853 resultados para Humanitarian Crisis
The ensuing bloodshed and deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Syria, the failure of the United Nations Security Council to reach a consensus on what action to take, and the involvement of contending external actors partially reflect the complexity of the current impasse. Despite the importance of regional and international factors, however, this papers attempts to argue that the domestic dynamics of the Syrian crisis have been vitally important in determining the course of the popular uprising and the regime’s response. In this, Syria’s crisis belongs with the Arab Spring the trajectories and prospects of which have been shaped by dynamics within regimes. It will be seen that the formal and informal institutional structure of the Ba‘thist regime in Syria has been critical to its resilience and ability to stay united so far while attempting to crush a peaceful popular uprising that turned into insurgency in the face of the regime’s violent crackdown.
The current paper examines the dissimilarities that have occurred in news framing by state-sponsored news outlets in their different language versions. The comparative framing analysis is conducted on the news coverage of the Russian intervention in Syria (2016) in RT and Radio Liberty in Russian and English languages. The certain discrepancies in framing of this event are found in both news outlets. The strongest distinction between Russian and English versions occurred in framing of responsibility and humanitarian crisis in Syria. The study attempts to explain the identified differences in a framework of public diplomacy and propaganda studies. The existing theories explain that political ideology and foreign policy orientation influences principles of state propaganda and state-sponsored international broadcasting. However, the current findings suggest that other influence factors may exist in the field – such as the local news discourse and the journalistic principles. This conclusion is preliminary, as there are not many studies with the comparable research design, which could support the current discussion. The studies of localized strategies of the international media (whether private networks or state-funded channels) can refine the current conclusions and bring a new perspective to global media studies.
O crescimento vertiginoso no número de solicitações de refúgio, que de 2010 a 2015 aumentou em mais de 8 vezes, assim como o boom no número de imigrações registradas a partir de 2000 no Ceará por parte de estudantes africanos têm reforçado à população local os efeitos tanto da globalização como da crise humanitária atual. Poder público, organizações do terceiro setor e entes empresariais passam a se envolver na agenda pertinente à imigração em um contexto socioeconômico e legislativo delicados; e intenções de trabalhos e iniciativas de assistência aos imigrantes e refugiados começam a permear a sociedade, mesmo não havendo dados estatísticos da diversidade dos imigrantes, processo de acolhimento formal definido ou avaliação das capacidades absolutas que a cidade de Fortaleza no Ceará possui para agregar a essa agenda. Dessa forma, iremos identificar o perfil dos imigrantes que são provenientes de países africanos de língua portuguesa e refugiados sob a ótica da diversidade de modo a traçar um mapa que traga percepções e insumos para as atividades de assistência desejadas. Adicionalmente, será analisado o processo de acolhimento sob a ótica da avaliação da estrutura (instituições, equipamentos, procedimentos e responsabilidades) com o objetivo de se entender o nível de maturidade do processo de acolhida dos imigrantes e refugiados, assim como suas oportunidades de melhoria. A temática, além de atual, se faz indispensável para a construção de um pensamento crítico acerca da própria capacidade de contribuição ao tema da imigração e da crise dos refugiados. A metodologia utilizada para a construção da parte teórica e para respaldo das hipóteses levantadas foi a consulta bibliográfica, enquanto a parte estatística foi fruto de intenso trabalho de investigação por insumos de ordem qualitativa e quantitativa com diferentes agentes intervenientes no processo de acolhimento no Estado, inclusive pela busca do aspecto subjetivo por parte de gestores públicos acerca do tema. Por fim, foi realizado diagnóstico de qualidade organizacional junto à Pastoral do Migrante em Fortaleza, tida como referência do terceiro setor na agenda dos imigrantes e refugiados, com objetivo de avaliar e contribuir com suas capacidades de gestão e com seu processo de acolhimento. Verificou-se com o trabalho que, diferente do tema dos refugiados, árduo tem sido o caminho percorrido para o desenvolvimento de assistência aos imigrantes como política pública. Contudo, pretende-se demonstrar que conhecer as necessidades deste último grupo, assim como sanar suas dificuldades, pode influenciar positivamente futuros trabalhos até mesmo para o próprio tema dos refugiados. Portanto, conhecer a real situação de ambos os grupos na região é indispensável para se elaborar planos do poder público, além de possibilitar a melhoria nos dispositivos de assistência como um todo e avançar os mecanismos da legislação pertinente.
