89 resultados para Hose.


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Background The onsite treatment of sewage and effluent disposal within the premises is widely prevalent in rural and urban fringe areas due to the general unavailability of reticulated wastewater collection systems. Despite the seemingly low technology of the systems, failure is common and in many cases leading to adverse public health and environmental consequences. Therefore it is important that careful consideration is given to the design and location of onsite sewage treatment systems. It requires an understanding of the factors that influence treatment performance. The use of subsurface effluent absorption systems is the most common form of effluent disposal for onsite sewage treatment and particularly for septic tanks. Additionally in the case of septic tanks, a subsurface disposal system is generally an integral component of the sewage treatment process. Therefore location specific factors will play a key role in this context. The project The primary aims of the research project are: • to relate treatment performance of onsite sewage treatment systems to soil conditions at site; • to identify important areas where there is currently a lack of relevant research knowledge and is in need of further investigation. These tasks were undertaken with the objective of facilitating the development of performance based planning and management strategies for onsite sewage treatment. The primary focus of the research project has been on septic tanks. Therefore by implication the investigation has been confined to subsurface soil absorption systems. The design and treatment processes taking place within the septic tank chamber itself did not form a part of the investigation. In the evaluation to be undertaken, the treatment performance of soil absorption systems will be related to the physico-chemical characteristics of the soil. Five broad categories of soil types have been considered for this purpose. The number of systems investigated was based on the proportionate area of urban development within the Brisbane region located on each soil types. In the initial phase of the investigation, though the majority of the systems evaluated were septic tanks, a small number of aerobic wastewater treatment systems (AWTS) were also included. This was primarily to compare the effluent quality of systems employing different generic treatment processes. It is important to note that the number of different types of systems investigated was relatively small. As such this does not permit a statistical analysis to be undertaken of the results obtained. This is an important issue considering the large number of parameters that can influence treatment performance and their wide variability. The report This report is the second in a series of three reports focussing on the performance evaluation of onsite treatment of sewage. The research project was initiated at the request of the Brisbane City Council. The work undertaken included site investigation and testing of sewage effluent and soil samples taken at distances of 1 and 3 m from the effluent disposal area. The project component discussed in the current report formed the basis for the more detailed investigation undertaken subsequently. The outcomes from the initial studies have been discussed, which enabled the identification of factors to be investigated further. Primarily, this report contains the results of the field monitoring program, the initial analysis undertaken and preliminary conclusions. Field study and outcomes Initially commencing with a list of 252 locations in 17 different suburbs, a total of 22 sites in 21 different locations were monitored. These sites were selected based on predetermined criteria. To obtain house owner agreement to participate in the monitoring study was not an easy task. Six of these sites had to be abandoned subsequently due to various reasons. The remaining sites included eight septic systems with subsurface effluent disposal and treating blackwater or combined black and greywater, two sites treating greywater only and six sites with AWTS. In addition to collecting effluent and soil samples from each site, a detailed field investigation including a series of house owner interviews were also undertaken. Significant observations were made during the field investigations. In addition to site specific observations, the general observations include the following: • Most house owners are unaware of the need for regular maintenance. Sludge removal has not been undertaken in any of the septic tanks monitored. Even in the case of aerated wastewater treatment systems, the regular inspections by the supplier is confined only to the treatment system and does not include the effluent disposal system. This is not a satisfactory situation as the investigations revealed. • In the case of separate greywater systems, only one site had a suitably functioning disposal arrangement. The general practice is to employ a garden hose to siphon the greywater for use in surface irrigation of the garden. • In most sites, the soil profile showed significant lateral percolation of effluent. As such, the flow of effluent to surface water bodies is a distinct possibility. • The need to investigate the subsurface condition to a depth greater than what is required for the standard percolation test was clearly evident. On occasion, seemingly permeable soil was found to have an underlying impermeable soil layer or vice versa. The important outcomes from the testing program include the following: • Though effluent treatment is influenced by the physico-chemical characteristics of the soil, it was not possible to distinguish between the treatment performance of different soil types. This leads to the hypothesis that effluent renovation is significantly influenced by the combination of various physico-chemical parameters rather than single parameters. This would make the processes involved strongly site specific. • Generally the improvement in effluent quality appears to take place only within the initial 1 m of travel and without any appreciable improvement thereafter. This relates only to the degree of improvement obtained and does not imply that this quality is satisfactory. This calls into question the value of adopting setback distances from sensitive water bodies. • Use of AWTS for sewage treatment may provide effluent of higher quality suitable for surface disposal. However on the whole, after a 1-3 m of travel through the subsurface, it was not possible to distinguish any significant differences in quality between those originating from septic tanks and AWTS. • In comparison with effluent quality from a conventional wastewater treatment plant, most systems were found to perform satisfactorily with regards to Total Nitrogen. The success rate was much lower in the case of faecal coliforms. However it is important to note that five of the systems exhibited problems with regards to effluent disposal, resulting in surface flow. This could lead to possible contamination of surface water courses. • The ratio of TDS to EC is about 0.42 whilst the optimum recommended value for use of treated effluent for irrigation should be about 0.64. This would mean a higher salt content in the effluent than what is advisable for use in irrigation. A consequence of this would be the accumulation of salts to a concentration harmful to crops or the landscape unless adequate leaching is present. These relatively high EC values are present even in the case of AWTS where surface irrigation of effluent is being undertaken. However it is important to note that this is not an artefact of the treatment process but rather an indication of the quality of the wastewater generated in the household. This clearly indicates the need for further research to evaluate the suitability of various soil types for the surface irrigation of effluent where the TDS/EC ratio is less than 0.64. • Effluent percolating through the subsurface absorption field may travel in the form of dilute pulses. As such the effluent will move through the soil profile forming fronts of elevated parameter levels. • The downward flow of effluent and leaching of the soil profile is evident in the case of podsolic, lithosol and kransozem soils. Lateral flow of effluent is evident in the case of prairie soils. Gleyed podsolic soils indicate poor drainage and ponding of effluent. In the current phase of the research project, a number of chemical indicators such as EC, pH and chloride concentration were employed as indicators to investigate the extent of effluent flow and to understand how soil renovates effluent. The soil profile, especially texture, structure and moisture regime was examined more in an engineering sense to determine the effect of movement of water into and through the soil. However it is not only the physical characteristics, but the chemical characteristics of the soil also play a key role in the effluent renovation process. Therefore in order to understand the complex processes taking place in a subsurface effluent disposal area, it is important that the identified influential parameters are evaluated using soil chemical concepts. Consequently the primary focus of the next phase of the research project will be to identify linkages between various important parameters. The research thus envisaged will help to develop robust criteria for evaluating the performance of subsurface disposal systems.


