999 resultados para Human Cmv


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Purpose/Objective: Phenotypic and functional T cell properties are usually analyzed at the level of defined cell populations. However, large differences between individual T cells may have important functional consequences. To answer this issue, we performed highly sensitive single-cell gene expression profiling, which allows the direct ex vivo characterization of individual virus- and tumor-specific T cells from healthy donors and melanoma patients. Materials and methods: HLA-A*0201-positive patients with stage III/ IV metastatic melanoma were included in a phase I clinical trial (LUD- 00-018). Patients received monthly low-dose of the Melan-AMART- 1 26_35 unmodified natural (EAAGIGILTV) or the analog A27L (ELAGIGILTV) peptides, mixed CPG and IFA. Individual effector memory CD28+ (EM28+) and EM28- tetramer-specific CD8pos T cells were sorted by flow cytometer. Following direct cell lysis and reverse transcription, the resulting cDNA was precipitated and globally amplified. Semi-quantitative PCR was used for gene expression and TCR BV repertoire analyses. Results: We have previously shown that vaccination with the natural Melan-A peptide induced T cells with superior effector functions as compared to the analog peptide optimized for enhanced HLA binding. Here we found that natural peptide vaccination induced EM28+ T cells with frequent co-expression of both memory/homing-associated genes (CD27, IL7R, EOMES, CXCR3 and CCR5) and effector-related genes (IFNG, KLRD1, PRF1 and GZMB), comparable to protective EBV- and CMV-specific T cells. In contrast, memory/homing- and effectorassociated genes were less frequently co-expressed after vaccination with the analog peptide. Conclusions: These findings reveal a previously unknown level of gene expression diversity among vaccine- and virus-specific T cells with the simultaneous co-expression of multiple memory/homing- and effector- related genes by the same cell. Such broad functional gene expression signatures within antigen-specific T cells may be critical for mounting efficient responses to pathogens or tumors. In summary, direct ex vivo high-resolution molecular characterization of individual T cells provides key insights into the processes shaping the functional properties of tumor- and virus-specific T cells.


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Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection may be a serious complication related to immunosuppression after solid organ transplantation. Due to their cytotoxicity, T-cells and natural killer (NK) cells target and clear the virus from CMV-infected cells. Although immunosuppressive drugs suppress T-cell proliferation and activation, they do not affect NK cells that are crucial for controlling the infection. The regulation of NK cells depends on a wide range of activating and inhibitory receptors such as the family of killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs). Several human genetic studies have demonstrated the association of KIR genes with the clearance of infections. Since the respective activities of the different KIR proteins expressed by NK cells during CMV infection have not been extensively studied, we analyzed the expression of KIRs in a cohort of 22 CMV-IgG(+) renal transplant patients at the time of CMV reactivation, after antiviral therapy and 6 months later. Our data revealed a marked expression of KIR3DL1 during the acute phase of the reactivation. We set up an in vitro model in which NK cells, derived either from healthy donors or from transplanted patients, target allogeneic fibroblasts, CMV-infected or uninfected. Our results demonstrate a significant correlation between the lysis of CMV-infected fibroblasts and the expression of KIR3DL1. Blocking experiments with antibodies to MHC-I, to NKG2D and to NKG2C confirmed the importance of KIR3DL1. Consequently, our results suggest that KIR proteins and especially KIR3DL1 could play an important role during CMV-infection or CMV reactivation in immunosuppressed patients.


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Recently, using HIV-1-derived lentivectors, we obtained efficient transduction of primary human B lymphocytes cocultured with murine EL-4 B5 thymoma cells, but not of isolated B cells activated by CD40 ligation. Coculture with a cell line is problematic for gene therapy applications or study of gene functions. We have now found that transduction of B cells in a system using CpG DNA was comparable to that in the EL-4 B5 system. A monocistronic vector with a CMV promoter gave 32 +/- 4.7% green fluorescent protein (GFP)+ cells. A bicistronic vector, encoding IL-4 and GFP in the first and second cistrons, respectively, gave 14.2 +/- 2.1% GFP+ cells and IL-4 secretion of 1.3 +/- 0.2 ng/10(5) B cells/24 h. This was similar to results obtained in CD34+ cells using the elongation factor-1alpha promoter. Activated memory and naive B cells were transducible. After transduction with a bicistronic vector encoding a viral FLIP molecule, vFLIP was detectable by FACS or Western blot in GFP+, but not in GFP-, B cells, and 57% of sorted GFP+ B cells were protected against Fas ligand-induced cell death. This system should be useful for gene function research in primary B cells and development of gene therapies.


