIALs at HAARP’s upgraded effective radiated power (ERP). The simulations that frequency sweeps, and demonstrate that the heating changes from a bulk heating between gyroharmonics, to a tail acceleration as the pump frequency is swept through the fourth gyroharmonic. These simulations are in good agreement with experiments. We also incorporate test particle simulations that isolate the effects of specific wave modes on heating, and we find important contributions from both electron Bernstein waves and upper hybrid waves, the former of which have not yet been detected by experiments, and have not been previously explored as a driver of heating. In presenting these results, we analyzed data from HAARP diagnostics and assisted in planning the second round of experiments. We integrated the data into a picture of experiments that demonstrated the detection of SSS, hysteresis effects in simulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) features, and the direct scattering of the HF pump into the ionospheric waveguide. We performed simulations and analyzed simulation data to build the understanding of collisionless heating near the upper hybrid layer, and we used these simulations to show that bulk electron heating at the upper hybrid layer is possible, which is required by current theories of DAIL formation. We wrote a test particle simulation to isolate the effects of electron Bernstein waves and upper hybrid layers on collisionless heating, and integrated this code to work with both the output of Vlasov simulations and the input for simulations of DAIL formation.


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The electromagnetic scattering and absorption properties of small (kr~1/2) inhomogeneous magnetoplasma columns are calculated via the full set of Maxwell's equations with tensor dielectric constitutive relation. The cold plasma model with collisional damping is used to describe the column. The equations are solved numerically, subject to boundary conditions appropriate to an infinite parallel strip line and to an incident plane wave. The results are similar for several density profiles and exhibit semiquantitative agreement with measurements in waveguide. The absorption is spatially limited, especially for small collision frequency, to a narrow hybrid resonant layer and is essentially zero when there is no hybrid layer in the column. The reflection is also enhanced when the hybrid layer is present, but the value of the reflection coefficient is strongly modified by the presence of the glass tube. The nature of the solutions and an extensive discussion of the conditions under which the cold collisional model should yield valid results is presented.


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The mineral and organic phases of mineralized dentin contribute co-operatively to its strength and toughness. This study tested the null hypothesis that there is no difference in nano-dynamic mechanical behavior (complex modulus-E*; loss modulus-E ''; storage modulus-E'; in GPa) of dentin hybrid layers (baseline: E*, 3.86 +/- 0.24; E '', 0.23 +/- 0.05; E', 3.85 +/- 0.24) created by an etch-and-rinse adhesive in the presence or absence of biomimetic remineralization after in vitro aging. Using scanning probe microscopy and nano-dynamic mechanical analysis, we demonstrated that biomimetic remineralization restored the nano-dynamic mechanical behavior of heavily remineralized, resin-sparse regions of dentin hybrid layers (E*, 19.73 +/- 3.85; E '', 8.75 +/- 3.97; E', 16.02 +/- 2.58) to those of the mineralized dentin base (E*, 19.20 +/- 2.42; E '', 6.57 +/- 1.96; E', 17.39 +/- 2.0) [p > 0.05]. Conversely, those resin-sparse, water-rich regions degraded in the absence of biomimetic remineralization, with significant decline [p < 0.05] in their complex and storage moduli (E*, 0.83 +/- 0.35; E '', 0.88 +/- 0.24; E', 0.62 +/- 0.32). Intrafibrillar apatite deposition preserves the integrity of resin-sparse regions of hybrid layers by restoring their nanomechanical properties to those exhibited by mineralized dentin.


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The possibility to selectively modulate the charge carrier transport in semiconducting materials is extremely challenging for the development of high performance and low-power consuming logic circuits. Systematical control over the polarity (electrons and holes) in transistor based on solution processed layer by layer polymer/graphene oxide hybrid system has been demonstrated. The conversion degree of the polarity is well controlled and reversible by trapping the opposite carriers. Basically, an electron device is switched to be a hole only device or vice versa. Finally, a hybrid layer ambipolar inverter is demonstrated in which almost no leakage of opposite carrier is found. This hybrid material has wide range of applications in planar p-n junctions and logic circuits for high-throughput manufacturing of printed electronic circuits.