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In this study, we have demonstrated that the preproghrelin derived hormones, ghrelin and obestatin, may play a role in ovarian cancer. Ghrelin and obestatin stimulated an increase in cell migration in ovarian cancer cell lines and may play a role in cancer progression. Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death among gynaecological cancers and is the sixth most common cause of cancer-related deaths in women in developed countries. As ovarian cancer is difficult to diagnose at a low tumour grade, two thirds of ovarian cancers are not diagnosed until the late stages of cancer development resulting in a poor prognosis for the patient. As a result, current treatment methods are limited and not ideal. There is an urgent need for improved diagnostic markers, as well better therapeutic approaches and adjunctive therapies for this disease. Ghrelin has a number of important physiological effects, including roles in appetite regulation and the stimulation of growth hormone release. It is also involved in regulating the immune, cardiovascular and reproductive systems and regulates sleep, memory and anxiety, and energy metabolism. Over the last decade, the ghrelin axis, (which includes the hormones ghrelin and obestatin and their receptors), has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many human diseases and it may t may also play an important role in the development of cancer. Ghrelin is a 28 amino acid peptide hormone that exists in two forms. Acyl ghrelin (usually referred to as ghrelin), has a unique n-octanoic acid post-translational modification (which is catalysed by ghrelin O-acyltransferase, GOAT), and desacyl ghrelin, which is a non-octanoylated form. Octanoylated ghrelin acts through the growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a (GHSR1a). GHSR1b, an alternatively spliced isoform of GHSR, is C-terminally truncated and does not bind ghrelin. Ghrelin has been implicated in the pathophysiology of a number of diseases Obestatin is a 23 amino acid, C-terminally amidated peptide which is derived from preproghrelin. Although GPR39 was originally thought to be the obestatin receptor this has been disproven, and its receptor remains unknown. Obestatin may have as diverse range of roles as ghrelin. Obestatin improves memory, inhibits thirst and anxiety, increases pancreatic juice secretion and has cardioprotective effects. Obestatin also has been shown to regulate cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in some cell types. Prior to this study, little was known regarding the functions and mechanisms of action ghrelin and obestatin in ovarian cancer. In this study it was demonstrated that the full length ghrelin, GHSR1b and GOAT mRNA transcripts were expressed in all of the ovarian-derived cell lines examined (SKOV3, OV-MZ-6 and hOSE 17.1), however, these cell lines did not express GHSR1a. Ovarian cancer tissue of varying stages and normal ovarian tissue expressed the coding region for ghrelin, obestatin, and GOAT, but not GHSR1a, or GHSR1b. No correlations between cancer grade and the level of expression of these transcripts were observed. This study demonstrated for the first time that both ghrelin and obestatin increase cell migration in ovarian cancer cell lines. Treatment with ghrelin (for 72 hours) significantly increased cell migration in the SKOV3 and OV-MZ-6 ovarian cancer cell lines. Ghrelin (100 nM) stimulated cell migration in the SKOV3 (2.64 +/- 1.08 fold, p <0.05) and OV-MZ-6 (1.65 +/- 0.31 fold, p <0.05) ovarian cancer cell lines, but not in the representative normal cell line hOSE 17.1. This increase in migration was not accompanied by an increase in cell invasion through Matrigel. In contrast to other cancer types, ghrelin had no effect on proliferation. Ghrelin treatment (10nM) significantly decreased attachment of the SKOV3 ovarian cancer cell line to collagen IV (24.7 +/- 10.0 %, p <0.05), however, there were no changes in attachment to the other extracellular matrix molecules (ECM) tested (fibronectin, vitronectin and collagen I), and there were no changes in attachment to any of the ECM molecules in the OV-MZ-6 or hOSE 17.1 cell lines. It is, therefore, unclear if ghrelin plays a role in cell attachment in ovarian cancer. As ghrelin