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A large percentage of healthy individuals (50-90%) is chronically infected with Cytomegalovirus (CMV). Over the past few years, several techniques were developed in order to monitor CMV-specific T-cell responses. In addition to the identification of antigen-specific T cells with peptide-loaded MHC complexes, most of the current strategies to identify CMV-specific T cells are centered on the assessment of the functions of memory T cells including their ability to mediate effector function, to proliferate or to secrete cytokines following antigen-specific stimulation. The investigation of these functions has allowed the characterization of the CMV-specific T-cell responses that are present during different phases of the infection. Furthermore, it has also been shown that the combination of virus-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses are critical components of the immune response in the control of virus replication.


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Summary The mechanisms regulating the protective immune T-cell responses generated against the persistent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Cytomegaloviru_s (CNIV) remain poorly understood. We analyzed the dynamics of cellular differentiation and T-cell receptor (TCR) clonotype selection of EBV- and CMV-specific T-cells in healthy adults and melanoma patients. While these responses could be subdivided into four T lymphocyte populations, théir proportions varied between EBV and CMV specific responses. Phenotypic and TCR clonotypic analyses supported a linear model of differentiation from the early-differentiated (EM/CD28pos) subset to the late-differentiatdc (EMRA/CD28neg) subset. In-depth clonal composition analyses revealed TCR repertoires, which were highly restricted for CMV- and relatively diverse for EBV-specific cells. Virtually all virus-specific clonotypes identified in the EMRA/CD28neg subset were also found within the pool of less differentiated "memory" cells. However, striking differences in the patterns of dominance were observed among these subsets, as some clonotypes were selected with differentiation, while others were not. Latedifferentiated CMV-specific clonotypes were mostly characterized by TCRs with lower dependency on CD8 co-receptor interaction. Yet all clonotypes displayed similar functional avidities, suggesting a compensatory role of CD8 in the clonotypes of lower TCR avidity. Importantly, clonotype selection and composition of each virus-specific subset upon differentiation was highly preserved over time, with the presence of the same dominant clonotypes at specific differentiation stages within a period of four years. This work was extended to the study of EBV-specific CD8 T-cell responses in melanoma patients undergoing transient lymphodepletion, followed by adoptive cell transfer (ACT) and immune reconstitution for thè treatment of their tumors. Following treatment regimen, we first observed an increase in the proportion of virus-specific T-cells in 3 out of 5 patients, accompanied by a more differentiated phenotype (EMRA/CD28neg), compared to specific cells of healthy individuals. Yet, similarly to healthy donors, clonotype selection and composition of virus-specific T-cells varied along the pathway of cellular differentiation, with some clonotypes being selected with differentiation, while others were not. Intriguingly, no novel clonotypes emerged following transient immuno-suppression and homeostatic proliferation, finding which was subsequently explained by the absence of EBV reactivation. The distribution of each clonotype within early- and late-differentiated T-cell subsets in 4 out 5 patients was highly stable over time, with those clonotypes initially found before the start of treatment that were again present at specific differentiation stages after transient lymphodepletion and ACT. These findings uncover novel features of the highly sophisticated control of steady state protective T-cell immune responses against persistent herpesviruses in healthy adults. Furthermore they reveal the striking stability of these responses in terms of clonotype selection and composition with T-cell differentiation even in situations where the immune system has been. challenged. Résumé : Les mécanismes qui régulent les réponses immunitaires de type protectrices, générées contre les virus chroniquement persistants tels que l'Epstein-Barr (EBV) ou le Cytomegalo (CMV) restent largement inconnus. Nous avons analysé la différenciation des lymphocytes T spécifiques pour ces virus, ainsi que la composition des clonotypes T (par leur récepteur T) chez les donneurs sains. Les réponses immunes peuvent être classifiées en quatre souspopulations majeures de lymphocytes T, cependant, leur proportion varie entre les réponses spécifiques contre EBV ou CMV. Ces analyses soutiennent le modèle linéaire de différenciation, à partir de la population non différenciée (EM/CD28pos) vers la population plus différenciée (ENIIZA/CD28neg). De plus, nos données sur la composition clonale de ces cellules T spécifiques ont révélé des répertoires TCR restreints, pour la réponse anti-CMV, et relativement diversifiés contre EBV. Tous les clonotypes spécifiques de ces virus identifiés dans la sous-population différenciée EMRA/CD28neg, ont également été retrouvés dans la population de cellules "mémoires". Toutefois, de fortes différences ont été observées dans les schémas de domination de ces sous-populations, en effet, certains clonotypes étaient sélectionnés avec la différenciation, alors que d'autres ne l'étaient pas. Nous avons également démontré que ces clonotypes différenciés et spécifiques pour le CMV sont caractérisés par des TCRs à faible dépendance en regard de la coopération du corécepteur CD8. Néanmoins, tous les clonotypes affichent une avidité fonctionnelle similaire, suggérant un rôle compensatoire du CD8, dans le cas des clonotypes avec une faible avidité du TCR En définitive, la composition et la sélection des clonotypes spécifiques pour chaque virus et pour chaque sous-population suit un schéma de différenciation hautement conservé au cours du temps, avec la présence de ces mêmes clonotypes au même stade de différenciation sur une période de quatre ans. Ce travail a été étendu à l'étude des réponses T CD8+ spécifiques pour le virus EBV chez les patients atteints de mélanome et recevant dans le cadre du traitement de leurs tumeurs une lymphodéplétion transitoire, suivie d'un transfert adoptif de cellules et d'une reconstitution immunitaire. Au cours de cette thérapie, nous avons en premier lieu observé pour 3 des 5 patients une augmentation de la proportion de cellules T spécifiques pour le virus, accompagné d'un phénotype plus différencié (EMRA/CD28neg), et ceci comparativement à des cellules spécifiques d'individus sains. Pourtant, comme nous l'avons observé chez les donneurs sains, la sélection et la composition des clonotypes T spécifiques varient tout au long de la différenciation cellulaire, avec certains clonotypes sélectionnés et d'autres qui ne le sont pas. Étonnamment, aucun nouveau clonotype n'a émergé après l'immuno-suppression transitoire et la prolifération homéostatique. Cette observation trouve son explication par une absence de réactivation du virus EBV chez ces patients, et ce malgré leur traitement. De plus, la distribution de chaque clonotype parmi ces sous-populations non-différenciées et différenciées reste stable au cours du traitement. Ainsi, les mêmes clonotypes initialement identifiés avant le début du traitement sont présents aux mêmes stades de différenciation après la lymphodéplétion et la prolifération homéostatique. Ces résultats ont permis d'identifier de nouveaux mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation hautement «sophistiquée » des réponses immunitaires T contre les virus persistants EBV et CMV chez les donneurs sains. En particulier, ils révèlent la grande stabilité de ces réponses en termes de sélection et de composition des clonotypes avec la différenciation cellulaire, et ce dans les situations chroniques, ainsi que dans les situations dans lesquelles le système immunitaire a été profondément perturbé.


