979 resultados para Human growth


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High-level expression of the human growth hormone (hGH) gene is limited to somatotrope and lactosomatotrope cells of the anterior pituitary. We previously identified a locus control region (LCR) for the hGH gene composed of four tissue-specific DNase I-hypersensitive sites (HS) located between −14.6 kb and −32 kb 5′ to the hGH transcription start site that is responsible for establishing a physiologically regulated chromatin domain for hGH transgene expression in mouse pituitary. In the present study we demonstrated that the LCR mediates somatotrope and lactosomatotrope restriction on an otherwise weakly and diffusely expressed hGH transgene. The subregion of the LCR containing the two pituitary-specific HS, HSI and HSII (−14.6 to −16.2 kb relative to the hGH promoter and denoted HSI,II), was found to be sufficient for mediating somatotrope and lactosomatotrope restriction, for appropriately timed induction of hGH transgene expression between embryonic days 15.5 and 16.5, and for selective extinction of hGH expression in mature lactotropes. When studied by cell transfection, the HSI,II fragment selectively enhanced transcription in a presomatotrope-derived cell line, although at levels (2- to 3-fold) well below that seen in vivo. The LCR activity of the HSI,II element was therefore localized by scoring transgene expression in fetal founder pituitaries at embryonic day 18.5. The data from these studies indicated that a 404-bp segment of the HSI,II region encodes a critical subset of LCR functions, including the establishment of a productive chromatin environment, cell-specific restriction and enhancement of expression, and appropriately timed induction of the hGH transgene during embryonic development.


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Two isoforms of the human growth hormone receptor (hGHR), which differ in the presence (hGHRwt) or absence (hGHRd3) of exon 3, are expressed in the placenta. Specifically, three expression patterns are observed: only hGHRwt, only hGHRd3, or an approximately 1:1 combination of both isoforms. We investigated several potential regulatory mechanisms which might account for the expression of the hGHR isoforms. The frequency of hGHRd3 expression did not change when placentas from differing stages of gestation were examined, suggesting splicing was not developmentally regulated. However, when hGHR isoform expression patterns were examined in each component of a given placenta, it was evident that alternative splicing of exon 3 is individual-specific. Surprisingly, the individual-specific regulation of hGHR isoforms appears to be the result of a polymorphism in the hGHR gene. We analyzed hGHRwt and hGHRd3 expression in Hutterite pedigrees, and our results are consistent with a simple Mendelian inheritance of two differing alleles in which exon 3 is spliced in an "all-or-none" fashion. We conclude the alternative splicing of exon 3 in hGHR transcripts is the result of an unusual polymorphism which significantly alters splicing of the hGHR transcript and that the relatively high frequency (approximately 10%) of homozygous hGHRd3 expression suggests the possibility it may play a role in polygenic determined events.


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The mechanism underlying the generation of soluble growth hormone binding protein (GHBP) probably differs among species. In rats and mice, it involves an alternatively spliced mRNA, whereas in rabbits, it involves limited proteolysis of the membrane-bound growth hormone receptor (GHR). In humans, this latter mechanism is favored, as no transcript coding for a soluble GHR has been detected so far. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed COS-7 cells transiently expressing the full-length human (h) GHR and observed specific GH-binding activity in the cell supernatants. Concomitantly, an alternatively spliced form in the cytoplasmic domain of GHR, hGHR-tr, was isolated from several human tissues. hGHR-tr is identical in sequence to hGHR, except for a 26-bp deletion leading to a stop codon at position 280, thereby truncating 97.5% of the intracellular domain of the receptor protein. When compared with hGHR, hGHR-tr showed a significantly increased capacity to generate a soluble GHBP. Interestingly, this alternative transcript is also expressed in liver from rabbits, mice, and rats, suggesting that, in these four species, proteolysis of the corresponding truncated transmembrane GHR is a common mechanism leading to GHBP generation. These findings support the hypothesis that GHBP may at least partly result from alternative splicing of the region encoding the intracellular domain and that the absence of a cytoplasmic domain may be involved in increased release of GHBP.