has previously been demonstrated to signal through the ERK1/2 pathway in cancer, we investigated ERK1/2 signalling in ovarian cancer cell lines. In the SKOV3 ovarian cancer cell line, a reduction in ERK1/2 phosphorylation (0.58 fold +/- 0.23, p <0.05) in response to 100 nM ghrelin treatment was observed, while no significant change in ERK1/2 signalling was seen in the OV-MZ-6 cell line with treatment. This suggests that this pathway is unlikely to be involved in mediating the increased migration seen in the ovarian cancer cell lines with ghrelin treatment. In this study ovarian cancer tissue of varying stages and normal ovarian tissue expressed the coding region for obestatin, however, no correlation between cancer grade and level of obestatin transcript expression was observed. In the ovarian-derived cell lines studied (SKOV3, OV-MZ-6 and hOSE 17.1) it was demonstrated that the full length preproghrelin mRNA transcripts were expressed in all cell lines, suggesting they have the ability to produce mature obestatin. This is the first study to demonstrate that obestatin stimulates cell migration and cell invasion. Obestatin induced a significant increase in migration in the SKOV3 ovarian cancer cell line with 10 nM (2.80 +/- 0.52 fold, p <0.05) and 100 nM treatments (3.12 +/- 0.68 fold, p <0.05) and in the OV-MZ-6 cancer cell line with 10 nM (2.04 +/- 0.10 fold, p <0.01) and 100 nM treatments (2.00 +/- 0.37 fold, p <0.05). Obestatin treatment did no affect cell migration in the hOSE 17.1normal ovarian epithelial cell line. Obestatin treatment (100 nM) also stimulated a significant increase in cell invasion in the OV-MZ-6 ovarian cancer cell line (1.45 fold +/- 0.13, p <0.05) and in the hOSE17.1 normal ovarian cell line cells (1.40 fold +/- 0.04 and 1.55 fold +/- 0.05 respectively, p <0.01) with 10 nM and 100 nM treatments. Obestatin treatment did not stimulate cell invasion in the SKOV3 ovarian cancer cell line. This lack of obestatin-stimulated invasion in the SKOV3 cell line may be a cell line specific result. In this study, obestatin did not stimulate cell proliferation in the ovarian cell lines and it has previously been shown to have no effect on cell proliferation in the BON-1 pancreatic neuroendocrine and GC rat somatotroph tumour cell lines. In contrast, obestatin has been shown to affect cell proliferation in gastric and thyroid cancer cell lines, and in some normal cell lines. Obestatin also had no effect on attachment of any of the cell lines to any of the ECM components tested (fibronectin, vitronectin, collagen I and collagen IV). The mechanism of action of obestatin was investigated further using a two dimensional-difference in gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) proteomic approach. After treatment with obestating (0, 10 and 100 nM), SKOV3 ovarian cancer and hOSE 17.1 normal ovarian cell lines were collected and 2D-DIGE analysis and mass spectrometry were performed to identify proteins that were differentially expressed in response to treatment. Twenty-six differentially expressed proteins were identified and analysed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA). This linked 16 of these proteins in a network. The analysis suggested that the ERK1/2 MAPK pathway was a major mediator of obestatin action. ERK1/2 has previously been shown to be associated with obestatin-stimulated cell proliferation and with the anti-apoptotic effects of obestatin. Activation of the ERK1/2 signalling pathway by obestatin was, therefore, investigated in the SKOV3 and OV-MZ-6 ovarian cancer cell lines using anti-active antibodies and Western immunoblots. Obestatin treatment significantly decreased ERK1/2 phosphorylation at higher obestatin concentrations in both the SKOV3 (100 nM and 1000 nM) and OV-MZ-6 (1000 nM) cell lines compared to the untreated controls. Currently, very little is known about obestatin signalling in cancer. This thesis has demonstrated for the first time that the ghrelin axis may play a role in ovarian cancer migration. Ghrelin and obestatin increased cell migration in ovarian cancer cell lines, indicating that they may be a useful target for therapies that reduce ovarian cancer progression. Further studies investigating the role of the ghrelin axis using in vivo ovarian cancer metastasis models are warranted.