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Little is known about clinical differences associated with cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection by distinct strains in renal transplant patients. Different clinical pictures may be associated with specific viral genotypes. viral load, as well as host factors. The objective of this study was to identify CMV strains to determine viral load (antigenemia), and their correlation with clinical data in renal transplant recipients. Seventy-one patients were enrolled, comprising 91 samples. After selection, polymorphonuclear cells were used to amplify and sequence the gB region of CMV DNA. The sequences were analyzed to ascertain the frequency of different genotypes. Additionally, the results of this Study showed that the gB coding gene presents a great variability, revealing a variety of patterns: classical gB (1.4%), gB1V (46.4%), classical gB2 (35.2%), gB2V (2.8%), gB3 (1.4%), classical gB4 (4.9%) and gB4V (4.9%). The mean viral load in kidney transplant patient was 75.1 positive cells (1-1000). A higher viral load was observed in patients with genotype 4 infection. Statistically significant differences were detected between gB1 and gB4 (p=0.010), and between gB2 and gB4 (p=0.021). The average numbers of positive cells in relation to clinical presentation were: 34.5 in asymptomatic, 49.5 in CMV associated syndrome and 120.7 in patients with invasive disease (p=0.048). As a group, gB1 was the most frequent strain and revealed a potential risk for developing invasive disease. Viral load also seemed to be important as a marker associated with clinical presentation of the disease. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic and progressive neurodegenerative disorder and according to the WHO it is estimated that 36 millions of people worldwide currently suffer from AD. Genetic and environmental factors interact in a complex interplay that might affect pathogenic mechanisms leading to age-related neurodegeneration. The hypothesis is that the presence of allelic polymorphisms in selected genes affecting individual brain susceptibility to infection by the herpes virus family during aging, may contribute to neuronal loss, inflammation and amyloid deposition. Herpes virus family show features relevant to AD, since they infect a large proportion of human population, develop a latent form persisting for several years, are difficult to eliminate by immune responses especially when latency has been established and are able to infect neurons. The association between AD and herpes viruses infection has been investigated. In particular the investigation focused on CMV, EBV and HHV-6 in DNA samples from peripheral blood of a large cohort of patients with clinical diagnosis of AD and age matched CTR, from a longitudinal population study, and DNA samples from brain tissue of patients with neuropathological diagnosis of definitive AD. An association between the presence of EBV and HHV-6 DNA from PBL positivity with the cognitive deterioration and progression to AD has been focused. Moreover, IgG plasma levels in CTR and AD to these viruses were tested. CMV and EBV IgG plasma levels were higher in elderly subjects that developed clinical AD at the end of the five year follow up. Our findings support the notion that persistent cycles of latency and reactivation of herpes viruses may contribute to impair systemic immune response and induce altered inflammatory process that in turn affect cognitive decline during aging.