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Although immune responses leading to rejection of transplantable tumours have been well studied, requirements for epithelial tumour rejection are unclear. Here, we use human growth hormone (hGH) expressed in epithelial cells (skin keratinocytes) as a model neo-self antigen to investigate the consequences of antigen presentation from epithelial cells. Mice transgenic for hGH driven from the keratin 14 promoter express hGH in skin keratinocytes. This hGH-transgenic skin is not rejected by syngeneic non-transgenic recipients, although an antibody response to hGH develops in grafted animals. Systemic immunization of graft recipients with hGH peptides, or local administration of stimulatory anti-CD40 antibody, induces temporary macroscopic graft inflammation, and an obvious dermal infiltrate of inflammatory cells, but not graft rejection. These results suggest that a neo-self antigen expressed in somatic cells in skin can induce an immune response that can be enhanced further by induction of specific immunity systemically or non-specific immunity locally. However, immune responses do not always lead to rejection, despite induction of local inflammatory changes. Therefore, in vitro immune responses and in vivo delayed type hypersensitivity are not surrogate markers for immune responses effective against epithelial cells expressing neoantigens.


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The crystal structure of the extracellular domain of growth hormone receptor complexed to its ligand, growth hormone, has been known since 1992. However, no information exists for the unliganded form of the receptor. The human growth hormone receptor's extracellular ligand-binding domain, encompassing amino-acid residues 1 - 238, has been expressed in Escherichia coli, purified by anion ion-exchange chromatography and crystallized in its unliganded state by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method in 100 mM HEPES pH 7.0 containing 27.5%(w/v) PEG 5000 monomethyl ether and 200 mM ammonium sulfate as the co-precipitants. The crystals belong to the othorhombic space group C222(1), have unit-cell parameters a = 99.7, b = 112.2, c = 93.2 Angstrom and diffract to 2.5 Angstrom resolution using synchrotron radiation. The crystal structure will shed light on the nature of any conformation changes that occur upon ligand binding and will provide information to develop potential low-molecular-weight agonists/antagonists to treat clinical diseases in which the growth hormone receptor is implicated.


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Retroviral elements are found in abundance throughout the human genome but only rarely have alterations of endogenous genes by retroviral insertions been described. Herein we report that a human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) type C is inserted in the human growth factor gene pleiotrophin (PTN) between the 5′ untranslated and the coding region. This insert in the human genome expands the region relative to the murine gene. Studies with promoter-reporter constructs show that the HERV insert in the human PTN gene generates an additional promoter with trophoblast-specific activity. Due to this promoter function, fusion transcripts between HERV and the open reading frame of PTN (HERV-PTN) were detected in all normal human trophoblast cell cultures as early as 9 weeks after gestation (n = 7) and in all term placenta tissues (n = 5) but not in other normal adult tissues. Furthermore, only trophoblast-derived choriocarcinoma cell lines expressed HERV-PTN mRNA whereas tumor cell lines derived from the embryoblast (teratocarcinoma) or from other lineages failed to do so. We investigated the significance of HERV-PTN mRNA in a choriocarcinoma model by targeting this transcript with ribozymes and found that the depletion of HERV-PTN mRNA prevents human choriocarcinoma growth, invasion, and angiogenesis in mice. This suggests that the tissue-specific expression of PTN due to the HERV insertion in the human genome supports the highly aggressive growth of human choriocarcinoma and possibly of the human trophoblast.