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The problem of identifying parameters of time invariant linear dynamical systems with fractional derivative damping models, based on a spatially incomplete set of measured frequency response functions and experimentally determined eigensolutions, is considered. Methods based on inverse sensitivity analysis of damped eigensolutions and frequency response functions are developed. It is shown that the eigensensitivity method requires the development of derivatives of solutions of an asymmetric generalized eigenvalue problem. Both the first and second order inverse sensitivity analyses are considered. The study demonstrates the successful performance of the identification algorithms developed based on synthetic data on one, two and a 33 degrees of freedom vibrating systems with fractional dampers. Limited studies have also been conducted by combining finite element modeling with experimental data on accelerances measured in laboratory conditions on a system consisting of two steel beams rigidly joined together by a rubber hose. The method based on sensitivity of frequency response functions is shown to be more efficient than the eigensensitivity based method in identifying system parameters, especially for large scale systems.


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The restricted three-body method is used to model the effect of the mean tidal field of a cluster of galaxies on the internal dynamics of a disk galaxy falling into the cluster for the first time. In the model adopted the galaxy experiences a tidal field that is compressive within the core of the cluster. The planar random velocities of all components in the disk increase after the galaxy passes through the core of the cluster. The low-velocity dispersion gas clouds experience a relatively larger increase in random velocity than the hotter stellar components. The increase in planar velocities results in a strong anisotropy between the planar and vertical velocity dispersions. It is argued that this will make the disk unstable to the 'fire-hose instability' which leads to bending modes in the disk and which will thicken the disk slightly. The mean tidal fields in rich clusters were probably stronger during the epoch of cluster formation and relaxation than they are in present-day relaxed clusters.