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Microwave noise emission at the harmonics of the electron cyclotron frequency from the magnetized plasma column of a Penning discharge is investigated experimentally. The harmonic emission spectrum is observed using oxygen gas in a variety of discharge configurations. It is found that grid stabilization of the plasma column has very little effect on the emission spectrum. Measurements of the shape and location of the harmonic emission lines are described in detail. On the basis of a microwave interferometer measurement of the electron density, it is concluded that the existence of a hybrid layer somewhere on the plasma column is a necessary condition for the observation of harmonic emission. The relaxation time and the cathode voltage dependence of the harmonic emission are investigated using a pulse modulation technique. It is found that the emission intensity increases rapidly with the magnitude of the cathode voltage and that the relaxation time decreases with increasing neutral gas pressure. High intensity nonharmonic radiation is observed and identified as resulting from a beam-plasma wave instability thereby eliminating the same instability as a possible source of the harmonic emission. It is found that the collective experimental results are in reasonable agreement with the single particle electrostatic radiation theory of Canobbio and Croci.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a Influência da associação de catalisadores químicos junto a diferentes sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes e cimentos resinosos de dupla polimerização, na cimentação de pinos pré-fabricados de fibra de vidro, quanto a sua resistência ao cisalhamento por extrusão - push out, seu grau de conversão e nanoinfiltração. Foram utilizadas trinta raízes bovinas extraídas, que tiveram seus canais obturados com guta-percha termoplastificada, divididas em três grupos: G1 - Adper SE Plus /Rely X ARC; G2- Adper SE Plus / Catalisador Scotchbond + Rely X ARC ; G3- Clearfil SE Bond / ED Primer + Panavia F. Após a cimentação dos pinos foram obtidas fatias das raízes, com 1mm de espessura, dos terços cervical (C), médio (M) e apical (A). O ensaio de resistência ao cisalhamento por extrusão foi realizado em máquina de ensaio universal EMIC D500 com carga de 100KN à velocidade de 1,0 mm/min, até o deslocamento do pino. Os dados obtidos no ensaio foram tabulados e submetidos à análise estatística. A análise de variância a dois critérios mostrou que apenas os fatores grupo e profundidade foram significativos, não sendo significativa a sua interação. O resultado do teste de Tukey (ρ≥0,05), para o fator grupo, mostrou que a menor média de resistência ao cisalhamento por extrusão foi obtida pelo grupo 3, que apresentou diferença estatística significativa para os grupos 1 e 2 que não diferiram entre si. Para o fator Profundidade a maior média foi obtida no terço cervical que apresentou diferença estatística significativa para os terços médio e apical que não diferiram entre si: A análise do grau de conversão foi feita após vinte e quatro horas e os fatores estudados foram os cimentos resinosos Panavia F e Rely X ARC e os catalisadores químicos ED Primer e Catalisador Scotchbond, na forma incorporada ou aplicada superficialmente aos cimentos, formando 10 grupos experimentais. Para o grau de conversão, o teste de Tukey mostrou que o catalisador químico não aumentou o grau de conversão do RelyX ARC, já para o Panavia F, este aumentou significativamente seu grau de conversão. Quanto a análise em MEV da nanoinfiltração para o fator grupo, o resultado do teste de Tukey (ρ≥0,05) mostrou que a maior média foi obtida pelo grupo 3 que apresentou diferença estatística significativa para os grupos 1 e 2, que não diferiram entre si. Para o fator Profundidade a maior média foi obtida no terço apical que apresentou diferença estatística significativa para o terço cervical, que não diferiu do terço médio. Conclusões: 1- A associação de catalisadores químicos não aumentou a resistência ao cisalhamento por extrusão dos pinos de fibra de vidro. 2- O cimento Panavia F é dependente de catalisador aumentar o grau de conversão. 3- A associação de catalisadores químicos não foi capaz de alterar o padrão da camada híbrida, representado pela nanoinfiltração. 4- A nanoinfiltração está associada inversamente ao grau de conversão dos sistemas de cimentação, o que contribui negativamente para a resistência adesiva de pinos de fibra de vidro.