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Background: The success of orthotopic liver transplantation as treatment for end-stage liver disease has prompted investigation of strategies to maintain or improve nutrition and growth in children awaiting transplantation, because malnutrition is an adverse prognostic factor. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of recombinant human growth hormone therapy on body composition and indices of liver function in patients awaiting transplant. Methods: The study was designed as a placebo- controlled, double-blind, crossover trial. Patients received 0.2 U/kg growth hormone, subcutaneously, or placebo daily for 28 days during two treatment periods, separated by a 2-week washout period. Ten patients (mean age, 3.06 ± 1.15 years; range, 0.51-11.65 years, five men), with extrahepatic biliary atresia (n = 8) or two with Alagille's syndrome (n = 2), with end-stage liver disease, completed the trial while awaiting orthotopic liver transplantation. Height, weight, total body potassium, total body fat, resting energy expenditure, respiratory quotient, hematologic and multiple biochemical profile, number of albumin infusions, insulin-like growth factor-1 and 1, growth hormone binding protein (GHBP), and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP-3) were measured at the beginning and end of each treatment period. Results: Growth hormone treatment was associated with a significant decline in serum bilirubin (-34.6 ± 16.5 μmol/l vs. 18.2 ± 11.59 μmol/l; p < 0.02) but there was no significant effect on any anthropometric or body composition measurements, or on any biochemical or hematologic parameters. Conclusions: These children with end-stage liver disease displayed growth hormone resistance, particularly in relation to the somatomedin axis. Exogenous growth hormone administration may be of limited value in these patients


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Human growth and attained height are determined by a combination of genetic and environmental effects and in modern Western societies > 80% of the observed variation in height is determined by genetic factors. Height is a fundamental human trait that is associated with many socioeconomic and psychosocial factors and health measures, however little is known of the identity of the specific genes that influence height variation in the general population. This thesis work aimed to identify the genetic variants that influence height in the general population by genome-wide linkage analysis utilizing large family samples. The study focused on analysis of three separate sets of families consisting of: 1) 1,417 individuals from 277 Finnish families (FinnHeight), 2) 8,450 individuals from 3,817 families from Australia and Europe (EUHeight) and 3) 9,306 individuals from 3,302 families from the United States (USHeight). The most significant finding in this study was found in the Finnish family sample where we a locus in the chromosomal region 1p21 was linked to adult height. Several regions showed evidence for linkage in the Australian, European and US families with 8q21 and 15q25 being the most significant. The region on 1p21 was followed up with further studies and we were able to show that the collagen 11-alpha-1 gene (COL11A1) residing at this location was associated with adult height. This association was also confirmed in an independent Finnish population cohort (Health 2000) consisting of 6,542 individuals. From this population sample, we estimated that homozygous males and females for this gene variant were 1.1 and 0.6 cm taller than the respective controls. In this thesis work we identified a gene variant in the COL11A1 gene that influences human height, although this variant alone explains only 0.1% of height variation in the Finnish population. We also demonstrated in this study that special stratification strategies such as performing sex-limited analyses, focusing on dizygous twin pairs, analyzing ethnic groups within a population separately and utilizing homogenous populations such as the Finns can improve the statistical power of finding QTL significantly. Also, we concluded from the results of this study that even though genetic effects explain a great proportion of height variance, it is likely that there are tens or even hundreds of genes with small individual effects underlying the genetic architecture of height.


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A Caucasian male aged 15 years presented with 2 years accelerated linear growth. He was 202 cm tall at presentation, with calculated mid-parental height of 173 cm. There were no features of hypopituitarism or acral growth. His visual fields and optic discs were normal...


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The first successful case of transgenic fish was achieved in 1984. It is in a model system that the integration and expression of recombinant human growth hormone (hGH) in host red common carp (Cyprinus carpio, red var.) have been thoroughly studied. Recently, the integration sites have been recovered and characterized. Compared with non-transgenic peers, hGH-transgenic fish are prior in dietary utilization and growth performance. In view of bio-safety and bio-ethics, an "all-fish" construct CAgcGH, grass carp growth hormone fused with common carp P-actin promoter, has been generated and transferred into Yellow River carp (C carpio, local strain in Yellow River) fertilized eggs. Under middle-scale trial, CAgcGH-transgenics show higher growth rate and food conversion efficiency than the controls, which is consistent to laboratory findings. To avoid the potential impact of transgenic fish on the environment, a sterile strain of transgenic triploid fish has been successfully produced. The "all-fish" transgenic common carp is also approved safe enough as daily food, according to a test based on the pathological principles of new medicines issued by the Ministry of Health of China. The "all-fish" transgenic common carp with growth enhancement is now ready for market, but looking for governmental authorization. (C) 2003 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS and Ifremer/IRD/Inra/Cemagref. All rights reserved.


