795 resultados para Horry-Georgetown Technical College


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This breaks down the Aiken Technical College graduate placement rates from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 by academic program, number of graduates in each program and the percentage of that number who either found employment or transferred to another institution.


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This is a 1968 report generated by the Conway Chamber of Commerce and the South Carolina State Development Board to provide potential industrial developers with information about industry in Horry County, particularly Conway, and to promote new development. The report includes detailed statistics and descriptive information about industry in Horry County and in Conway in the form of text statements as well as charts and maps. This information covers, at the county and city levels: county and community services and resources, agricultural resources, communications, labor supply, economics, and education, state, county, and city taxation, utility and transportation availability, weather and climate data, local recreation, and industrial site availability.


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A common challenge among OECD countries has been the development of education and training pathways that accommodate student needs and interests at the upper secondary level (OECD, 2000). The introduction of trade-focussed Australian Technical Colleges (ATCs) has met with mixed response. The ATCs aim to create a supported transition from school to work through dual pathway programs enabling students to follow a trade career while completing their upper secondary studies. There has been little explicit examination of the effectiveness of such senior secondary school arrangements. Using one such Australian Technical College as a case-study, this paper investigates the perceptions of the employers and students who were associated with the college. Using mixed-methods consisting of quantitative perception surveys and focus interviews, the results of this study show that students and employers are very satisfied with the College and illustrate that students have made significant gains in relating their learning to the workplace and everyday life.


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O presente trabalho se propõe a identificar sentidos de ensino médio, ensino técnico e trabalho do professor que se atualizam no embate entre ensino para o trabalho e ensino médio, no Colégio Técnico da Universidade Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Um breve histórico sobre o ensino técnico no Brasil e sobre a história do CTUR foi traçado, a fim de entender possíveis raízes do conflito entre o ensino para o trabalho e o ensino médio. Para ouvir os professores falarem sobre o seu trabalho, optamos pela entrevista como um dispositivo metodológico, a fim de dar voz ao docente do CTUR, de modo que fosse possível ter acesso a textos sobre o embate não disponíveis em outras circunstâncias. (ROCHA, DAHER, SANTANNA, 2004). O aporte teórico desta pesquisa se fundamenta nos pressupostos da Análise do Discurso, no que se refere à concepção de prática discursiva e subjetividade (MAINGUENEAU, 1997, 2008, 2011); e no que concerne ao trabalho, na perspectiva ergológica (SCHWARTZ, 1997, 2010), em particular, os conceitos de experiência, trabalho, normas antecedentes e renormalizações. Para a análise dos fragmentos construídos a partir das falas dos professores, usamos os estudos de Koch (2011) sobre as modalidades do discurso; a heterogeneidade enunciativa, segundo Authier-Revuz (1990), e a negação polêmica, conforme Ducrot (1987). As análises nos levaram a refletir sobre alguns embates presentes nas falas dos professores, como, por exemplo, as especificidades do trabalho, o ensino para a academia ou para o mercado e a valorização do ensino médio. As conclusões apontam para a possibilidade da abertura de um debate relacionado às questões históricas, políticas e filosóficas sobre o embate ensino médio/ensino técnico a fim de contribuir para o entendimento das funções dos sujeitos no CTUR


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Das Verbundstudium der nordrhein-westfälischen Fachhochschulen bietet über 3000 Studierenden die Möglichkeit, in einer Kombination von Präsenz- und Selbststudium neben dem Beruf zu studieren. Das Institut für Verbundstudien koordiniert und organisiert die Kooperationsprozesse der Hochschulen und engagiert sich mit seinem Bereich Hochschuldidaktik und Fernstudienentwicklung als Entwicklungs- und Kompetenzzentrum im Bereich der Neuen Medien und des E-Learnings. Zur Verbreitung und Verstetigung der digitalen Lehr- und Lernangebote sowie der Optimierung der Kooperations- und Supportstrukturen hat das Institut eine Onlinebefragung von 200 Lehrenden zur Situation und den Perspektiven des E-Learnings im Verbundstudium durchgeführt. Die Studie zeigt, dass für die Lehrenden auch zukünftig die gedruckte Lerneinheit das zentrale Element der Lehre sein wird. Sie sehen Bedarf zur Ergänzung und Anreicherung des Studiums sowie des Lernens und wünschen sich zur Unterstützung der Lehre ergänzende digitale Elemente vor allem in folgenden Bereichen: Kommunikation, Ergänzungen zu Lerneinheiten (Linklisten, Übungen, ergänzende Medien und Materialien), übergreifendes Glossar. Die Ergebnisse der Onlinebefragung sind die Grundlage des von den Gremien des Verbundstudiums beschlossenen E-Learning-Konzepts. Die von den Lehrenden gewünschten digitalen Elemente und Funktionen sind im Rahmen der Entwicklung durch den Bereich Hochschuldidaktik und Fernstudienentwicklung in der E-Learning-Umgebung VS-online umgesetzt worden. Zurzeit werden die bereitgestellten Elemente und Funktionen von den einzelnen Verbundstudiengängen mit Beiträgen und Inhalten gefüllt. (DIPF/Orig.)


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