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O propósito desse trabalho foi verificar a retenção de pinos fibro resinosos cimentados em canais radiculares alargados simulando raízes extensamente comprometidas, fabricados por duas técnicas usadas para diminuir sua desadaptação; comparando-as ao pino fixado somente com cimento. Foram utilizados vinte e quatro raízes de dentes humanos unirradiculares, padronizadas com 15.0 mm de comprimento e 5.0 0.3 mm de diâmetro. As raízes foram incluídas em resina acrílica e divididas em grupos de acordo com a técnica usada: grupo I - pino DC White Post no2 cimentado com sistema adesivo quimicamente ativado e com cimento resinoso dual; grupo II mesmo pino reanatomizado com resina composta para copiar a anatomia do canal radicular, cimentado da mesma forma; e grupo III mesmo pino associado a três pinos acessórios, cimentados do mesmo modo. O canal radicular teve seu diâmetro padronizado pela broca no2 para o pino DC em uma profundidade de 12.0 mm e alargado com uma broca tronco cônica em uma profundidade de 10.0 mm. As oito raízes de cada grupo foram seccionadas transversalmente em três discos de 3.0 mm, a partir da cervical para a execução de um ensaio de extrusão, descartando-se os últimos 2.0 mm, que serviram somente para centralizar o pino. Os valores de retenção foram registrados e tratados estatisticamente por ANOVA e pelo teste SNK (p<0.05). Diferenças significativas foram observadas entre três porções radiculares investigadas em todos os grupos, com os valores de retenção diminuindo da cervical para apical. A retenção na porção apical do grupo com pinos customizado com resina foi estatisticamente maior que na mesma região dos demais grupos. Nenhuma diferença foi encontrada entre o grupo com pinos acessórios e o grupo somente com pino e cimento nessa parte da raiz. Nenhuma diferença foi observada comparando as porções cervical e média dos diferentes grupos. Os tipos de falha após o teste de extrusão foram observados em microscópio eletrônico de varredura com aumento de 200, 600 e 1000 vezes. Elas ocorreram exclusivamente entre o pino e o cimento ou a resina composta. A camada de adesão (camada híbrida) foi mais facilmente observada nas porções cervical e média de todos os grupos. Isso sugere que a retenção nas porções apicais da raiz é predominantemente friccional. Uma vez que pinos acessórios somente alcançam até a porção média do canal radicular, a retenção do pino não é aumentada com essa técnica.


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O propósito do presente estudo foi analisar o efeito da aplicação de múltiplas camadas consecutivas de dois sistemas adesivos convencionais de dois passos na difusão resinosa e padrão de distribuição dos componentes monoméricos resinosos. Dezesseis terceiros molares humanos hígidos foram tratados com os sistemas adesivos convencionais de dois passos de acordo com as instruções dos fabricantes ou com aplicações em múltiplas camadas consecutivas. Os espécimes foram seccionados paralelamente aos túbulos dentinários e as superfícies submetidas ao polimento com lixas 600, 1200, 1800, 2000 e 4000. Os espectros Raman foram coletados ao longo de uma linha perpendicular a interface adesivo-resina em intervalos de 1 ou 2 m. As medidas de difusão da resina adesiva e distribuição dos componentes monomériccos foram avaliadas pelos picos Raman de 1113 cm-1, 1609 cm-1 e 1454 cm-1. O gradiente de desmineralização usado na determinação da região de hibridização foi avaliado pelo pico de 960 cm-1 da apatita. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a aplicação de múltiplas camadas apresentou uma tendência de homogeneização dos componentes poliméricos, dependente da composição química da resina adesiva.