A questão dos Direitos Humanos e as suas violações continuam a passar despercebidas a nível mundial. Perante uma Paz negativa, é o dever da comunidade internacional interferir na construção de Paz em Estados dominados pela violência e fazer esforços na prevenção de conflitos. Os confrontos que se alastram em diferentes regiões da Somália, sob controlo de grupos rebeldes e a escalada de violência que levou a uma crise humanitária na Síria, com habitantes de ambos os países a terem de se deslocar e a refugiarem-se em países vizinhos por não se sentirem seguros no próprio país, são os estudos de caso escolhidos para analisar o que tem falhado na sua resolução. É também necessário realçar a emergência dos Estudos da Paz, presentes na ordem do dia da política mundial na mediação de conflitos, na gestão de crises e cooperação nas sociedades afetadas pela violência; Abstract: Human Rights in times of negative peace. Syria and Somalia as case studies The human rights subject and their violations continue unnoticed in a global level. Faced with a negative peace, it is the duty of the internacional community to assist in building peace in states where violence dominates and make efforts in preventing conflicts. The deadly confrontations that spread through diferentes regions in Somalia, under the control of rebels groups, and the escalation of violence that led to a humanitarian crisis in Syria, with the population of both countries moving around and taking shelters in neighbor countries because they don’t feel safe in their own, are the case studies chosen to analyze what has failed in their solution. It is also necessary to enhance the emergency of Peace Studies, which comes in the agenda of world politics in conflict mediation, in crisis management and cooperation in societies affected by violence.
During the management of the crisis after the earthquake occurred in Haiti in 12 January 2010, Brazil played an important role on the efforts of humanitarian assistance. Based on bibliography and documents the paper presents the role played by Brazil with the focus on the humanitarian assistance as part of country’ foreign policy as an emerging power to increase the presence into the international system. To achieve this goal the article presents some considerations about emerging powers, foreign policy and theoretical concepts about humanitarian assistance and international relations, the extension of the earthquake in Haiti and the actions performed by Brazil during the response phase of the crisis management.
What does the world's engagement with the unfolding crisis in Darfur tell us about the impact of the Iraq war on the norm of humanitarian intervention? Is a global consensus about a "responsibility to protect" more or less likely? There are at least three potential answers to these questions. Some argue that the merging of strategic interests and humanitarian goods amplified by the intervention in Afghanistan makes it more likely that the world's most powerful states will act to prevent or halt humanitarian crises. Others insist that the widespread perception that the United States and its allies "abused" humanitarian justifications to legitimate its invasion of Iraq has set back efforts to build a global consensus about humanitarian action. A third group argues that the "responsibility to protect" inhibits the potential for abuse and, as a result, consensus is likely to strengthen post-Iraq for precisely this reason. Through a detailed study of the international engagement with Darfur, I suggest that the latter two arguments have merit but need to be adjusted. I argue that the humanitarian intervention norm has changed in two subtle ways. First, while the strength of the norm itself has not changed, the credibility of the United States and U.K. as "norm carriers" has been significantly undermined. Second, while the "responsibility to protect" has been invoked to support international activism, it has also re-legitimated anti-interventionist arguments.
El propósito de esta monografía es analizar el rol de la ONUCI en la crisis política de Costa de Marfil, en el periodo 2010-2011. Para ello se realizará, en primer lugar, un estudio histórico y político de la situación del país, con precisión en los años 2010-2011. Luego se indagará sobre los objetivos, la instauración de la Operación, las alianzas y la efectividad de su mandato en Costa de Marfil, para poder tener más claridad sobre el sujeto de estudio y su rol preciso. Finalmente, siguiendo con la teoría constructivista de Alexander Wendt y sus aportes conceptuales sobre la identidad y el interés, se examinará el rol de la ONUCI frente a sus dos dimensiones de trabajo: la paz y la lucha contra la violación de Derechos Humanos.
The present food shortages in the Horn of Africa and the West African Sahel are affecting 31 million people. Such continuing and future crises require that people in the region adapt to an increasing and potentially irreversible global sustainability challenge. Given this situation and that short-term weather and seasonal climate forecasting have limited skill for West Africa, the Rainwatch project illustrates the value of near real-time monitoring and improved communication for the unfavourable 2011 West African monsoon, the resulting severe drought-induced humanitarian impacts continuing into 2012, and their exacerbation by flooding in 2012. Rainwatch is now coupled with a boundary organization (Africa Climate Exchange, AfClix) with the aim of integrating the expertise and actions of relevant institutions, agencies and stakeholders to broker ground-based dialogue to promote resilience in the face of recurring crisis.