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ABSTRACT Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) employs many different mechanisms to escape and subvert the host immune system surveillance. Among these different mechanisms the role of human IgG Fc receptors (FcγR) in HCMV pathogenesis is still unclear. In mammalians, FcγRs are expressed on the surface of all haematopoietic cells and have a multifaceted role in regulating the activity of antibodies to generate a well-balanced immune response. Viral proteins with Fcγ binding ability are highly diffuse among herpesviruses. They interfere with the host receptors functions in order to counteract immune system recognition. So far, two human HCMV Fcγ binding proteins have been described: UL119 and RL11. This work was aimed to the identification and characterization of HCMV Fcγ binding proteins. The study is divided in two parts: first the characterization of UL119 and RL11; second the identification and characterization of novel HCMV Fcγ binding proteins. Regarding the first part, we demonstrated that both UL119 and RL11 internalize Fcγ fragments from transfected cells surface through a clathrin dependent pathway. In infected cells both proteins were found in the viral assembly complex and on virions surface as envelope associated glycoproteins. Moreover, internalized Fcγ in infected cells do not undergo lysosomal degradation but rather traffic in early endosomes up to the viral assembly complex. Regarding the second part, we were able to identify two novels Fcγ binding protein coded by CMV: RL12 and RL13. The latter was also further characterized as recombinant protein in terms of cellular localization, Fc binding site and IgG internalization ability. Finally binding specificity of both RL12 and RL13 seems to be confined to human IgG1 and IgG2. Taken together, these data show that HCMV codes for up to 4 FcγR and that they could have a double role both on virus and on infected cells.


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The effect of prolonged electroporation-mediated human interleukin-10 (hIL-10) overexpression 24 hours before transplantation, combined with sequential human hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) overexpression into skeletal muscle on day 5, on rat lung allograft rejection was evaluated. Left lung allotransplantation was performed from Brown-Norway to Fischer-F344 rats. Gene transfer into skeletal muscle was enhanced by electroporation. Three groups were studied: group I animals (n = 5) received 2.5 μg pCIK-hIL-10 (hIL-10/CMV [cytomegalovirus] early promoter enhancer) on day -1 and 80 μg pCIK-HGF (HGF/CMV early promoter enhancer) on day 5. Group II animals (n = 4) received 2.5 μg pCIK-hIL-10 and pUbC-hIL-10 (hIL-10/pUbC promoter) on day -1. Control group III animals (n = 4) were treated by sham electroporation on days -1 and 5. All animals received daily nontherapeutic intraperitoneal dose of cyclosporin A (2.5 mg/kg) and were sacrificed on day 15. Graft oxygenation and allograft rejection were evaluated. Significant differences were found between study groups in graft oxygenation (Pao(2)) (P = .0028; group I vs. groups II and III, P < .01 each). Pao(2) was low in group II (31 ± 1 mm Hg) and in group III controls (34 ± 10 mm Hg), without statistically significant difference between these 2 groups (P = .54). In contrast, in group I, Pao(2) of recipients sequentially transduced with IL-10 and HGF plasmids was much improved, with 112 ± 39 mm Hg (vs. groups II and III; P < .01 each), paralleled by reduced vascular and bronchial rejection (group I vs. groups II and III, P < .021 each). Sequential overexpression of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, followed by sequential and overlapping HGF overexpression on day 5, preserves lung function and reduces acute lung allograft rejection up to day 15 post transplant as compared to prolonged IL-10 overexpression alone.