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In our previous work, we have produced a photochromic wool fabric by applying a thin layer of hybrid silica-photochromic dye onto the wool surface. The coating showed a very fast optical response, but had little influence on the fabric handle, however durability was low. In this context, we reported that durability of the hybrid layer can be improved by introducing epoxy groups into the silica matrix via co-hydrolysis and co-condensation of an alkyl trialkoxysilane (ATAS) and 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GPTMS). The presence of epoxy groups in the silica enhanced both washing and abrasion durabilities. Also, the optical response speed was slightly increased as well. Effects of the type of alkyl silane and the GPTMS:alkyl silane ratio on the coating durability, fabric handle and optical response were examined.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate stress distribution in the hybrid layer produced by two adhesive systems using three-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA). Four FEA models (M) were developed: Mc, a representation of a dentin specimen (41 x 41 x 82 mu m) restored with composite resin, exhibiting the adhesive layer, hybrid layer (HL), resin tags, peritubular dentin, and intertubular dentin to simulate the etch-and-rinse adhesive system; Mr, similar to Mc, with lateral branches of the adhesive; Ma, similar to Mc, however without resin tags and obliterated tubule orifice, to simulate the environment for the self-etching adhesive system; Mat, similar to Ma, with tags. A numerical simulation was performed to obtain the maximum principal stress (sigma(max)). The highest sigma(max) in the HL was observed for the etch-and-rinse adhesive system. The lateral branches increased the sigma(max) in the HL. The resin tags had a little influence on stress distribution with the self-etching system. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Several studies have assessed the morphology and thickness of hybrid layer, the dentin bend strengths as well as sealing ability of dentin adhesive systems. However, few in vivo studies have evaluated the biocompatibility of the adhesive systems following application to deep dentin or directly to the pulp of human teeth. Many studies performed in non-human primate teeth or teeth of rats have reported pulp healing and dentin bridging following pulp capping with bonding agents. In addition, a few clinical and radiographical reports of the success of resin pulp capping have been described in the dental literature.Objectives: the aim of this review was to evaluate the literature on pulp responses following total acid etching and application of adhesive resins on deep cavities or pulp exposures. In addition, the clinical/radiographical evidence for the apparent success of vital pulp therapy and results obtained from animal and human studies were compared and discussed.Significance and conclusions: the self-etching adhesive systems may be useful and safe when applied on dentin, In contrast, persistent inflammatory reactions as well as delay in pulpal healing and failure of dentin bridging were seen in human pulps capped with bonding agents. The results observed in animal teeth cannot be directly extrapolated to human clinical conditions. Consequently, vital pulp therapy using acidic agents and adhesive resins seems to be contraindicated. (C) 2000 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To study the nanoleakage pattern in the dentin hybrid layer by using different dentin adhesives. The null hypotheses tested in this study were: 1) dentin conditioning time does not affect nanoleakage within the hybrid layer; 2) the type of dentin adhesive used does not affect nanoleakage. Methods: Standardized Class V cavities were prepared in 30 intact human molars on the buccal and lingual surfaces. The specimens were randomly assigned to 2 total-etch dentin adhesives (OptiBond SOLO Plus [OPS, Kerr] and One-Step [ONS, BISCO Inc]) and 2 self-etch dentin adhesives (Clearfil SE Bond [CSE, Kuraray] and Adper Prompt L-Pop [APL, 3M ESPE]). The specimens were etched or conditioned for 15 seconds, 30 seconds or 60 seconds. Upon restoration of the Class V cavities with the proprietary resin composite, the specimens were isolated with nail polish except for a 2.0-mm rim around the restoration, and they were immersed in 50 wt% ammoniacal silver nitrate solution (pH=9.5) for 24 hours followed by 8 hours of immersion in photo-developing solution to reduce the silver ions to metallic silver. The specimens were fixed, dehydrated and processed for FESEM and TEM. Silver penetration was measured along the cervical wall, and data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric tests at a significance level of 95%. Results: There were no statistically significant differences among the experimental groups for the factor conditioning time (p>0.926). There were significant differences for the variable dentin adhesive (p<0.0001). The least amount of nanoleakage within the hybrid layer occurred with CSE, while ONS resulted in the greatest penetration of silver ions. The adhesives OPS and APL ranked in the intermediary subset. Under TEM, all adhesives resulted in some degree of nanoleakage within the hybrid layer. Both spotted/reticular and water-tree nanoleakage patterns were observed. Significance: Longer conditioning times did not increase nanoleakage within the hybrid layer. Nanoleakage varied with the type of adhesive used.


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Statement of problem. According to manufacturers, bonding with self-adhesive resin cements can be achieved without any pretreatment steps such as etching, priming, or bonding. However, the benefit of saving time with these simplified luting systems may be realized at the expense of compromising the bonding capacity.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to assess whether different dentin conditioning protocols influence the bond performance of self-adhesive resin cements to dentin.Material and methods. Flat dentin surfaces from 48 human molars were divided into 4 groups (n=12): 1) control, no conditioning; 2) H(3)PO(4), etching with 37% H(3)PO(4) for 15 seconds; 3) SEBond, bonding with self-etching primer adhesive (Clearfil SE Bond); and 4) EDTA, etching with 0.1M EDTA for 60 seconds. The specimens from each dentin pre-treatment were bonded using the self-adhesive cements RelyX Unicem, Maxcem or Multilink Sprint (n=4). The resin-cement-dentin specimens were stored in water at 37 degrees C for 7 days, and serially sectioned to produce beam specimens of 1.0 mm(2) cross-sectional area. Microtensile bond strength (mu TBS) testing was performed at 1.0 mm/min. Data (MPa) were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey multiple comparisons test (alpha=.05). Fractured specimens were examined with a stereomicroscope (x40) and classified as adhesive, mixed, or cohesive. Additional bonded interfaces were evaluated under a scanning electron microscope (SEM).Results. Cement-dentin mu TBS was affected by the dentin conditioning approach (P <.001). RelyX Unicem attained statistically similar bond strengths to all pre-treated dentin surfaces. H(3)PO(4)-etching prior to the application of Maxcem resulted in bond strength values that were significantly higher than the other groups. The lowest mu TBS were attained when luting Multilink Sprint per manufacturers' recommendations, while H(3)PO(4)-etching produced the highest values followed by Clearfil SE bonding and EDTA. SEM observations disclosed an enhanced potential of the self-adhesive cements to form a hybrid layer when applied following manufacturer's instructions.Conclusions. When evaluated self-adhesive resin cements are used, selectively etching dentin with H(3)PO(4) prior to luting results in the most effective bonding. (J Prosthet Dent 2011;105:227-235)