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Modeling of wave propagation in hoses, unlike in rigid pipes or waveguides, introduces a coupling between the inside medium, the hose wall, and the outside medium, This alters the axial wave number and thence the corresponding effective speed of sound inside the hose resulting in sound radiation into the outside medium, also called the breakout or shell noise, The existing literature on the subject is such that a hose cannot be integrated into the,whole piping system made up of sections of hoses, pipes, and mufflers to predict the acoustical performance in terms of transmission loss (TL), The present paper seeks to fill this gap, Three one-dimensional coupled wave equations are written to account for the presence of a yielding wall with a finite lumped transverse impedance of the hose material, The resulting wave equation can readily be reduced to a transfer matrix form using an effective wave number for a moving medium in a hose section, Incorporating the effect of fluid loading due to the outside medium also allows prediction of the transverse TL and the breakout noise, Axial TL and transverse TL have been combined into net TL needed by designers, Predictions of the axial as well as transverse TL are shown to compare well with those of a rigorous 3-D analysis using only one-hundredth of the computation time, Finally, results of some parametric studies are reported for engineers involved in the acoustical design of hoses. (C) 1996 Institute of Noise Control Engineering.


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The maintenance of adequate dissolved oxygen level is very important in the economy of any aquaculture system. An easy to construct aerating device was created using 0.5 hp water-pump, shower rose, Styrofoam, and rubber hose. The aerator works by drawing water from below and discharging it into the atmosphere as a spray. The spray is aerated as it splashes into the water surface. The aerating device has an average spray of 1.2 unit and doubles the dissolved oxygen content of 37.8 m super(3) tank in one hour


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I. Introductory Remarks

A brief discussion of the overall organization of the thesis is presented along with a discussion of the relationship between this thesis and previous work on the spectroscopic properties of benzene.

II. Radiationless Transitions and Line broadening

Radiationless rates have been calculated for the 3B1u→1A1g transitions of benzene and perdeuterobenzene as well as for the 1B2u→1A1g transition of benzene. The rates were calculated using a model that considers the radiationless transition as a tunneling process between two multi-demensional potential surfaces and assuming both harmonic and anharmonic vibrational potentials. Whenever possible experimental parameters were used in the calculation. To this end we have obtained experimental values for the anharmonicities of the carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen vibrations and the size of the lowest triplet state of benzene. The use of the breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation in describing radiationless transitions is critically examined and it is concluded that Herzberg-Teller vibronic coupling is 100 times more efficient at inducing radiationless transitions.

The results of the radiationless transition rate calculation are used to calculate line broadening in several of the excited electronic states of benzene. The calculated line broadening in all cases is in qualitative agreement with experimental line widths.

III. 3B1u1A1g Absorption Spectra

The 3B1u1A1g absorption spectra of C6H6 and C6D6 at 4.2˚K have been obtained at high resolution using the phosphorescence photoexcitation method. The spectrum exhibits very clear evidence of a pseudo-Jahn-Teller distortion of the normally hexagonal benzene molecule upon excitation to the triplet state. Factor group splitting of the 0 – 0 and 0 – 0 + v exciton bands have also been observed. The position of the mean of the 0 – 0 exciton band of C6H6 when compared to the phosphorescence origin of a C6H6 guest in a C6D6 host crystal indicates that the “static” intermolecular interactions between guest and hose are different for C6H6 and C6D6. Further investigation of this difference using the currently accepted theory of isotopic mixed crystals indicates that there is a 2cm-1 shift of the ideal mixed crystal level per hot deuterium atom. This shift is observed for both the singlet and triplet states of benzene.

IV. 3E1u1A1g, Absorption Spectra

The 3E1u1A1g absorption spectra of C6H6 and C6D6 at 4.2˚K have been obtained using the phosphorescence photoexcitation technique. In both cases the spectrum is broad and structureless as would be expected from the line broadening calculations.