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BACKGROUND: The role of human herpesvirus (HHV)-8 in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma and its pre-malignant state of monoclonal gammopathy is unclear. HHV-8 is transmitted by organ transplantation, representing a unique model with which to investigate primary HHV-8 infection. METHODS: The authors studied the incidence of clonal gammopathy in renal transplant recipients and correlated it with previous and recent HHV-8 infection. RESULTS: Clonal gammopathy was observed in 31 of 162 (19%) HHV-8-seronegative patients, in 5 of 17 (29%) HHV-8-seropositive patients, and in 9 of 24 (38%) HHV-8 seroconverters within 5 years after transplantation. Gammopathy was often transient, and no progression to myeloma was observed. Two patients with persistent gammopathy developed B-cell lymphoma. In a logistic regression model, HHV-8 serostatus of the graft recipient was significantly associated with subsequent development of gammopathy, with a relative risk (RR) of 1.9 and a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 0.5 to 6.4 for an HHV-8-seropositive recipient and an RR of 2.9 and a 95% CI of 1.01 to 8.0 for seroconverters as compared with baseline (HHV-8 seronegative). Other significant variables were cytomegalovirus (CMV) serostatus and the intensity of immunosuppression (RR of 10.4 and 95% CI of 2.6-41.7 for a CMV-negative recipient with a CMV-positive donor vs. a CMV-negative recipient with a CMV-negative donor and RR of 17.6 and 95% CI of 2.0-150.8 if OKT3 was used vs. no use of antilymphocytic substances). CONCLUSIONS: Transplant recipients with HHV-8 infection are more likely to develop clonal gammopathy. However, this risk is much lower than the risk conferred by CMV infection and antilymphocytic therapy, arguing against a major role of HHV-8 infection in the pathogenesis of clonal plasma cell proliferation.


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Current shortcomings in cancer therapy require the generation of new, broadly applicable, potent, targeted treatments. Here, an adenovirus is engineered to replicate specifically in cells with active human telomerase promotion using a modified hTERT promoter, fused to a CMV promoter element. The virus was also modified to contain a visible reporter transgene, GFP. The virus, Ad/hTC-GFP-E1 was characterized in vitro and demonstrated tumor specific activity both by dose and over time course experiments in a variety of cell lines. In vivo, Ad/hTC-GFP-E1 was affected at suppressing tumor growth and providing a survival benefit without causing any measurable toxicity. To increase the host range of the vector, the fiber region was modified to contain an RGD-motif. The vector, AdRGD/hTC-GFP-E1, was recharacterized in vitro, revealing heightened levels of infectivity and toxicity however maintaining a therapeutic window between cancer and normal cell toxicity. AdRGD/hTC-GFP-E1 was administered in vivo by limb perfusion and was observed to be tumor specific both in expression and replication. To further enhance the efficacy of viral vectors in lung delivery, asthma medications were investigated for their abilities to enhance transgene delivery and expression. A combination of bronchodilators, mast cell inhibitors, and mucolytic agents was devised which demonstrated fold increases in expression in immunocompetent mouse lungs as single agents and more homogenous, intense levels of expression when done in combination of all agents. To characterize the methods in which some cancers are resistant or may become resistant to oncolytic treatments, several small molecule inhibitors of metabolic pathways were applied in combination with oncolytic infection in vitro. SP600125 and PD 98059, respective JNK and ERK inhibitors, successfully suppressed oncolytic toxicity, however did not affect infectivity or transgene expression of Ad/hTC-GFP-E1. JNK and ERK inhibition did significantly suppress viral replication, however, as analyzed by lysate transfer and titration assays. In contrast, SB 203580, an inhibitor for p38, did not demonstrate any protective effects with infected cells. Flow cytometric analysis indicated a possible correlation with G1 arrest and suppressed viral production, however more compounds must be investigated to clarify this observation. ^