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Medications that can mitigate against radiation injury are limited. In this study, we investigated the ability of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) to mitigate against radiation injury in mice and nonhuman primates. BALB/c mice were irradiated with 7.5 Gy and treated post-irradiation with rhGH intravenously at a once daily dose of 20 microg/dose for 35 days. rhGH protected 17 out of 28 mice (60.7%) from lethal irradiation while only 3 out of 28 mice (10.7%) survived in the saline control group. A shorter course of 5 days of rhGH post-irradiation produced similar results. Compared with the saline control group, treatment with rhGH on irradiated BALB/c mice significantly accelerated overall hematopoietic recovery. Specifically, the recovery of total white cells, CD4 and CD8 T cell subsets, B cells, NK cells and especially platelets post radiation exposure were significantly accelerated in the rhGH-treated mice. Moreover, treatment with rhGH increased the frequency of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells as measured by flow cytometry and colony forming unit assays in bone marrow harvested at day 14 after irradiation, suggesting the effects of rhGH are at the hematopoietic stem/progenitor level. rhGH mediated the hematopoietic effects primarily through their niches. Similar data with rhGH were also observed following 2 Gy sublethal irradiation of nonhuman primates. Our data demonstrate that rhGH promotes hematopoietic engraftment and immune recovery post the exposure of ionizing radiation and mitigates against the mortality from lethal irradiation even when administered after exposure.


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Several evidences point for beneficial effects of growth hormone (GH) in heart failure (HF). Taking into account that HF is related with changes in myocardial oxidative stress and in energy generation from metabolic pathways, it is important to clarify whether GH increase or decrease myocardial oxidative stress and what is its effect on energetic metabolism in HF condition. Thus, this study investigated the effects of two different doses of GH on energetic metabolism and oxidative stress in myocardium of rats with HF. Male Wistar rats (n = 25) were submitted to aortic stenosis (AS). The HF was evidenced by tachypnea and echocardiographic criteria around 28 weeks of AS. The rats were then randomly divided into three groups: (HF) with HF, treated with saline (0.9% NaCl); (HF-GHI), treated with 1 mk/kg/day recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH), and (HF-GH2) treated with 2 mg/kg/day rhGH. GH was injected, subcutaneously, daily for 2 weeks. A control group (sham; n = 12), with the same age of the others rats was evaluated to confirm data for AS. HF had lower IGF-I (insulin-like growth factor-I) than sham-operated rats, and both GH treatments normalized IGF-I level. HF-GH1 animals had lower lipid hydroperoxide (LH), LH/total antioxidant substances (TAS) and glutathione-reductase than HF. Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), hydroxyacyl coenzyme-A dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) were higher in HF-GH1 than in HF. HF-GH2 compared with HF, had increased LH/TAS ratio, as well as decreased oxidized glutathione and LDH activity. Comparing the two GH doses, GSH-Px, superoxide dismutase and LDH were lower in HF-GH2 than in HF-GHI. In conclusion, GH effects were dose-dependent and both tested doses did not aggravate the heart dysfunction. The higher GH dose, 2 mg/kg exerted detrimental effects related to energy metabolism and oxidative stress. The lower dose, 1 mg/kg GH exerted beneficial effects enhancing antioxidant defences, reducing oxidative stress and improving energy generation in myocardium of rats with heart failure. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The literature has already demonstrated that auditory stimulation with music influences the cardiovascular system. In this study, we performed a literature review in order to investigate the relationship between auditory mechanisms and cardiac autonomic regulation. The selected studies indicated that there is a strong correlation between noise intensity and vagal-sympathetic balance. Also, it was reported that music therapy improved heart rate variability in anthracycline-treated breast cancer patients. It was hypothesized that dopamine release in the striatal system induced by pleasure songs are involved in the cardiac autonomic regulation. Further studies are necessary to add new elements in the literature to improve new therapies to treat cardiovascular disorders.