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Este trabalho visa compreender os elementos materiais e simbólicos que atravessam a trajetória de vida e fundamentam o interesse de jovens mulheres residentes na localidade da Candelária no Complexo da Mangueira no Rio de Janeiro em manter uma relação amorosa com traficantes de drogas. Objetiva - se com o estudo em questão: investigar a trajetória de vida das jovens que têm envolvimento amoroso com jovens rapazes que optaram por trabalhar no tráfico de drogas, buscando conhecer os motivos que as levam a estes relacionamentos; aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a realidade familiar, comunitária e social das jovens, enquanto fatores importantes para se compreender a opção de relacionamento amoroso com os rapazes do tráfico; Investigar se a partir do início das práticas e relações amorosas com jovens do tráfico são produzidos pontos de inflexão significativos nas trajetórias de vida das jovens estudadas, bem como o sentido e a direção desta inflexão (maior ou menor vulnerabilidade social). A análise e compreensão dos dados foram construídas a partir dos pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da Produção dos Sentidos dentro do paradigma construcionista que situa o estudo a partir da análise das práticas discursivas. Os resultados obtidos revelam que os relacionamentos se formalizam pela presença do traficante e minimamente mais duas mulheres: a Fiel + A Outra e tantas outras qualificadas como O Lanchinho da Madrugada. As motivações para a efetivação dos citados relacionamentos passam por várias determinações: sedução, fama, status, aquisição de bens materiais entre outros elementos marcam os mesmos. Estas passam a experimentar novas formas de sociabilidade: a força policial, territórios ocupados por outras facções criminosas são elementos que contribuem para maior grau de vulnerabilidade social.


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This paper describes some characteristic features of the phytoplankton of Grasmere, one of the smaller of the principal lakes of the English Lake District, and attempts to relate these to distinctive physical and chemical properties of the lake. Quantitative data presented herein are derived from 5-m vertical column samples, collected with a flexible polyethylene hose close to the deepest point of Grasmere, generally at intervals of 14 days ( 7 days from 1972 to 1978, inclusive). The study concludes that although Grasmere has been subject to increased phosphorus-loading and has quickly developed many features associated with eutrophication, the composition of its plankton has retained the characteristics of a mesotrophic, soft-water lake: a vernal diatom maximum, generally dominated by Asterionella, is followed by summer growths of nanoplanktonic species, of various colonial Chlorophyceae, before a substantial return to Asterionella-dominance in the autumn.


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A definição mais plausível para esta pesquisa é aquela onde a adolescência se estabelece de acordo com a história de vida e o contexto sociocultural no qual o sujeito está inserido, que envolve, na transição para a fase adulta, transformações na mente, na personalidade, no comportamento e principalmente no corpo. O grupo das adolescentes pesquisadas encontra-se numa fase da vida de descobertas, mudanças (psicológicas identitárias e acima de tudo corporais) assim como todo e qualquer sujeito que encontra-se nessa fase da vida. Com a entrada na adolescência, ocorre a formação de grupos no qual as adolescentes vão se identificar. Cada grupo tem a sua marca, o seu estilo, e o corpo parece ser o grande tradutor dessa nova fase, os efeitos de comparação começam a surgir, o medo de não ser aceita pelo grupo faz com que a adolescente recorra a métodos que acredita ser eficazes na busca de um eu ideal e consequentemente um corpo ideal. Esta pesquisa discute as idealizações corporais das jovens encontradas durante a realização da pesquisa de campo, e as ligações que existem entre essa idealização e as constituições desse ideal sob a concepção do movimento corporal. A análise de dados se baseou em interpretações psicológicas acerca dos desenhos realizados pelas adolescentes. Visto que a Comunidade da Mangueira é um espaço multicultural (estilos de músicas, danças, esportes, entre outros), mas que em comum tem o corpo como o principal tradutor dessas vivências. A busca pelo corpo ideal está longe de ser integralmente satisfeito, sendo a cultura a grande responsável pela elaboração emocional, mental e principalmente corporal das adolescentes do grupo de Jazz do CCC. A aplicação da metodologia do Grupo Operativo teve como um dos objetivos desconstruir e reestruturar o imaginário das adolescentes o conceito de corpo ideal, que atualmente é visto de forma rígida e estereotipada pela sociedade contemporânea. Tal ferramenta foi muito útil no processo de desconstrução do conceito de corpo ideal por parte das meninas. As dinâmicas utilizadas tiveram como objetivos despertar novos olhares sobre o corpo, assim como criar situações onde as jovens pudessem buscar o melhor de si, mas sem fugir da própria realidade corporal.