This paper analyses the EU budgetary responses to the ‘refugee crisis’ in Europe. The European Commission has proposed several changes to the EU budget as well as the establishment of new funding instruments. The paper explores what the announced funding consists of, what role it plays in policy-making and what issues it generates. Throughout these budgetary responses the search for flexibility has been dominant, motivated by the need to respond more swiftly to humanitarian and operational needs. In addition, the paper argues that beyond implementation or management, the role of funding is also symbolic and communicative. In light of limited competences that are difficult to exercise, funding represents a powerful tool enabling the Commission to shape policy-making in times of crisis. At the same time, the dominant search for flexibility also challenges established funding rules and procedures. It has furthermore led to reduced space for democratic scrutiny by the European Parliament. More profoundly, EU funding for cooperation with third countries to prevent the inflow of refugees and asylum seekers has monetised questions over the responsibility for these individuals. As the EU–Turkey agreement shows, this has created a self-imposed dependence on third countries, with the risk of potentially insatiable demands for EU funding. This paper questions the proportionality and rule of law compliance of allocating funding for the implementation of this agreement. Moreover, it proposes that the Commission take steps to practically safeguard the humanitarian aid principles in the management structures of the new funding instruments, and it stresses the need for more scrutiny of the reconfigured funding landscape by the European Parliament and the European Court of Auditors.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Governments that have endorsed the 'sovereignty as responsibility' approach have shown little inclination to protect civilians suffering at the hands of their own government in the Sudanese province of Darfur. After providing an overview of Darfur's crisis and international society's feeble response, we explore why the strongest advocates of 'sovereignty as responsibility', the NATO and EU states, failed to seriously contemplate military intervention. We suggest that three main factors help explain the West's unwillingness to intervene in Darfur: increased scepticism about the West's humanitarian interventionism, especially after the invasion of Iraq; Western strategic interests in Sudan; and the relationship between the crisis in Darfur and Sudan's other civil wars. We conclude that the emerging norm of humanitarian intervention remains weak and strongly contested, and that advocates of the 'responsibility to protect' approach have yet to persuade their governments to help save populations in danger.
This article explores the different moral and legal arguments used by protagonists in the debate about whether or not to conduct a humanitarian intervention in Darfur. The first section briefly outlines four moral and legal positions on whether there is (and should be) a right and/or duty of humanitarian intervention: communitarianism, restrictionist and counter-restrictionist legal positivism and liberal cosmopolitanism. The second section then provides an overview of the Security Council's debate about responding to Darfur's crisis, showing how its policy was influenced by both normative concerns and hard-nosed political calculations. The article concludes by asking what Darfur's case reveals about the legitimacy and likelihood of humanitarian intervention in such catastrophes and the role of the UN Security Council as the primary authorising body for the use of international force. The authors argue that this case demonstrates that for the cosmopolitan/counter-restrictionist case to prevail pivotal states need to put humanitarian emergencies on the global agenda and express a willingness to act without Council authorisation, though the question of how to proceed in cases where the Council is deadlocked remains vexed.
Purpose: There is a need for theory development within the field of humanitarian logistics to understand logistics needs in different stages of a crisis and how to meet these. This paper aims to discuss three dimensions identified in logistics and organization theories and how they relate to three different cases of humanitarian logistics operations - the regional concept of the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, the development and working of the United Nations Joint Logistics Centre and coordination challenges of military logistics in UN mandated peacekeeping operations. The purpose is to build a framework to be used in further studies. Design/methodology/approach: A framework for the study of humanitarian logistics along three dimensions is developed, followed by a discussion of the chosen cases in relation to these dimensions. The framework will be used as basis for the case studies to be undertaken for the purpose of understanding and identification of new questions and needs for other or revised concepts from theory. Findings: The paper shows the relevance of a wide literature to the issues pertinent to humanitarian logistics. There is considerable promise in extant literature on logistics, SCM and coordination, but this needs to be confronted with the particular issues seen in the humanitarian logistics setting to achieve further theory development. Originality/value: The major contribution of the paper lies in its breadth of theoretical perspectives presented and combined in a preliminary theoretical framework. This is applied more specifically in the three case studies described in the paper.
We consider a nonlinear system and show the unexpected and surprising result that, even for high dissipation, the mean energy of a particle can attain higher values than when there is no dissipation in the system. We reconsider the time-dependent annular billiard in the presence of inelastic collisions with the boundaries. For some magnitudes of dissipation, we observe the phenomenon of boundary crisis, which drives the particles to an asymptotic attractive fixed point located at a value of energy that is higher than the mean energy of the nondissipative case and so much higher than the mean energy just before the crisis. We should emphasize that the unexpected results presented here reveal the importance of a nonlinear dynamics analysis to explain the paradoxical strategy of introducing dissipation in the system in order to gain energy.