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Epigenetic silencing of tumor suppressor genes by DNA hypermethylation at promoter regions is a common event in carcinogenesis and tumor progression. Abrogation of methylation and reversal of epigenetic silencing is a very potent way in cancer treatment. However, the reactivation mechanisms are poorly understood. In this study, we first developed a cell line model system named YB5, derived from SW48 cancer cell line, which bears one copy of stably integrated EGFP gene on Chromosome 1p31.1 region. The GFP gene expression is transcriptionally silenced due to the hypermethylated promoter CMV. However, the GFP expression can be restored using demethylating agent 5-aza-2' deoxycytidine (DAC), and detected by FACS and fluorescent microscopy. Using this system, we observed the heterogeneous reactivation induced by DAC treatment. After flow sorting, GFP negative cells exhibited similar level of incomplete demethylation compared to GFP positive cells on repetitive LINE1 element, tumor suppressor genes such as P16, CDH13, and RASSF1a, and CMV promoter as well. However, the local chromatin of CMV-GFP locus altered to an open structure marked by high H3 lysine 9 acetylation and low H3 lysine 27 tri-methylation in GFP positive cells, while the GFP negative cells retained mostly the original repressive marks. Thus, we concluded that DAC induced DNA hypomethylation alone does not directly determine the level of re-expression, and the resetting of the local chromatin structure under hypomethylation environment is required for gene reactivation. Besides, a lentivirus vector-based shRNA screening was performed using the YB5 system. Although it is the rare chance that vector lands in the neighboring region of GFP, we found that the exogenous vector DNA inserted into the upstream region of GFP gene locus led to the promoter demethylation and reactivated the silenced GFP gene. Thus, epigenetic state can be affected by changing of the adjacent nucleic acid sequences. Further, this hypermethylation silenced system was utilized for epigenetic drug screening. We have found that DAC combined with carboplatin would enhance the GFP% yield and increase expression of other tumor suppressor genes than DAC alone, and this synergistic effect may be related to DNA repair process. In summary, these studies reveal that reversing of methylation silencing requires coordinated alterations of DNA methylation, chromatin structure, and local microenvironment. ^


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Recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors have been used to transduce murine skeletal muscle as a platform for secretion of therapeutic proteins. The utility of this approach for treating alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency was tested in murine myocytes in vitro and in vivo. AAV vectors expressing the human AAT gene from either the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter (AAV-C-AT) or the human elongation factor 1-α promoter (AAV-E-AT) were examined. In vitro in C2C12 murine myoblasts, the expression levels in transient transfections were similar between the two vectors. One month after transduction, however, the human elongation factor 1 promoter mediated 10-fold higher stable human AAT expression than the CMV promoter. In vivo transduction was performed by injecting doses of up to 1.4 × 1013 particles into skeletal muscles of several mouse strains (C57BL/6, BALB/c, and SCID). In vivo, the CMV vector mediated higher levels of expression, with sustained serum levels over 800 μg/ml in SCID and over 400 μg/ml in C57BL/6 mice. These serum concentrations are 100,000-fold higher than those previously observed with AAV vectors in muscle and are at levels which would be therapeutic if achieved in humans. High level expression was delayed for several weeks but was sustained for over 15 wk. Immune responses were dependent upon the mouse strain and the vector dosage. These data suggest that recombinant AAV vector transduction of skeletal muscle could provide a means for replacing AAT or other essential serum proteins but that immune responses may be elicited under certain conditions.


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We identified a viral IL-10 homolog encoded by an ORF (UL111a) within the human cytomegalovirus (CMV) genome, which we designated cmvIL-10. cmvIL-10 can bind to the human IL-10 receptor and can compete with human IL-10 for binding sites, despite the fact that these two proteins are only 27% identical. cmvIL-10 requires both subunits of the IL-10 receptor complex to induce signal transduction events and biological activities. The structure of the cmvIL-10 gene is unique by itself. The gene retained two of four introns of the IL-10 gene, but the length of the introns was reduced. We demonstrated that cmvIL-10 is expressed in CMV-infected cells. Thus, expression of cmvIL-10 extends the range of counter measures developed by CMV to circumvent detection and destruction by the host immune system.


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Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) replication begins with the expression of two regulatory proteins, IE1(491aa) and IE2(579aa), produced from differentially spliced transcripts under control of the ie1/ie2 promoter-enhancer. A deletion mutation removing all 406 IE1(491aa)-specific amino acids was engineered into the viral genome and this mutant (RC303 delta Acc) was propagated on an IE1(491aa)-expressing human fibroblast cell line (ihfie1.3). RC303 delta Acc failed to replicate on normal human fibroblasts at low multiplicities of infection (mois). At mois > 3 plaque-forming units per cell, virus replication and production of progeny were comparable to wild type. However, at mois between 0.01 and 1, mutant virus replicated slowly on normal fibroblasts, a pattern that suggested initiation of productive infection required multiple hits. Replication of RC303 delta Acc correlated with the ability to express IE2(579aa), consistent with a role for IE1(491aa) in positive autoregulation of the ie1/ie2 promoter-enhancer and with data suggesting that virion transactivators compensate for the lack of IE1(491aa) under high moi conditions. ie1-deficient CMV should be completely avirulent, suggesting its utility as a gene therapy vector for hematopoietic progenitors that are normal sites of CMV latency.