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This work is aimed at optimizing the wind turbine rotor speed setpoint algorithm. Several intelligent adjustment strategies have been investigated in order to improve a reward function that takes into account the power captured from the wind and the turbine speed error. After different approaches including Reinforcement Learning, the best results were obtained using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-based wind turbine speed setpoint algorithm. A reward improvement of up to 10.67% has been achieved using PSO compared to a constant approach and 0.48% compared to a conventional approach. We conclude that the pitch angle is the most adequate input variable for the turbine speed setpoint algorithm compared to others such as rotor speed, or rotor angular acceleration.


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O objetivo deste estudo é analisar como a prática da produção literária interfere, positivamente, na trajetória de indivíduos que se encontram em situação de vulnerabilidade social. A investigação deu-se no Centro Cultural Cartola, situado na comunidade da Mangueira na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, espaço que favorece a experiência individual e social de crianças e jovens por meio de ferramentas pedagógico-culturais: dança, orquestra de violinos, música, capoeira, judô, balé, oficinas literárias de leituras e de composições de texto, que possibilitam a criação de valores culturais da comunidade e dos indivíduos pelo processo de identificação. A oficina Produção Literária: Tecer o Imaginário teve início em maio de 2011, com propostas de estímulo à criação e à leitura de textos ficcionais, possibilitando que a narrativa como um vetor de (re)construção do sujeito e do coletivo, sob o ponto de vista ético e estético. A fase investigativa constou de oficinas de literatura apresentadas de duas formas: Leitura e escrita em grupos pequenos - ou individuais. O trabalho de campo da nossa pesquisa qualitativo-participativa requereu que fizéssemos um recorte espacial de nossa experiência, para que à partir dai pudéssemos inserir o recorte teórico que fosse factível ao nosso objeto de investigação. Importava a dinâmica da ação dos atores sociais. A pesquisa, estruturada sobre a ação, revelou-se detentora de inúmeras possibilidades onde o imaginário se apresenta. A interação por meio de falas que estimulam a imaginação e a reflexão exerce influência no grupo e no indivíduo na construção de si e de seu mundo. Como o objetivo da pesquisa não se adequava somente à prática oral, de contar e ouvir estórias, mas de estimular os atores à inventar e escrevê-las percebemos que este modo prevaleceu. Por exigência de que a criança dominasse de alguma forma essa modalidade, sobretudo porque o ato de escrever validava as histórias inventadas por elas e as dispostas por outras pessoas nos livros. Visto que oralidade pode dispersar a entrada da criança em seu mundo imaginário, tendo importância maior para crianças muito pequenas que não entraram ainda no mundo da linguagem. A maneira que conduzíamos a pesquisa era sempre no sentido de estimular o imaginário, capturando-o, e a partir disso inseri-lo no mundo da linguagem, da simbolização. Para Minayo (1992), O método é o próprio processo do desenvolvimento das coisas.... Nesse sentido, surgia, daquela prática, um texto/sujeito, cujas palavras eram um tronco donde se espalhavam uma infinidade de ideias criativas. O resultado da investigação constatou que a criação ficcional, estimula e desenvolve o imaginário e as representações simbólicas empobrecidas. Evidenciando o quanto é gratificante e prazeroso para crianças e jovens suas participações em atividade que fazem do campo educativo e terapêutico um campo de aventura. Observar o efeito reparador da literatura no individuo, e de consolo nos momentos de lutos e de crises de toda ordem foi evidente em situação fronteiriça, pelo uso do mundo interno dessa potente ferramenta psicopedagogica como fortalecimento psicoemocional


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